The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2041 Obscure Breath

Chapter 2041 Obscure Breath
Qin Lang locked the black stone nest deeper underground with his spiritual thoughts, and at the same time injected his real energy into the mine pick to speed up the excavation process. This newly discovered black stone nest deeper underground cost as much as 30 yuan, and all of them were The big black stone, that is, the middle-grade black stone, if you dig up all the black stones in this nest, Qin Lang's harvest this time is equivalent to today's busy day.

This black soil is really hard. Even if Qin Lang has top-level artifacts, he can only peel off the soil layer by layer. Every time he shovels, he can't shovel deeper. It really takes a little effort to find Heishi Nest.

Qin Lang estimated that he would need at least an hour to complete this arduous task.

However, he was not in a hurry. It would take a lot of effort to get good things. After all, there were no free resources and treasures in this world. Cultivators would have to work hard and work hard to get them.



The process of mining is actually very monotonous, only the mining drafts are tapped one after another, making that kind of mechanical sound.

And the environment around this mine is very dark. If ordinary people hear such weird noises in this mine but cannot see anyone, they will definitely be terrified.

However, Qin Lang is a monk. Even in this dim environment, he can still see the surrounding scene. After all, even the monks in the foundation building period have four or five times better eyesight than ordinary people. .

And even if Qin Lang closes his eyes, in fact, he can "see" the surroundings more clearly than his eyes, so he doesn't need his eyes to observe the surroundings at all.


While Qin Lang was working hard to dig the newly discovered black stone nest deeper underground, other companions of Qin Lang's team were also busy in this mine.

Finding a black stone is indeed a very difficult job. If you don't have experience, finding a black stone in this dark black land is really difficult.

After all, although this mine is very large and extends in all directions, the distribution of blackstone mines is really barren. Even those experienced mine slaves can only find two or three pieces of gold after a day's hard work.

It is almost impossible for an inexperienced guy to find ore in this mine, just like the two women in the team, Thrush and Heitou, the day is coming to an end, and they still can't find a single black stone.

And just when the two girls were about to give up, they met Brother Situ at this time, and the two brothers seemed to have gained something.

So Huamei and Heitu asked, "Why... how many black stones did the two elder brothers dig?"

"Well, it's okay, we each dug up six yuan." Situ Shengnan replied.

"Six yuan? So did you get it?"

Thrush Cherry closed her mouth directly, and exclaimed, she had never experienced the difficulty of mining black stones before, but now she has worked hard all day, but she didn't find a single one, so she naturally knows how difficult it is to mine black stones.

The two of them had been busy for a whole day and hadn't harvested anything, but the Situ brothers actually dug up six yuan each.

Like her and Hei Tu, now they only hope that they can dig up a black stone at the end of the day and that will be enough, otherwise they will really become poor commanders.

"Of course this is a secret. Hey, do you want us brothers to share a dollar or two with you?"

Situ Shengnan chuckled and rolled his eyes at the same time.

"Okay, thank you two brothers."

Thrush and Heidu were overjoyed.

"Well, you know...then I'll be with my brothers tonight! It's not bad to set up a tent in this mine." Situ Shengnan looked at Hua's swollen chest and said, licking his lips.

"It's really necrotic..." The two women giggled.

Brother Situ reached a deal with Thrushcross and Heitu on one side, while Li Chuang on the other side was with God Sai. There was shaking, and whenever the needle on the compass wobbled, these two guys were excited.

"It's in stock, and there's another stock around here..." Li Chuang shouted.

It turns out that this compass-like thing responds to the black stone. This thing is actually an ancient relic. It was brought out by Li Chuang from the ancient cultivator's cave where he had obtained the inheritance of cultivation. This thing has a response to spiritual power. The divine sense in the black stone can actually be regarded as a kind of special spiritual power, so this compass can also sense it.

With the help of this thing, the two guys don't need to rely on eyesight to judge whether there is a mine nearby like those miners. They just need to follow the pointer of the compass. The more violent the pointer of the compass shakes, the more goods are available.

Although the tool equivalent to a positioning device is not as direct as Qin Lang's divine sense, it should be regarded as a unique tool in this mine, so Li Chuang and Sai Shenxian have gained a lot this day. They all got almost 20 yuan of black stones.

However, this compass can only sense a distance of more than one foot underground, and it will not be able to sense it any deeper. In addition, although the mining tools of the two are not ordinary tools, they are still not as good as Qin Lang's top magic weapon level mines. Pickaxe, so the efficiency of digging black stones in this day is naturally much worse than that of Qin Lang.

The 20 yuan black stones they got each were the most common low-grade black stones, and no middle-grade black stones were found.

Thanks to the help of the positioning compass, Li Chuang and Sai Shenxian should have obtained the second most black stones in this mine besides Qin Lang.


"Kachi..." "Kachi..." Qin Lang's pickaxe waved more vigorously, and now he has been digging for an hour, and he has almost dug into the mine that is three feet deep in the ground. Qin Lang is busy like a groundhog. After a long time, it was finally time to harvest.

"Bang" As the last layer of black soil was lifted up, several large black stones had been brought into the air along with the soil. Before these black stones landed, Qin Lang had already pocketed these black stones with one move.

"One, two, three... seven, eight... 17 yuan! Alas, there are three more lost!"

Qin Lang collected all the black stones, but found that three pieces were still missing.

However, he wasn't disappointed either. Being able to take out 17 yuan of big black stones from this nest of black stones is already very good. If he hadn't locked his mind before, I'm afraid at least half of this nest of black stones would have run away instead of just running away. Drop three.

Mining after the spiritual consciousness is locked will more or less suppress this kind of spiritual black stone. After all, this kind of black stone is a treasure and a resource comparable to the spiritual stone. Ten black stones are equivalent to one piece of divine sense minus one, which is also very remarkable. If other monks in the cultivation world know this, they will definitely go crazy.

For this day's harvest, Qin Lang got 37 yuan of big black stones and 60 yuan of ordinary black stones. The miners in the top-grade mining area may not be able to dig so many black stones in a day.

At the end of the day, when Qin Lang and his party, including those five or six miners, gathered again, the expressions on the faces of the five or six miners were not very good. Obviously, the harvest of this day was not very good.

"It's really bad luck today, the six of us together only got 15 yuan of black stone..."

Mimito sighed. If the 12 yuan handed in is excluded, the daily income of the six miners is only three black stones. This resource is barely enough to exchange for a few days of food, but cultivating the power of the totem requires a lot of money. Black stone, if there is no black stone for cultivation, these miners will always be able to stay at the bottom of the tribe and be squeezed by others.

"It doesn't matter, each of us will give you a black stone as compensation..."

Qin Lang took the lead to take out a piece of black stone. He had harvested so much that day, it was really nothing if he evened out a piece. After all, this was the compensation that everyone in the team had promised.

At this time, everyone in Qin Lang's team took out one piece, and immediately five or six miners got seven yuan in compensation. After removing the handed-in, five or six miners can still have ten yuan left. This kind of harvest is already considered Not bad.

"We will dig a black stone in this mine for a period of time, and we will give you a black stone like this every day, which can be regarded as compensation for occupying the mine..." Sai Shenxian said at this time.

Black stones are really good things. Since it is found that this mine can find black stones, of course everyone wants to collect more.

"Okay!" Mimito agreed. I don't know how these distant travelers found the black stone. It seems that they are more capable than those miners who often mine. Now, with the help of these people every day, my five It feels good that the six miners can earn an extra income every day.

At the end of the day, five or six miners returned to the tribe, while the seven Qin Lang stayed in the mine.

And before Mimito left, he said to Qin Lang and his party: "The mine here is very dark at night, and staying for a long time will affect the body. If you insist on staying here at night, it is not impossible, but remember to Burn a bonfire to expel this obscure atmosphere..."

"Okay." Qin Lang, Sai Shenxian and others nodded.


And at night, Qin Lang and the others really lit a big bonfire in a relatively spacious place in the mine. This spacious place is a full [-] square meters, and seven people directly set up four or five tents to surround it. By the campfire.

And Qin Lang's spiritual sense clearly sensed that at night, there was a thick Yin attribute rising from the underground of the mine. This should be the obscure breath that the miner said. The human body is harmful, almost like miasma.

And cultivators smell this kind of breath, of course it is not good to smell too much, but if the monks who practice yin attribute skills come here, it is a treasure land of cultivation.

However, Qin Lang, as a cultivator at the peak of the middle stage of transformation, does not need to worry about the erosion of this obscure atmosphere, after all, his cultivation base is here.

After encountering the bonfire, the obscure aura was dispelled, and in the area around the bonfire, the obscure aura was dispelled. After all, negative energy is restrained by fire-attributed energy, even if it is just the most common ordinary fire.

(End of this chapter)

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