The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2052 Trench Spirit Devourer

Chapter 2052 Trench Spirit Devourer

After a Trench Spirit Devourer was directly killed by the team, a large cloud of blue crystal sand flew all over the sky. This was the crystallization of the spiritual energy in the Trench Spirit Devourer. However, with the death of the insect body, the spiritual energy crystallization in the body also collapsed It turned into a broken aura in the mine.

This aura is very pure, but it's a pity that except for Qin Lang, those totem warriors couldn't absorb it at all.

And after the blue crystal sand dissipated, there was still a white bead on the ground, which was a spirit-eating bead. Every trench spirit-eating worm had one in its body, and it was also the core of this strange insect that devoured the spiritual energy from the outside world.

This thing is also considered a treasure. If a monk holds the spirit devouring orb to practice, it can speed up the absorption of heaven and earth spiritual energy.

After Viper killed every spirit-eating bug in the trench, people would collect the spirit-eating beads. This was also the token for the final evaluation of each team fifteen days later.

Qin Lang felt that the high-grade mine in front of him was at least four or five times larger than the low-grade mine he had stayed in. After walking for more than a day, he was still on the periphery of the vein mine.

And as they continued to go deeper, the number of spirit-eating insects in the trench gradually became denser, and their size began to grow larger. Bugs as thick as buckets began to appear, and the team's battle gradually became more difficult.

At this time, Qin Lang also began to join the battle to help the team relieve pressure.

Now, the entire team has killed as many as [-] spirit-eating insects in the trench in more than a day, which means that they have collected [-] spirit-eating orbs.

The weakest of these twenty Trench Spirit Devourers may only be equivalent to elementary martial practitioners, but the strong ones can compete with high-level fighters.

And this is more than a day. As we go deeper into the mine, there must be larger trench spirit devourers appearing. Maybe even Qin Lang will have to deal with it seriously. After all, if it is a giant dragon I am afraid that even Qin Lang in the late stage of transformation may not be able to beat that kind of Trench Spirit Devourer.

However, it is impossible for this kind of Trench Spirit Devourer to appear in this kind of mine vein. After all, the mine tunnel of the whole mine vein is only so big, and it can't support that kind of body at all, and it can't squeeze in.

On the second and third days, with the help of Qin Lang, the team killed nearly fifty trench spirit-eating insects in total. Although the number did not increase much compared to the first day, the spirit-eating insects left by the trench spirit-eating insects in these two days The beads are much bigger, not as big as the rice grains of the previous few days, and the largest one is almost as big as a little finger.

And on the fourth day, Qin Lang encountered a ten-foot-long Trench Spirit Devourer, which was also the biggest one he had encountered in the past few days. It should be an insect king, equivalent to a small boss.

This trench spirit devourer is different from the real trench spirit devourer. It has a body as thick as a bucket, compound eyes on its head, and a small golden antennae on top of its head.

This is a worm whose strength is about the same as that of a peak-level martial arts master. It is almost equivalent to a seventh-order monster in the cultivation world. A dozen high-level totem warriors can't kill it. After Qin Lang made a move, he still easily killed this one. big guy.

After all, he is now a monk in the late stage of transformation, and this kind of trench spirit devourer is no longer a threat to him.

This time, the Soul Devouring Orb obtained from the Trench Soul Devouring Orb was much larger, almost as big as a thumb, and this white bead was much rounder than those harvested before.

"Good bead! If this bead is placed in the mine collection, it will be worth at least 300 yuan of black stones." Viper's eyes lit up, and he put away the bead. 300 yuan of black stones is not a small amount. Blackstone may not be able to dig out such a large amount in two or three months.

Qin Lang smiled slightly, he didn't expect this kind of spirit devouring orb to be so valuable, but due to the agreement, these spoils basically have nothing to do with him.

However, in order to win him over, Hei Jin said that after the team's mining area allocation and appraisal were completed, he could take three of the Spirit Orbs as extra rewards.

On the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth days, as the team got deeper, Qin Lang helped the team destroy nearly a hundred trench spirit-eating insects. So far, the hidden dangers around the mine vein have been cleaned up, and it has begun to be recovered. From the outside to the inside, it has entered the middle of the mine.

On the ninth day, Qin Lang encountered three boss-level Trench Spirit Devourers, adding three larger Spirit Devouring Orbs to the team again.

And on the tenth day, a small square appeared in the mine, and a faint coercion appeared. In the middle of the square, a nearly fifty-foot-long trench spirit-eating insects coiled into a snake array, standing in the center of the square.

And after feeling the coercion of this trench spirit-eating insect, Qin Lang couldn't help being moved. This is definitely the existence of an eighth-level monster. big guy.

This guy already has the strength of a big boss, which means that these high-level totem fighters present may not be able to deal with it together, and only an existence like Qin Lang has the strength to destroy the opponent.

This big guy is different from other trench spirit devourers that have been exterminated these days. After Qin Lang and others arrived, they actually lowered their heads and turned to the direction of Qin Lang's team in a very humane manner, showing the performance of being ready for battle. The previous ones were not in the same class.

"Monsters whose strength reaches the eighth level generally have some incredible supernatural powers, which are not possessed by monsters below the eighth level..." Qin Lang murmured, this is also common sense in the cultivation world.

He didn't know what the magical power of the eighth-order Trench Spirit Devourer in the square was, but now he reminded the rest of the team not to approach the center of the small square for the time being, and could only watch from afar.

At this time, the big guy in the center of the square seemed to be yawning, and blew in this direction, and suddenly a gust of wind howled, and at the same time there was a rustling sound in the air.

"Ahhh...why am I frozen, my body is frozen..."

"This big guy is different from those trench spirit devourers before, it can actually freeze us with a breath..."

When the high-ranking totem warriors in the team hesitated, Qin Lang took a few shots at the surrounding air, and a burst of flame rushed out, directly melting the icy air, and allowing the frozen bodies around him to regain their strength. recover.

Qin Lang has a fire-type physique, and the flame can just restrain the ice-type supernatural ability of this Trench Spirit Devourer.

Sensing the temperature of Qin Lang's fire spells on the edge of the square, the Trench Spirit Devourer in the center of the square could no longer remain calm. As the carrier of ice magic powers, the most intolerable thing it could tolerate was the fire spell. Once Qin Lang's fire spell was cast, It directly locked Qin Lang as the first target to be eradicated, and it was the kind of life-and-death enmity.

However, Qin Lang's strength somewhat exceeded its expectations.

"You leave this square area, and come back after I finish this battle!" Qin Lang reminded everyone at the same time, at this time, he also greeted this sea ditch spirit-eating insect, an eighth-level monster, whose strength is comparable to that of a mid-stage cultivator. It's almost there, Qin Lang really deserves to spend a little more effort.

As for the spirit-eating worm of the trench at the eighth-order monster level, the strength of the worm body is actually comparable to that of the body refiner in the late stage of human body transformation. Qin Lang's attack does not need to take down the opponent with one or two marks. , so although it can suppress the opponent, at least half a stick of incense is needed to solve the battle.

And for such a decent opponent, Qin Lang is also very happy. After coming to this world of martial arts practitioners, he can finally let go of his hands and feet to fight again. insect.


Qin Lang and this Trench Spirit Devourer were confrontationally tough, with one hand making the heart sword and sword intent emit sword energy, and the other hand was ready to push the opponent away at any time.

In terms of physical strength, although Qin Lang has a change method to strengthen himself, he is indeed inferior to the big bug in front of him in terms of physical strength, and monsters of the same level are usually stronger than monks of the same level, so this big bug is in this mine. The hole is absolutely king.

Without Qin Lang's help, this group of people would probably be stuck in this area directly, unable to move.

And under the sword qi killing, although the spirit-eating insect in this trench is powerful, it can't survive the method similar to assassination. In the end, it was directly dismembered by Qin Lang, and the spirit-eating orb was also taken out , is a translucent bead, which is a little different from the white beads harvested before.

This translucent bead is about the size of a pigeon egg, with a round body, and if you hold it in your hand, you can feel a gust of cool wind blowing from the bead and blowing it in all directions, just like a small blower, and it's free.

"This is the legendary wind bead..."

Qin Lang murmured, unexpectedly, the legendary wind bead was obtained from the body of the spirit-eating insect in the trench, and the wind bead, in fact, is also called the fixed wind bead, which can gather the wind elements of the four elements of heaven and earth, earth, fire, water and wind, and there is a fixed wind bead Even if a good monk doesn't have a wind attribute orb, the fixed wind orb can help open up the wind veins in the body and form the wind attribute supernatural power.

After taking out this fixed wind bead, Qin Lang directly greedily absorbed a large amount of spiritual energy escaping from the surroundings, which appeared when the body of the collapsed big guy dissipated. For Qin Lang, it was just like a big bottle. Tonics are no different.

Successfully killed, such a big boss is probably rare even in the depths of the mine, so Qin Lang has never encountered this level of monster insects in the next few days.

In the next few days, the most powerful monsters were only the seventh-order monsters. Qin Lang didn't even need to make a move. Watching the show by the side, the team members he was in would listen to Viper's orders and concentrate their combat power to kill these big bugs directly.

And on the last day, Qin Lang's team almost reached the deepest part of the mine, and wiped out a dozen or so seventh-order monsters on this day.

And when a powerful coercion suddenly appeared in the deepest part of the mine, the entire team was blocked by an aura. Qin Lang looked in one direction in surprise, but saw the place deep in the mine. Misty shadows.

No way, the lighting tool used before was a torch, and it has burned clean by now.

(End of this chapter)

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