The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2045 Free Collection

Chapter 2045 Free Collection

Before digging on this day, Qin Lang consulted with Mimituo about the mine collection, and learned that the mine collection of the Remnant tribe is in the center of the tribe. This mine collection is a free collection, and not only people from the Remnant tribe will enter the mine collection For transactions, people from other tribes and people from the human kingdom may also enter the mine collection.

As the head of the three major tribes, the Remnant tribe is able to achieve today's prosperity, in fact, it is inseparable from this kind of free trade.

The Remnant tribe is actually the least xenophobic tribe. Because the Remnant tribe is rich in minerals, the entire tribe is composed of a dozen mine owners, large and small, who unite to control the decision-making of the tribe. Two-thirds of the tribe's population are slaves.

And these slaves can become free people through continuous efforts. As long as they have enough money for redemption in their lifetime, they can redeem the contract of sale from the mine owner.

And the free people who become tribes can own a piece of land of their own, produce and sell themselves, and no longer need to be exploited by slave owners.

Of course, freedmen still have to pay a certain poll tax to the tribe every year, which is also a custom.

Becoming a free citizen is also the lifelong dream of all the mine slaves under the mine owners, so even though working in the mining area is very hard and tiring, these slaves seldom get emotional, after all, they have a thought in their hearts.

The mine market of the Remnant tribe is jointly maintained by personnel sent by more than a dozen mine owners. There is basically no forced buying and selling in the market, and the law and order are also very good, so after decades, it has formed some reputation. , is still very famous on this mainland island.

Although most of the mine owners of the Abandoned Tribe are not good people and are very black-hearted, they are very disciplined when it comes to tribal business and trade, which is the real reason for the prosperity of the mines.

After asking Mimito about the mine collection, Qin Lang nodded and started another day of mining operations.

Although he is mining in a low-level mining area, Qin Lang now earns at least two or three hundred blackstone mines per day, and his output is also very stable. After all, he has divine sense and is much better at prospecting than the most experienced miners. I'm afraid that even if ten miners add up, their daily income can't compare with him.

After digging the black stone mine for three days, Qin Lang decided to go to the mine market of the survivor tribe to see if he could meet some good things in the mine market. Not to mention other things, anyway, he must be the cultivation material such as green chip If you want to exchange more, after all, you can use it for your own cultivation.

According to Mimito, one black stone can be exchanged for twenty pieces, so Qin Lang now has nearly 900 black stones on hand. If all of them are exchanged for green chips, it can be exchanged for about [-] green chips.

He is going to exchange all the black stones on hand for green chips, and then continue to dig a black stone in the mining area. In this case, the blue chips can replace the top-quality spirit stones to improve his cultivation, and the black stones can be used to increase his spiritual consciousness, repair For growth and spiritual consciousness go hand in hand, without delay.

Mimito told Qin Lang that the mines of the Remnant Tribe are held once every three days. The market opens every morning when the sun comes out and closes when the sun sets. This is also the rule of the mining market for many years.

The busiest time of the mining market is basically in the morning, when the transactions are most frequent, and it will gradually become deserted in the afternoon.

"Big Brother wants to go to the mining market? It happens that the mining market will open tomorrow, and we are out of daily necessities and food. We are going to exchange some at the mining market. I can take you with me." Mimito said at this time.

"That's good." Qin Lang nodded.

The next day, Mimito called a few mining slave brothers together early in the morning, and Qin Lang, and they went to the mining market together.

Seeing that Mimito and several miners are big slaves, looking a bit like moving Mountain Hercules, Qin Lang finds it funny. This is the trouble of not having storage tools. Fortunately, he has storage bags and storage tools Rings, no matter how many things you have, you can put them in the storage bag, and you don’t need to bring something like these miners, it’s pure hard work.

Although the mine is not very far from the place where Mimetuo lives, it is still four or five miles away. After years of development, this mine has become a huge market, with at least thousands of people passing by every day.

Among them, the tens of thousands of mine slaves under more than a dozen mine owners of the remnant tribe are frequent visitors to the mine, and the second is the people from the other two tribes of the three major tribes, and a small number of them often haunt the mine, while the people of the human kingdom are It appears occasionally.

After entering the mining market, Qin Lang felt like a feudal market. The mining market was very noisy and messy, but it was indeed prosperous.

And just when Qin Lang entered the mine, a guy nearby saw Qin Lang's face change and left in a hurry.

If Qin Lang sees this guy, he must know him. He helped the miner Mumu complete the transaction in the depths of the mine. One of the two miners who taught him a lesson was the tall miner named Yisuo.

I suffered a loss in the hands of Qin Lang that time, but now I see Qin Lang in the mining market, it is of course that the enemy is extremely jealous when they meet.

But he also knew that he was not Qin Lang's opponent, so now he hastily turned around and called for helpers, he wanted revenge now.

But now Qin Lang didn't notice this, after all, there were people coming and going in the mine, and he didn't need to pay attention to the movements of some young people.

Since the places where Mimito wanted to buy food and living supplies were not in the same area as the places Qin Lang wanted to visit, they made an appointment to meet each other, and Qin Lang separated from them.

First of all, Qin Lang went directly to the place where the green chips appeared in the market. This place is a big shop. I heard that the background of this shop is owned by the Remnant Tribal Alliance, and several big mine owners jointly control the trade of green chips.

This shop is the largest trading point for green chips in the bazaar. The Remnant Tribal Alliance manipulates the market price of green chips. The market price of green chips has never been lower than the price of 20 yuan for a black stone.

Of course, the main production area of ​​green chips is the human kingdom on the mainland island. Occasionally, people from the human kingdom appear in the market to sell some green chips. The price is much lower. Sometimes a piece of black stone can be exchanged for 30 yuan. The quantity that appears at one time is not very large, and it can't influence the market. These scattered green chips are usually snapped up quickly as soon as they appear in the market.

"Hello, guest, what would you like to order?" As soon as Qin Lang entered the shop, a clerk greeted him. At first glance, this clerk was not a native of the tribe. These local rough-skinned natives look much more pleasing to the eye.

"Well, let me take a look first." Qin Lang nodded and turned around.

This guy should also come from the human kingdom on the mainland island. The natives of the three major tribes there are all black and ugly. This guy is completely different.

This shop is actually a comprehensive shop, which not only displays green wafers, but also sells some other strange things, including medicinal herbs, stones, insect eggs, tools used by priests for divination, and some unknown things. things.

However, the green chip is the biggest selling point of this store, so the display cabinet of the green chip directly occupies the most conspicuous row of the store. Inside the display cabinet is a neatly stacked cabinet, and it is roughly estimated that there are at least tens of thousands of chips.

With so many green chips, Qin Lang is also very jealous. This thing can be said to be the most urgently needed training material for monks in the transformation stage. Qin Lang has such things as spiritual veins in his hand, and the cultivation effect of green chips is even better than that of top-grade spirit stones. , so each of these cyan chips is many times better than the best spirit stone.

And Qin Lang obtained one or two hundred green chips from the ruins of the poisonous water lake before, and used them to practice instead of spirit stones. After nearly two months of cultivation, he used enough amount every day, but only a few dozen green chips were consumed. , this thing is very cost-effective.

Qin Lang did the math, if the black stone on his body was used to exchange for green chips, it should be able to exchange for more than 900 pieces, and now he took it out directly.

At this time, Qin Lang pointed to the green chip showcase: "Exchange all my black stones into green chips, and exchange as much as you have."

"Okay." The guy calculated, and said: "Medium-grade black stones cost 60 yuan, and low-grade black stones cost 300 yuan... 60 yuan for medium-grade black stones is roughly equivalent to 200 yuan for low-grade ones, plus 300 yuan for low-grade ones, which means a total of 500 yuan... ...Guests, you can exchange a total of 1000 yuan for black stones."

"Oh, okay." Qin Lang was also very surprised. The middle-grade black stones seem to be worth a lot more than he thought. It's not like exchanging one piece for three yuan. 60 yuan of middle-grade goods can be exchanged for 200 yuan of low-grade goods. He originally thought he could exchange them. 180 yuan is not bad.

In fact, the official exchange price is not very high. There are even privately traded black stones among mine slaves in the mine concentration. One middle-grade black stone may even be exchanged for four low-grade black stones. After all, middle-grade black stones are much harder to find than low-grade black stones. The power of the totem has helped a lot, and the cultivation of many high-level totem fighters cannot do without the help of this kind of black stone.

Qin Lang's transaction this time is definitely a big deal for the store, and the guy was also surprised that Qin Lang, a lone traveler, actually had hundreds of black stones on him. You must know that ordinary mining slaves usually trade only a few dozen yuan, reaching Anything over a hundred bucks is considered a great deal.

And if this transaction is completed, the guy's commission will be quite a lot, and the commission given to him by the store is like [-]%, that is to say, he can get about nine black stones in commission from this transaction.

Therefore, being an errand in a store is definitely a lucrative job, much better than being a miner. Although there are not many big customers like Qin Lang every day, in addition to salary, this guy earns three or four black stones a day. Extra commission is indispensable.

The clerk graciously exchanged all of Qin Lang's black stones into green chips, and then asked, "Is there anything else you need?"

"By the way, do you accept pills or radiant beast crystal nuclei here?" Qin Lang asked at this time, all the black stones on his body had been exchanged. It was time to ask casually.

"Elixir? Radiant Beast Crystal Core? Take it out and have a look... Our store has a special appraiser, if it is valuable, you can buy it, but the purchase price can only be [-]% off the market price." The guy said at this time Said.

(End of this chapter)

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