Chapter 2039 Black Stone
The power of the bloodline is a deeper level of power, and it can resonate with the power of the totem.

The power of the totem is obtained through cultivation, but the power of the blood can only be obtained through the inheritance of the blood of the ancestors. but very few.

Mimito is the leader of the small team of five or six miners. The day's mining has ended, and he is ready to go back at this time. He also invites Qin Lang and his group to visit the settlement of the tribe of survivors.

And people like Qin Lang have a lot of questions they want to ask, of course they are willing to follow, so they directly agreed.

As mining slaves, the living conditions of Mimituo and others in the Remnant Tribe are naturally not good. It is just a small mining house with crude floor coverings. These mines do not take a bath, and they just stink on the floor every day. sleep.

Most of the people in Qin Lang's group are obsessed with cleanliness, they couldn't help frowning when they saw it, especially the two girls, Huamei and Heitu, while enduring the stench, they also had to suffer uncomfortably from a few miners who couldn't help being obsessed with sex. After all, these miners have never come into contact with such a fair woman. The women in the tribe all do rough work, and most of them are dark and ugly.

Fortunately, everyone didn't really come here to find a place to sleep, and it's not a big deal even if a martial artist doesn't sleep for a few days, just meditate and practice.

Fortunately, the windows in the room are still ventilated, so everyone can stay in the room.

A group of people came here with the miners. Apart from wanting to know more about the situation of this continental island, they also wanted to find out more about this kind of black stone. After all, not only Qin Lang, but other people also felt that this black stone is extraordinary. nice one.

While the people in the house were talking, someone called from outside the house: "The ore is handed in... the ore is handed in, and the eighth team comes out to hand in the ore!"

"I've handed in the ore, I'll go out first." As miners, the team of miners led by Mimito needs to hand in ore to the mine owner after digging holes every day. Today, these five or six people mined a total of 14 yuan of black stone. But everyone needs to pay two pieces, so in the end there are only two black stones left.

But there is no way to do it. Who told them that the mining area they were allocated was not a good mining area. It is not easy to barely make up the amount that needs to be paid by mining hard every day. How many black stones can be left depends entirely on luck.

Those who collected the miner black stones outside were paparazzi of the big mine owner of Mada, a total of a dozen or so. At this time, they heard a new movement in the cabin of Mimituo, so they came in after collecting the mine and saw Qin Lang These outsiders were stunned at first, but then they saw the two extremely white women, Thrush and Heitu, and suddenly became suspicious.

"Mimito, what's the matter with these people?" the paparazzi boss asked, this is a big man with stronger muscles than Mimito.

"They are travelers passing by, and they will stay with me for a while." Mimito replied honestly.

"Borrow?" the monkey leader shouted: "Who gave you the right to borrow, you lowly miners, you are all the private property of the Mada mine owner, and your wooden house is also the private property of the Mada mine owner. Property, so these outsiders come here to borrow it, and it is absolutely impossible to live in vain."

"Hehe, I need to pay... How much is it for one night?"

Qin Lang felt amused, he didn't expect such a blackmailer to appear in the backward slave society tribe, he wanted to see what kind of moth this person wanted to do.

"Based on the head count, one head and two black stones per night, and seven of you in this you owe 14 yuan ore to the big mine owner of Mada. If you hand it over, you can live here now. If you can't pay it, you will have to do the same tomorrow. Go dig a hole and pay your debt."

The monkey leader said: "Of course, there is another way that you don't have to pay Heishi. If these two women are willing to accompany our Madada mine owner for one night, I believe the mine owner will definitely waive your accommodation fee."

"I want to die..." The two women, Huamei and Heitu, were furious when they heard this. Although the two of them came from a brothel and behaved a little loosely, it depends on who they are. People from this kind of slave society and tribe, they can't I don't like it, how can I go to sleep with you.

At that time, the two women wanted to fight. They were both high-level fighters, and they were not afraid of the natives who were mostly low-level totem fighters.

However, Immortal Sai prevented the two women from making a move, and the old man calmly said to the paparazzi, "Then let's use other things as accommodation expenses, I wonder if it's okay?"

"What..." the little boss Houzai asked doubtfully.

Then Immortal Sai took out some third-order crystal nuclei from the storage bag. These fourth-order crystal nuclei can be used as currency in the world of warriors, but they can definitely be regarded as a new thing in this mainland island in the Aegean Sea. After all, there are no mutant radiation beasts on this mainland island.

Taking a look at these seven or eight third-order crystal nuclei, the paparazzi boss finally nodded: "Well, you are lucky! The accommodation fee will be waived tonight, but if you want to continue to live, this is still the condition."

The turmoil was finally resolved, and Qin Lang and his group obtained the right to live in the small house of the survivor tribe for one night.

But early the next morning, Mimito and the others did not carry the mine baskets to dig mines like yesterday. He also told Qin Lang yesterday that this day is a big day for the monthly allocation of miners and mines. If this If a good lottery can be drawn this time, his team can get rid of the bad luck of mining in the barren place last time. 60 yuan black stone.

The 60 yuan black stone is not bad if one person owns it, but five or six members of the Mimito team get one point. This black stone is not enough to exchange for food, not to mention that everyone wants to use the black stone to practice, it is simply impossible Satisfied.

So the Mimito team took a deep breath today, and must draw a good lottery in this mining area allocation. Anyway, they will never be able to draw the next lottery like last month.

After all, there are five types of lottery in the monthly mining area allocation, namely, the next lottery, the lower lottery, the winning lottery, the upper lottery, and the upper lottery.

The mining area resources corresponding to the five types of lottery are different. The better the lottery number, the better the cross-regional resources. The more black stones miners can harvest in a day of mining, and the quality of the black stones is also guaranteed.

As for the quality of black stones, Mimito also explained to Qin Lang last night that the quality of black stones is also divided into three types: upper, middle and lower. The essence that can be used for cultivation in the black stone is not very pure, it is very difficult to absorb during the cultivation process, and the benefits are very small.

A good-quality black stone is much larger, and the refinement in the black stone that can be used for cultivation is also much purer, and the benefits in the cultivation process are also great.

I heard that one medium-grade black stone can be exchanged for three low-grade black stones. Once Mimito was lucky enough to be assigned to a mining area rich in a large amount of medium-grade ore, and the medium-grade black stone harvested by Moonlight reached 300 yuan. In addition, five or six members of the team also left 200 yuan of middle-grade black stones and more than 1000 low-grade black stones.

Of course, Mimito got the top lottery that time, and that's why he was so lucky to be assigned to a large mining area and get a good mine slot.

But this kind of opportunity is too difficult to get, even once every few years. After all, there are at least 500 miner teams under the command of the big mine owner, and there are only three miners in total. Some miner teams have been digging mines for ten years. It may not be possible to draw a lottery.

There is only one Shangshang lottery in total. I heard that the mine allocated by the Shangshang lottery is likely to dig out high-grade black stones, but it also depends on whether the mining slave team that gets the lottery has such luck. If it's good, even if they are assigned to a high-grade mine, they won't be able to dig out high-grade black stones. After all, among the twelve teams that can enter the high-grade mines in a year, it would be good if one team can dig high-grade black stones.

And the top-grade black stone can be exchanged for three middle-grade black stones, which is equivalent to nine low-grade black stones. This kind of black stone has the purest essence inside, and the effect of cultivation is the best. In private, the miner even traded for ten low-grade black stones to exchange for one. .

"Be sure to draw a good lottery!"

The Mimito team is expecting this. After all, too many resources are needed to cultivate the power of the totem. These miners are the private property of the big mine owners, and there is no other source of income. The only expectation is to count on mining every day. Dig more black stones, and then use the remaining black stones for cultivation and exchange for other resources or food.

If you are unlucky and can't dig mines, let alone practice, you may not even be able to eat, then it is really a tragedy.

But this time when the lottery was drawn, the paparazzi of the big mine owner of Mada refused the Mimito team to draw an answer, and directly gave the Mimito team a lottery. The reason was that the Mimito team took in outsiders without authorization and did not report to Mada. Mine owner, so the big mine owner of Mada was very upset when he found out last night, and directly dismissed the Mimito team's right to draw lots for this month's mining area allocation.

"Ah... how is that?"

The Mimito team was dumbfounded, and then wanted to argue, but was directly beaten by the paparazzi, all of them were bruised and swollen.


"What's the matter, haven't you guys been assigned to the mining area...Could it be changed to a ring contest this time to decide the winner?"

Qin Lang and his party hadn't left yet, and they were also curious to see the bruised noses and swollen faces of the miners like Mimituo.

"Forget it, we were assigned the worst mining area... Those paparazzi didn't even give us the right to draw lots."

Mimito waved his hand helplessly.

Then, after Qin Lang understood the situation with Mimituo, he also knew that people like himself were the ones who got involved, so he said, "Then let's dig mines for you!"

Originally, everyone planned to leave today, and then go to the human kingdom on the mainland island that Mimito said, but now that they have been involved, Qin Lang and others feel a little sorry. sky.

As for accommodation, everyone also decided not to go to the small shabby house, but to stay in the mine, which can also save the trouble of paparazzi continuing to ask for accommodation fees.

(End of this chapter)

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