The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2059 The Spirit of Ancestors

Chapter 2059 The Spirit of Ancestors
The sacrifice of the ancestors of the survivor tribe is a big event. As an outsider, Qin Lang didn't want to intervene, but the high priest of Boka immediately took out two thousand black stones as Qin Lang's hard work, which made Qin Lang a little tempted. After all, he was just worshiping the ancestors When you give a hand, you can earn two thousand black stones. If you don't take these black stones, you won't take them for nothing.

After all, if you go to mine by yourself, it will take six or seven days to dig two thousand black stones!

Seeing that Qin Lang finally agreed, the High Priest of Boka also heaved a sigh of relief. This matter has finally come to pass. This time, the price to persuade these foreigners to the temple is not small, but all the expenses are not necessary. The two mine owners, Kaba and Xulong, share the cost. When the time comes, the account goes in and out, and the money goes out of the temple in name, but in fact it goes into his private account.

As the High Priest of the Remnant Tribe Temple, Polkadot’s buttocks are actually not clean, and he has done fraudulent deception to devour the temple’s public property over the years. This is not the first time, and it will never be the last time.

As a matter of fact, other priests have also heard about Boka devouring the public property of the temple. Close one eye, anyway, the temple is also the most powerful high priest, and other priests can't afford to offend the high priest for such things.


After talking with Qin Lang, the high priest Boka then talked with Qin Lang's companions Sai Shenxian, Li Chuang and others separately, and finalized all the details of this temple worship.

Then, the temple side began to prepare and get busy.

And Qin Lang and his group of outsiders all got a set of brand new black priest costumes issued by the temple, which needs to be worn when worshiping ancestors.

Hundreds of years ago, the continental island of the Aegean Sea was not limited to three major tribes, but dozens of tribes, large and small, mixed together. After years of fighting and annexation, it gradually became the current situation.

300 years ago, the three major tribal systems took shape. Except for the Miga tribe which has always maintained the original living habits, the remaining tribes of the other two tribes, Bimon, have begun to move closer to human civilization, and the remaining tribes are the best among them. Commerce drives the prosperity of the entire tribe.

However, no matter how the tribe develops, there is a special place that has always been the sacred place of the tribe, and that is the ancestral temple, where the spirits of the ancestors are enshrined on the altar of the ancestral temple.

People in the tribe believe that everyone is under the protection of the spirits of their ancestors to have their current social status and the prosperity of the tribe today. Therefore, no matter how the tribe develops, the annual ancestor worship is absolutely inevitable. of.

The high priest of the tribe, Boka, is the main person in charge of the annual ancestor worship, and the other priests assist Boka. In the ancestor worship ceremony, everything Boka does is authoritative, and others can only obey .

The ancestor worship ceremony, this day has finally arrived.

In addition to the priests and envoys of the temple, every mine owner in more than a dozen mining areas sent his own representative to participate in this grand event even if he could not come in person.

Of course, they all know that the symbolic significance of this event is greater than the actual significance. The appeal of the temple is also the origin of the centripetal force of the survivor tribe.

Under the nod of the high priest of Polkadot, the messengers brought Qin Lang and others to the altar.

This is the main hall of the temple. The altar in front of you is more than ten feet high, and the altar is as big as a small square.

On the altar, the priests took their positions, and Qin Lang was led to the center of the altar. The center of the altar is very strange. There are many strange patterns on the ground, which look very similar to the patterns of the formation.

"These patterns on this altar... are really strange, it feels a bit like a teleportation pattern..."

As a formation master, Qin Lang is of course very sensitive to the formation patterns. He saw that the formation patterns in the center of the altar were weird at a glance, but he didn't think much about it during the ancestor worship ceremony, he was just simply curious.

Looking at these patterns, Qin Lang suddenly became interested in researching them. Regardless of how noisy the surroundings were, he began to immerse himself in his own world to study these pattern patterns. He found that these pattern patterns were completely different from the pattern patterns he had seen before. They should be The ancient pattern left by ancient times.

As for Qin Lang, who seemed to be wandering in the sky, many people on the altar noticed it, even the high priest Boka noticed it, but this guy had a dark heart, and he didn't really want to let these foreigners standing in the center of the altar be in the middle of the altar. Helping out during the ancestor worship time, so I pretended not to see Qin Lang and was distracted.

The ancestor worship went on as scheduled, and the altar was decorated with lanterns and festoons. This was also the biggest festival of the Remnant Tribe. Although ordinary tribesmen of the tribe could not enter the temple, it did not prevent many tribesmen from sending blessings, so there was such a grand scene in the temple. .

The ancestor worship was activated, and the altar was suddenly lit with divine fire, and the formation pattern at the center of the altar was also activated under the flow of spiritual power, rubbing against the middle, and the formation pattern on the altar suddenly jumped alive, with strong rays of light It enveloped Qin Lang and others standing above.

"What... what's going on... The high priest actually activated the teleportation pattern to teleport to the forbidden area of ​​the ancestors, and teleported those outsiders to the forbidden area. What's going on..."

A priest on the altar said in astonishment at this moment.

"Didn't you see that? These outsiders are living sacrifices... Think about it, the ancestor spirits of my survivor tribe have not been fed with blood for hundreds of years. This time the high priest is serious and actually performed a blood sacrifice! "

The other priest knew a little more, and sighed at this moment.

"Blood sacrifice? Isn't offering pigs, cows and sheep every year considered blood food? Why do the spirits of our ancestors need so much blood food?"

"This is because our tribe has been in peace for a long time. You, a newly promoted priest, don't know some inside stories... In the past when there were endless wars, the spirits of the ancestors never stopped eating blood. This is also the best way for the spirits of the ancestors to enhance the power of the ancestors. The fast way, as far as the spirituality of blood can pigs, cattle, and sheep be compared to living human flesh and soul, especially those few outsiders who don't seem to be ordinary humans, but are comparable to powerful high-level totems The existence of warriors, in this case, the spirituality of flesh and blood is more in line with the appetite of the ancestors..."

Under the discussion of several priests under him, Boca narrowed his eyes in satisfaction, and a chrysanthemum-like smile appeared on his dead tree-like face.

Now, he has sent several foreigners to the guillotine according to his plan... well, sent them to the forbidden area of ​​the ancestral spirits. I believe that the spirits of the ancestors in the forbidden area of ​​the ancestral spirits will be very satisfied when they see these delicious foods.

As for the power of the ancestral spirits, the high priest has no doubts at all. After all, the ancestral spirits are the existence of the power to inherit the belief of the entire tribe, comparable to the legendary totem god of war.

Even the legendary Totem God of War is no match for the spirits of the ancestors. After all, the forbidden land of the ancestor spirits is equivalent to its own domain. No matter how powerful these outsiders are, they will be subject to the rules of the forbidden land of the ancestors Limitation, when the time comes, they will be weak by three points before the battle.

Moreover, the ancestral spirit is an existence that cannot be killed, and Boka simply does not believe that someone will kill the spirit of the ancestors in the forbidden area of ​​the ancestral spirits.

Therefore, in his opinion, when foreigners like Qin Lang were teleported to the forbidden area of ​​the ancestral spirits, it was no different from being on the guillotine, and there would even be no bones left.

After Qin Lang and others were sent to the forbidden area of ​​the ancestral spirits, the ancestor worship ceremony of the entire altar was not interrupted. All the priests were doing what they should do, and the high priest Boka was also chanting words, mobilizing the ancestral spirits. Those in the forbidden area activate the prohibition of the spirit of the ancestors, and want to awaken the spirits of the ancestors of the remnant tribe.

"My ancestors... your descendants have offered you the most delicious blood food, please accept it..."

The high priest Boka chanted a spell and prayed to the spirits of the ancestors.

The spirit of the ancestors has already been summoned by him, and there has been a slight movement. After all, the high priest has adjusted the frequency of his own spiritual waves to the extent that he can awaken the spirits of the ancestors. The language of the spirit.

And under the call of the high priest, the spirit of the ancestors at the other end of the void in the mind communication also began to gradually wake up, and a huge tide of spiritual power rushed over. Under the existence of this huge spiritual power, his thin body trembled slightly.

The spirit of the ancestors, this is the spirit of the ancestors...

The origin of the spirit of the ancestors is also a collection of the ideas of the powerful totem warriors who died in the battles of the survivors in the past dynasties, and the more totem warriors died in the whole tribe, the stronger the spirits of the ancestors will become. The spirits of the ancestors are actually white It is also a collection of the resentment and broken souls of the dead warriors of the entire tribe. Although they are close to the descendants of the descendants of the tribe who are related by blood, they are absolutely repulsive to outsiders.

Therefore, when the group of outsiders entered the forbidden area of ​​the ancestral spirits, there was only one result, which was to be devoured by the spirits of the ancestors to eat their blood and soul.

After all, the spirits of the ancestors don't care about the life and death of outsiders. In their eyes, outsiders are probably of the same nature as sacrifices such as pigs, cattle, and sheep.

And as the spirit of the ancestors was gradually awakened, the entire priest began to vibrate regularly, and the desk utensils on the altar vibrated regularly, and the spirit of the ancestors began to appear, and it had already awakened.

"...Blood food...Blood food...Blood food..."

A series of whispering voices hit the hearts of all the priests on the altar, and their hearts were pounding.

The spirit of the ancestors manifested, and just this leaked breath made them feel a little breathless. How powerful is this!Only such ancestral spirits can protect the tribe of survivors from decline, and only such ancestral spirits can deter Xiaoxiao from being bullied by powerful foreign enemies.

Only such ancestor spirits are the confidence in their hearts and the foundation for the tribe to settle down.

(End of this chapter)

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