The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2049 Putting Down Your Body

Chapter 2049 Putting Down Your Body
The black gold mine owner was also very surprised when he heard the news. The seven miners under his command were killed for no apparent reason. The question of right and wrong, beating a dog depends on the owner. Seven miners under his command died like this, and he has to ask one to talk, otherwise, it will be embarrassing.

The owner of the black gold mine is a man in his 30s, more than two meters tall, and as strong as a cow.

This guy is wearing a cardigan white shirt, and he has a large stubble of black chest hair on his chest, which looks very distinctive.

And just when the black gold mine owner was about to stand up for several miners under his command, an extremely skinny old man beside him said: "Mine owner, this old man thinks we shouldn't find trouble this time... That foreigner has such ability It is worthy of our wooing, after all, the land distribution war every five years among our dozen or so mine owners is about to start, we need those with strength to fight, and strive to get as many benefits as possible when distributing benefits."

"Well, what the Yale priest said makes sense, so let's do this... Let's send someone to invite this guy, confess this guy first, and fight for us when the time comes." The black gold mine owner nodded.

It turned out that the skinny old man was also one of the priests of the Remnant Tribe, the priest of Yale. This guy took refuge in Heijin, and he was also Heijin's staff and confidant.

Hei Jin usually discusses with his staff when making decisions on big or small matters. After all, Hei Jin is actually a rough man with a rough style. The way of doing things is far from meticulous. Without the help of the Yale priest, he probably wouldn't be able to manage his own territory.

Hei Jin also obeyed the words of his brains, so after making the decision, he sent out a few of his paparazzi to follow Ah Bing to find the foreigner and invite the foreigner to come to him.

"Remember, be polite when inviting people, don't offend them!"

Priest Yale reminded these paparazzi that, as Heijin's think tank, he really considered the issue carefully and thought of every aspect.

"Yes, Mr. Yale."

The paparazzi listened very carefully. To be honest, although Heijin is the owner of the mine, in the hearts of these paparazzi, the Yale priest even has a higher voice than Heijin. After all, most of the decisions of this group are basically made by Lord Yale. Make up your mind.

In fact, although the status of the priests in the Remnant Tribe is comparable to that of the mine owners, the priests basically have no real power. identity.

Therefore, in fact, priests are still inferior to mine owners, but Yale priests should be regarded as an exception, because most of the black gold decisions are made after consultation with Yale, so Yale priests also have a lot of actual power in disguise.

Several paparazzi followed Ah Bing out, only to find that A Bing didn't know where the stranger lived.

But Ah Bing is also a clever person. At this time, he thought of something: "By the way, that dead Yisuo has been digging in the inferior mining area recently. ... It seems that none of the miners on Mr. Heijin's side have any contact with this foreigner... However, the foreigner at the mining market today seems to be very familiar with some miners, and those miners seem to be Mrs. Heijin Menglong, the owner of the motor mine."

Chen Bing spoke very scatteredly, but he basically said everything he wanted to express. What he meant was that the outlander had relations with several miners under the command of the owner of Ma Da mine, so as long as he found Ma Da The miners under the miner's command will be easy to handle.

Afterwards, a few paparazzi used some channels to find out which miners on the side of the motor mine owner were recently assigned to the lower mining area, especially in this mining area where the power of the motor mine owner and the black gold mine owner intersected. Which haunts.

After this investigation, they found some clues, and they locked Mimito and his party.

"Damn it, to ask the paparazzi of Ma Da's men for information, it actually cost us 50 black stones... They really dare to raise this price."

The paparazzi boss said distressedly, as a direct descendant of the black gold mine owner, although he usually has plenty of oil and water, but 50 yuan for a black stone to buy a news is also considered a luxury for him.

Fortunately, these black stones can be reimbursed to Mr. Heijin after the expenses, and finally make up for it, so the paparazzi boss only felt distressed for a while, and his expression recovered.

Buy... No matter how expensive the news is, you have to buy it.

After that, the paparazzi waited for the rabbit, and found Mimituo and the others who had returned to the small shabby house, and at the same time explained the purpose of their visit.

Knowing that the paparazzi in front of him were looking for Qin Lang, Mimito decided to convey the news to Qin Lang after thinking about it.

After all, the invitation of Qin Lang by the black gold mine owner is definitely a big event for these miners. It is also a great honor, just like the chiefs of the African emirates on the earth who took the initiative to meet the guests.

No matter how Qin Lang feels after hearing the message, this is not what Mimito should consider. He only needs to be a qualified speaker now.

And these paparazzi all seemed very sincere, and they stayed near Mimito's small house and waited for news.

The reason why he didn't follow Mimituo all the way into the lower mining area was also helpless. Mimituo was very wary of them and didn't let them follow.


In the mine, Qin Lang laughed when he heard Mimito's message. A mine owner from the Remnant Tribe sent a paparazzi to invite him, but he really wasn't interested.

Qin Lang has been busy in the mine for the past few days. Black stones are good things. He has been busy looking for and mining black stones, so he has no time to go outside to drink tea with people.

Therefore, the paparazzi sent by Heijin were unlucky. After waiting for a whole day, the result was very disappointing.

However, they had no choice but to take the news back and tell the owner of the black gold mine. After hearing the embellished words of these paparazzi, the owner of the black gold mine also realized that Qin Lang was provoking his dignity, and became a little angry.

However, the Yale priest still dissuaded the black gold mine owner: "Black gold mine owner, don't get angry... capable people have their own personalities, maybe we are not sincere enough to invite people, so I think we should go to him in person. "

"Is this necessary?" Hei Jin was also taken aback.

He is the big mine owner of the dignified Remnant tribe, he is equivalent to a warlord, with such a noble status, he actually has to put down his dignity to ask for help.

Although there is no saying in this world, Yale has unique insights in grasping people's hearts: "There is nothing wrong with it! If you don't try, how can you succeed! If you succeed, Master Heijin can not only keep the current territory unchanged , and even better territory and interests can be won.”

"Well, that's fine."

Hei Jin felt nervous when he thought that the mine distribution war was getting closer and closer. He didn't want his territory to shrink, but among the top ten mine owners, his strength could only be considered low-to-medium. He was lucky in the mine distribution war five years ago , the assigned mining area ranks seventh among the dozen or so mine owners.

For this time's distribution ranking competition, Hei Jin also decided to pull down at this time and visit this foreigner's thatched hut.


" gold...mine...mine owner!"

Seeing the owner of the black gold mine coming to his small hut in person, Mimito was immediately shocked. Such a big man would never see him, but now he actually appeared in his hut. This kind of shock is really indescribable.

Anyway, Mimito was a little incoherent at this time, and he didn't know where to put his hands and feet, which was caused by nervousness.

Facing such a big man who has never met before, it is difficult not to be nervous, not to mention that Mimito is a timid character, so he is even more nervous now.

"Take me to meet that foreigner...the name is Qin Lang!"

Before Hei Jin came, he had already known Qin Lang's real name through his own news channel.

"All right."

Mimito, who was so excited and missed, did not reject the black gold mine owner like he rejected the paparazzi yesterday, and now leads the way tremblingly, and soon joins Qin Lang and the others again.

And this is already the No. 11 day when Qin Lang entered the mine. From the third day, Qin Lang has harvested a lot in the mining area one after another, and got nearly 2000 yuan of black stones.

2000 yuan of black stone is definitely a huge sum of money for other miners, and it is definitely more than enough to redeem themselves. After all, the black stone earned by a miner for a busy month is only 300 yuan a month. .

And those miners had to be busy for six or seven months before they could reach this astonishing statistic.

Six or seven months is more than half a year, and Qin Lang only needs ten days of hard work to have the same effect.

This morning, Qin Lang officially met with the owner of the black gold mine, right in the mine, which also surprised Qin Lang, and he couldn't figure out why a dignified and powerful mine owner of a tribe would come to pay a visit in person Own.

At this time, seeing the other party's sincerity, Qin Lang was really moved.

And the Yale priest on the side spoke at this time: "This little brother, Mr. Heijin and I have come here to invite you specially this time, and we want the little brother to help you for the battle of profit distribution in the mining area ten days after Mr. Heijin... If Qin Lang If the little brother is willing to fight on behalf of the black gold mining area, the adults will definitely not treat the little brother badly."

"Oh?" Qin Lang changed his voice, but didn't reply much.

At this time, he used his spiritual sense to test the two of them. Heijin and Yale should be high-level totem fighters, and the blood of the Yale mine owner in his prime is like a burning sun, which is very strong. If something evil comes close , maybe it will be directly burned by the fierce energy and blood like the burning little sun.

(End of this chapter)

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