Chapter 2038 Totem Power
I feel that the dense forest area is very unsafe, so everyone is going to leave this place quickly to avoid this cannibal tribe.

And in the process, the poison on the four guys who were poisoned by the blowing dart has been gradually released, but it was not Qin Lang who provided the antidote, but Situ Shengbei.

When this guy left from the Miga cannibal tribe, the priest named Bibi Kao gave him a bottle of antidote. After taking it himself, there was still some left over, and now he just detoxified his companions.

With the antidote, the toxin can be easily dissolved, so Qin Lang doesn't need to take another shot.

A group of people continued to move forward, because Situ Shengbei got the news that if they walked all the way to the southeast of the mainland island, they could reach the human kingdom.

But now everyone has lost their way after encountering a tsunami and a hurricane in the Aegean Sea. The Aegean Sea is too big. Everyone also wants to consult with the humans in the local kingdom to see if they can find the correct coordinates, and then confirm where the ancient footprints are located. Location.

After all, the main goal of everyone coming to the Aegean Sea this time is to enter the ancient footprints to hunt for treasures, not for sightseeing.

In fact, the sky cannot be seen in this dense forest. The reason why this group of people can judge the southeast direction is also based on the growth trend of the trees. After all, trees have annual rings, and they have phototaxis during the growth process, The southeast direction of this world is the direction with the most light. This world also has the sun, which rises from the southeast direction every day, so you can correctly judge the approximate direction of the southeast direction just by looking at the growth direction of the trees. This is an experienced The basic survival skills that every adventurer must master.

After walking for a while, Qin Lang's ears moved. He heard a strange sound in the distance. This sound came from the ground, boom, boom, boom, as if someone was digging underground.

"Over there... there should be someone..." Qin Lang reminded everyone at this time.

"Is there someone?" Hearing Qin Lang's reminder, everyone raised their spirits and prepared to go to that place to take a look. Sure enough, there was a huge pit on the ground, which should be a small mine. Just now Qin Lang heard The sound came from the mine.

Since there are people mining in this mine, it can be proved that the people inside should not be the uncivilized cannibals. After all, it is impossible for the cannibals to master sophisticated mining tools. And the thumping sound in this mine should be made by someone holding a mining tool.

Human beings have mastered civilization, and it also starts with mastering tools.

This mine goes deep into the primeval dense forest, and I don't know what kind of ore it produces, but now that it is found that someone is digging in this mine, it is definitely a good thing for everyone. The diggers in this mine are from this continent. The original residents of the island, it should be right to ask the people inside for directions.

This mine is unguarded, it should be a private mine, Qin Lang and others entered the mine at this time, and after entering the mine, they found that the mine was really not big, and the intestines were narrow and stretched all the way, and everyone walked two feet underground It was only three miles before I saw the person who dug the hole.

The diggers in the mines are actually not big, only five or six. These diggers are all dressed in simple clothes made of animal skins, and they are holding crude stone pickaxes. I don't know what kind of stone the material of the pickaxe is, but it feels as hard as gold and iron. If you dig a pickaxe in this mine, you can dig out a big piece of those hard rocks.

At this time, the guys digging in the mine saw strangers entering the mine, and they were also very vigilant: "Who are you?" These guys spoke the common language of the mainland, so everyone could understand it.

And the captain Sai Shenxian stepped forward at this time and directly communicated with the miners in front of him: "I'm sorry to bother you, we are lost travelers, and I want to ask you some information..."

The two sides communicated for a while, and the people like Qin Lang knew that these people in front of them were not from the human kingdom of this mainland island, but the branches of the three largest tribes in the surrounding ten or so tribes. people, but they are all miners, and they all have no freedom of life.

These five or six people belong to a big mine owner named Da Da, who collects black stone mines for this guy, and the miners under the hands of the big mine owner Ma Da are said to have as many as hundreds of people, and some min slaves have worked for this man for 20 years as long as.

It is not impossible for the miners to leave the mining registration and obtain the free status of the tribe of the survivors, but they must earn enough redemption value for the mine owner and dig enough black stones before they can get out of the membership. You have to dig for a lifetime.

"Black stone?" People like Qin Lang were also very strange, they didn't know what kind of black stone mine the five or six mining slaves in front of them wanted to dig.

"Hey, that's it. Black stones are common materials in our mainland islands, and they can be used as currency... However, we miners are lucky to find three or five yuan a day. Normally, we can't even find one or two yuan. arrived, and probably won’t find a single piece.”

One of the miners explained that the miner was five big and three thick, about [-] meters tall, but his cultivation was only equivalent to that of a junior martial artist.

The miner's name was Mimito, and he was not a native of the Remnant tribe, but was snatched from other tribes by the Remnant tribe through tribal wars, and he became a miner.

Wars broke out between tribes, and people from the other tribe were robbed and turned into slaves. This situation was very common on this mainland island, and the people who were robbed would have a slave brand on their foreheads and become the private property of the slave owner.

And this kind of slave branding is said to be a contract, similar to a spell like a spiritual mark. People who are branded slaves cannot resist the slave owner at all, so they can only work honestly for the slave owner in exchange for a chance to redeem themselves.

"If the cannibal tribe is a primitive social form, then the survivor tribe in front of me should be a slave social form... Hehe, these tribes are really interesting."

After listening to the explanation of the miner named Mimituo in front of him, Qin Lang smiled.

At this time, seeing that everyone was curious about what the black stone was, this miner named Mimito was also very talkative, and directly revealed the two black stones he had dug that day. I don't know what mine this is.

When Qin Lang held it in his hand, he probed it with his spiritual sense, and suddenly frowned. The inside of this black stone actually contained the charm of heaven and earth and a trace of spiritual thought, which was somewhat similar to the spiritual sense stone, although the spiritual sense inside the stone might not even be connected with the spiritual sense. Even a tenth of the stone can't do it, but this is definitely a treasure.

After all, this one black stone is not as good as one piece of spiritual thought stone, but if ten black stones are added together, it should not be much different from one spiritual thought stone.

As for how precious the spiritual stone is in the realm of comprehension, it goes without saying that it is the ultimate treasure that promotes the cultivation of spiritual consciousness, and it can also be used for refining weapons, which has many functions.

Qin Lang has been in the realm of comprehension for so long, even if he once dug into the mine of spiritual stones, the spiritual stones collected on him are only two or three pieces, and they have been used up long ago.

Now that he found a black stone that can replace the spiritual stone, he certainly saw how valuable this black stone is, and the biggest difference between this black stone and the spiritual stone is that there is a heaven, earth and dao rhyme inside the black stone. It is something that the spiritual consciousness stone does not have, that is to say, this kind of black stone should be more beneficial for monks to cultivate spiritual consciousness.

Among the monks of the same rank in the comprehension world, Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness is considered to be a relatively strong type of person, but if he can find a way to strengthen his own spiritual consciousness, he will naturally not let it go, so he also wants to get this now. Kind of black stone.

"This black stone... is definitely a good thing." Qin Lang said at this time, as if talking to himself.

"Of course it's a good thing. Hehe, we mine every day to dig more black stones, hand over most of them, and keep a small amount for our own cultivation. With the help of black stones, we can strengthen our bodies, and everyone can practice. The power of the tribal totem." Mimito said with a grin, although this guy is a dark miner who looks like a nigger, but his teeth are as white as if he brushed Colgate every day.

"Practice the power of totem, what the hell?"

After all, people like Qin Lang came from another continent through the River of Time. The power of the totem practiced by the native residents of this island in the sea where the coordinates are not known is different from the martial arts practiced by the martial artist, so it is not surprising.

"You are indeed travelers from far away places, and you don't even know the power of a totem."

Mimito looked at the four or five companions around him, and then decided to show the power of the totem to Qin Lang and others. He was a little lucky, held back, and then his whole body was lifted, and a phantom totem that looked like a horse but not a horse appeared on this guy behind.

This should be the so-called totem power cultivated by this guy. This thing is neither the power of magic nor the martial skill cultivated by martial artists. It feels somewhat similar to the power of supernatural powers, but it doesn't seem to be similar.

Seeing the power of this totem, Qin Lang couldn't help sighing. There are thousands of roads to practice in the world, and indeed all the roads lead to Rome. He felt that the power of this totem would be very powerful if it was cultivated to the extreme, somewhat similar to the earth. The legendary body-refining technique of the Wu Clan uses a secret technique to bless one's own body, making one's physical body stronger.

Speaking of which, the way of cultivating the body with the power of totem is much more dignified than the way of cultivating by martial arts practitioners. There may be some great witches who practice the power of totem in this mainland island, and they are old monsters who have lived for many years. indefinite.

Of course, the Mimito in front of him would definitely not know the existence of this level. After all, this kind of totem that looks like a horse is not a high-end one, and it is not a powerful totem.

Sure enough, after a while Mimito proudly said: "This is the totem of the wildebeest. Although it is not a very brilliant totem, it is already the best totem among us miners. I also spent a lot of money back then. I only got the black stone accumulated in three months, and my talent is very good. In the process of cultivating this wildebeest totem, I stimulated the power of the blood and caused the resonance of the blood. If there is a fight, I can kill four or five by myself. The same elementary totem warrior."

(End of this chapter)

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