Chapter 2051 Battle

After reaching the late stage of Huashen, although Qin Lang's cultivation has not skyrocketed, the volume of his body's true energy has increased by four or five times. It has become a river and a lake.

And the volume of true energy has been expanded. After that, Qin Lang only needs to absorb some more spiritual power transformed by green chips, and he can fill his whole body again. At that time, his own true energy is strong, and he can persist several times more than before in battle. time.

Moreover, the combat power that can be exerted in the late stage of Huashen is much stronger than that in the middle stage of Huashen. Now Qin Lang can already fight two or three of himself before.

As the competition for the allocation of more than a dozen mine owners in the mining area of ​​the Remnant Tribe is getting closer, the atmosphere in the entire tribe has become much more dignified. After all, the competition for the allocation of resources in the mining area every five years is a big event, not just about The vital interests of more than a dozen mine owners are also related to the future harvest of these miners under the command of more than a dozen mine owners. Miners who are assigned to mine owners in good mining areas will definitely have a much better harvest in the future. The mine slaves in the mine were also unlucky, so this is a situation where one prospers and one loses.

After this battle for the allocation of mining areas, more than a dozen mine owners held a gathering in advance to discuss how to arrange this year's allocation battle.

Hei Jin: "Old fellows, in the previous mine assignments, we sent people to fight to the death in the arena, and there is nothing new about fighting back and forth... This year, let's change the form, shall we?"

Ma Da: "What form should I change?"

Hei Jin: "Let's talk about this later. Look, have the mineral resources of our Remnant tribe shrunk a lot compared to ten years ago?"

"That's true... Although our Remnant tribe is rich in black stones, after so many years of mining in these existing mining areas, the resources are still much more exhausted than in previous years. The large and small veins in the hands of our dozen mine owners There are probably a hundred or so in total. In the past ten years, among the hundred ore veins, there are six high-grade veins, twenty medium-grade veins, and the rest are low-grade. However, ten years later, one of the six high-grade veins has been reduced to medium-grade. Two of them were blocked by the black oil explosion, only three of them can be exploited, and only fifteen of the medium-grade ore veins are left, and the rest are all low-grade, and some resources have even been exhausted and are close to becoming waste ore veins."

Another mine owner also chimed in.

"Yeah, this is not good news for us. We should open up as many new mines as possible now, so as not to keep the mines of the entire tribe shrinking... In addition, even if no new mines have been opened for the time being, We must also find a way to prioritize resources..."

Hei Jin said at this time: "This year's distribution of mineral veins in the mining area, I suggest that everyone spare no effort... to find a way to clean up the two high-grade mineral veins that were closed by the black oil explosion. Whoever contributes the most will get more and better. allocation of resources."

"Cleaning up the two ore veins sealed by the black oil... This is a big project! The black oil is easy to handle, and we can find a way to slowly extract it, but these two ore veins were found to have a large number of trenches in the black oil. Spirit-eating insects, this is the real reason why the mine veins were closed in the first place, those trench spirit-eating insects are not easy to deal with." A mine owner said.

"Trench spirit-eating insects... This is indeed a trouble. This kind of strange insects generally live in the sea eyes on the bottom of the sea. I don't know if these two veins are directly connected to the sea eyes. That's why there are a large number of sea trench spirit-eating insects. Worms appear."

Hei Jin nodded and said: "The trench spirit-eating insects are also the real reason for abolishing the two high-grade ore veins. If we can clean up these two high-grade ore veins and remove those trench spirit-eating insects, then the survivor tribe will be equivalent to another There are two more high-grade mining areas that can be mined, instead of just being barren like now.

"I know that the trench spirit devourers are not easy to deal with, and there are a lot of them in these two veins... But I believe that everyone has some people under their hands. If they work together, they can always be cleaned up. The... And This time, we can take half a month as the deadline to conduct an assessment of the final number of trench spirit-eating insects killed. Whichever mine owner has killed the most number of trench spirit-eating insects manually will be awarded to that mine owner with priority in resource allocation class."

"That's a good idea..." The mine owners' eyes lit up at this time. Although the official arena competition can also determine the ranking, it is too uninnovative to do it every time, and this proposal of Heijin is helping the tribe expand While collecting the mineral resources of the entire tribe, it is also possible to determine the rankings of the major mine owners in the competition, so it serves multiple purposes.

"Okay, let's do it then."

"Yes, that's it!"

Everyone discussed carefully, then made up their minds, and nodded their heads in agreement.

As for the Trench Spirit Devourer, this kind of insect should be regarded as a kind of strange insect. Its shape should be similar to that of an earthworm, and its body shape can be changed freely like a jellyfish. When it is big, it can become as big as a giant dragon. Given as embroidery needle size.

Moreover, the combat power of the Trench Spirit Devourer is also directly linked to its body size. When it becomes the size of a giant dragon, its combat power is beyond the limit. Almost negligible.

And this kind of strange insect should be attracted by the black stone in the black stone vein, so it appeared in this kind of mine through the sea eye. After all, black stone is also a kind of resource with aura.

After more than a dozen mine owners reached an agreement, everyone decided that this year's competition would be to clean up the two high-grade ore veins sealed by black oil, and see which mine owner's manpower would kill the most trench spirit-eating insects within half a month.

At the beginning of the official competition, the dozen or so mine owners of the Remnant Tribe first tried to drain the black oil remaining in the mines. Everyone used a small bamboo tube to build a sewage outlet. The interior of the two veins has entered the sewage treatment.

Then, when the black oil was almost cleaned up, the competing teams entered the arena one after another.

The black gold team that Qin Lang is afraid of is, in addition to Qin Lang, a powerful foreign aid, there are actually a dozen or so people recruited by black gold, all of whom are high-level totem fighters and above. The strongest combat power has arrived.

The situation of the owner of the motor mine is similar, but with the addition of a few foreigners, the number of people in the team of the owner of the motor mine is four or five more than that of black gold.

However, now Qin Lang, who has reached the late stage of God Transformation, can almost support many high-level totem warriors. After all, no matter how many there are, the quality is not good.

Therefore, in private, Qin Lang also knew that the black gold team he joined should be the strongest team in the entire competition.

And the second place may be the team under the command of the motor mine owner with six or seven people from other places.

The other mine owners can only compete for the next ranking. After all, the distribution of high-level totem warriors in the entire tribe of survivors is very even. Basically, each mine owner has a dozen or so under his command, and Qin Lang and other foreign townsmen The addition of people directly breaks the original balance.

It's no wonder that Heijin and Da Da were so thirsty for talents from outsiders like Qin Lang before. If they can get new help, it will certainly be of great benefit to their redistribution of mining areas this time, so naturally they must try their best to win them over.

The thousands of black stones paid and everyone's free mining rights in the mining area are nothing to Heijin and Da Da. After all, each mining area is so large, and the part of the benefits given up is simply insignificant.


The team leader that Qin Lang was in was not actually Qin Lang, but was led by Viper, the confidant of the black gold mine owner.

Viper, this is a senior high-level totem warrior, and also the number one thug under Hei Jin's subordinates.

This guy is loyal to Hei Jin, and not only his own strength is amazing, but also his brain reaction is very flexible, not rigid.

Compared with Qin Lang, a foreigner, Viper is of course much more reliable, so it is normal that Viper is leading the team this time.

And Qin Lang didn't care whether he led the team, anyway, he thought that this time with Hei Jin was just a relationship, and the ultimate goal was to help Hei Jin get a good ranking in this general competition. Of course, this good ranking Refers to the top three, which is also Qin Lang's promise.

Qin Lang had promised before that if Black Gold had the best results in the distribution of mining areas in the past years, then this time it would definitely become the top three in the mining area distribution war with its own participation, and it is not impossible to even be the first.

"Do you know... Both Heijin and Da Da have invited strong foreign aid this time, I am afraid that in terms of killing the spirit-eating insects in the trench, they have a lot of advantages over us mine owners who have not changed compared to previous years... Our mine owners these few times Keep walking in place, the situation is not good!"

"It's okay. Fighting the Trench Spirit Devourer is also a skill. It's not just about brute force...Those foreign aids may not be stronger than us native-born locals. Just wait and see..."

Before entering the two closed mines, the teams of the two closed mines communicated in private. Of course, the most discussed topic is the comparison of the real strength of the teams entering the two mines.

After Qin Lang's team entered the mine where the black oil had already been exhausted, they ran all the way to the left under the leadership of Viper.

As a high-grade mineral lode, it naturally extends in all directions, and it is possible to walk all day and night without reaching the end.

In the process of leading the team, Viper encountered sporadic Trench Spirit Devourers one after another, but none of them were powerful characters. The largest one was no more than the thickness of an adult's arm, and its length was no more than five meters.

These trench spirit-eating insects were directly killed by the team after that. Qin Lang didn't even make a move. He was the ace of the team. Only when the more powerful trench spirit-eating insects appeared, could he make a move.

(End of this chapter)

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