The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2055 Sunflower Grass

Chapter 2055 Sunflower Grass

Chi la... chi la...

The eyes of the sea behind are full of angry chirping sounds from four ninth-order demon insects. This fairy sunflower grassland was originally the spiritual grass they guarded, but now it has been taken away by someone. It is strange not to go crazy, so they won the spiritual grass in Qin Lang. When Cao Cao manipulated the Magic Treasure House to flee back the same way, he also chased after him madly.

Being chased and killed by four Trench spirit-eating insects whose strength has reached the Great Perfection in the late stage of transformation, this is an experience that Qin Lang has never had before. Even if he is now in the magic house, he still feels a little terrified.

After all, just one of these ninth-level monsters is enough to keep me busy. If four of them are used together, even if you have a magic house, you can’t beat it. Don’t think that you are great if you have a top-grade magic house. Magic house can be torn directly.

For example, if this kind of ninth-order trench spirit-eating insects sprays freezing air on their magic house, one monster spraying freezing air may be able to block their own magic house, but if four of them spray together, the air around the magic house may be blocked. It can be frozen directly, but the Magic Treasure House will directly turn into a big lump of ice, and the result will be very bad.

Qin Lang didn't expect that there would be four ninth-order trench spirit-eating insects gathered together in the sea eye this time, and he didn't expect that there would be fairy sunflower grass in the sea eye. The help of becoming an immortal is very great, and it is also a kind of elixir that I will most urgently need in the near future.

Of course, it doesn't mean that you can't necessarily become an immortal without the Transcending Tribulation Pill, but there is still a big gap between having the Transcending Tribulation Pill and not having the Transcending Tribulation Pill. The success rate of human immortals will be very high, but if there is no Transcending Tribulation Pill, there may be accidents in the process of Transcending Tribulation, and it will fail or even hurt the original body.

Therefore, one can imagine the preciousness of the Transcending Tribulation Grass.

And these ninth-level demon insects are probably guarding the fairy sunflower grass, and they also want to wait for this fairy sunflower grass to fully mature, swallow it, and then transform into a demon fairy.

The Yaoxian corresponds to the Human Immortal, which is an existence that is almost as powerful as the Dragon Clan.

It can be said that now Qin Lang has snatched the opportunity of the four ninth-order trench spirit-eating insects in front of him, so it is strange that these monster insects behind him do not go crazy.

Qin Lang quickly returned to the mine from the sea eye, and in the process of returning, he directly bombarded the sea eye channel at the back with the Magic Treasure House, blowing up all the surrounding channels. In this case, the pursuit of the four demon insects behind becomes a lot of trouble.

He knew that if he won such a treasure this time, the four demon worms would probably not give up chasing and killing him, and it would be possible to chase him all the way out from the depths of the mine. A large area collapsed due to the explosion.

And when Qin Lang escaped for two or three miles, the mine tunnel behind him had disappeared. For no other reason, it was completely destroyed by Qin Lang.

There is a saying that destruction is easy, but construction is difficult. If the four demon worms want to chase after them, the difficulty of digging through this destroyed passage will be ten times or a hundred times greater. So now Qin Lang finally feels safe, and his hard work is not in vain took this trip.

"Crossing Tribulation Grass!"

Qin Lang once again looked at the fairy sunflower grass in his hand. The fairy sunflower grass is actually called Dujie grass. This kind of spiritual grass is definitely the most precious kind of spiritual grass that Qin Lang has ever obtained. After all, it can make people grow fairy treasure.

But this Grass Crossing Tribulation is almost fully mature, the whole Spirit Grass is more than two feet high, the whole body is red, and the two leaves are separated, like a pair of open tongs.

Since this spirit grass is a living plant, Qin Lang decided to temporarily transplant it to the gourd space after thinking about it at this time, to see if he could cultivate this spirit grass for a period of time to reach full maturity.

Although the crossing robbery grass that is close to full maturity can also make alchemy, compared with the fully mature spiritual grass, the potency of the alchemy produced must be different.

Anyway, Qin Lang didn't need the Tribulation Pill for the time being, so after thinking about it, he planned to plant this spiritual grass in the gourd space, and then refine the pill when he really needed it.

And Qin Lang excavated several celestial grasses in a corner of the soil soil ahead of time, regardless of whether the grasses were fully mature that day, anyway, there was an urgent need to free up a piece of soil for planting crossing robbery grass.

After making some preparations, Qin Lang planted the celestial sunflower grass...that is, the cross-tribulation grass in the nursery. The environment of the gourd space is very suitable for the cultivation of spiritual grass, and he is not worried that the newly planted spiritual grass will appear Acclimatized situation.

After doing all this well, Qin Lang then exited the gourd space, and laughed three times at the dark mine. It was impossible for him not to laugh. It's equivalent to giving myself a reassurance that the matter of becoming a fairy in the future... should be stable.

And cultivating to become a fairy has always been Qin Lang's dream. After all, who doesn't want to live forever!
After looking around, Qin Lang started to retreat all the way, and after walking for a long time, he finally met people like Viper who had retreated before.

And seeing Qin Lang, Viper knew that the ninth-level demon insect should have been dealt with by Qin Lang, but he didn't know that so many things would happen on Qin Lang's side after the team retreated.

Of course, it is impossible for Qin Lang to tell Viper all the changes that happened in Haiyan before. This is his own private matter, so there is no need to say it.

And as for whether the four ninth-level monster snakes will penetrate the mine again and appear in the mine, Qin Lang doesn't worry at all. Anyway, this mine is very close to the sea eye on the seabed. If you dig a black stone, you should know the risks in advance.

If there is no defense and preparation at that time, he can only say that he deserved it if he was swallowed by the demon insect.

Fifteen days later, the battle for the allocation of mining areas among the mine owners of this year's tribe of survivors finally came to an end.

First of all, in this mining area distribution battle, the teams under the mine owners contributed to the rankings. Qin Lang's team used one eighth-order wind-fixing bead, three seventh-order spirit-eating beads, and more than 300 fourth- to sixth-order spirit-eating beads. Contribution ranks first.

And under the command of the mine owner of Da Da, all the teams of Sai Shenxian, Li Chuang, Situ Shengnan, Situ Shengbei, Thrushcross, and Heitu got one seventh-order spirit-eating pearl, and more than 1000 four- to sixth-order spirit-devouring beads. ranked second.

The teams under the command of the other mine owners obtained as many as five or six hundred spirit-devouring beads, and as few as two or three hundred.

And Hei Jin rushed to the arena early, and when he learned that the team performed super-level and won No.1 in this competition, he laughed and said: "I vision is right, and the investment will definitely pay off. "

This time, the team under Black Gold won the first place in the mining area allocation competition, so after the allocation, in addition to the original mining area at hand, he will also be assigned to an additional high-level mining area, and the benefits he gets are almost more than before. Seventy percent.

Don't underestimate the nearly 30% of the extra benefits. In the next five years, Black Gold can definitely earn more than [-] more Black Stones than the previous round of mining allocation.

Of course, this is definitely a conservative estimate. Maybe after five years of settlement, the actual figure that Hei Jin gets may be a bit more, but it will definitely not be less than the figure of 30.

Therefore, the five thousand black stones and a promise that Heijin invested in Qin Lang this time are really insignificant. .

The No. 2 motor was assigned to a mining area that was worse than black gold, but it was actually a high-grade mining area, and the profit was nearly 20% more than the original one, which means that it would definitely earn [-]% more in five years. Thousands of black stones.

Afterwards, Qin Lang, Sai Shenxian, Brother Situ, Thrushcross, and Hei Tu all received a large amount of black stone rewards. Everyone felt very comfortable. Black stone is a good thing, not only the hard currency of this mainland island, but also very important Although other people except Qin Lang can't use the black stone to practice, as long as they return to Tongcheng, these people can directly find the master of the refiner to create the corresponding training equipment, and use the training equipment to make full use of the black stone The spiritual energy in the body is used for cultivation.

After some benefit distribution, people like Qin Lang were also warmly received by Heijin and Da Da, and the two mine owners held a celebration banquet to thank the heroes this time.

"Bastard!" A pile of things was pushed under the table, and a porcelain wine glass was smashed by Dang Lang.

The one who was angry was an extremely strong native, who looked about 30 years old, and his body was covered with extremely gorgeous animal feathers. This is the characteristic feather costume of the survivors, and only those with status can afford it.

And this aborigine is the mine owner who had the best mining resources in the previous session, Kaba. In this session of the mining area distribution qualification competition, due to the strong foreign aid invited by Heijin and Ma Da, a sudden force emerged and won both No.1 and No.2. After leaving, Kabbah can only grab one No.3 this time, which also makes him extremely unbalanced.

Although the mining area resources assigned by No.3 are not bad, they are definitely not comparable to the previous No.1. Kabbah’s income in the next five years will shrink by at least a quarter, which is not a small problem. number.

Kabbah naturally couldn't accept such a result, but the rules of the resource allocation war in the mining area made him have to accept it.

Now he hated Hei Jin, Da Da, and those foreigners who disturbed the situation.

"Mine owner, I need to see you." Kabbah's paparazzi reported at this time.

"Xu Nong? What is he doing here? Is it also to complain about the unfair distribution results... Let him in."

Kaba frowned at this time. This Xu Nong was also one of the mine owners of the Remnant Tribe who was on an equal footing with him. In the last resource allocation, he ranked first and Xu Nong ranked second. The resources in the mining area he got were all very high-quality.

(End of this chapter)

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