The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2043 Delusion Solicitation

Chapter 2043 Delusion Solicitation
The earth mother stone is of course a good thing, and Qin Lang immediately took the precious resources that the miner took out.

Then, he stood in a row with the miner, expressing that he had formed a temporary alliance, turned his head and sighed to the two miner opposite him, "I'm sorry, I really need to help him with this job."

"Are you... need a beating?"

The two miners on the opposite side are tall and the other is short, but even the short one is about the same height as Qin Lang. After all, these miners who practice the power of totem are different from ordinary people, and there are no short ones.

Although Qin Lang decided to help this side now, the two mines, one tall and one short on the opposite side, didn't feel that if Qin Lang joined, they would not be able to compete. After all, even if Qin Lang joined this side now, it would be a two-on-two situation.

On the other side, among the two miners, one tall and one short, the tall one is about to enter the mid-level totem warrior, and his strength is much stronger than ordinary low-level totem warriors. , so it is estimated that even if Qin Lang, an outsider, joins, the two of them can easily defeat them.

However, they did wrongly estimate Qin Lang's strength, thinking that Qin Lang's strength might only be similar to that of ordinary low-level totem warriors, but they absolutely didn't know that Qin Lang could easily defeat even high-level totem warriors. .

With a sound of "I owe a beating", the two miners, one tall and one short, looked at each other, and attacked this side by coincidence. The tall one directly rushed to mine Lang, who Qin Lang decided to help, while the short miner The tall one rushed towards Qin Lang.

And at this moment, the short man immediately hit the iron plate.

When this guy rushed over, he instantly aroused the power of the totem on his body, a strange aura enveloped his body, and a blurred ghost of a wildebeest appeared behind him. Ma, I heard that this kind of totem is already the best cultivation method that the miners of the Remnant tribe can exchange for.

Although he was very curious about the totems cultivated by these miners, it was the first time he had seen the power of this totem, but no matter what, Qin Lang didn't intend to let the opponent win.

Therefore, when the short miner rushed over, he was instantly pinned down halfway, unable to move, as if he had been cast with a holding spell.

In his situation, Qin Lang used Xiao Zhou Tianyun's forbidden spell to imprison him. It is really not too easy to deal with this kind of elementary totem warrior whose strength is similar to that of a monk in the foundation period.


The short miner felt as if he had fallen into a quagmire, and he didn't know what kind of enchantment the other party had cast on him. At this time, he was in a hurry and yelled directly, wanting to ask his tall companion to help him.

"What's the matter?" The tall miner was very easy to deal with the miner on the opposite side. Seeing that he was about to restrain the opponent in a few blows, he didn't expect his companion to be so helpless, so he had to force out the miner on the opposite side. , Ready to help your companions.

However, this tall Kui Lang also suffered the same bad luck. This guy cultivated a one-horned goat. The phantom of the goat was bigger than the phantom of his companion's wildebeest, and it was much clearer. The strength has almost reached the breakthrough stage of the elementary totem warrior, but it was also suddenly given by Qin Lang, and he was also unable to move.


The tall and short miners on the opposite side are all stupid. They never thought that this battle would be like this. What they thought most before was that once the two sides fight, they will win by an absolute overwhelming advantage. If not, the two sides will be in a stalemate for a long time, and they will draw with each other.

But now when the two sides fight, they will be fixed there as if they have been casted by a demon, but it is a result that is unexpected no matter what.

At this time, they realized that this outsider was really strong and monstrous, and he was not at their level of strength at all. With this kind of spell similar to demon magic, let alone a few of them, even a large number of them People and horses go together, I am afraid the result will be the same.

Since this was not a fight to the death, and Qin Lang had no direct hatred with the two miners, one tall and one short, Qin Lang didn't make a heavy hand, but just restrained these two guys.

And then, the miner that Qin Lang helped started mining happily. Now that he has a powerful outsider helping him, he has completely turned the tables, and this nest of ore belongs to him.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh then the tall miner broke free from Qin Lang's restraint, and his strength suddenly soared, and it seemed that he had suddenly reached the level of a mid-level totem warrior.

In fact, Qin Lang saw that when this guy was restrained, he gave himself a bottle of weird potion. It was the power of the potion that made him break through directly.

And on this side, Yi Suo... that is, this tall miner is also bleeding. This strange potion is not cheap. Only two black stones can be exchanged for one bottle. This is from a priest of the Remnant tribe. What I want to ask is that after taking this weird potion, low-level Liteng fighters can instantly explode their physical potential and increase their strength by a large amount.

If it hadn't been for the detection of a middle-grade black stone in this nest of black stones, the nest of black stones seemed to only have seven or eight pieces, but in fact it was worth at least ten black stones, which was already worth the extra cost.

However, just when he thought that after taking the potion, his strength had improved a lot, and he should be qualified to fight Bang Lang now, but unexpectedly, his body was frozen again in the next second.

After all, even mid-level totem fighters are no more than monks in the early stage of alchemy. For Qin Lang, such a guy is very weak, so even if Xiao Zhou Tianyun ban is not a brilliant spell, he can still imprison the opponent with this spell .

The reason why the tall miner was able to break free from the shackles before was just an accident. Now that Qin Lang has added a few more confinement spells, the tall miner has completely stopped working. Even if he swallowed the weird potion now The egg is used, and the price of the extra money is completely in vain.

Kaka, Kaka.

At this time, the miner that Qin Lang helped dug up the shallow black stone nest, took out all the black stones, and under the eyes of the two competitors, the nest of black stones did not fall. All in the bag.

But at this time, the bondage spell on the two miners, one tall and one short, suddenly disappeared. The two guys looked at each other again, then turned their heads and glared at Qin Lang angrily, and then left here without looking back .

They are also sensible people. After being easily played by Qin Lang just now, they also understand that the two of them together may not be able to deal with Qin Lang with one hand, so even if they are very unwilling, they have no choice but to walk away in despair.

"Thank you, thank you for your help." The miner who dug the black stone thanked Qin Lang at this time.

This miner is also a smooth person, he directly calls Qin Lang as a brother, and wants to get closer to each other.

But Qin Lang curled his lips, as if he couldn't deny it, if it wasn't for that piece of soil mother crystal, he wouldn't get involved in this dispute at all.

Now that he has successfully repelled the two competitors on the opposite side for this guy, his mission is complete, and he naturally wants to leave here now.

But the miner stopped him again: "Wait, old man."

"Why... is there anything else?" Qin Lang stopped and frowned.

"It's like this. My name is Mumu. My brother may not know that although this abandoned mining area is poor in mineral resources, the distribution of black stone mines in the depths of the mine is denser than that in the surrounding areas. The probability of encountering black stones forming a nest is also much higher. I'm not interested in walking with me... You don't know, I have mastered a very special method of detecting black stones, and the success rate of identifying whether there are black stones around is very high. If you are interested, let's go in groups of two How about digging in the depths of the mine for a few days, and getting four or six points of black stone along the way?"

This miner called Mumu sees that Qin Lang is very powerful and is a good helper he can rely on, so he has the idea of ​​partnering with Qin Lang to search for mines. Although Qin Lang is not a miner, coming to this mine to mine is an act of piracy. The big mine owner's subordinates will definitely punish this guy if they find out, and maybe they will be implicated as well.

But what does it matter? Anyway, this abandoned mine is so far away, and there are so few black stones in it. The focus of the dog legs of those big mine owners is not in this mining area, so even if this guy came to steal the mine, it doesn't matter. what to do.

And Mumu wanted to partner with Qin Lang to search for mines, because he also took a fancy to Qin Lang's strength. He knew that the deeper he went into this mine, the more likely he would encounter stronger competitors of mine slaves. If he found the black stone again Wo, with Qin Lang's help, if similar disputes happen again, the chances of winning the fight will be much greater.

For him, Qin Lang is a very good thug, so he decided that if Qin Lang joins his ore-hunting team, he will give a sincere share of four or six points, six for him, four for Qin Lang.

But after Qin Lang heard the invitation from Mumu, he smiled slightly. He possessed divine consciousness. If he were to search for the black stone mine in this mine, who could be stronger than himself in this aspect!If he says he is second, I am afraid that the miners in the entire mining area will not be able to be the number one!
Therefore, Qin Lang will not agree to this guy's request at all, and now he has obtained the soil mother crystal, so the deal between him and the miner named Mumu in front of him is over, and the two must part ways .

However, the assignment he made failed to impress Qin Lang, and Mumu didn't want to give up, so he immediately said: "[-] points, how about [-] points..."

He really didn't want to give up Qin Lang as a good helper, but unfortunately, Qin Lang had already made up his mind, so it would be useless for him to make any concessions now.

(End of this chapter)

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