The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2046 Want to make a fortune

Chapter 2046 Want to make a fortune
Qin Lang nodded to express his understanding. After all, although it is an aboriginal shop in the mining market, even an aboriginal shop has to survive, so it is normal that the purchase price is [-]% off the market price.

He took out some low-grade pills, which were refined in Tongcheng. There were about three or four bottles, and there were hundreds of pills.

In addition, there are more than 100 crystal nuclei of Radiant Beast, all of which are fourth- and fifth-order crystal nuclei.

In fact, Qin Lang also has crystal nuclei of the sixth and seventh ranks on hand, but he is not going to take out this grade of crystal nuclei, and he should use them in the future.

There is no radiation pollution in this area of ​​the Aegean Sea, so there is no radiation beast. His radiation crystal nucleus should be regarded as a rare thing for people on this mainland island.

A special appraiser quickly came out from the back of the shop. Pills and crystal nuclei are rare items in this shop, but this appraiser named "Zhu" is one of the priests of the survivor tribe. The ability is also very unique, so the appraisal value of Qin Lang's batch of materials was quickly given.

"Pillions are worth about one black stone, and three or four hundred pills can be exchanged for a total of 400 yuan of black stones... and these crystal nuclei are somewhat similar to cyan crystals. Good quality can be exchanged for two black stones. If it can be exchanged for one black stone, these one hundred crystal nuclei can be exchanged for a total of 300 black stones." The appraiser quickly made a final value assessment.

"Okay, thank you for getting old..." The guy bowed respectfully to the appraiser, and then said to Qin Lang: "These materials are worth 700 yuan in total. Do you still need to exchange green chips?"

"Well, exchange another 500 yuan black stone for green chips, and pack it with the remaining 200 yuan black stone for me."

Qin Lang nodded, thinking he would leave 200 yuan of black stones for a walk in the mining market, to see if there are other things that can be exchanged.

After a while, Qin Lang had already walked out of this large-scale shop that didn't even have a name.

This mine is very lively, and the local weather has been very hot recently, but there is someone selling a tea made from a variety of local herbs, which is very refreshing and relieves heat.

This is a kind of dark green herbal tea, the tea is made on a hot day, and there is no ice cubes in it, yet the cold air keeps coming out.

The tea is very cheap, and you can drink it casually with a piece of blue chip. Only then did Qin Lang realize that besides the black stone, the green chip is also a currency substitute on the mine collection.

"Liang Bi Cao..." Qin Lang exchanged the green chip for a large bowl of herbal tea, took a sip, and a burst of refreshing coolness poured down, and his whole lungs felt like being poured by ice water.

While it was cool, Qin Lang also let out a cry of surprise. This tea was added with a kind of cold secret grass which is rarely seen in the cultivation world. This kind of herb is almost extinct in the current cultivation world. .

And the reason why Qin Lang was so surprised was because Liangbicao was also one of the main ingredients for refining Qilong Huanui Decoction. Qilong Huanui Decoction is an ancient recipe for changing Dao skills and strengthening the body. It is almost impossible to get together, for example, the seven kinds of real dragons that are not planted, the essence and blood of Jiaolong, such as Liangbicao, which are used to match several kinds of spiritual herbs that have disappeared in the cultivation world.

And there are many benefits to a strong body. After all, refining one's body is stronger than a magic weapon, and the whole person can be equivalent to a humanoid weapon.

And Qin Lang's previously improved tablet, Python Tendon Pill, was improved based on ancient recipes, and the alchemy materials in it are all materials that can be found in the cultivation world today.

The python tendon elixir is very effective in cultivating the fifth level of the Dao of Transformation. Each elixir has about one-tenth of the potency of the original formula. Qin Lang had already relied on the elixir to improve his body while he was in the Nascent Soul stage. At one hundred times the strength of the physical body, it is almost equivalent to the body of a half-celestial being.

However, it is much more difficult to practice one hundred times the strength of the physical body. It is not that Qin Lang has not tried to use the Python Tendon Pill after that, but the effect is not very satisfactory.

Now that he has found a key ingredient of the ancient prescription Qilong Changsui Decoction, Qin Lang is also very surprised. Although even with the Liangbicao, the ingredients for refining medicine he needs are still not complete, but it is better to find than not. Now that Bi Cao had seen it, of course he wanted to collect some.

If possible, he even wants to cultivate this kind of spiritual grass in his own gourd space, so that if he needs Liangbi grass in the future, he can continuously get it from the gourd space.

Of course, the cultivation of spiritual plants and elixir in the gourd space also requires a large amount of wood-type spiritual stones and resources, so that there is a way to greatly shorten the growth cycle of spiritual plants and elixir.

After drinking a large bowl of herbal tea, Qin Lang's lungs are now cleared, and his whole body has become more sober.

"Boss, there is a kind of cold bicao in this tea. I want to trade a batch. Do you have it here..." Qin Lang asked at this time.

"Liangbicao, customer, are you talking about this kind of worthless herb that can cool tea... There is a large area in the Xishangou, and you can dig a lot by just digging!" The tea seller is a kind man. Directly point out the source of Qin Lang's cool Bicao.

Qin Lang was also very surprised to get this news, he secretly praised this kind guy in his heart, he is really a good person, it is rare that he did not meet a profiteer, the value of this news is definitely worth 100 yuan black stone to Qin Lang.

However, there are not many black stones on Qin Lang's body now, so he can only nod to this guy friendly: "Thank you."

"You're welcome." This guy is also a local aborigine, his dark face suddenly grinned, revealing his white teeth, which is really black and white.

After wandering around the mining market, Qin Lang was surprised to exchange for a lot of elixir materials, and even some of them were urgently needed refining materials, and these elixir materials were not very valuable in the eyes of the local aborigines, so It was very worthwhile to exchange, Qin Lang didn't even spend all of his 200 yuan black stones, but he had exchanged them into a large pile, piled up like a hill in his storage bag.

And among these herbs, several are even high-grade elixir. Each plant may be worth hundreds of thousands of spirit stones in the cultivation world, but it is really the price of cabbage in this mainland island.

However, the local aborigines don't know enough about black stones and blue chips, and black stones and green chips are definitely not as valuable as they appear in the cultivation world, so this price still has to be discounted.

The harvest in the mines is full, but Qin Lang has some distress. For no other reason, the black stones are almost spent, but there are indeed a lot of good things in the mines, but he doesn't have enough black stones to exchange them.

In addition to medicinal herbs, he even found a lot of resources that are rarely seen in the cultivation world in the mine concentration, but recently he can only look at them.

Out of sight, in the end, Qin Lang could only meet up with Mimituo at the agreed time, and then told them that he wanted to go to the Xishangou of the survivor tribe to collect herbs.

Knowing that Qin Lang wanted to go to Xishangou to pick that kind of cool grass, Mimituo and the others nodded and separated from Qin Lang again. Now they all went back to the cabin with a full load of harvest, and the baskets behind them were full. up.

And when Qin Lang left the ore collection, a group of people quietly followed Qin Lang, but before he followed a few steps, he was discovered by Qin Lang. Although the consciousness of this world is restricted by the rules of heaven and earth, it can still use tricks to avoid the rules of heaven and earth and detect the environment within a range of twenty feet.

"Someone is can only seek death if you have bad intentions." Qin Lang smiled coldly, as if he didn't notice that there was someone following behind him, he went straight to Xishangou with quicker pace.

"That guy seems to be very rich...and he just exchanged a lot of things in the mining market, so he made a lot of money doing it!"

One of the trackers said that he was called by a tall miner to help him avenge him, but he didn't expect such an unexpected discovery. The tracked person had a lot of black stones on him, and he actually exchanged a large amount of supplies at the mine at one time.

Immediately, these trackers all showed greedy expressions. Originally, they just wanted to help the tall miner to teach him a lesson, but now they all had the idea of ​​murdering for money.

They didn't dare to make trouble in the mine concentration, but now that the target has left the mine concentration, they are afraid of losing the person at this time, and they follow each other closer and closer, and the distance from Qin Lang is less than ten feet away.

But at this time, as long as you find a remote place and find a way to kill the other party, then everyone can help the tall miner avenge himself, and get a lot of property. For these trackers, it is really a two-fold thing. .

As for the tall miner Yisuo, he reminded him that the target might be very powerful, but everyone selectively ignored it. Anyway, there are seven or eight people in this group, and three of them are mid-level totem warriors. Mid-level totem fighters are considered strong among miners, so are they afraid they won't be able to beat a single guy?
So this group of people is full of confidence. At this time, everyone's eyes are only greedy, but they don't even think about what will happen if things change. After all, how can a guy who is alone have so many black stones appearing on his body? Thousands of black stones may not be able to dig so much even if those miners who have mastered the first-class mining area dig for a month.

It has to be said that the place where Qin Lang chose to go to Xishangou to dig herbs is indeed a very remote place, very suitable for killing people and stealing goods.

And after these miner helpers discovered that Qin Lang's target was this place, they didn't rush to make a move, and followed them patiently for a long distance.

But when they arrived at Xishangou, these guys no longer had any scruples, so the target was a single foreigner, not a local aborigine, who seemed to have no identity or background, and if they were killed quietly, they would be killed. After that, everything would be calm.

If this vote is successful, everyone will share a share of the harvest afterwards, and it may be possible to mine without so much hard work for several months.

(End of this chapter)

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