The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2040 Gained experience

Chapter 2040 Gained experience

"You want to help us mine?"

The miners like Mimituo were also very surprised after knowing what Qin Lang and the others wanted, but they were also very moved immediately. These people from far away are really interesting, and it is worthwhile to stay with them before.

However, Mimito immediately shook his head at them: "You don't have mining tools, so you can't help."

Although each of Mimito's five or six miners has a pair of mining tools, there are no extras. Even if these outsiders want to help, I am afraid they can't help these miners without tools. Tools can't mine at all.

"It's okay, we have tools..."

Then Qin Lang replied that they traveled all the way to the Aegean Sea to explore the ancient ruins. In fact, they were very well prepared. It is certain that there are mining tools in Qin Lang's storage bag, and even if it is Sai Immortal, this guy's storage bag There are also several pairs of mining tools.

Later, seeing Qin Lang and Sai Shenxian juggle mining tools such as mining picks, these miners realized that these foreigners in front of them were not simple.

Two hours later, Mimito led Qin Lang and his team into the abandoned mine that was previously mined. The reason why this mine is called an abandoned mine is because the output of black stone in this mine is too poor. There may have been a small vein of black stone in this mine decades ago, but with the gradual completion of the mine, it is too difficult to mine black stone in the mine now. Among the many mines owned by the big mine owner of Mada, This mine is definitely the worst one.

And Mimito had five or six miners who stayed in this mine for a month before, and they were able to barely mine the black stones handed in for this month, and they were able to have sixty or so black stones left. It has something to do with the fact that the five or six miners of Mito are all experienced old miners. Otherwise, I am afraid that they will not be able to hand in the quota for this month.

And through the conversation with Mimituo and others, Qin Lang knew why it was not easy to find the black stone. The mine is vast and boundless, and all of it is black earth and rocks. Affected by the rules of the world, it is difficult for the rest of the people to leave. Therefore, if you want to find the same dark black stone under the dark soil and rocks, the difficulty is not ordinary.

Although the black stone contains the charm of heaven, earth, and dao, and there is still a trace of spiritual thoughts, if the spiritual consciousness cannot be separated from the body, everyone can only rely on eyesight and experience to find the black stone.

And Qin Lang is the only one in this group of people whose spiritual consciousness can be separated from the body, so Qin Lang should have certain advantages in finding the black stone.

At this time, his consciousness was out of the body, and he found that as his consciousness slowly penetrated the ground, he would feel that the ground had a strong repulsion to the penetration of his consciousness when he went down about a foot. The sea of ​​consciousness even feels a faint pain. If a monk with a weak primordial spirit in the sea of ​​consciousness forcibly infiltrates his consciousness into this black soil too deeply, he may tear his sea of ​​consciousness apart.

However, if you know how to separate your consciousness from your body, looking for black stones here is actually a good way to refine your sea of ​​consciousness, making your sea of ​​consciousness more tenacious and powerful. The pill is still effective.

But Qin Lang knew that he didn't come here to sharpen his consciousness. He also came here to help find the black stone. At the same time, he also needed this kind of black stone. If he could find more, he might as well keep a batch. It was also my original intention, and I believe that Sai Shenxian and others in my team also played this idea.

However, none of these martial artists should have mastered the method of detaching the consciousness. If they want to detect the black stone, I am afraid that the efficiency will not be much better than these miners.

The mine slave Mimito and other miners dispersed after entering the mine. The mine extends in all directions. Everyone is not going to crowd and mine in one place. If they are dispersed, the mining efficiency will be higher.

As for how to find the black stone, Mimito had already told Qin Lang, Sai Shenxian and others before, at least whether these outsiders could dig the black stone, Mimito and these miners actually did not expect it, after all, they entered the mine for the first time. When digging mines, each of them will get nothing. The acquisition of this black stone requires strong experience and judgment. After all, each black stone may go deep into the ground, especially in such abandoned mines. The resources are too large. It is barren, even if there are black stones, it is possible to dig four or five feet and not be able to dig a piece.

After getting the mining experience taught by Mimito, Qin Lang also dispersed. After all, everyone has their own thoughts and little secrets. When they enter the mine, they want to dig some black stones for their own use, except for Qin Lang. In addition, other people also have their own special ways to find the black stone.

Qin Lang wandered around for more than an hour. His spiritual sense probed the ground more than a foot deep, but he didn't find a black stone. But at a corner, luck suddenly broke out. There was a black stone nest about a foot deep in the ground. There were seven Eight black stones gathered together.

Qin Lang's eyes lit up when he saw it. If he could dig out the black stone in this small nest, I am afraid that his harvest this day would have surpassed that of others. After all, even those very experienced miners, everyone can find it in a day The black stone is only two or three pieces.

The black soil here is very hard. Qin Lang, who has never dug before, knows that digging is also a very hard work. If you use an ordinary mining pick, I am afraid that even if the mine manuscript collapses, you may not be able to dig a piece of soil from the ground. This soil It is definitely as hard as granite.

Fortunately, Qin Lang's mining picks are not ordinary mining picks, they are all magic weapon-level ore drafts refined by himself, which is still very advantageous in dealing with such a hard soil layer. Qin Lang settled down and dug a stick of incense With a lot of hard work, he finally dug to the black stone mine that was one foot deep.

But when picking up the black stones, Qin Lang found that he only got four black stones, and three or four black stones suddenly disappeared.

He searched in the soil for a while, but still found no trace of black stones, which meant that the number of black stones he got was different from the number detected by his spiritual sense before, and was directly reduced by half.

This result also made him very puzzled, it shouldn't be like this... What's going on?Could it be that those black stones are psychic, so they can burrow into the ground and escape by themselves?
Holding the four newly obtained black stones in his hands, Qin Lang sensed the movement of the internal aura, feeling like little hearts. At this moment, Qin Lang really had an illusion that these black stones were alive.

After that, Qin Lang continued to search, and found a black stone nest again after an hour. This time, there were more black stones in the black stone nest, a total of nine pieces.

The reason why Qin Lang found the Black Stone Nest again was that he had been screened. He has the advantage of spiritual consciousness. It is not that he did not find black stones underground along the way, but the ones he found before were all sporadic one or two pieces, and all At a depth of one or two feet underground, the effort to dig it up is definitely not as efficient as digging seven or eight or eight or nine pieces together in the black stone nest.

When Qin Lang continued to mine this time, his spiritual consciousness kept locking on the nine black stones in the black stone nest, and never left.

Sure enough, with the movement of my mining, the black stones in the black stone nest gradually began to move. Several larger black stones actually seemed to have spirituality, and actually drilled deeper into the ground bit by bit. The place that was more than one foot deep actually drilled to a depth of nearly two feet.

"Fuck, it turns out that..."

At this time, Qin Lang finally understood the reason why the number of black stones obtained by mining before was not the same as that detected by his spiritual sense. It turns out that these black stones can move.

But this time, Qin Lang has already locked these black stones, so he decided to dig to the bottom and wipe out all the nine black stones.

He soon dug to the place where the black stone nest was, this time Qin Lang harvested six black stones, and there are three more black stones in a deeper place.

Qin Lang's consciousness has locked on to these three larger black stones, and he will never give up this time, so he dug deeper again. After the ground is a foot deep, he will dig down again. The hard bottom of the soil is even higher. I'm afraid that ordinary mining picks will collapse once the pickaxes go down, but Qin Lang's mine manuscript is a magic weapon after all, and it is still close to the magic weapon level, so there is no problem in dealing with this kind of soil.

What's more, when Qin Lang was mining, every pickaxe was injected with real energy, which also accelerated the mining process.

With the blessing of true energy, Qin Lang is like a groundhog, directly throwing the black hard soil up and down, throwing up and down, and soon there are hills piled up at both ends of the newly opened mine.

Finally, after twenty minutes, Qin Lang also dug the three black stones that had been drilled into the ground before. This process was deeper than digging one foot... It took almost twice as much effort as before.

And the three black stones held in his hand are almost twice the size of the little finger-sized black stones before. Qin Lang felt the more abundant aura beating inside the black stones. Mid-grade black stone or top-grade black stone.

And based on the calculation that one middle-grade black stone can be exchanged for three low-grade black stones, even if these three are middle-grade black stones, Qin Lang has made a lot of money. This is equivalent to directly getting nine low-grade black stones.

And because of the cheating device of his own consciousness, Qin Lang found no difficulty in the process of finding the black stone. This day, he dug five or six underground black stone nests one after another. The least black stone nest contained at least five or six black stones, and the most was about eleven. Two pieces.

And the big black stone Qin Lang also got about 20 yuan, plus more than 30 low-grade black stones from hand sand, the value of the black stones Qin Lang harvested on this day is estimated to be worth at least 100 yuan low-grade black stones.

At the end of the mining day, Qin Lang suddenly extended his consciousness deeper into the ground, and found that there are actually black stone nests deeper in the ground, and it seems that the quality of the black stones deeper in the ground is better, at least they are all big. black stone.

(End of this chapter)

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