The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2037 Rescue Chapter Hostage

Chapter 2037 Rescue the hostages
Although this group of aborigines ran fast after kidnapping, Qin Lang could judge the route of these hundreds of aborigines based on the footprints on the ground and the breath left along the road. In fact, Qin Lang didn't show his real strength at all in the previous battle.

He believes that if he insists on saving people, the success rate of getting Situ Shengbei back from the natives intact is still very high, at least [-]% sure.

After all, if he shot with all his strength, his strength was still terrifying.

In the dense forest, the natives of this cannibal tribe discovered the foreign intruders early on. At that time, they gathered most of the tribe's combat power to participate in a large-scale hunting operation. The goal of the hunting was naturally to break into this primitive dense forest. of humans.

However, what was unexpected was that all the human beings were not weak. Three or 400 of them worked hard. Although four of them were paralyzed with blowing arrows, they only carried one back.

However, it doesn't matter, it's not bad to grab one and come back for a tooth-making sacrifice. These human beings look at the thin skin and tender meat. After offering sacrifices to the spirit of the totem, it must be delicious to roast.

Although these aborigines are very primitive, they have a very devout belief in the spirit of the totem. After all, their power also comes from the blessing of the spirit of the totem.

Situ Shengbei, who was tied up, was paralyzed into a soft-legged shrimp by the venom of the blowing arrow, but his consciousness was very clear. He kept listening to these aboriginals whispering to each other along the way. Some of them can’t understand, but there are still a few sentences that he can understand occasionally, although these sentences are close to the common language of the mainland, such as "Tender skin and tender meat, delicious", "Eat it roasted", "Do you want to add some fresh condiments?" ..."

Along with the conversation, the aborigines would look at him with that naked gaze from time to time, and that weird longing made Situ Shengbei tremble with fear all the time. No matter how stupid he was, he knew that these aborigines wanted to eat him, but now he was caught The poison has softened, and it is tied up by the strong rattan. Even if you want to escape, you can't escape. It's very sad to think about it.

After returning to the indigenous tribe, a large number of indigenous people began to be busy setting up bonfires and preparing other items for sacrifice.

And Situ Shengbei, a human martial artist, was directly peeled into a bare-skinned pig by these natives, and then he took a bath and rinsed. The bath water seemed to be made of a very special herbal medicine, and Situ Sheng felt weak when he drenched himself His ejaculation exudes a kind of herbal fragrance. Although his whole body is extremely refreshed after bathing, his heart is full of despair.

"I'm going to die... I'm going to die... And such a useless way of dying, I really shouldn't have come to the Aegean Sea..."


But when Situ Shengbei was in despair, two natives of this cannibal tribe were arguing.

"Priest Koala, I feel that our Miga tribe should abandon the tradition of cannibalism. After all, the times are developing, and our Miga tribe also needs to improve. You must know that our neighbors and other tribes are not cannibalistic..."

"Bibikao, you have been doing business with the Yi people tribe for a long time, you have become stupid, you don't eat people... Hehe, the food supply of the Mijia tribe is so tight that every year people in the tribe may be starved to death. In fact, we even I eat the corpses of my own clansmen who starve to death, so cannibalism... This should be normal, after all, they are all sources of food!"

"No, it shouldn't be like this... I believe that the tribe will be fine. I am already working hard to get more resources for the tribe. I believe that we will no longer need cannibals. Koala priest, believe me!"

"Okay, okay, that's for the future. The tribe's food is still not much, and it's useless to ask you to say more. The kidnapped human in front of us is our big meal tonight!"

The cannibals of the Gamiga tribe in front of me, Koala and Bibikao are representatives of the entire tribe. Among them, Koala is the tribal priest and the high priest, while Bibikao is the tribe’s foreign business representative, equivalent to the second priest. Lower than Koala.

And this cannibal tribe of more than 400 people currently only has two priests. In the past, when the entire cannibal tribe was in its heyday, there were actually five priests. Unfortunately, the famine destroyed everything and lost three priests.


At this time, Qin Lang finally followed the footsteps of the cannibal tribe to the tribe's base camp. From a distance, he saw the bonfire set up by the tribe, burning very vigorously.

This tribe is in the dense forest. The whole tribe built about 100 bark houses in this area. These bark houses seem to have a history of hundreds of years. It seems that the entire cannibal tribe stayed here. At least hundreds of years.

And Qin Lang was going to save people. At this time, his spiritual sense detected him, and he quickly found Situ Shengbei who was tied up. This guy was tied up in a tree house about 80 meters away from the campfire.

Qin Lang was about to enter the bark house to save people, but found that a guy entered the bark house at this time, but the guy who entered the bark house was only a high-level fighter at the peak level of combat power, Qin Lang was not afraid at all, so at this time He quietly approached the bark house, ready to deal with the cannibal, and then quickly took Situ Shengbei away.

However, before Qin Lang entered the bark house, he was surprised by the detection of the situation inside the bark house by his spiritual sense.

The cannibal of the Mijia tribe actually released Situ Shengbei's restraint, and even swallowed a small black mud pellet for Situ Shengbei.

"This is the antidote for the poison blow dart. Swallow it quickly. The antidote will take effect in about fifteen minutes, and then you will have the strength to escape." After the cannibal untied Situ Shengbei, he gave him the antidote, and he Let Situ Shengbei run away quickly.

This kind of accident also made Situ Shengbei overjoyed. He thought he was going to die, but he didn't expect that there were good people in this cannibal, which was equivalent to picking up his life again.

Not caring about thanking the other party any more, Situ Shengbei cupped his hands and left the tree house tremblingly, away from the cannibal tribe quietly.

And just as Situ Shengbei left quietly, the cannibal looked at his back and sighed, "If I release people tonight, I think the whole tribe will be unhappy, and I will probably be severely punished. However, I I feel like I’m still doing the right thing... The reason for the development of the tribe is to abandon the bad custom of cannibalism. After all, although our Mijia tribe is one of the three major tribes in this area, it is very unpopular outside. We'll see, so the influence is only at the bottom among the three major tribes."

"For the tribe to develop, the prestige of the tribe is also very important... Maintaining the habit of cannibalism will make people outside fear, and it is not conducive to communicating with the outside world. It will be resolved slowly, which is the same as businessmen should be honest in doing business."

This cannibal who releases people is the second priest of the tribe, Bibi Kao, this guy is the tribe's external business representative. He has been doing business outside for a long time, and his vision is much wider than other people in the cannibal tribe. The customs have always been unacceptable, and I want to help the whole tribe change the bad habits.

Situ Shengbei fled desperately all the way, and fled back. He didn't know that after the benefactor of the cannibals let him go, he would be severely punished by the tribe. If he knew, he would have to say sorry in his heart, and then run even harder up.

After all, a person has only one life, and if there is no other life, there is nothing else to talk about.

After Qin Lang saw that Situ Shengbei was released by the cannibal tribe, he didn't show up again, so Situ Shengbei fled all the way back to the camp where he was stationed.

"Brother, you're back?" Seeing Situ Shengbei's safe return, brother Situ Shengnan was also surprised: "Master Qin Lang is indeed a master, and he really rescued you from the cannibal tribe so quickly! Thank you master, thank you master!"

"Rescued from the cannibal tribe? Master Qin Lang saved me?..." Situ Shengnan was startled, he was also confused, wasn't he released by a guy named Bibi Kao from the cannibal tribe?
At this time, Qin Lang appeared, and he waved his hand: "You don't need to thank me, I really didn't save Situ Shengbei...Before me, a person from the cannibal tribe secretly released him."

What's going on here?

Other people also kindled the heart of gossip, wanting to hear the bizarre experience of Situ Shengbei being kidnapped by cannibals this time, but at this time Situ Shengbei thought about it and began to slowly restore the story again...

Because Situ Shengbei had talked with Bibikao, the second priest of the Mijia cannibal tribe, and Bibikao, the second priest, actually knew the common language of the mainland, so there was no obstacle in the communication between Situ Shengbei and Bibikao.

Through previous conversations, Situ Shengbei also got some information about this mainland island. This mainland island is very large, covering thousands of square kilometers. There are several different tribes and races in the entire continent, and the largest three are The Remnant Tribe, the Bimon Royal Family, and the Miga Tribe, among which the Remnant Tribe is the largest, with more than 90.00% of its members being human beings, while the Bimon Royal Family is a branch of the Beast Tribe in a different space, and the Miga Tribe at the bottom is even stronger than these two tribes. A quarter of all have none.

And at the other end of the island continent where the primitive dense forest came out, I heard that there is still a small human kingdom with millions of people. In this Aegean Sea, it is equivalent to Xanadu. This small kingdom on the island continent seems to have experienced unknown How many thousands of years of history, until now still exists.

After listening to Situ Shengbei's narration, everyone can't help but have a strong interest in this mainland island. Although this continent does not know which coordinate of the Aegean Sea is, but now that we are here, we should explore it.

Of course, if you encounter rare resources or treasures in the process of exploring this mainland island, you must collect them immediately. After all, cultivation resources are indispensable for monks no matter which world they are in.

(End of this chapter)

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