Chapter 2069 Armor Repair
The fire of Kanli appeared in the palm of his hand again, and Qin Lang burned the bone necklace in front of Bibi Kao. The pale flames directly burned the ghosts in the eighteen bone beads, and those stern auras instantly turned into Nothing.

"Purify the soul!"

The eighteen bone beads of the bone necklace have accumulated a large number of fierce souls for hundreds of years. If these souls are not purified, they may not be reborn forever. They have been trapped inside this magic treasure, and Qin Lang's The fire of Kanli purifies the soul, which is equivalent to purifying these fierce souls directly, and finally they can escape from the predicament.

However, after Kanli's fire purified, this magic treasure was completely destroyed.

This is equivalent to Qin Lang using the most direct method to solve the problem once and for all.

"Asshole, you will pay the price for ruining the tribe's heritage treasure!"

Qin Lang burned this magic treasure face to face, which was also a provocation for Bibi Kao, the high priest of the Mijia tribe, which made his anger reach its peak, and he rushed out of the battle array and rushed towards Qin Lang.

Just rush out, I'm afraid you won't come out!
When the opponent rushed out, Qin Lang once again used the sword array to block Bibi Kao's passage.

And when the sword array was released, Bibi Kao couldn't move forward or retreat now, even if he wanted to retreat, he probably wouldn't be able to fly as fast as the sword energy of the sword array.

Pupu, it was the sound of sword energy entering the body again, but this Bibikao's physical defense ability after transformation is really good. Qin Lang's sword array this time only aggravated his injury again, but it did not threaten this guy's life.

After Bibi Kao fell for the trick again, he immediately realized that he was absolutely impossible to be the opponent's opponent in his current state, so he held back the pain and retreated into the battle formation again.

"Hehe, goodbye!"

Qin Lang waved his hand, and the bone necklace was burned by Kanli's fire, and now it has been completely ashes. This vicious magic treasure no longer exists under Qin Lang's intentional destruction.

"I'm so pissed off!" Bibi Kao, the high priest of the Miga Tribe, beat his chest in anger, and actually aggravated his injuries.

"I won't let you go! I won't let you go..."


A week later, Qin Lang's team had arrived at Dawan, the only human kingdom on the mainland island.

Dawan is located at the northernmost tip of this mainland island, with an area of ​​about 40 square kilometers.

It is located in the alternating hot and cold currents of the Aegean Sea. Because of the active currents, the surrounding seafood is very rich, so the fishery in Dawan is also the pillar industry of the entire kingdom.There are tens of thousands of fishing boats that go out to sea every fishing season, and the seafood caught can cover the entire ground of the kingdom.

And most of the fishery products will be made into dry products, which is convenient for preservation, and can also be exported to the indigenous tribes on the mainland island, or even overseas.

In addition to fishing, there are actually many specialties in Dawan State. This is a very rich place. In addition, the royal family of Dawan State has also mastered three cyanite mines in the bay. The cyanite chips in the cyanite mines are also important. The training resources are also currency substitutes, and they are as famous as the Black Stone of the Remnant tribe.

Dawan is a prosperous country of commerce and trade. Compared with it, the Remnant Tribe is absolutely nothing. After all, Dawan is the only kingdom on this mainland island that has an ocean-going fleet.

When Qin Lang and others entered the city, each of them paid an entry fee of a green chip and entered Qibi City, one of the four major cities under the jurisdiction of Dawan State. Qibi City is an industrial city, but this industry does not refer to The modern steel manufacturing industry refers to the refining industry.

Qibi City is the city with the most concentrated crystal armor refining in the whole kingdom. There are more than 100 refiners in the whole city. On average, each refiner can manually refine a set of low-grade crystal armor in three days.

The crystal armor is actually a kind of armor similar to a combination magic weapon. This kind of armor integrates attack and defense. Its characteristics are similar to that of a magic weapon house, but it is worn directly on the user.

Because of the crystal armor, the monks in this human kingdom are basically armored cultivators. Armored cultivators are different from martial arts practitioners. They not only cultivate their physical body, but also cultivate their spiritual power. Humanoid.

However, although Kaixiu has inherited the cultivation methods of the ancient cultivators, his growth system is extremely slow. If a high-level armor cultivator does not have a crystal armor on his body, he may not be able to defeat an ordinary totem warrior.

After entering the city, blacksmith shops can be seen everywhere. While Qin Lang and the others found a restaurant to satisfy their thirst, they also planned to inquire about some gossip.

From the news that the Great Bay has an ocean-going fleet, it can be deduced that this kingdom should know the terrain of the entire Aegean Sea like the back of its hand. I am afraid that ocean-going commerce and trade have gone to those ruined cities in the world of warriors.

If you can get information about the ruins of the ancient gods from this human kingdom, or relocate to the entrance and exit of the tributary of time on the deserted island, everyone can rest assured that even if you can't find the treasure, you can go home smoothly.

"What do the guests want?" This is a restaurant called Jumei. As soon as Qin Lang and others walked in, the waiters had already brought the menu.

"Recommend any delicious food!" Qin Lang said.

"The guests don't look like the locals of Dawan, nor the aborigines of this mainland island. They should come from the outer sea!" The waiter's eyes were very poisonous, and he could tell at a glance that Qin Lang and these people were not from this mainland. A native of the island, with a chuckle, he opened the menu and began to introduce.

"The biggest specialty of Dawan Kingdom is fish, all kinds of seafood...precious or not, it is absolutely guaranteed to make customers enjoy eating. Our main menu is roasted devil shark's fin, golden shell, and multi-horned sea cucumber..."

It is normal for guests to report a lot of dish names, all of which are related to seafood.

"Okay, let's have a portion of all the special dishes, and a few jars of good wine!"

Qin Lang, who had already served the table, glanced at several companions around him, and the treater said, this time he treats guests.

"Our best wine is Shen Hai Niang. In addition, our special dishes are 120 dishes. Are you sure you want to order all the dishes?" the waiter said at this time.

"120 eight ways..."

Qin Lang didn't expect that there are so many special dishes in this restaurant. He thought there were only ten or twenty dishes. At this time, he nodded and said: "Order all, order all, this table may not be able to set up so many, so let's use the way of flowing water to slow down." Let’s serve the food slowly! Let’s have three jars of Shen Hai Niang first!”

"Okay, guests, wait a moment!"

After listening to Qin Lang's order, the waiter went back to the back kitchen to report.

After a while, the dishes began to come up one after another, most of them were seafood, seafood, meat and vegetables.

In addition, Shen Hainiang also sent three jars. This kind of wine is packed in [-] catties. It is said that the fine wine is fermented and then submerged in the sea for fermentation. The longer the wine is stored in sea water, the better the taste and the higher the alcohol content.

This kind of Shenhai Brewing in Shifang is three-year, and the degree is about [-] degrees, which is not high, but it is not low either.

"Are you drinking? Feel free to..."

Qin Lang picked up a jug of fine wine by himself, and filled his own bowl first. After the wine was sealed, the smell of the wine was very strong. Just sniffing it in the light made wine worms come out.

Unexpectedly, Sai Shenxian, Li Chuang, Brother Situ, Thrush, and Hei Tu all drink alcohol. It turns out that there are very few martial arts practitioners in this world who do not drink alcohol. This is already a trend.But Koala, the second priest who was rescued from the cannibals, did not drink at all.

Since everyone drinks, it is rare for Qin Lang to have so many drinking companions. Although there are not many among these drinking companions who really like him, but now it can be regarded as sharing joys and sorrows together, so drinking together is more interesting than drinking alone.

Qin Lang pushed two wine jars over, asked everyone to fill them up, and drank a glass together.

"Good wine!" After drinking it, Shen Hainiang was extremely mellow. This wine was actually a kind of spirit wine. Although it was not real spirit wine, there were definitely some spirit wine ingredients added in it.

Ordinary people can definitely strengthen their health by drinking this kind of wine. However, the people at the table are not ordinary people, so this kind of wine, which is slightly inferior to spirit wine, is not very helpful to everyone's health, but simply satisfies the appetite .

After drinking, Qin Lang began to take the lead in holding vegetables. Many of these seafood specialties are monster-level ingredients. Most of the ingredients contain rich energy substances, which are helpful to the cultivation of low-level monks and martial artists. However, reaching At the level above high-level martial arts practitioners, the effect of eating these spiritual materials will be much worse.

After all, as the signature dish of a restaurant, the level of monsters cannot be too high, otherwise, they cannot be mass-produced to satisfy the appetites of the customers who enter the restaurant from the big tribe.

This food shop can only be regarded as a medium-sized restaurant in the whole city. There are about 20 tables in it. The business is not bad, and the occupancy rate has reached [-]%.

Qin Lang's table is leaning against a corner of the restaurant by the window, and there are several large tables not far away, two of which are occupied by other diners, and these houses are basically armor repairs.

"Have you heard? The Ox Demon Master of Bailianfang has forged the mysterious bone battle armor. This is the latest black-level battle armor. Even if this kind of battle armor is worn by low-level Kaixiu, it can directly challenge high-level monsters. , the price is 50 blue chips!"

"Mysterious-level battle armor? My God, it is actually a mysterious-level battle armor. If I can get one, it will be much smoother to go out to sea to hunt monsters. I am afraid that I can beat many monsters in the sea that I couldn't deal with in the past. That’s right! If that’s the case, the harvest will definitely be much more! It’s a pity that the mysterious bone battle armor is too expensive, 50 blue chips a piece, I’m afraid I’m even a little short of the money I’ve saved in the past two years.”

"Nonsense, battle armor is the other half of life for us Kaixiu. If this half is cheap, it is definitely not a good product. If you have money, it is certainly worth buying! The products produced by Bailianfang are generally high-quality goods."

"We, Kaixiu, usually wear low-end battle armor. It is considered good enough to be able to wear a yellow-level armor. The black and yellow battle armor of Bailianfang... Hehe, I am very poor. I can’t afford it yet, but I will definitely save enough money to buy it.”

These armor repairers also communicated with each other while eating, and the topics of discussion were mostly battle armor and hunting monsters in the sea. After all, this is also the daily way of survival of these armor repairers.

(End of this chapter)

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