Chapter 2050
And the Yale priest was also secretly observing Qin Lang, and obtained some information.

He could see that this outsider was not a character who could be easily moved, he had to show some practical benefits.

So the Yale priest once again communicated with Heijin for a while, then turned his head, and said to Qin Lang: "The little brother seems to need the black stone very much, so dig here, right... If the little brother can join this mining area distribution How about helping Lord Heijin to keep the current No.7 ranking, then Lord Heijin can give five thousand black stones as a reward, and the little brother can freely enter and leave all mining areas under the name of Lord Heijin in the next five years?"

The two sides began to discuss this, involving the details of cooperation.

And just when Heijin and Yale tribal adults appeared in the mine, and now they came to look for Qin Lang in person, the paparazzi of Ma Da, who was a local snake, naturally told the news to the big mine owner of Ma Da at the first time, after all, Hei Jin appeared in Ma Da. On the site, this is definitely big news.

"Heijin must have a purpose for coming to my territory..."

Da Fat's eyes flickered for a while. Although he and Heijin were in an alliance, the two were not close enough to wear a pair of pants. None of the several mine owners will let anyone take too much advantage, this is a matter related to their own vital interests.

"I heard that they came here for a few foreigners..."

The paparazzi leader is not incompetent, so he reported the news he heard to Ma Da.

"Asshole! Why didn't you inform me of this news earlier?"

After Ma Da heard what the paparazzi leader said, he was furious. The paparazzi actually drove away this group of foreigners who were obviously not ordinary people for a few black stones. Is it worth offending such a group of foreigners?

"No, I have to prepare too... Ten days later, the battle for the distribution of the mines will be held. Heijin has nothing to gain, so he must be here for the battle of the distribution of the mines... I have to go and meet those foreigners. "

At this moment, Ma Da shook the fat on his face and stood up.

Boom, the ground also trembled, this guy is actually a fat man weighing hundreds of catties.


Just when Heijin, Yale and Qin Lang communicated, and everything that had been negotiated was about to be implemented, there was a burst of laughter outside the mine, and the ground shook, and then a fat black man over two meters tall led a group of paparazzi Entered this low-grade mine.

"Ma...Master Ma..."

The miners in Mimito couldn't help screaming when they saw their boss, feeling uneasy.

After all, it was fine for Master Heijin and Yale to appear here before, but now Master Mada, the nominal master of Mimito, also appeared here, which is very unusual.

Moreover, the appearance of these outsiders here is obviously an act of piracy, which is absolutely not allowed in the eyes of the mine owner, just like tax evasion.

But Ma Da didn't come here for these foreigners stealing mines, he had another purpose.

"Heijin, Yale, hello... I don't know what kind of wind is blowing to bring you here."

The owner of the motor mine first surrendered to the owner of the black gold mine and the priest of Yale.

"Hehe, it's the southwest wind." The owner of the black gold mine and the Yale priest smiled embarrassedly. After all, they both have heads and faces. They just appeared on the site in the name of Ma Da, but they didn't meet Ma Ma before. It's really unreasonable. .

However, for the sake of the distribution of benefits in the ten-day mining area, the two big men can't care about anything now.

It seems that Qin Lang and his group of outsiders have great influence. Miners like Heijin and Da Da are all knowledgeable and shrewd, otherwise they would not come here so abnormally to win over these outsiders.

However, the conversation between Qin Lang and Hei Jin has come to an end, and everything has been settled, so the arrival of Ma Da will not affect the agreement between Hei Jin and Qin Lang.

At this time, Ma Da could only turn his attention to Sai Shenxian, Li Chuang, Situ Brothers, Thrush, and Hei Tu, who were in Qin Lang's group. Ma Da heard that almost all of these outsiders had the strength of high-level fighters, Although Qin Lang, who was the most powerful, was taken away by Hei Jin, these few are still free now. If they can join the profit distribution battle in the mining area ten days later, it will also be of great help to themselves.

So, Ma Da immediately threw an olive branch to these Qin Lang's companions: "Several, can you help me, as long as you contribute to the battle for the mine in ten days, all my mines will be open to you unconditionally..."

The conditions offered by the owner of the motor mine are also very attractive. In fact, every high-level totem fighter under the owner of the mine is a valuable combat power, and there are not many such precious combat power, so the motor is now able to deal with these foreigners in front of him. Try to win as many as possible.

"Hehehe..." The black gold mine owner and Yale originally planned to attack Qin Lang's companions after they were drawn to Qin Lang, but they didn't expect that Da Da's nose was so sharp, and they rushed here so quickly. I feel embarrassed if I want to start. After all, both sides are allies, and the relationship doesn't have to be too tense.

Afterwards, Sai Shenxian and Ma Da also reached an agreement, willing to join Ma Da's camp and prepare for the distribution of benefits in the mining area ten days later.

After negotiating with Ma Da, Sai Shenxian and others also received an additional [-] black stones. Although it was shared equally among several people, it was not too little.

In addition, after the battle for the mining area, if the few of them can freely enter and exit all the mining areas under the name of the motor, they can go directly to those better mining areas if they want to mine later. Mining area, then they can also take advantage of it and go to this high-end mining area to mine.


In the end, this negotiation was a happy one. The two mine owners, Heijin and Dada, had their own gains, and they both got some new support for the battle for the distribution of the mine ten days later.

And the team of Sai Shenxian has been in the Aegean Sea for more than a week now, and there has been no clue about the ancient ruins, and the way back is temporarily unknown, so now I can rest assured to hang out on this mainland island for a while.

And this continental island is not a waste of time. It is obvious that the products and resources of this continental island are very rich, which is much better than staying in the ruined cities of martial arts practitioners. I believe that as long as everyone stays on this mainland island for a while, Even if you don't find the ancient ruins, you will still be rewarded when you go back, and you will feel like you didn't come to the Aegean Sea in vain.

Afterwards, the two mine owners, Heijin and Dada, served as grand invitations for foreigners from this group to visit. Moreover, both sides prepared temporary places for people like Qin Lang and Sai Shenxian, and the conditions were not bad, of course. No more charges.

On Ma Da's side, the paparazzi leader who tried to charge Qin Lang and Sai Shenxian a group of foreigners a week ago for a temporary residence fee was also punished by Ma Da. 100 yuan black stone.


Afterwards, Qin Lang and his party lived in the tribe of survivors in a fair and honest manner. In the next few days, everyone did not go to dig holes in the low-grade mining area. They were all preparing for the battle for the distribution of benefits in the mining area ten days later.

After all, if you can complete the reward task this time, the benefits you can get are much better than mining in low-grade mines. I believe that even if you mine in low-grade mines for a year, the harvest you get is not as good as digging high-grade mines for a month. of.

Moreover, mining in the top-grade mining area, I heard that it is possible to dig out middle-grade or even high-grade black stones, and each high-grade black stone is worth ten low-grade black stones, or even more.

At the same time, top-grade black stones are also the best materials for cultivating spiritual thoughts, and the effect is stronger than that of middle-grade black stones. Generally speaking, if miners dig high-grade spiritual stones, they will not hand them in or sell them. Conscious cultivation and strength.

Qin Lang came to the site of the black gold mine owner. At the same time, he also learned that the output of black stone in the top-grade mining area is more than ten times that of the low-grade mining area. With his own ability, if he digs for a day in the high-grade mining area, the black stone he gets is probably at least equivalent to that of the low-grade mining area. More than ten days.

Therefore, it is useless to waste time in the low-grade mining area now, and after a week of mining, if Qin Lang wants to find a black stone nest with a large number of black stones, he has to go deeper into the mine. The distance is almost shorter than that of the mine. On the first day, I walked more than twice as close, and sometimes the distance was too long, and most of the time spent on this day was on the road.

Living in the residence Hei Jin arranged for him, the Yale priest arranged it very thoughtfully. Not only were three meals a day delivered, but there were even two servants waiting to be dispatched at any time to help him with some rough work.

Qin Lang actually didn't need to rest and recuperate. With his strength, if he appeared in the profit distribution arena in the mining area, I'm afraid no one else would need to play. He could solve everything by himself and help Heijin get the ranking.

Therefore, the focus of Qin Lang's attention in the next few days is not the profit distribution battle in the mining area, but the use of these hundreds of black stones, as well as a large number of green crystals and elixirs to practice, and a three-pronged approach. Now Qin Lang has cultivated The growth rate is like riding a rocket,
Pa, within two days, Qin Lang's cultivation base suddenly jumped one by one, and officially entered the level of the late stage of transformation.

The reason why Qin Lang was able to enter the late stage of transformation of the gods so quickly, although it was also due to the accumulation of the previous period of time, but it also has nothing to do with the three-pronged approach these days, the resources needed for cultivation are abundant to the extreme.

After all, wealth, spouse, law, and land are indispensable for a cultivator. The higher the level of cultivation, the greater the dependence on resources. Without sufficient cultivation resources, there will be a key reason for the stagnation of cultivation for a long time. And this process can take years, decades or even centuries.

(End of this chapter)

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