The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2058 Tribal Ancestral Temple

Chapter 2058 Tribal Ancestral Temple
And the territory of Heijin covers a radius of hundreds of miles. This time, Qin Lang realizes that his own power drives the vitality of heaven and earth, and the commotion is not small, causing a small-scale riot in the entire area.

Even the owner of the mine, Hei Jin, was alarmed. He clearly sensed that the source of the turmoil was in the southwest direction, and it didn't seem like an earthquake was about to occur, so he sent his paparazzi to investigate.

Hei Jin also didn't know that Qin Lang's casual blow could trigger such a strong phenomenon of heaven and earth. I am afraid that even the legendary totem war gods of the three tribes might not be able to do it.

And when Hei Jin's paparazzi rushed to the scene of the incident, they only saw a super pit with a depth of several tens of feet coming out of the spot. The strange thing is that the palm prints on the edge of the pit are very obvious, as if a giant hit the ground heavily. After clapping their hands, these paparazzi immediately became flustered by this weird situation. With their limited knowledge and vision, they couldn't explain everything in front of them.

And when the paparazzi reported the news to Hei Jin, Hei Jin glanced to the southwest, said nothing, but showed a pensive expression.

After a long time, he said: "Go! Send another [-] black stones to that foreigner, Master Qin Lang, and say that I am black gold to thank him for his help. This is an extra reward for the distribution of resources in the mining area."

"Yes..." The paparazzi backed away in bewilderment.

"Totem God of War... This is definitely the power of Totem God of War..." Hei Jin muttered to himself when the paparazzi stepped back, this guy must have seen something from it.


But when Qin Lang returned to the wooden house, he found someone outside the wooden house.

"Dear visitor from afar, I am an envoy sent by Boka, the High Priest of the Remnant Tribe. Lord Boka wants to see you." The people outside the wooden house bowed and saluted after seeing Qin Lang.

"Porca? The high priest of your tribe... What does he want me for?"

Qin Lang thought for a while, and said: "Okay, let me prepare, and then go and have a look."

He knew that it was useless to ask the envoy, and he couldn't ask anything at all, so he was also very curious about what the high priest of the remnant tribe wanted to do when he came to him.

At this time, the paparazzi of Heijin also rushed here, and they had to salute when they saw the envoy of the high priest. After all, in the Remnants Tribe, although more than a dozen mine owners are powerful factions, the real leader of the tribe is High Priest Boka .

Unlike other tribes, the entire Remnant tribe does not have a chief, but an alliance of more than a dozen mine owners exercises the power of the chief.

Externally, the chief focuses on commerce, trade, and war, and the high priest internally focuses on faith and prayer, which is the core of power for the entire tribe.

"Master Qin Lang, this is the extra reward that our mine owner asked me to hand over to you...for the allocation of resources in the mining area." The paparazzi offered five thousand black stones.

Qin Lang was also very surprised to receive the gift of five thousand black stones from Heijin again. This guy's brain is not in the right way. The previous transaction has already ended, and now he is giving himself black stones for nothing!But he would not be polite, so he accepted it directly.

"Thank you to your mine owners for me." Qin Lang said when he accepted these black stones, it is also appropriate to say some kind words at this time.

Remnant tribe, ancestral temple.

High Priest Boka is also the only resident priest of the ancestral temple in the whole tribe. Although he does not leave the ancestral temple all year round, this guy knows the dynamics of the whole tribe very well. After all, there are so many envoys in the temple, and these are his eyes and ears.

In the tribe of the survivors, the ancestral temple also has a detached status. Even if the more than a dozen mine owners of the real power faction have to donate a large amount of property to the ancestral temple every year during festivals, it is used to worship the ancestors of the entire tribe. spirit.

This is also the normal state of the three major tribes on this mainland island. Basically, each tribe has its own ancestral temple, even the primitive society's Miga cannibal tribe.

The ancestral temple of the Remnant Tribe is absolutely incomparable to the other two tribes in terms of luxury. Under the hundreds of years of trade prosperity of the Remnant Tribe, the Ancestral Temple has also benefited, and it has become almost the same size as the legendary temple, magnificent in scale.

This building complex covers an area of ​​hundreds of acres, with more than 20 large and small buildings. When entering the ancestral temple, Qin Lang almost has an illusion that there are gold bricks and jade tiles everywhere. A temple complex of this scale should not be an indigenous tribe. What can be owned, is the Remnant tribe really so rich?It's incredible.

Of course, this is also the result of hundreds of years of historical accumulation. If the ancestral temple of the survivor tribe relied on the efforts of only one high priest, it would be impossible to develop into what it is now. It is definitely the result of the joint efforts of more than a dozen generations of priests.

But this time, in the side hall of the ancestral temple, the high priest of Boka met Qin Lang.

When Boka saw Qin Lang for the first time, he felt a kind of fear in his heart. Is this the person Kaba and Xu Nong want to deal with by themselves?This time I'm afraid I'm going to kick the iron plate. Although this guy looks ordinary, but the high priest of Polkadot has spiritual eyes. Whoever provokes it may be unlucky.

And Boka also can't see Qin Lang's cultivation. As a priest who specializes in spiritual power, Boka's strength should far exceed the high-level totem battles in the tribe, and may even reach the level of the legendary totem warrior. Of course Yes, the cultivation of priests is still different from that of totem warriors, and the power system and cultivation focus are also different.

The spiritual power mastered by the priest is a special power of faith. It is necessary to pray devoutly to the spirits of the ancestors every day and night. With the help of the spirits of the ancestors, they can absorb that special power of faith to strengthen their own sea of ​​consciousness.

In a word, the totem warriors of the tribe are powerful in hand-to-hand combat, and they are all warriors.

Priests, on the other hand, belonged to the Mage family. They might not be strong in melee combat, but they were definitely strong in spirit.

However, the cultivation of priests is much more difficult than the cultivation of totem warriors in the tribe, so the status of the priests of the entire tribe is much higher than that of those totem warriors. There are seven priests in the ancestral temple, and they are all in a detached position in the entire tribe. , each of them is an existence on an equal footing with more than a dozen mine owners.

"Dear visitor from afar, please sit down."

Boca waved his hand at this time. This was an old man who looked like he was half-dead, but there was an extremely powerful spiritual force shrouded in his body, which made people almost ignore his old age.

There are tables and chairs in the side hall of the ancestral temple, and they are all made by the most skillful craftsmen of the tribe, painted with vermilion lacquer.After seeing Qin Lang take his seat, Boka asked the envoy to serve tea again.

"This is Green Snake Tea...guests please try it."

Boka pointed to the hot tea, his extremely withered face was full of smiles.

"Good tea!" When Qin Lang smelled the tea, a stimulating smell stimulated the cell activity of the big cells. The taste of tea is not fragrant, but gives people a feeling similar to fire.

Qin Lang took a sip of the green tea, and immediately the wire burned into his stomach, and an invisible flame ignited in his body. This tea is actually comparable to strong wine. If ordinary people drink it, they may be drunk and fainted by the fire.

But he couldn't help but say that this is good tea. For a cultivator like him, this tea has a greater refreshing effect. Point benefits can only be said to be insignificant.

This is actually a bowl of poisonous tea. After drinking it, Qin Lang can also taste that the tea contains seven or eight kinds of different neurotoxins, and among the seven or eight kinds of neurotoxins, one toxin is the strongest, and the other toxins are all poisonous. It was added to surround it and neutralize it. These toxins mixed together formed a wonderful balance, making the tea so that people would not be poisoned to death after drinking it.

"Hehe, Green Snake Tea is a secret tea made by the temple, so it is not easy to serve guests... This tea is made from Daqing's venom. You must know that in the past 300 years, Daqing has become more and more lazy. The venom has become less and less, and the opportunity to drink this kind of good tea is becoming less and less difficult..."

There was always a smile on Bokaku's old face, and he looked very kind.

However, who could have imagined that this old guy is really a beast with a human face. After accepting the generous gifts from the two mine owners Kaba and Xu Nong, this time he is preparing to use a conspiracy to deal with Qin Lang.

While Qin Lang was drinking tea, Boka smiled like a chrysanthemum, and he hid the faint trace of hostility very well.

And Qin Lang didn't even notice this guy's hostility. After drinking the cup, he sighed and said, "Thank you, High Priest Boka, this tea is indeed very precious. However, the High Priest asked me to come to the ancestral temple. It’s not as simple as just asking me to drink tea, should there be something?”


Boca pointed to the direction of the main hall of the ancestral temple with a slightly trembling finger, and said: "The annual ancestor worship of the tribe of the survivors is about to begin. In the past, old people walked up to the altar to pour out the spirits of their ancestors. In the past two years, more and more I can't do what I want, so this time I sacrifice to the ancestors, the old man wants to find some people to help..."

"Aren't there other priests in your tribe..." Qin Lang asked puzzled.

"The other priests have their own responsibilities when worshiping the ancestors, and they can't be distracted... So I can only find people with spiritual power talents to help, but in the clan, except for the priests, basically all the clansmen practice totem The spiritual power is absorbed by the power of the totem to strengthen the physical body, but it is not as powerful as you outsiders in terms of spiritual power."

Boca sighed, and said: "So this time I worship the ancestors, I can only have the audacity to ask some of you outsiders who have shined in the resource allocation battle in the mining area to help. The temple will give a certain amount after the ancestor worship. How about the reward, and you outsiders will become honored guests of the entire tribe in the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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