Chapter 2047
Xishan Valley is an ordinary remote valley for the survivor tribe, but now in Qin Lang's eyes, it has suddenly become a treasure land.

There is no other reason, just because the Lingcao Liangbicao is produced here, and Liangbicao is one of the main synthetic materials of the ancient body training recipe Shilongchangsui Decoction.

This is a kind of light green long grass that grows like a belt. The grass leaves are divided into two halves, curved and straight up several feet.

Mature Liangbi grass is generally more than one meter long.

After arriving at Xishangou, Qin Lang looked around and found that it was a long and narrow channel, with a bit of briefs.

This is a shady ravine, Qin Lang only found out that the entire ravine was indeed covered with spiritual grasses such as Liangbicao as soon as he arrived here, in large patches, like weeds everywhere.

Qin Lang was not in a hurry to enter the ravine at this time, but sneered, and turned his head to look at the group of malicious guys who were gradually approaching him.

But seeing Qin Lang face his group approaching constantly, but if he remained calm, the tall miner felt a palpitation for no reason. He had experienced Qin Lang's power in the depths of the mine before, and he knew that this was a very scary thing. The powerful person was about to remind his companions again, but at this time, seven or eight companions all attacked that guy at the same time, and it was too late to remind him again.


"This place is remote, this kid chose a good grave for himself, now kill this kid quickly, and share the loot together!" someone shouted.

However, just after these seven or eight miners came over, they found that the target suddenly disappeared for some reason, and they couldn't hit anyone with this combined attack.

what happened?

After being stunned, they turned their heads and found that Qin Lang was standing not far behind them with his hands behind his back.

But it turned out that when they rushed over just now, Qin Lang launched a teleportation, and came to a match with them, which also made these people rush to nothing.

"Grandma, is this a demon technique?" A mine slave shouted, the target's sudden disappearance and reappearance, this ability was somewhat beyond their imagination.

However, money is touching, and the material value of Qin Lang's body is too tempting for these hard-working miners, so these miners didn't think much about it, and directly launched a second attack.

"You...really... looking for death." Qin Lang snorted softly, since these miners are so ignorant, then he will not show mercy, so the few in front of him have to... die!

Brush brush!
With a wave of hands, there were more than a dozen sword qi, and they shot out with lightning speed, directly hitting the seven or eight miners in front of them, and the five junior totem warriors had no time to use the phantom totem behind them to strengthen their defenses , just hit the trick directly.


And the strength of the three mid-level totem fighters is only similar to that of a peak-level high-level martial artist fighter, not as good as a martial arts master, so they all grunted.

I found the muffled hum, which means that these mid-level totem fighters have also been recruited, but there should be some defensive treasures on a guy, which actually offset Qin Lang's sword energy. The reason for the muffled hum is just that It was the aftermath of the sword qi piercing his body that made him feel pain, but he didn't suffer much damage.

And the other two of these three mid-level totem warriors were more seriously injured. After being hit by the sword energy, their movement speed has been greatly reduced.

But just now Qin Lang's dozens of sword qi were just sent out casually, so they were not too precise. These three mid-level totem warriors have a little stronger reaction ability than those of the same level at the beginning level, so they avoided the vital points in times of crisis. , did not let Qin Lang kill with one blow.

Five deaths in one attack, two injuries, one knockback... Such a record did not make Qin Lang show a satisfied expression. Although it was just a random attack just now, he also wanted to do better, but what he didn't expect was that these three The reactions of mid-level totem fighters are really fast, and they have rich combat experience.

However, Qin Lang knew that these people in front of him wanted to kill him for money, so he naturally refused to let them go, so he made a second attack.

"Since you're here, stay here!"

As Qin Lang's voice fell, a long rope flew out, and it was as flexible as a snake in the air, and directly entangled the three middle-level totem warriors. It was impossible to dodge, and was directly shot by Qin Lang.

Binding Xiansuo, this long rope is actually a magical treasure binding Xiansuo, which Qin Lang once photographed from an auction. I saw it when looking at the storage ring these days, so at this time If you want to, take this treasure out and use it, otherwise, it will definitely get moldy after a long time.

The Immortal Binding Rope is only a low-grade magic weapon, but it is very useful for dealing with the three mid-level totem fighters and mine slaves in front of you. Ten times as many people can be tied up.

And after being bound by the Immortal Binding Cable, the magic weapon's own sealing ability directly made these three guys unable to move.

However, there was a guy with a defensive treasure on his body, which rebounded very strongly against the binding rope. After struggling for a while, this guy actually broke free from the binding rope.

"Huh..." This also surprised Qin Lang, and he couldn't help being curious about the treasure on this guy. What kind of defensive treasure is this? It should be at least a middle-grade magic weapon to fight against the Immortal Binding Cable. Treasures do.

This guy still couldn't escape after breaking free from the fairy rope, because Qin Lang then cast a restraining method to firmly control this guy, this time he really couldn't move.

And Qin Lang casually dealt with the other two mid-level fighters. At this time, he looked at the survivor with interest. The reason why he left this guy alive was that Qin Lang wanted to ask something, and at the same time, he looked at this guy. What exactly is that defensive treasure? When he was resisting his own attack, there was a faint blood-red light flashing on this guy's chest.

"Don't...don't kill me..."

The surviving guy's teeth were trembling at this time, it was terrible, and after meeting him, seven or eight of his seven or eight miners actually died directly, what kind of strength is this!I'm afraid that the high-level totem warriors of the tribe are not so terrifying, at least they are the legendary totem warriors of the God of War level.

However, totem warriors at the God of War level are also legendary in the three major tribes. It is hard to say whether there are totem warriors of this level on this mainland island.

"Hehe." Qin Lang stepped on the chest of the guy who fell to the ground, and then started the questioning mode: "I ask, you answer, if the answer satisfies me, I will consider letting you live... If you answer If you dissatisfy me, then I'm sorry, and you and those companions from before will have tea with Hades!"

"King of Hades?" The guy was startled. This native doesn't know what King of Hades is. In fact, King of Hades is just an ancient legend in China, which has never been heard of in the world of comprehension or martial arts.

However, although he has never heard of this term, that guy can still hear the joy and dislike of Qin Lang's current mood from Qin Lang's tone.

"Don't... don't kill me, I will answer you everything."

This guy was a little incoherent, he almost peed his pants in fright, after all, this foreigner in front of him, despite his sunny face, is actually a murderous demon, worse than the mine tyrants who often eat black in the mines together. Black hands.

"Well, what's your name?" Qin Lang asked casually.

"My name is Bing Ye, oh no... Ah Bing, you can call me A Bing, Bingzi's Bing."

Thinking that he was under the control of others, this miner named Abing suddenly became pleasing to the eye, for fear of making Qin Lang unhappy, and then directly killing himself.

This feeling that his life is in his hands makes his forehead sweat. After all, he doesn't want to die. Even though he is a humble miner, he is actually afraid of death, but Qin Lang can end his life in a single thought. , It is impossible to say that you are not nervous.

"Okay, Ah Bing, why did you come to deal with me this time?" Qin Lang suddenly frowned and gave him a kick.

"I'm sorry..."

The miner Abing is regretful now, why did he come to help that bastard this time, if he didn't come, he wouldn't have encountered such a big danger.

However, now Yisuo can no longer feel his inner complaints. After all, Yisuo is just a low-level totem warrior. He was killed in Qin Lang's first attack before. To Qin Lang, this guy is a crispy skin. can be destroyed.

And knowing that Ah Bing was really invited by that familiar miner Yisuo to help him, Qin Lang didn't need to ask any more questions, and guessed the whole story directly. To be honest, these seven helpers were all Yisuo was entrapped, after all, who is not good to deal with, but to deal with a cultivator who is at the peak of the middle stage of transformation, isn't this a blind man going to the toilet... looking for shit?

"By the way, which mine owner's slave are you?"

Qin Lang asked, he knew that the entire tribe of survivors was jointly owned by more than a dozen mine owners, and all the mining areas were also controlled by these mine owners. This mine slave Abing might be the same as the mine slave Mimituo, and they were all for the same mine owner. The main work of the big mine may also belong to different camps.

"I am the miner's slave of the black gold mine owner..."

Ah Bing replied honestly, "The owner of the black gold mine and the owner of the motor mine are cousins, so the jurisdictions of the two mine owners overlap, they are in the tribe and they are in the same camp, so there are many mines on both sides. There will be no restrictions or warnings for cross-border mining."

"By the way, do you know what are the high-quality mining areas that produce black stone, and where are they distributed?"

Qin Lang asked again, he had actually asked Mimito about this question, but unfortunately Mimito had never been assigned to a good mining area, and the luckiest draw was not a middle-grade mining area, so the output of mining black stone in that month Four or five times more than usual.

(End of this chapter)

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