The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2060 The Call in the Forbidden Area

Chapter 2060 The Call in the Forbidden Area
The forbidden area of ​​the ancestral spirits, this is the end point of the teleportation circle of the altar of the temple.

And when Qin Lang and his group were activated by the pass-passing circle, they teleported away from the original altar of the temple in an instant, and the group immediately realized that something was wrong.They were teleported... teleported?Why would the High Priest do this.

They were sent to such a strange place without prior notice. Qin Lang and others discovered that this matter was not as simple as it seemed on the surface. They came to help the high priest of the temple to perform the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the ancestors, but now the high priest But he tricked them and sent them, outsiders, to such a weird place.

What the hell is this place?
At this time, everyone began to look around. This is a dark enchanted space, the sky is dark and low, and the whole space does not feel very big, but the sky cannot be seen at a glance, and there is only a haze in the distance.

There seems to be no living things in this space, and there is a three-way intersection in front of it, which means that everyone can choose to explore in three directions.

The area near the three-way crossing was covered in gray fog, and no one dared to step into this dense fog. Of course, they had to be more cautious when they came to this strange place.

In this space, everyone's spiritual consciousness is also restricted and cannot be separated from the body. This kind of spiritual consciousness is more suppressed than the outside world. Even Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness can only wander in the surrounding area of ​​five feet. Strong resistance prevents the divine consciousness from exploring further afield.

Qin Lang frowned. He felt that this weird place was more like a domain enchantment, which not only restricted his consciousness, but also restricted his own cultivation. In this weird space, he felt that he could only show his original Seventy percent of the fighting power.

"Be careful, everyone. I feel that we may have been tricked by the priests of the Remnant Tribe Temple. It must not be a good thing to send us to such a weird place." Qin Lang expressed his judgment.

And the surrounding companions also nodded. After all, compared to the tribe of survivors, they are all foreigners. If the temple wants to cheat foreigners, they really have no place to reason.

It is not an option to always stand in the same place now. Since we have come to this weird space, everyone has the idea of ​​turning around to see if there is a way to leave this weird space.

And Qin Lang also meant the same thing, he wanted to find a breakthrough in this weird space, as long as he found it, he still had a way to leave with his formation master's ability.

"Let's choose one of the three forked roads in front of us. It's best not to separate, otherwise, it will disperse everyone's fighting power."

Immortal Sai also spoke at this time. This old pharmacist has rich experience in adventures, so he will give everyone the most appropriate choice at this time.

And Sai Shenxian is the captain of the adventure team, and this time everyone followed him to the Aegean Sea for adventure, so at this moment, including Qin Lang, everyone has no objection to his words.

Sai Shenxian pointed to the middle road, and said: "The middle road is the straightest and widest... If any accident happens, such a field is more suitable for moving and moving during the battle, so let's take the middle road Bar!"

"Okay!" Everyone responded, since these three roads don't know where they lead, so let's choose one at random. Captain Sai Shenxian will make a choice for everyone, then take the middle road.

And on this weird three-way road in space, the avenue in the middle is a bit weirdly straight, just like a straight highway on earth, wide and straight.

According to Qin Lang's visual inspection, the avenue is at least ten feet wide, and the road surface is a strange kind of black soil. It seems that you can feel the heartbeat of the earth when you step on it.

A group of people carefully walked onto the middle road, the seven of them kept a distance, but they would not be too far apart, so as to avoid the rescue being delayed in case of an accident.

After all, after entering this weird space, even Qin Lang felt a sense of depression in his heart, not to mention that the companions around him, Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang, were just masters of martial arts, and Situ Shengnan, Situ Shengbei brothers, Thrushgirl, Black Girls Tu are only high-level fighters, and they will definitely need help from others when they are in danger.

And Qin Lang may be the person in this group who is suppressed by the strange space field and has the least influence on his combat effectiveness. After all, he is a monk in the late stage of transformation, even if his cultivation base and spiritual consciousness are suppressed, he can still rely on other means to maintain himself strong The fighting power, such as those powerful spells, as well as various magic weapons and elixir.

In contrast, martial arts practitioners in this world have very simple fighting methods. Hand-to-hand combat is the most common fighting method for martial arts practitioners in this world. I am afraid that even Immortal Sai, who has cultivated to the peak level of martial arts masters, is not exempt.

In contrast, Li Chuang, a half-disciple of Qin Lang, a face-to-face person, has many more fighting methods. Li Chuang has received the inheritance of the ancient cultivator's formation method, and is also good at the art of heaven, so he should be able to use some formation methods Used to assist oneself in combat.

Moreover, Li Chuang can also cast spells, but even if he can cast spells with his current alchemy level, he is actually not much better than a god.

Therefore, the biggest reliance of this group of people is still Qin Lang, and only Qin Lang, a late-stage monk like Qin Lang, is the key to everyone's escape.

And if everyone is in danger, the most reliable combat power is Qin Lang. Even if the current Qin Lang can only display [-]% of his strength, he can still beat everyone in the adventure team.


"Blood food... blood food... blood food..."

There was a strange sound in the distant sky. The sound was very small at first, as if it had just been drilled out of the ground, but after a while, the whole world vibrated, and the sound became louder and louder, as if playing The power of the machine was adjusted to a level out of control, and the sound gradually changed from slow to rapid.

"Blood food? What do you mean?"

Brother Situ Shengnan and Situ Shengruo looked at each other, feeling puzzled.

And the families of the two girls, Huamei and Heitu, have never experienced this kind of weirdness. The teeth of the two girls are trembling, and their faces are a little pale with fright.

However, these two are strange women in brothels, and they are brave enough to follow everyone out to take risks, so although the coercion on their minds cannot be relieved, they still follow the team very closely. It is normal for an ordinary woman to be in such an environment, already frightened into incontinence, paralyzed to the ground, or even fainted from fright.

After all, the situation in front of me is no longer a simple intimidation, but the voice began to guide the power of heaven and earth in this strange space, putting pressure on the group of people who entered this strange space. This is the combination of the environment, sound, and aura field. A method similar to a killer move is an attack on the spirit and soul.

And if everyone hadn't obtained a large amount of black stones recently and made some breakthroughs in trying to absorb the spiritual power inside the black stones, they might not be able to stop this wave at all.

In fact, not only Qin Lang, but also Sai Shenxian, Li Chuang, Brother Situ, Thrushcross, and Heidu who stayed in the tribe of survivors during this period of time have made great progress in their spiritual power. This is because they know how to absorb and transform The result of Blackstone's cultivation.

But now in the whole team, apart from Qin Lang, Li Chuang, who is also a cultivator, should be the most spiritually powerful, followed by Sai Shenxian, and then Situ Brothers, Thrush and Hei Tu.

"Blood food... blood food... blood food..."

The voice was getting closer, getting closer, as if calling in everyone's ears, with a kind of magic power that made people fall asleep. Brother Situ, who was relatively weaker in the crowd, had eyelid fights with Thrush and Heitou. , Feeling drowsy.

The next moment, thud, thud, thud, thud, four sounds, the four guys fell to the ground together, struggling on the ground.

"Not good... They were called by this voice and fell into a strange illusion."

Immortal Sai is also knowledgeable, and his complexion suddenly changed. He felt that his eyelids were beginning to learn. These weirdnesses did not know what was hidden in the dark, but they didn't show up. Just relying on this kind of eye-stimulating method similar to mental attacks The team has been reduced by four.

At this moment, Qin Lang also frowned. Although his consciousness could only be five feet away from his body, his sixth sense could sense a strange existence quietly approaching himself and others, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

Swirly, Qin Lang sent out more than a dozen sword qi in one direction, but there was only the sound of the sword qi piercing through the air, but it didn't hit anything.

Seeing this situation, Qin Lang's face darkened, and he immediately began to use Lingshi to arrange a mysterious defensive formation on the ground, and said to Li Chuang while arranging: "Hold me, don't you know some formations? Do as I say. , The arrangement of the two should be faster... Only when the defensive formation is formed, can I protect these people in the team, otherwise, I feel that if the guy hiding in the dark launches an attack, you will not be able to stop it."

Qin Lang had an intuition, he felt that the weird guy hiding in the dark was very powerful in combat, and there was probably no one in the team who was the opponent of this weird guy, and whether he could defeat the opponent was actually unknown.

This is a challenge, until now Qin Lang has some guesses in his heart, the strange existence hidden in the dark... It should be the spirit of the ancestors mentioned by the high priest of the temple!The high priest had ulterior motives in arranging himself, these outsiders, to enter the temple altar to worship the ancestors. If he sent these people to the forbidden area of ​​the ancestors, he might treat the living people like himself as blood to worship the spirits of the ancestors.

Blood sacrifice!
The high priest Boka's ancestor worship was actually a blood sacrifice, and he and the team were cheated. The old bastard is so damned uneasy!
Qin Lang felt a little angry when he thought of this. He didn't know the inside story of the transaction between the high priest and the two mine owners Kaba and Xunon. The high priest actually helped Kaba and Xunon to take revenge on these foreigners. The foreigners made the two stumble in the distribution of interests in the mining area. The No. 2, which was thought to be a sure thing, was taken away by Heijin and Da Da.

(End of this chapter)

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