Chapter 2044 Green Chip

"Slow down, man, you are a foreigner stealing mines in this mining area. If you stay in the depths of the mine every day and don't come out, it will be bad for your health. You can't do it without Yin-dispelling things. Your body will collapse in a few days. ..."

Seeing that Qin Lang was about to leave, Mumu reminded him again.

"A thing that removes yin? Are you referring to the obscure smell in the mine at night?"

Qin Lang asked at this time.

"That's right, this kind of obscurity has a great impact on the body. There used to be a mine slave who didn't have any preparations and stayed in the mine at night and didn't go back. As a result, within two days, someone found that this guy died in the mine, and he had become cold. mummy."

Mumu nodded, and said again: "This kind of obscure smell can be driven away with a bonfire lit by firewood, but I don't think you are prepared for this. Another way is to take Yin-dispelling potion. Yin potion, I can send you a bottle."

"Mine Collection?" Qin Lang was taken aback.

"Mine Collection is the place where our Remnant Tribe conducts business. Not only miners from major mining areas under the control of the Remnant Tribe's mine owners usually enter and trade in it, but even other tribes...including people from the human kingdom occasionally appear in Mine Collection. I The yin-dispelling potion is obtained from the ore collection, one bottle for one black stone! Hey, here's a bottle for you."

After finishing speaking, Mu Mu took out a thumb-sized bottle from his arms and threw it to Qin Lang.

This is the yin-removing potion he was talking about, and Qin Lang took it curiously and looked at it for a while, feeling that the person who made this yin-removing potion should have the level of an ordinary pharmacist, and should be a survivor tribe who is good at refining. made by priests of medicine.

Of course, this is just a guess and Qin Lang can't confirm it.

After looking at it twice, Qin Lang threw the potion to Mu Mu again, saying: "Thank you, I don't need this potion."

He really didn't need this potion, so he thanked the other party for his kindness.

"Hey!" Seeing Qin Lang walking away, Mu Mu could only sigh. His intention to win over the other party was obvious, but Qin Lang parted ways in the end.


And Qin Lang dug in this mine for a whole day, and found that he had gone too deep into the mine, and was far away from the place where he once met Mimituo and other miners, and the night in the mine was not suitable for mining. , those black stones will hide their own aura under the shroud of obscure aura, even if they use divine sense, they can't detect it.

So Qin Lang returned directly to the original road at this time, wanting to join the rest of the team.

This time the journey was really far away. During the process of Qin Lang’s return, the obscure aura in the mine had gradually risen from the ground, and some yin things were mixed in the obscure aura, smelling strangers like evil wolves. , rushed towards Qin Lang directly.

But Qin Lang was unafraid, a bright yellow flame enveloped the whole body, this is the change of the fire armor formed by using Xuanhuang Yan to imitate the fire of Kanli, and the secondary fire armor formed, although not as good as the fire of Kanli Fire Armor, but it is absolutely lethal against these ghosts in the mine.

Before those yin objects approached, they were already burned by Xuanhuangyan's ground fire breath, and the places where they were touched instantly melted like butter dropped into a hot pan, and this melting has spread to the whole body. spreading trend.

Those genitals that were touched by Xuanhuangyan found invisible screams one after another, and then writhed and struggled in the obscure breath, and were really killed by Xuanhuangyan within a few strokes.

And at this time, Qin Lang was wearing the secondary fire armor formed by Xuanhuang Yan. In this dark mine, he was undoubtedly like a little sun. The yin creatures that came over are now receding like a tide, avoiding this terrifying foreign intruder.


It was probably late at night when Qin Lang returned to the bonfire area. The rest of the team stayed in their tents, and Qin Lang simply set up a temporary tent. The whole process took only a few seconds, and then stayed into the tent.

At this time, the income of the day was counted. Because of going deeper into the mine, Qin Lang's harvest on this day was almost double that of yesterday. Although the black stone got more than 140 yuan, the middle-grade black stone also got 50 yuan.

This kind of harvest is very against the sky. I am afraid that even the harvest of a small mining slave team in the upper-class mining area is not as good as Qin Lang's income from mining in this inferior mining area for a day.

Of course, this has something to do with Qin Lang's ability to use his spiritual sense to detect the landowners below three feet underground. After all, the ability to detect black stones is definitely a big killer.

Other miners rely on their own eyesight and experience to find black stones. Although Qin Lang has no experience in finding black stones, his divine sense detection ability is equivalent to a locator, which can directly lock the black stone nests hidden underground.

This is the same as the difference between normal people and blind people. Normal people can see with their eyes, and their walking speed is definitely many times faster than that of blind people. Blind people may need to be careful when walking, while normal people can see with their eyes. You can walk like flying, you don't need to be too careful at all, and the speed is naturally very fast.

The harvest of this day is almost equivalent to more than 300 black stones. Qin Lang is also very satisfied with this. These black stones are good things for cultivating spiritual consciousness. His spiritual consciousness entered the late stage of transformation for the first time last night. A dozen or so black stones, the originally not very stable spiritual consciousness has been completely stabilized, and now it is the same as the spiritual background of a senior late-stage monk.

The total amount of black stones consumed in the past two days is only a dozen or so. Qin Lang also felt a little unbelievable that his spiritual consciousness cultivation had improved by leaps and bounds. , but it can't hold up to a large amount. In this mine, it is easier to find than the spiritual stone. As long as you get more black stones, Qin Lang believes that his spiritual consciousness will soon be able to cultivate to the late stage of Dzogchen Transformation.

The next day, five or six miners from Mimito were about to arrive. Mimito breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Qin Lang, and said, "Seeing that you didn't come back to gather yesterday afternoon, I thought there was some accident. Fortunately, it's okay. .”

"It's okay, I have a way to deal with the obscure aura in the mine."

Qin Lang nodded, knowing what Mimituo was worried about. He was afraid that the obscure atmosphere in the depths of the mine would affect him and make him unable to come back. He dared to go as deep into the mine as he wanted. Yesterday, Qin Lang estimated that he might have gone into the mine for more than 50 miles, otherwise he would not have met other miners.

At this time, Qin Lang directly threw two black stones to Mimito, "This is my share of black stones from yesterday and today. I may still come back late today, so I will give you this share in advance."

"Thank you so much."

Mimito is also very grateful. He never thought that he had helped this group of foreigners by accident before, and now the reward is so great. As long as Qin Lang and his team stay in the mine, they these miners can get extra Some black stones, this feels so good.

It is really not easy to mine in this barren mining area. If Mimituo and the others want to get rid of their status as miners as soon as possible, they have to dig more and get more black stones to exchange for training materials, so they do not refuse the black stones handed out by Qin Lang.

"By the way, this is what you wanted yesterday. I have exchanged some for you from the mine collection."

At this time, Mimito took out a heavy cloth bag from his arms and handed it to Immortal Sai.

The little cloth bag didn't know what was hidden, it was rustling, and after Sai Shenxian took it, he opened it and took out something, Qin Lang was startled when he saw it, it turned out to be a fragment of spirit crystal.

Spirit crystal shards, which are higher-grade cultivation materials than top-grade spirit stones, are naturally found on Qin Lang's body. The spirit crystal shards on his body were all dug from the ruins under the poisonous water lake. At that time, more than 200 pieces were obtained, but With the practice of this period of time, there is no more than half of it.

This thing is installed in the "spiritual vein" that he specially uses to process the energy of the spirit crystal, and the effect of using it for cultivation is absolutely leveraged. Although Qin Lang does not have many top-quality spirit stones on him now, during the period of using the spirit crystal to practice, he has already It's not much slower than when the cultivation world has sufficient resources, no...

Even faster, after all, Qin Lang is now a cultivator at the peak of the middle stage of transformation, and the spiritual stones and various cultivation resources required for each step of cultivation are massive, and it may be difficult to meet such a large amount of resource demand in the cultivation world.

Therefore, spirit crystal shards are really good things. Seeing that the ore collection mentioned by Mimito actually has such precious cultivation resources that can be exchanged, Qin Lang was stunned for a moment.

Seeing Qin Lang's strange gaze, Mimito explained; "This is a blue chip... Our beginner totem warriors who practice totem power will not use it, but they will also use it when they enter the middle level. If they are used together, the cultivation effect is very good. Of course, the value of green chip is far inferior to that of black stone, and one black stone of this thing can be exchanged for twenty pieces, which is easy to exchange in the mine collection."

"A green chip?"

Qin Lang murmured and nodded at the same time. It doesn't matter whether it is called a green chip or a spirit crystal fragment. Anyway, it is the cultivation material that he urgently needs. Anyway, since he saw it, he naturally had to find a way to collect it. Batch.

And the reason why Sai Shenxian knew that the green chip could be exchanged in the mine collection was because he accidentally saw Mimito carrying one on him yesterday.

The green chip contains a lot of spiritual power, as long as you are not blind, you will know that it is a good thing for cultivation. Although Immortal Sai has never used this kind of green chip for cultivation, since he saw it, he naturally wanted to exchange it for a batch. Research to see if it can be used for cultivation.

However, Immortal Sai may be disappointed after exchanged for this bag of cyan crystal fragments. The internal energy compression strength of this cyan crystal chip is too high, and it is very violent. Not to mention a master of martial arts like him.

After all, it is impossible for him to have the targeted magic weapon of "spiritual pulse" like Qin Lang, unless he can go back and find the refiner in the world of martial arts practitioners, and also refine tools similar to the energy used to transform the energy of spirit crystal fragments just do.

(End of this chapter)

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