Chapter 2061 Yin Qi River

It has to be said that with the help of Li Chuang, the speed of setting up the formation is still very fast. After a while, most of the prohibition formation has been completed, and only the last two formation nodes need to light up the spirit stones to make the entire formation work. .

But at this moment, Qin Lang's expression froze, he suddenly stopped what he was doing, got up, teleported to a place about three feet in front of him, and directly blasted out a powerful punch.


A gray shadow appeared in the darkness, and Qin Lang's punch just hit the gray shadow, so the gray shadow disappeared with a thud.

It turned out that just now Qin Lang felt that the gray shadow was approaching. If he didn't stop his busy work, the shadow would probably break into the formation, and unforeseen changes would happen at that time.

However, after Qin Lang took the initiative to fight off the gray shadow, he was not very happy in his heart. He felt that the punch just now was not focused at all, and it did not kill the gray shadow.

After dispelling the gray shadow, Qin Lang once again withdrew from the restraining circle. At this time, he hastily completed the last step before launching the restraining circle. He lit up the two nodes of the formation with high-grade spirit stones, and immediately the entire restraining circle was illuminated. After it started to work, a powerful wave of aura began to cover the entire formation, protecting everyone in the formation.

And in this formation, the oppressive aura of this weird space like this domain is completely isolated,

"What a powerful magic circle..."

Before setting up the formation under Qin Lang's guidance, Li Chuang didn't feel anything. Now, he didn't realize the extraordinaryness of this prohibition formation until it was set up and activated.

And this kind of magic circle gave him the feeling that this is at least an advanced magic circle, and it is not a simple high-level magic circle. The whole magic circle is divided into three layers, each layer has an independent spiritual power operation route, and the third layer Although prohibitions are independent, they form a complete whole when combined.

With Li Chuang's current ability, such a formation would definitely not be able to be arranged. If Qin Lang hadn't been giving pointers just now, he would not be qualified to participate in the formation at all.

But now after the magic formation was completed, Li Chuang suddenly had a faint understanding in his heart. He felt that his level of formation had improved a little, and he was about to rise from the level of an ordinary formation to an intermediate formation.

This is also the benefit of giving Qin Lang a hand. For an ordinary formation master, being able to get the guidance of a formation master is definitely a blessing in his previous life. Qin Lang just set up the formation just now, but he was pointing this guy hand in hand.

Although Li Chuang was still unable to complete this brilliant restraint formation independently after the formation was completed, some formation techniques taught by Qin Lang are valuable knowledge and experience, but they can be directly absorbed by him, and then transformed into his own part of the experience.


After the defensive formation was activated, Qin Lang felt that the safety of the few companions staying in the formation was finally guaranteed, so he decided to go out alone, and meet the strange gray shadow just now. The ancestor spirits in the forbidden area, even if they were not, should have something to do with the ancestor spirits, anyway, they were the ones they wanted to destroy.

Out of the restraining circle, Qin Lang went straight forward. His sixth sense felt that the gray shadow hadn't left after being scattered by him just now, and it should be hiding somewhere in front.

Both sides of this straight avenue are covered with black vines and weeds. When going forward, Qin Lang noticed a blue and gray horse stretching across the avenue in front of him. When he fixed his eyes, it turned out to be a river-like landscape.

"Yin Qi River?"

Qin Lang was stunned at this moment, he felt that the water of this river was not ordinary river water, but formed by pure evil spirit, and the purity of evil spirit was better than that of the top-grade Yin evil point in the cultivation world .

"This River of Yin Qi is a treasure for ghost cultivators!"

Looking at this special small river, Qin Lang sighed, if there are ghost cultivators... especially ghost cultivators who have not yet formed alchemy and are condensing gangsha come here, this is definitely a treasure land for cultivation, and ghosts who have successfully formed alchemy here Xiu is definitely several times stronger than ordinary ghost Xiu.

This yin qi river is definitely the first-class holy place for ghosts to form alchemy in the world, and it is also the best place for ghosts to practice.

Just as he was thinking, at this time, the drought in Qin Lang's pet bag made a movement. After smelling the extremely pure Yin Qi in the Yin Qi river, this guy was also eager to jump out. After all, this is a great tonic for cultivation!It's no wonder it's not in a hurry to come out.

"Hungry...hungry..." Hanba sent a longing message to Qin Lang.

Well, Qin Lang didn't think too much about it, and directly released the Hanba. The strength of the Hanba is actually only equivalent to the level of the Great Perfection in the late Yuanying period. Qin Lang has rarely let this pet show up. If he can now Being promoted in this river of yin qi may be of great help to him when he needs it in the future.

After the Hanba was released, the big black charcoal plunged headlong into the Yinqi River, and when it plunged into the Yinqi River, the entire Yinqi River began to roar, and gray shadows They all emerged from the river and began to attack the intruder who had taken the liberty to invade.

Facing the siege of these gray shadows, Han Yan is unafraid. This guy may be born to be the nemesis of this kind of soul body, and he roared directly, "Oh..."

Then it opened its big black mouth, like a long whale sucking water, sucking heavily towards the surroundings.

The surrounding river water, including the gray shadow, was all subjected to a strong suction force, and was swept upside down like a small tornado into the big mouth of the Hanba, and entered its belly, and its belly was like a bottomless pit. The river water and gray shadows of these Yin Qi rivers were sucked in a lot, but Han Ba's belly never bulged up at all.

Qin Lang was also a little stunned at this time. The gray shadow that he couldn't get rid of with his own hands before was wiped out so easily by the drought ghost, which he never thought of. His shadow restrained him so thoroughly, the little trouble he felt before disappeared now.

"The gray shadow is the soul body. Unexpectedly, Hanba, as the king of zombies, is so strong against this kind of soul body even though he is a ghost himself... It is estimated that if I destroy these soul bodies, even if I do it myself, I will not have this pet. There’s a lot of patience in that.”

Qin Lang thought to himself, if he wants to deal with the soul body, Kanli's Fire and Xuanhuang Yan should be useful, but other magic weapons or flying swords on his body are really limited in killing the soul body. In addition, Qin Lang can also use mental power to directly attack the soul body. Launch an attack, but unless Qin Lang's mental power is more than ten times stronger than this kind of soul body, otherwise, these soul bodies will not disappear at all.

And Qin Lang must have fought against a soul body before. When his strength was weakened to [-]%, he absolutely did not have the ability to crush the soul body when fighting this kind of soul body, so he could only disperse the opponent with mental power, but could not. Completely destroy this soul body.

Moreover, there are so many soul bodies in this Yin Qi River, if each soul body is so powerful, Qin Lang will have a hard time fighting, and it will be dangerous if he is besieged by a large number of soul bodies.

The souls in these forbidden spaces are all hidden in the Yin Qi River, densely packed and I don’t know how many there are, but the Hanba will not refuse anyone who comes at this moment, and directly swallowed them for more than a minute, and the souls in the surrounding area are almost destroyed After devouring it all, even the Yin Qi river water had a small ebb tide. It can be seen that in just over a minute, the Hanba should have absorbed a lot of Yin Qi river water and soul body.


At this time, Hanba hiccupped. It was obvious that he was exhausted after absorbing so much Yin Qi and soul body, and he couldn't disappear, so he stopped absorbing and continued to absorb.

And after he stopped absorbing, a large amount of misty black air appeared all over this big man, covering his whole body.

Then, the big man's own momentum is also improving. It seems that the strength of this drought is about to increase again. He is already the king of zombies, an immortal existence. If his strength improves again, he may not be the king of corpses, but The corpse emperor, who can fly into the sky and escape from the ground, may already be at the same level as the land gods by then.

However, Hanba's own atmosphere has been rising, but it stopped when it rose to a certain level, but at this moment the misty black air has not dissipated, and the zombie king seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, just standing there without moving.

Seeing this state, Qin Lang had no choice but to put the overfed Hanba back into the pet bag again. For the time being, this big guy can't help him much.

After doing this, Qin Lang looked at the Yin Qi River again, and he found that the Yin Qi River was sucked by the Han Ba, and although the water in the river dropped a little, it was not obvious. It is likely to be the same as the top-grade spiritual veins encountered by monks in the cultivation world, and they are all treasures of cultivation.

And Qin Lang suddenly wanted to take away this Yin Qi River, so he started to play the banning spell on the Yin Qi River. Fortunately, due to the trouble caused by the drought just now, most of the Yin Qi River's soul was sucked by it In the belly, so now that Qin Lang started to play the spell to the Yinqi River, the resistance he received has also become much smaller.

This river of yin qi is firmly nailed to the forbidden space of the ancestral spirits, and has already merged with the entire space, so it is not easy for Qin Lang to pull it out again. Qin Lang's prohibition method has hit more than 1000 hands, and the entire yin qi He's ban is less than one-tenth, and it is estimated that the entire ban process will be completed, and there will be no more than 1 hand bans.

However, this river of yin qi is indeed very precious, so Qin Lang felt that it was worth spending a little effort to remove it. In the future, whether it is used for the cultivation of Hanba or traded at the auction in the cultivation world, it will be extremely valuable treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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