The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2048 Expand Planting Space

Chapter 2048 Expand Planting Space
"The high-class mining areas of our survivor tribe are all concentrated in the northern area, which is the side near the sea. There are about four or five of them... However, only two of the four or five high-class mining areas can be mined, and the other three are sealed up. Because there have been major mining accidents, it was filled with black oil."

A cake replied.

"Black oil?" Qin Lang was taken aback.

"Black oil is a kind of oil from the bottom of the sea. This kind of oil is extremely viscous, and it can't be washed off if it gets on your body... However, when the black oil erupts in the mine, the people inside can't escape at all. They are all buried in it. High-level totem warriors will perish if they encounter black oil outbreaks."

After listening to Chen Bing's explanation, Qin Lang finally understood what this guy said about black oil. Qin Lang is no stranger to black oil, that is, crude oil. The oil that is abundant in the Middle East refers to this thing. After all, crude oil is black. of.

As for the chemical composition, crude oil can be decomposed into asphalt, diesel oil and gasoline after being extracted through some processes. Asphalt is a kind of sticky thing used to pave roads, which can increase the elasticity of road surfaces.

And diesel is the fuel for large-scale loaded vehicles. After all, these large-scale loaded vehicles transport dozens of tons or dozens of tons. It is impossible without good power fuel, and the kinetic energy of diesel is stronger than that of gasoline after decomposition, so large vehicles generally burn Fuel is diesel.

The ignition point of diesel is also much lower than that of gasoline, which is also common sense in chemistry.

Gasoline is generally the fuel used by vehicles such as cars and motorcycles that carry people but not cargo, and some small machines also use gasoline. Of course, it does not include generators. The generators on the earth generally use diesel to generate electricity. .

"It turns out that this mainland island is rich in black oil, which is a very valuable industrial resource. It is a pity that this backward slave society tribe has not entered the era of industrialization, so they don't know how to use this kind of treasure. It's a pity." Qin Lang thought to himself.

You must know that black oil is a good thing. On the earth, this is the blood of industrialization, and even the industrial civilization of the world of warriors cannot lack oil, and oil is widely used in all aspects. Unfortunately, the world of warriors is changing. Before the world war between humans and humans, oil resources were almost exhausted.

"By the way, what kind of defensive treasure do you have on your body, which can block my attack just now..." Qin Lang asked at this time.

"It's this..." Ah Bing lifted his coat, revealing a black leather armor with a breastplate inlaid on the chest. This leather armor is just an ordinary leather armor, but the breastplate looks It should be a treasure refined by ancient cultivators.

Qin Lang took a second look and found that the defensive ability of the heart mirror should be equivalent to a middle-grade defensive magic weapon, but now some small cracks have appeared, which should have been cracked when he resisted his own attack.

Ah Bing also saw the cracks on the leather armor mirror, but he didn't dare to show a distressed expression, for fear of causing Qin Lang's dissatisfaction.

And Qin Lang is not interested in this guy's defensive treasure, it's just a defensive ancient treasure, and now it's damaged, it is estimated that the defensive ability after the damage is less than [-]% of the original.

I asked this guy some questions casually. In fact, as a slave miner, Ah Bing doesn't have a lot of food in his belly, so after asking for a while, Qin Lang found that he couldn't ask anything anymore, so he let this guy go. .

"Let's go..." Qin Lang waved his hand.

"Hey, hey, thank you!" Ah Bing was also very surprised, Qin Lang really kept his word and let him go, then he reacted and stumbled away immediately.

But Qin Lang smiled slightly, Miner Abing was just an insignificant little person to him, if he let it go, he would let it go, it's no big deal.

Of course, if this guy doesn't have eyes and commits crimes in his own hands in the future, of course Qin Lang can't let him go again. This time Qin Lang is in a good mood after coming to this Xishangou, so he let this guy go up.

Afterwards, Qin Lang went into the Xishangou to mine Liangbicao. After walking around the entire Xishangou, he picked nearly a thousand plants of Liangbicao, and almost all the mature Liangbicao were harvested.

When mining, he tried his best not to damage the rhizome of this herb, and he planned to replant some Liangbi grass in the space of the gourd.

However, before cultivating Jinyuan wood and some elixir, such as Tianqing grass, etc., that one centimeter of land, that is, 6.65 square meters of Xiyangling land is not enough at all, and now we have to rely on that little land to plant some Liangbi grass , which is simply impossible.

And Qin Lang also wants to get a little more spiritual soil, but unfortunately, this kind of spiritual soil is not radish and cabbage that can be seen everywhere. This is the soil that the legendary Nuwa mended the sky, and it is also the soil that Nuwa made people. It is so precious. And know.

And although Qin Lang knows that there is a lot of this kind of original soil to be dug in one place, but now it is one or two worlds away, it is impossible to go back to the original place, at least it seems a bit unrealistic at present.

So Qin Lang had to find another way if he wanted to plant Liangbicao.

Now the golden gourd space of the gourd still has a lot of free space besides the 6.65 soil nursery. Qin Lang sees that although the soil quality of the Xishangou is not a spiritual soil, the Liangbi grass can adapt and grow in this kind of place. Moreover, it reproduces in large numbers and grows so luxuriantly, which shows that the soil quality is quite good.

So Qin Lang planned to open up a new piece of land in the gourd space, and transfer part of the fertile soil from the Xishangou to the gourd space to plant Liangbi grass.

Just do it when you think about it, and then Qin Lang started to be busy in this area. Although the soil in Xishangou is not a spiritual soil, it is also a good soil for cultivating elixir in the cultivation world. The soil is very soft and full of fertility .

Qin Lang once again opened up the gourd space to an area of ​​two centimeters for planting Liangbi grass. He perfectly copied the living environment of Xishangou Liangbi grass in the gourd space, so these Liangbi grass transplanted into the gourd space did not The situation of unacceptable water and soil appeared, but because of the increase of wood attribute spirit stones, it became more alive.

For the increased two centimeters of land, Qin Lang planted about 200 plants of Liangbi grass, covering the area of ​​the two centimeters of land.

It's not that Qin Lang doesn't want to open up more land, but that Qin Lang found that the gourd space is limited. Although the gourd space has expanded a lot compared to one or two months ago, after having a nursery of three centimeters, there is really not much space left. too much.

Moreover, the increase in the planting scale of these spiritual plants and elixir medicines will also increase the pressure on the gourd space. The consumption rate of wood attribute aura in the entire space is doubled compared to before, and the original wood attribute aura recovery ability of the gourd space is simply not enough. Can't keep up. In this case, the previous balance is almost broken again. Qin Lang knows that he has to speed up the collection of wood-attribute top-quality spirit stones and resources. Otherwise, I am afraid that these spiritual plants and elixir in the gourd space will lose the wood-attribute aura Nourishment, when the time comes, they will all wither.

After finishing the land and planting the Liangbi grass, Qin Lang directly performed a nectar technique, which rained directly in the space and watered all the land.

The nectar technique is just a small spell of the water system. Although Qin Lang does not have the talent of the water system, he can also perform it.

And water is the source of all things, the growth of these spiritual plants, elixir, and elixir is inseparable from it, so Qin Lang has to regularly water the land in the gourd space every few days to ensure that these spiritual plants, elixir , the best growth environment for elixir, don't let the land appear dry and cracked.

After planting the Liangbi grass, Qin Lang once again looked at the second batch of sky green grass that he had planted. The second batch of sky green grass had 36 seeds in total. Because there are not many wood attribute spirit stones and wood attribute resources collected now, so this The growth rate of the second batch of sky green grass is much slower than that of the first batch. It took more than a week for the teeth to grow. It seems that it will be fully grown. If there is not enough wood attribute aura, Qin Lang will still have it when it matures. Wait, maybe even years.

After all, it is said that the growth of Sky Green Grass takes ninety-nine and eighty-one years, but if there are wood cultivators who use supernatural powers...or use wood attribute aura to stimulate birth, it may be possible to cultivate a batch of mature Sky Green Grass in three to five days.

Stayed in the gourd space for a while, took care of the whole space, and then looked at the small sun formed by the fire in the sky, Qin Lang nodded with satisfaction. Although this space is small, the sparrow is small and complete. The whole space has formed a simple circulation system.

Qin Lang stayed in Xishangou for more than three hours, and then left here contentedly. When he left, the corpses of those fallen miners had disappeared. In fact, they were directly buried in a big pit by Qin Lang.

And the materials on these ores, the key is the black stone, were all taken by Qin Lang.

These are almost seven miners, and the total amount of black stones on their bodies does not exceed 40 yuan. Thinking about it, it is really shabby.

However, maybe these miners don’t have the habit of accumulating. The black stones on hand are either consumed at the mining market, or they are used up for cultivation. Each miner can collect an average of seven or eight yuan. , is already very good.

The 60 yuan black stone is better than nothing for Qin Lang. He can dig this black stone in a low-grade mine in about two hours.

However, only Qin Lang has such confidence that he can dig it in the mine in two hours. If it is someone else, I am afraid that even Qin Lang does not have one-tenth of the confidence.

After all, the blackstone resource strength of the low-grade mines is too poor, not to mention inferior to the top-grade mines, and even the output of the middle-grade mines may be four or five times that of the low-grade mines.


After the miner Ah Bing returned to his home, he thought about it and waited for six or seven people to disappear.

For the mine owner, every miner under his command is his own private property, and the death of six or seven people is equivalent to directly losing a large amount of property.

Because the mine slaves are the private property of the mine owner, every mine owner is still very kind to his miners on the surface. As long as the miners pay the black stones on time every day, the mine owner will always protect them in this way.

Therefore, he told the paparazzi of the black gold mine owner what happened this time. After all, as a miner, Ah Bing was not qualified to meet his master, so he could only spread the word through the paparazzi of the black gold mine owner.

(End of this chapter)

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