The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2070 Mysterious Bone Battle Armor

Chapter 2070 Mysterious Bone Battle Armor
"Armor repair?"

For the people at Qin Lang's table, this is definitely a new term, and everyone actually doesn't know what Kaixiu is.

However, Kaixiu relied on the battle armor to exert a huge combat power, so the battle armor should be a treasure similar to magic weapon and magic weapon, and Kaixiu's cultivation method should be very close to that of monks in the cultivation world.

Of course, this is also Qin Lang's guess. He sensed it with his spiritual sense. The cultivation bases of these armored cultivators in front of him are very low, which are only equivalent to those in the Qi refining period of the cultivation world, and they don't wear battle armor. Therefore, it is impossible to judge to what extent the strength of these cultivators can increase with the increase of the battle armor.

"What an interesting city."

For this Qibi City, Qin Lang couldn't help but have a little interest.

After dinner, a few people found an inn as a place to stay. This inn also includes accommodation, and the daily fee is one hundred green chips.Compared with Qin Lang who spent more than 2000 green chips for a big meal in the restaurant before, the board and lodging in the inn are already very cheap.

After everyone settles down in the inn, they are ready to split up. For the time being, everyone has no clear plan after arriving in Dawan Country, and there is no clue about the period of the ancient ruins. It seems that we need to make a long-term plan, so for the time being, we should inquire more about this city. Some news, and then make plans.

After Qin Lang left the inn, he walked directly on the street. Unlike the ruined cities of martial arts practitioners, there were not many pedestrians walking on Qibi Street, one of the four major cities on the mainland island. Even if there were, most of them were walking. Hastily.

It is worth mentioning that the pedestrians on this street are basically not ordinary people, and all of them have cultivation bases. Although most of them are very weak in Qin Lang's view, they may only be at the level of the first or second level of the cultivation world. But that is also beyond the level of ordinary people.

And among the pedestrians, there are also those who have a higher level of cultivation. Occasionally, one or two people in a street have reached the foundation establishment stage, and the ratio is at least one in forty to fifty.

This industrial city really has a lot of refining workshops. Qin Lang walked through several streets, and all he saw along the way were basically refining workshops, one family next to another, and a large refining workshop may have more than half of the pavements on a street owned by one family. However, a small refining workshop may be just an inconspicuous shop with less than forty or fifty square meters.

All the shops have the sound of bellows being pulled regardless of day or night, it should be that the refining furnace is working, and most of the refining masters in these refining workshops are refining battle armor.

What is a battle armor?

Out of curiosity, Qin Lang pushed open the door of a not-so-large refining workshop at a corner of the street, Fireworks.

In this fire workshop, there are only a middle-aged man and a young man, both of whom are busy sweating profusely. One is constantly beating some materials on the chopping board with a big hammer weighing dozens of kilograms, and the other is constantly adding fuel to the bellows. , Increase the firepower.

This should be the second father and son, a small family refining workshop.

For the two father and son, the strong man should have the cultivation base of the middle stage of foundation establishment, while the young man should be at the peak of Qi refining.

Qin Lang took a look at the material that the strong man was beating. It should be a very fine model of parts, only the size of a thumbtack, but with more than a dozen forks. While being burned red, it was also hammered vigorously by the strong man.

"That's right, this guy's refining level is much higher than mine... I guess he's at least an intermediate refining master." Qin Lang couldn't help being surprised at the refining level of this Qibi City refining master, so he casually pushed away a refiner. workshop, you will be able to see a refiner whose level is higher than yours.

You must know that although there are quite a few craftsmen in the world of comprehension, there may not be a craftsman out of a thousand cultivators. You can find a master craftsman just by opening a crafts workshop like Qibi City. The phenomenon of a level weapon refiner is unlikely to appear at all.

This guy should build the parts of the battle armor, right?
Thinking this way, Qin Lang quietly watched the father and son busy. In fact, the two fathers and sons were so selfless in their work that they didn't even notice that an outsider pushed away from the refining workshop and walked in.

The strong man hammered this fine component for half an hour. Among them, at least more than 1000 hands were used to hammer the iron, and the son next to him pulled the bellows to increase the firepower. Formed, the sweat on the two of them almost turned into puddles on the ground.

After the parts were formed, the two finally called it a day, closed the bellows, quenched the heat, and then wiped their wet and oily bodies with a towel, and at the same time replenished themselves with a large water bottle in the corner.

It is worth mentioning that the work of a craftsman obviously consumes a lot of physical strength and energy. They were busy just now, and the two of them were highly concentrated.

At this moment, the two discovered that the door of the refining workshop was opened, and an outsider walked in.

"Guest, are you ordering the battle armor?" The brawny man asked at this time.

"Battle armor... Uh, what kind of battle armor can you refine? Can I see it?" Qin Lang actually wanted to come to the refining workshop to see what the battle armor looks like, so he came in. However, now seeing is just one component.

From the analysis of this component, the battle armor should be similar to the combined magic weapon. However, the material of this component is actually very ordinary, just ordinary refined iron. The most inferior magic weapon material, and it is the kind that is not popular.

"Uh, this workshop can only refine one type of battle armor... the Mystic Bone Battle Armor, the grade is yellow middle grade, worth [-] blue chips."

The strong man froze for a moment, and said at this time: "There are not many refiners in the whole city who can refine middle-grade Huang grade or above. If guests need it, they can go to Chilianfang 300 meters ahead. A large workshop, with master craftsmen in charge, can meet the higher quality needs of customers there. However, only 20 green chips can buy one piece of battle armor of the middle and upper yellow ranks, which is higher than the mid-grade black bone battle armor of the yellow rank. A full five times the price."

"I suggest customers not to be too ambitious. Although the increase in combat power of our shop's black bone armor is not as good as that of the red training armor, its stability ranks among the top ten in the entire city. It is very wear-resistant in battle, and it is definitely a value for money. The battle armor... let me tell you a little news, the praise rate of the Xuanbone battle armor in our store is far higher than that of the same level of battle armor, and you will definitely not suffer a loss if you buy it."

The strong man was selling to Qin Lang at this time, and Qin Lang asked to take a look at the battle armor. He thought Qin Lang wanted to buy it, and said: "The supply of battle armor in this shop has always been in short supply. You need to book a few days in advance. Usually there is no stock... ...However, today is a bit of a coincidence, a customer's pre-order has expired, and the person has not come, so this battle armor can be resold to others, and if the customer needs it, come with me."

"Okay! Look."

Qin Lang nodded, thinking that he would still be able to buy a [-]-green crystal magic weapon-level battle armor. Let’s take a look first. He doesn’t know what kind of armor an intermediate-level craftsman in the middle stage of foundation establishment can forge. .

After all, in the world of comprehension, the average refiner is at least at the alchemy stage, which is far beyond the cultivation level of this strong man.

With curiosity, Qin Lang followed the strong man to the warehouse in the backyard. In the warehouse, Qin Lang finally saw what the battle armor looked like.

Inside a boxy metal box, there is a set of silver-gray full-body metal armor. This is the mysterious bone armor, which is the battle armor in the mouth of the armor.

The structure of the entire battle armor looks very precise, at least one or two thousand parts are required to form a whole, which is more precise than the structure of magic treasure houses in the cultivation world.

Although most of the parts are made of refined iron, some special refining materials have been added to the key parts of some battle armors, but the proportion of battle armor is not much.

"Guests can try it to see what the nature of the battle armor is like."

The strong man suggested: "There is a battle armor strength tester next to the warehouse, which can test the strength of less than [-] tons."

The power of one hundred tons is definitely the power of a Nascent Soul cultivator in the realm of comprehension. With one punch, a small mountain may be flattened.

And Qin Lang has also learned about refining, and he is also a refining master. Now he is naturally curious when he sees that this style is very different from the battle armor of the magic house in the cultivation world, so he stepped forward and touched it. Following his thoughts, this set of mysterious The bone battle armor unexpectedly possessed itself, as if wrapping itself all over.

In an instant, Qin Lang turned into a metal human body. He felt that the metal armor covering the whole body was close to his body, and a spiritual path was formed inside. When he activated the spiritual path, he could activate the magic weapon function of the battle armor.

However, this mysterious bone battle armor obviously needs to be sacrificed to fully activate the function of the magic weapon. If it is not activated, it is just a layer of ordinary metal armor.

"Guest, the battle armor's spiritual path key is three 8s, please activate it!" the brawny man said at this time.

"Huh?" Qin Lang was very surprised. This battle armor actually has such a modern key design, which is definitely better than those magic weapons in the cultivation world. During the sacrificial refining process, I am afraid that even a low-level Qi-refining first-level monk can activate it without spending too much effort. You must know that in the cultivation world, monks in the Qi-refining stage cannot activate magic-level treasures at all. Not capable enough.

At this time, Qin Lang used his mind to open the key to the spirit path. Immediately, a string of spirit patterns lit up on the armor, and the mysterious bone armor finally got up. Qin Lang felt that his mind and event armor were integrated into one.

Slightly swinging his fist, Qin Lang didn't use any strength at all, but his fist actually made a cracking sound. This mysterious bone battle armor is really extraordinary, it can definitely be compared to a middle-grade magic weapon in the cultivation world, and this magic weapon looks like it is still a combination of attack and defense Yes, it is similar in nature to the magic treasure house... No, it should be better than the magic treasure house. After all, the battle armor is worn on Kaixiu's body, so that Kaixiu can move freely and at the same time, the more convenient ability has been multiplied.

The only thing that is not as good as the Magic Treasure House may be that due to the limitation of materials, the grade of the battle armor is not very high.

"Nice battle armor!" Qin Lang approached the armor strength tester at this time, and tried to throw a punch.

(End of this chapter)

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