The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2053 Tier 9 Demon Insect

Chapter 2053 Ninth Rank Demon Insect
"This... what's going on here... how come there are such powerful trench spirit devourers in the mine... this is too big..."

Viper looked forward tremblingly, his jaw was so long that it was almost dislocated. Although the black shadow in front of him was far away, the astonishing evil spirit still made his soul tremble.

One must know that even a senior high-level totem fighter like him is already like this, and the performance of the dozen or so teammates around him is even more unbearable.

In order to resist the strong pressure brought by the evil spirit leaked from the distant shadows, they are all trying their best now, and they feel that they are in the quagmire from top to bottom, and it is difficult to move.

And the only one on the scene who was not affected by the astonishing evil aura is probably Qin Lang. After all, he is a monk in the late stage of transformation, and he is already the top combat power in this world.

Sensing the aura of the black shadow in front of him, the relaxed expression on Qin Lang's face disappeared at this time. He looked at the black shadow very cautiously, and murmured: "A sea trench spirit-eating insect at the level of a ninth-level is it possible? Didn't it mean that this mine doesn't have demon worms that are as powerful as giant dragons? No, this Trench Spirit Devourer probably hasn't reached the ninth level, it should be near the ninth level..."

Qin Lang sensed it, and was very surprised: "Even if it is quasi-ninth level, the strength of this monster insect is probably equivalent to that of a monk in the late stage of transformation. After all, the body strength of monster beasts and monster insects is far higher than that of human monks, far from being human at the same level. Monks can be compared."

"Facing this kind of powerful demon insect, even if I am in the late stage of transformation, I will feel very afraid. It is normal for these teammates around me to be so suppressed by the evil aura in the distance. After all, high-level totem warriors are only equivalent to Nascent Soul The appearance of the Dzogchen monks in the later period, compared with the demon worms, their cultivation base is too big..."

"Thus, these teammates around you are not the opponents of the black shadow in the distance. Even if they go up, they will die. It's better to let these people retreat directly to save myself from worrying."

Qin Lang looked forward, full of fighting spirit. Although his cultivation base was not as good as this demon worm, he had too many trump cards, so he might not be incapable of fighting.

After coming to this world, he has not experienced high-intensity battles for a long time, which is actually not good for his own progress. After all, for a monk, he can only make progress if he is oppressed. The battles in this world help to comprehend many things that cannot be comprehended normally. The monks who often experience life and death, the speed of realm breakthrough is definitely far faster than other monks of the same level.

"You... stand back! That big guy in front of you is not something you can deal with, let me do it!"

Qin Lang said to the elite of these black gold men behind him.

"Okay! Master be careful..."

Viper endured the pressure of the strong aura, and led a group of companions out of this area, retreating back and forth.

And Qin Lang looked forward at this time, and the front should be a larger area than the small square where the eighth-order demon worm was killed before. It is a space of nearly a thousand square meters. Without the shadow of the light, even a cultivator in the late stage of transformation can't see what the monster looks like.

And it doesn't matter, Qin Lang still has his own consciousness available, and his consciousness has already broken through to the late stage of transformation. After these days of continuous absorption of black stones, the strength of his consciousness has improved a little, and he has reached the stage of transformation. The full value of God's later stage.

In this situation, Qin Lang's spiritual sense can detect at least a distance of twenty or thirty feet around him. He only needs to move forward a little, and he can bring the huge black shadow in front of him into the detection range of his spiritual sense.

As he approached, Qin Lang's consciousness finally saw the whole picture of this big guy clearly. Good guy, the length of this Trench Spirit Devourer is definitely more than a hundred feet long, and the diameter of its torso is as thick as a bathtub. Compared with it, the eighth-order demon worm that was killed was nothing compared to it.

The ninth-order demon worm, its size alone is enough to be terrifying. The closer Qin Lang gets to this big guy, the more powerful the pressure of the evil aura field will be.

If the eighth-level demon worm is an ordinary BOSS level, then the ninth-level monster is a big BOSS. Fighting against this level of trench spirit-eating worms, even Qin Lang, who is in the late stage of transformation, actually does not have much chance of winning.

And as Qin Lang approached, this big boss-level ninth-order trench spirit-eating insect finally moved. This big guy has actually discovered Qin Lang who is constantly approaching him, but in its eyes, this human is just an inconspicuous little guy , so I didn't pay attention to it just now, and still rested in place.

But as Qin Lang approached, the big guy felt that this little guy was challenging his authority, so he became dissatisfied.

After all, even monsters are intelligent and dignified.

Ninth-order trench spirit-eating insects... This big guy already has the monk's combat power equivalent to the Dzogchen in the late stage of human transformation. Although the spiritual intelligence of the monster insects is not as good as that of humans, it is much stronger than those low-level monster insects that Qin Lang encountered before. Should have the intelligence equivalent to a five or six-year-old child.

Shasha, before Qin Lang came over, the big guy raised his head and spewed out a gust of freezing air, forming a strong wind. This is the innate magical power of the ice-type monster insect. The eighth-level monster insect had also used it once before, but it was in the ninth-level monster. In the field of aura formed by the monster insects, this strong wind is stronger, and the oppression of Qin Lang is also stronger.

In order to resist the cold current formed by this strong freezing air, Qin Lang directly summoned the fire of Kanli, forming a layer of fire armor on the body surface. The fire of Kanli is exactly the opposite of the cold air, so he restrained himself The freezing air hit his body, but the breath of freezing air from the big demon worm failed to freeze Qin Lang as he wished.

Seeing that the puff of freezing air that he spewed out of his mouth failed to freeze the little thing in front of him as he wished, the ninth-order demon worm directly raised its head and screamed, and when it opened its mouthparts, it actually exceeded the diameter of its body. I am afraid that even an elephant can do it. Swallow it straight up.

However, the trench spirit devourers are only interested in ores with spiritual energy, and don't even care about ordinary flesh and blood, so they definitely won't swallow elephants.

And if it is a cultivator, it is difficult to guarantee whether this kind of monster will be interested in taking it as food. After all, the flesh and blood of a cultivator is sufficient, and it may be a great supplement for this kind of monster.


The monster worms opened their mouths to send out invisible sound waves, which spread to the surroundings, rippling layer by layer, and when they touched the walls of the mine in the distance, the extremely hard walls of the mine were crackling like firecrackers. The clacking continued, while layers of gravel and dirt fell from the cave walls.

The destructive power of this invisible sound wave is astonishing, and it is many times more terrifying than the lion's roar of Buddhism. I am afraid that even low-level monks will be stunned by the first sound when they encounter this sound wave, and even their internal organs will be displaced.

At this time, a layer of light flashed across Qin Lang's body surface, and his own defense was activated to automatically isolate this layer of sound waves from the body surface.


Qin Lang's flying sword was also used. For such a big guy with amazing defense, the strength of his fists and feet may not be effective. It will definitely be difficult to injure the opponent, so it is better to attack the enemy with a sharp weapon.

The Three Lives Sword Jue was launched, and with the top-grade flying sword, the sword energy in this area was immediately full.

"Kill" Qin Lang slashed out more than a dozen sword qi, each of which blocked the direction where the monster worms might attack him. While blocking the attack of the monster worms, he also sent the sword qi to the opponent's body.

However, this demon worm is also very flexible. With a flick and shrink of its body, it avoids most of the sword energy attacks, and with a flick of its body, a sword energy that is about to fall on a vital part actually shifts, directly from this big guy. With a flick of his body surface, he slid over.

But when he passed by just now, Qin Lang obviously felt that this guy's body surface seemed to be wrapped in a layer of elastic cowhide, and the best flying sword couldn't draw too deep marks on this cowhide.

However, just now Qin Lang was just a tentative attack, he didn't use his sword to recruit the old man, and he only used about [-]% of his strength, and didn't use all his true energy.

Knowing that this ninth-order trench spirit-eating insect is not easy to deal with, Qin Lang also took over his body skills at this time and started fighting, waiting for the best opportunity to contribute.

Although the ninth-order Trench Spirit Devourer is much stronger than Qin Lang in combat power, it is still inferior to humans in terms of intelligence, so now it is led by the nose by Qin Lang, and it cannot exert its true combat power at all.

Of course, if it can display its real combat power, I am afraid that Qin Lang is playing with fire in the current battle, and the ninth-level trench spirit-eating insects can severely damage him in just a few rounds.

"Kill!" Qin Lang is not in a hurry. It is useless to be anxious to fight this large monster whose strength has surpassed his own. Instead, he will mess up and break the rhythm of the battle, so now he treats the big monster as his own. object, start practicing.

Of course, he was still very careful in the process of practicing. After integrating the four-element stance and the three-talent stance, the Phantom Wind Step has become a more advanced phantom movement, which is equivalent to a top-grade martial skill. Anyone with this movement With blessings, Qin Lang doesn't have to worry about being hurt by this demon worm for the time being.

The body of this big guy is too tyrannical, and its own recovery ability is also abnormally strong. Several times when Qin Lang drew wounds on its body, it quickly recovered from those wounds within a few seconds.

However, in order to hone his own ideas, Qin Lang didn't think too much, but was serious about fighting this ninth-order monster.

The movement speed and attack speed of the ninth-order monster insects are very fast. When the two sides confront each other, most of Qin Lang's attacks are avoided by it, and when a small part hits the opponent, the damage caused is really not high.

But to really injure this ninth-order demon worm, I am afraid that even a flying sword will be difficult, so Qin Lang used a new attack method this night, using Kanli's fire to form a fire bomb, and suppressed the attributes of the monster worm.

(End of this chapter)

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