The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2054 Arrow Bamboo Wood

Chapter 2054 Arrow Bamboo Wood

This time, they entered two high-grade mines that had been closed for many years, and a total of more than a dozen teams were cleaned up, all of which belonged to different mine owners.

However, the team of the motor mine owner that Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang belonged to went to another mine, and the number and scale of trench spirit-eating insects in this mine were no less than the first one, but the intensity was smaller A little bit.

After entering the mine, the totem warriors under Ma Da encountered the Trench Spirit Devourer but did not fight directly. Instead, they took out their bows and arrows. The bows were black, but the arrows were blue-green.

It is worth mentioning that this arrow is not an ordinary arrow, but made of a material called arrow bamboo wood. The arrowhead of this arrow bamboo wood is coated with a strong neurotoxin. If an arrow hits the prey, I'm afraid even the elephant will be down in five seconds.

This kind of arrow was not produced by the survivor tribe, but by the cannibal Mijia tribe in the dense forest of the mainland island, that is, the original indigenous tribe that took Situ Shengbei away before.

The Miga tribe is at the bottom of the three major tribes, and the civilization of the entire tribe is not well developed. However, this primitive tribe has a certain amount of trade with the tribes of the slave society. Bring them to the tribe of the survivors for trading, in exchange for living materials such as rice grains that the tribe urgently needs.

The Miga Tribe is in charge of trade is the second priest Bibi Kao, Bibi Kao is a permanent resident of the Remnant Tribe, influenced by the open business atmosphere of the Remnant Tribe, and his vision is much higher than that of the entire backward Miga Tribe. The state has been promoted to a slave society, and I have been working hard without any effort.

It is a pity that although Bibi Kao has been working hard for the development of the Miga tribe, the ideology of the tribe has been difficult to change. Take the business with the survivor tribe as an example, the entire Miga tribe is not very active. , and have no idea of ​​using trade to raise the living standard of the tribe to the point where everyone has enough food and clothing.

Therefore, there are not many supplies that the Miga Tribe drops to the Remnant Tribe every month. After all, the bamboo and wood arrows are also one of the specialties of the Miga Tribe. As the person who trades most frequently with Bibi Kao priests, Ma Da has Arrows made of bamboo and wood must not exceed one hundred.

And after Ma Da and Miga Bibikau established this relationship, they almost monopolized the purchase of all arrow bamboo wood, so the arrow bamboo wood from the Miga tribe that was exiled to the survivor tribe has never entered the mine collection, and they were all sent directly to Ma Da. At home.

This time, the competition for motors for the allocation of resources in the mining area was also used as a trump card. In addition to the support of six or seven outsiders such as Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang, they also took out all the arrow bamboo sticks stored in the past few years.

"The target is directly in front, 20 meters... launch!"

Commanding the team is the confidant of the owner of the motor mine, that is, the paparazzi leader.

At present, they are all fourth- and fifth-tier monsters, and there is no need for foreigners like Sai Shenxian to take action. The totem warriors in front of them have already killed these weaker Trench Spirit Devourers by firing arrows with poisonous arrows.

After all, as long as these Trench Spirit Devourers are shot by the arrow poisonous wood, they will be poisoned by the arrow's paralyzing toxicity and cannot move.

Of course, this is also the reaction of the trench spirit-eating insects with lower ranks. The body of the trench spirit-eating insects above the sixth rank has also improved a lot in resistance to toxins. At this time, the role of foreign aid such as Immortal Sai is reflected , the combat power of the entire team soared, and the sixth-order spirit devouring insects were also easily defeated.


When encountering the seventh-order trench spirit-eating insects, the miner team under Ma Da also had the correct way to deal with them. Gathering nearly 20 people to attack together, I am afraid that even the eighth-order monsters can challenge.

Over the past few days, this mining slave team has never encountered a more powerful eighth-order monster. The cleaning of this mine has been extremely smooth. After ten days of effort, the entire team has harvested more than three spirit-devouring beads. [-], much more efficient than all of Qin Lang's teams.

Of course, this team is not as explosive as Qin Lang. Although they have gained a lot in the mine these days, if they encounter eighth-order monsters, they can only avoid them.


And the other teams in the mine were also all unlucky. One team was not very strong, but unfortunately encountered an eighth-order spirit devourer, and half of them were directly wiped out.

If it wasn't for running away quickly, I'm afraid the remaining half of the staff would not be able to keep it.

Although the combat effectiveness of this team is not good alone, all of them are fighting with high-level totems. If they fight together now, their combat effectiveness will definitely be upgraded to a higher level.

However, after losing manpower, it would be too difficult to get a high ranking in this general evaluation.

The rest of this team was very vigilant. Together with another team of miners, they directly killed a carbine, and then challenged the eighth-level monsters. After losing two more people, they finally killed the eighth-level monster The first-order demon worm was killed, and the fixed wind bead in the body was obtained.

The two teams achieved crucial victories, but the results were bought at the price of flesh and blood, so it is not worthy of too much joy.

The battle between "killing" Qin Lang and the ninth-order Trench Spirit Devourer is still going on. This is the penultimate day of this wave of activities. If Qin Lang wants to help the black mine owner get a good ranking, he has to continue to work hard.

After playing for a long time, Qin Lang found that Feijian really couldn't do anything to this weird Trench Spirit Devourer.

And the Trench Spirit Devourer also had no choice but to get Qin Lang. After all, Qin Lang's fighting power was not as strong as the opponent's, and it was normal for his momentum to be suppressed.

However, after fighting for a while, the ninth-order Trench Spirit Devourer didn't want to get entangled with Qin Lang any more, and directly spit out a lot of silk-like things on the ground, forming a blocking network structure.

This is a black thread formed by saliva, which is very sticky.

Then, the ninth-order trench spirit-eating insects no longer coiled into a snake formation, but retreated slowly into the darkness.

After Qin Lang got rid of the black silk that accidentally stuck to his body, he also knew that the battle was over, and the other party had no intention of competing with him at all.

And the team led by Viper followed up at this time, and there are still more than two days before the decision of the selection. If Qin Lang wants to help everyone get the ranking, it seems that it really needs to spend some hands and feet.

The battle is a bit anticlimactic, but there is no other way. If the ninth-order trench spirit-eating insects really want to escape, no one can stop them.

The cleaning on the last day has almost come to an end. After three days, the prospecting team under Ma Da has harvested another batch of spirit-devouring beads, and now there are fifteen top-grade spirit-devouring beads.

And Qin Lang chased the escaped ninth-order trench spirit devourer, and stopped at a place deep in the mine. There was a deep hole in this place, which seemed to lead to the bottom of the sea, and the other end should be the sea eye.

"I want to go in and have a look!"

At this time, Qin Lang directly summoned the nine-story Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of the magic treasure house, directly entered the magic treasure house, and then the magic treasure house became the size of a palm, and suddenly got into the big hole and went to the other side of the sea eye.

In fact, Qin Lang also knows that such a pursuit is very risky, and there is not much need for it, but since he is here, he must see more, at least the risk... Now he is hiding in the magic house, and if he encounters an attack, he will attack the magic house. You can still be safe and sound in the magic house.

The treasure house drilled into the big hole. The next moment, Qin Lang appeared in the sea. This is a sea eye. The sea water is actually hot, which should be affected by the volcanic movement and geothermal heat of the seabed.

Whoosh...Qin Lang just came to this sea eye, and was attacked by water arrows around him, and the ninth-order trench spirit-eating bead actually killed the carbine.

But when Qin Lang was fighting, he found that there was not only one powerful spirit-eating insect around him, but many of them, with strengths of six, seven, and eighth ranks. I really can't stand it.

In the warm eyes of the sea, Qin Lang noticed a special plant in the spring water from the corner of his eye. It was a flower shaped like a peony, with a disc as big as a sunflower and a stem as high as three feet.

There is an amazing aura around this plant, and it can twist its body like an animal,
"Immortal Sunflower Grass!" Qin Lang exclaimed, this kind of elixir has been extinct in the cultivation world, unexpectedly Qin Lang was so lucky to come across such a plant directly in this magical sea eye.

Immortal sunflower grass is the material for refining a high-grade elixir to cross the catastrophe, and to cross the catastrophe is the kind of catastrophe that breaks through the Great Perfection in the late stage of transformation and becomes a human immortal. If you take this pill, you can reduce the occurrence of The power of the Heavenly Tribulation increases the success rate of crossing the Tribulation.

And just when Qin Lang started to attack the fairy sunflower grass, the trench spirit-eating insects in the sea eyes also followed. Qin Lang couldn't defeat these big guys in front of him at all, but with the protection of the magic house, even those around him could He is not afraid of ninth-order demon insects. .

Papapapa, the demon worm's innate supernatural powers were discovered, and a cloud of freezing air struck over.

This time it turned into a four-on-one situation. Unexpectedly, there was more than one ninth-level monster in Haiyan, which made Qin Lang have no power to fight back.

After all, the monster's attack power is much stronger than Qin Lang's. While Qin Lang is strengthening himself, he also tries to take as many shots as possible. After all, offense is the best defense.

With the sturdy big guy of Magic Treasure House, Qin Lang has been adjusted several times, and now it is more handy to operate. I am afraid that the combat power is even more terrifying than the ninth-level monster insects.

At this time, Xuanhuangyan appeared on the surface of the magic treasure house, burning blazingly, even in the water, it would not go out. The ground fire still has a certain restraint effect on the ninth-level trench spirit-eating insects. The power of the weapon is several times higher than the original.

At the critical moment, Qin Lang finally snatched the sunflower jelly first, and then the magic treasure house slipped away from the siege again.

(End of this chapter)

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