Chapter 2056 20 Chips
"Kaba, after the allocation of resources in the mining area this time, life will be difficult in the future..."

When Xu Nong, the big mine owner, walked in, he didn't talk nonsense, and asked the key question directly.

This is a thin middle-aged man, much different from the strong and strong man Kaba.

"Hmph, I'm having a hard time! Aren't you the same..."

Kaba curled his lips. In fact, these two guys were competitors in the past, and they didn't deal with each other very much. However, this time the mining area distribution qualification battle has changed, and the interests of the two have also been damaged, so they have to find them directly. Kaaba.

"Speaking of which, the key reason affecting the distribution of benefits this time is because of that group of foreigners... I won't let them go, I believe you are the same..."

At this time, Xu Nong explained why he came here: "I have an idea, I can use this method to give us some relief... However, I still need your cooperation."

"Oh, what's the idea." Kaba was so angry that he couldn't vent his anger, and at the same time, he was the mine owner of the Remnant Tribe, and his status in the Remnant Tribe was similar, so he couldn't do black hands to Heijin and Ma Da.And those few foreigners should have no roots, so they can teach them a lesson.

"Isn't the ancestral sacrifice of our survivor tribe about to begin? At that time, we can find a way to let all these foreigners enter the altar space, and let the ancestor spirits inside our altar deal with these people. I believe the ancestor spirits will be very satisfied with what we provide. These high-quality blood essence..."

"What if Heijin and Da Da know our plan and interfere with it?" Kaba asked.

"It's okay, only the priests of the tribe are eligible to participate in the ancestor sacrifice of our remnant tribe. In fact, none of us mine owners have the right to enter around the altar... I have bought the high priest Polka, and the old ghost Polka Let's do something." Xu Nong said at this time.

"Okay, with Polkadot taking action, I believe this matter can be done. But if Polkadot can agree to your plan, I'm afraid the price is not small, right?" Kaba asked.

Xu Nong sneered and said, "This old ghost Boka has very long teeth, I promised him 10 yuan of black stones as a reward for those outsiders...Of course, I can't pay the 10 yuan of black stones alone. The reason why I came up to find you."

"10 yuan... Well, well, 10 yuan is 10 yuan, as long as you can express your anger! So what if we both offer half of the reward!"

Kaba readily agreed.This time, this group of outsiders helped Heijin and Ma Da get a great opportunity, and this opportunity was originally owned by Kapa and Xu Nong. Now that the opportunity flew away, it also made Kapa, ​​the natives of this world, very unhappy. , and lack of understanding will affect his cultivation, so of course Kabbah must find a way to get revenge on this group of outsiders.

After that, the two planned carefully for a while.


After Qin Lang got a lot of black stones, he went to the mining market again, and exchanged all 20 black stones for green chips, and got a total of [-] pieces.

This time, he no longer lacked the green crystal chips he needed for cultivation after he ascended to the late stage of transformation, and as for the black stone... anyway, he can still dig it.

The owner of the black gold mine has promised that all the mining areas in the jurisdiction are now open to Qin Lang, a foreigner, who can mine at will, and the amount of mining is considered personal, and there is no need to hand it in like other miners.

The reason why Qin Lang needs green chips so urgently is also because with the improvement of his cultivation level, the amount of spiritual energy required for the cultivation of the late stage of transformation is even more terrifying. He needs to devour more spiritual energy to be able to raise his cultivation to a higher level. , and the materials used for cultivation are nothing better than green wafers.

And the black stone is only used to improve the consciousness, but it is not as helpful as the green chip to Qin Lang at this stage.

In the old place, after the unnamed official store exchanged 20 blue chips, Qin Lang was going to retreat for a few days, and went all out to improve his cultivation base and take his cultivation base to a higher level.

When leaving the mine, a guy in the crowd saw Qin Lang's face suddenly changed, and he disappeared into the crowd in a hurry.

This guy comes to a place at any time: "Koala priest... I found those foreigners who escaped from the jungle! I saw one in the mine of the remnant tribe today, the one who fought with me, ah, I didn't see it wrong!"

"Oh, are they really... I never thought that I would gain such a reward from being a guest in the Remnant Tribe this time."

In this room, two natives who were dressed more primitively than the Remnant tribe were talking. Both of them were from the cannibal Miga tribe, and one of them was the high priest of the Miga tribe.

Because Bibi Kao, the second priest of the Mijia tribe, released the imprisoned Situ Shengbei privately, which aroused the anger of the high priest Koala, so Koala directly ordered Bibi Kao to be imprisoned.

After Bibikao was imprisoned, the foreign trade he was responsible for was cut off. The dense forest where the entire Miga tribe lived could not be cultivated at all, and the source of food for hunting was limited, which could not meet the needs of the entire tribe.

All the food sources were originally imported from the remnant tribe. Now that Bibi Kao is imprisoned, the food supply of the Miga tribe cannot be interrupted.

After all, if there is no food, the hundreds of people in the tribe will not be able to satisfy themselves with hunting food alone, and will definitely starve to death.

Therefore, this time, the High Priest Bibi Kao personally brought a few confidants to the expedition, preparing to replace the Second Priest to re-open the grain trade from the Remnant Tribe to the Miga Tribe. .

It turned out that the second priest Bibikao had established a connection with the owner of the motor mine when he was doing business in the Remnant Tribe. It was very convenient to conduct trade, but now this line was broken. Everyone is busy with this matter.

And now, after getting the news from his confidants about the group of outsiders who escaped from the dense forest, Bibi Kao's eyes flickered for a while, and he decided to put the matter at hand aside and inquire about the information about these outsiders first.

Bibi Kao is going to recapture these foreigners. These cannibals are not simply wanting to eat human flesh, but Qin Lang and others can escape from the dense forest, which has naturally violated the taboos of these natives. In a dense forest, except for the native cannibals, no one else has entered their territory. In the eyes of these natives, the dense forest has become very sacred, and outsiders are absolutely not allowed to invade.

Therefore, after rediscovering the traces of this group of foreigners, Bibi Kao has a new calculation.


In the mine concentration, when he was stared at by Bibi Kao's confidantes, Qin Lang actually had some senses at the time. After all, the native of the Mijia tribe had obvious killing intent towards him, and as a late-stage monk, the sixth sense was even stronger. is amazing.

However, there were too many people in the mine concentration, and the native left immediately after seeing Qin Lang, so although Qin Lang had some induction, the induction disappeared afterward.

Therefore, he didn't care about these, and then left the mine directly.

After leaving the mine, Qin Lang went directly to his residence.

Since he helped Heijin win the No.1 mining area allocation this year, Qin Lang has been treated as a guest of honor by Heijin, and he has his own independent residence in Heijin's jurisdiction. It is a newly built wooden house. Although this wooden house is simple, it is The inside is much larger than the residence of the seven or eight miners in Mimito, and it is very strong. It is completely built of the hardest Qingyuan wood in the local area.

Qingyuan wood is a very common wood in the primitive dense forest. Qingyuan wood that is 300 years old usually has three people hugging it, and it is tens of feet high. A wooden house can be built directly after a tree is cut down.

And Qin Lang also carried out some renovations in this wooden house. He arranged a restraining formation in the wooden house to restrict the entire wooden house. Outsiders can't enter without Qin Lang's permission.

After all, as a formation master, Qin Lang still has sufficient confidence in this aspect.

The reason for such an arrangement is also caused by Qin Lang's consistent cautious heart. After all, this mainland island is still a very strange place to him. Although he helped Hei Jin, the native mine owner of the Remnant Tribe, there are actually more mutual relationships. It is equivalent to conducting a transaction, and there is not much friendship in it.

In this tribe of survivors, in order to prevent someone from scratching him while he was practicing, Qin Lang made some renovations to the entire wooden house, making full use of the knowledge of formations to transform the inside of the wooden house into an iron barrel.

Don't look at this wooden house that looks simple, but in fact only Qin Lang knows in his heart that the formation restrictions in this wooden house are layered with each other, there are ninety-nine 81 layers of restriction, and each layer of restriction has thousands of changes, so complicated Even the formation masters of the same level in the comprehension world cannot crack the combination of prohibition formations in a short time, and the security is absolutely leveraged.

After entering the wooden house, Qin Lang immediately activated the restraining formation and blocked the interior space of the wooden house.

With so many blue chips in hand, Qin Lang is of course ready to retreat for a few days to improve his cultivation base again. The pile of green chips in hand should be enough to accumulate his cultivation base to the peak of the late stage of transformation, and even shock After cultivation, it is not impossible to enter the Great Perfection in the late stage of Transformation God.

After all, the key to improving several small realms during the transformation period is the accumulation of cultivation bases. It is not difficult to break through each small realm. After the cultivation base reaches the critical value, it only needs a little understanding and chance to directly Pierce the membrane at the critical point of the small realm.

For the next three or four days in a row, Qin Lang retreated and frantically absorbed the spiritual energy of the green chip, and at the same time, the Tianyuan pills on hand were stuffed into his mouth one by one, mixing with the spiritual energy of the green chip to benefit himself.

Ceng Ceng, Qin Lang's cultivation base is like a water tank being filled with water. The water level in the water tank is constantly rising, and the growth rate of Qin Lang's cultivation base can be seen clearly with the naked eye.

(End of this chapter)

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