The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2042 Soil mother stone

Chapter 2042 Soil mother stone


As the obscure aura rises, the entire abandoned mine is filled with the sound of ghost cries. There are still many shadows churning in this obscure aura. They are actually ghosts similar to demon heads. These ghosts have no intelligence, but They are very sensitive to the breath of human beings, so they gather in this direction from all directions at this time.

However, blocked by the bonfire, these ghosts dare not approach this spacious area, so each of them can only linger in the distance with the obscure aura, lingering for a long time.

"Looking for death!" Qin Lang found that one of these yin things was relatively powerful. It should have opened up a little bit of wisdom. Gradually break into this area protected by campfires.

Although the flame energy of the bonfire has a certain restraint effect on this Yin thing, but this Yin thing can resist the repulsion of this energy and approach the tent bit by bit, which also proves that this Yin thing is an old monster Level BOSS.

However, the strength of this kind of ghost is only equivalent to the fourth-order monster in the cultivation world, so it is not worth mentioning.

With Qin Lang sitting here, this genital is definitely looking for death if it gets close to this area. Qin Lang flipped his hand, and a pillar of fire rushed over, directly burning the obscure air in the ten-foot area in that direction. Zhi's Yin thing only had time to let out a shrill cry, and then it was completely wiped out.

After all, for Qin Lang, this level of femininity can be eliminated without any effort at all. It is actually too simple to eliminate. He can't even use the fire of Kanli. He can eliminate it directly with ordinary fire spells .

And with the appearance of Qin Lang's domineering fire dragon, the surrounding ghosts suddenly sensed Qin Lang's powerful aura, let out a burst of chaotic screams, and then disappeared completely. Although these ghosts have no intelligence, they seek good fortune and avoid evil The ability is also instinct, the voice that Qin Lang inadvertently leaked just now is so powerful that it makes their souls tremble, and it is impossible for them not to escape.

Immediately, as the ghosts in the surrounding area escaped cleanly, the incomparably obscure aura also disappeared, and the air in the mine suddenly became clearer, and everyone felt that their breathing became much smoother.

There was nothing to say for a night, but some stories happened in the two tents next to it that night, so Qin Lang had to withdraw his external consciousness and close his hearing.

The next day, Thrushcross and Heitu came out of Brother Situ's tent with messy clothes. It seemed that Brother Situ had a spring breeze last night, and they were really happy in this mine.

"Ahem..." Sai Shenxian coughed twice, quietly glanced at the two brothers with jealous eyes, and then turned his head as if nothing had happened.

This old guy is also an old pervert. Although he first met two girls from a brothel, he has not been able to kiss Fangze until today. Unexpectedly, these two brothers have taken the lead now, so this old guy is not jealous. impossible.


The next day, when several miners from Mimito arrived, a new day of mining began again.

Qin Lang, Sai Shenxian, and Li Chuang, who already had some mining experience, are also gearing up for a big fight this day. I believe that this day's harvest will be more than the previous day.

Last night, some people tried to use the black stone to cultivate, and found that their spiritual consciousness had increased by a large amount, and the benefits were not small.

And Qin Lang also used several black stones last night, and he has successfully raised his consciousness from the peak critical point in the middle stage of transformation to the late stage of transformation, and his consciousness has nearly doubled compared to before.

If he releases his consciousness now, he can detect the distance of twenty feet around. Although it is only twenty feet, it must be known that this world is severely suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth. After Qin Lang left his body before, at most he could only detect About ten feet around, it is now equivalent to doubling the detection range.

"Kachi... Kachi..." Qin Lang was still looking for ore and digging alone like yesterday, and he found a black stone nest buried deep in the ground. There were nearly 20 yuan of black stone gather together.

The real energy is blessed on the pickaxe, and when Qin Lang is digging, the pickaxe swings into a whirlwind, and the speed is astonishingly fast.

When digging today, he couldn't help but use the pickaxe in his hand as a flying sword, and used the sword art, but found that after the true energy turned into sword energy, it would be more destructive to this kind of black soil than before. The speed of the mine has also been accelerated a lot.

So in just half an hour, Qin Lang had already dug into the core of this black stone nest, and got all the 20 yuan black stones in his hands.

And the reason why none of the black stones ran away this time may also have something to do with Qin Lang's accelerated mining speed. After Qin Lang accelerated the prospecting speed, these psychic black stones had no time to escape after reacting.

With a roll in his hand, the 20 yuan black stone was directly collected by Qin Lang, and another 20 yuan middle-grade black stone was obtained.

Qin Lang estimates that as long as he gets enough black stones, under the infinite superimposition of divine consciousness, before his cultivation base has really broken through to the late stage of the transformation of the gods, the divine consciousness may have already reached the post-transformation Dzogchen, or even... the divine consciousness first One step to reach the strength of a human immortal.

Immortal...that is the real immortal level.

In ancient times, monks under human immortality can be said to be ants, and only when monks reach the water level of human immortality can they be qualified to pursue the real Tao, their own Tao.

However, in ancient times, the earth immortals were not as good as dogs, and the human immortals walked all over the place. Now it is difficult to find traces even for human immortals in this world. Anyway, the cultivation world has never heard of human immortals appearing for thousands of years. information.


Qin Lang's mining efficiency has increased this day, so the scope of exploration is also much larger. Suddenly he heard the sound of a strong explosion of spiritual power, and his divine sense swept over, feeling that there should be someone fighting on the other side.

"It turns out that there are other people in this mine... That's right, the interior of this abandoned mine extends in all directions, and the exterior should not stop at the previous entrance. Other mining areas may also come to the abandoned mine from other entrances and exits."

Qin Lang murmured.

Since the divine sense could only detect about twenty feet, it couldn't reach far, and the place where the fight was at least one hundred feet away from him, so he couldn't help walking over curiously.

At that place, two guys dressed as miners like Mimito were fighting, while a miner was watching by the side.

Qin Lang guessed that the two fighting parties must be for the black stone, he wanted to see how many black stones there were, and actually let the two miners fight for it.

With a sweep of his spiritual sense, he found that there was a nest of black stones less than a foot below the ground, about seven or eight yuan in size.

There are only seven or eight low-grade black stones in the area, even if they are buried relatively shallowly, Qin Lang is still not very interested. Only these miners will fight for this nest of low-grade black stones. After all, miners are usually exploited by mine owners. It is too serious, and if you want to obtain cultivation resources, you must dig more in the mine.

Seeing Qin Lang, who is obviously not a miner, appearing in the depths of the mine, both sides of the fight, including the miner who was watching, stopped everything and looked over.

"You... how did you come here..." a miner asked strangely.

"Hehe, go ahead, I'll leave here immediately."

Qin Lang smiled, but did not explain.

"Slow down! My friend, since you are able to come to this mine, you must have come here for the black stone... If I win this fight, I will get a piece of the black stone for you later."

One of the miners said.

At the same time, he pointed to the two opposite: "The two of them are in the same group, I can't do them alone..."

It turned out that those who competed for this nest of black stones belonged to two different miner squads. The guy in front of him was just one person, and it was impossible for him to beat the other two.

Qin Lang raised his eyes. The strength of these three people should be about the same. They should be the same elementary totem warriors as Mimituo.

"Don't meddle in your own business! Be careful, I will report the mine owner, there are outsiders coming to the mine to steal the mine!"

The two miners on the opposite side are dissatisfied. If Qin Lang, a new force, joins in, the chances of them wanting to get this nest of black stones will be much smaller. Although Qin Lang doesn't know how strong he is, it is definitely not ordinary to dare to go deep into the depths of this mine. People, so they are not sure about two-on-two.

One must know that if the seven or eight black stones in the underground are mined, this is equivalent to two or three days of harvesting by a miner. Of course they don't want to give up. After all, in this low-level mining area, finding two black stones a day is considered burning. It's so fragrant, if the two miners can get this nest of seven or eight black stones, it doesn't matter if they don't mine for two or three days.

Qin Lang just laughed at the threat from the two miners opposite him, he was not afraid of these things.

However, he really had no interest in getting involved in the matter of these miners competing for this nest of black stones. Just as he was about to leave, the miner who had asked him before said again: "Help me this time!" , I'll give this to you." This guy took out a fossil-like thing, Qin Lang didn't pay much attention to it before, but he glanced at it, but his expression was startled.

Soil mother stone?
Can't be so lucky!It turned out to be earth mother stone.

Soil mother stone is also soil mother crystal, which is the predecessor of the earth element pearl.

This piece of soil mother stone is not very big, it is only the size of a palm, and Qin Lang doesn't know if there are any earth element beads in this soil mother stone, but no matter what, when this miner took out this top-quality material, he I decided to help this guy out.

Moreover, listening to this guy arguing with the two miners on the opposite side, it seems that he was the first to discover the black stone mine here, but the two miners came before digging, so this mine was naturally exposed.

The earth mother stone is indeed a treasure, and the reason why the miner who owns the earth mother stone knows that the earth mother stone is a good thing is also because of this, the earth mother stone has a strange shape, and there is a faint aura formed inside, although this kind of aura cannot be absorbed But definitely something of value.

In fact, he got this thing from mining recently. Although he didn't know what it was useful for, he was reluctant to throw it away, so he kept it with him all the time, and now he just took it out as a gift.

(End of this chapter)

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