Chapter 2068 Bone Orb
Qin Lang looked back and saw that this thin and small native had a vague face but recognized him. He should be the second priest of the Mijia tribe who helped Situ Shengbei last time. Unexpectedly, he offended the high priest and most of the tribe after he was released, so the second priest has been kept in prison. In the dark room, after being locked up for so many days, he has lost all his body weight.

"Take him!" Qin Lang looked around and said.

While speaking, he glanced at Situ Shengbei again, but his original savior in front of this guy had no expression on his face, which was a bit cold.

"Who is it?" At this time, someone outside noticed that something was wrong in the black room, and a sentry came to investigate.

"I'll hold them back, you run away first." Qin Lang waved his hand.

Outside the black room, a large number of people from the Mijia tribe rushed to this side. Qin Lang led people out of the black room at this time, and let the newly rescued people flee to the back, but he just faced these cannibal warriors and directly shot Restriction, so that these cannibal warriors cannot approach.

"Bastard! Has the prisoner escaped again... Don't try to escape, you can't escape..."

Bibi Kao, the high priest of the Mijia cannibals, also arrived at this time. Seeing Qin Lang standing in front of him like a tiger blocking the way, he couldn't help snorting: "Did you save them? Since they escaped, you should stay. "

While speaking, Bibi Kao, the cannibal high priest, had already released the secret technique. This guy was chanting words, and following the strange incantation, a black aura enveloped his whole body, and his body suddenly swelled several times. Native priests became strong men.

At this time, Bibi Kao held a cane stick in his left hand, and threw out a string of black necklaces with his right hand. The necklace turned out to be made of bone. There were eighteen bone beads in total, each of which looked like a baby's skull.

"Go!" Bibikao threw out the bone necklace, and as the necklace flew out, every bead made a shrill scream, and the shrill scream was very immature, it seemed that the necklace was really made of baby skulls become. "Taste the power of my eighteen crying..."

Bibi Kao's bone necklace is a tribal heritage treasure, somewhat similar to magic treasures, and the material it is made of is said to be the skull of a baby born in [-] lunar years and lunar days. This treasure has been passed down for hundreds of years. Among the several inherited treasures of the cannibal tribe, it is second only to the withered rattan staff in hand.

As the crying sound approached, Eighteen Crying, this weird bone necklace, flew straight towards Qin Lang, and the voice of the ghost in the necklace became more and more intense, and the baby's crying sound had a fascinated effect, fortunately Qin Lang's mental power is strong enough, otherwise, ordinary people may have lost their minds as long as they heard the sound of a baby crying.

This magic treasure should be equivalent to the grade of a middle-grade magic weapon, and the evil spirit in the necklace is so strong, I am afraid that Eighteen Cries is not just made of eighteen baby skulls, it is likely to be made after the treasure is refined. After that, it devoured many human souls one after another.

Qin Lang has always disliked this kind of evil treasure, his eyes narrowed slightly, Qin Lang raised his head and a flame burned over.

"Hey..." As soon as the eighteen crying came into contact with the flame of Qin Lang, the skulls of the eighteen babies screamed in unison. This flame is not an ordinary flame, but the fire of Kanli, which is very lethal to the spirit body Transformed.

So Eighteen Crying encountered the fire of Kanli, it was absolutely restrained to death, the high priest Bibi Kao didn't expect this situation, and quickly took back the bone item system with great distress. Just this time, eighteen The evil spirit on the baby's skull has been reduced by more than half, which is the result of being burned by the fire of Kanli.

"Damn it... dare to destroy my treasure, court death! I want to refine your kid's soul into the treasure..."

When the high priest Bibi Kao saw that the treasure was destroyed, she couldn't stop feeling distressed and cursed repeatedly.

After all, these eighteen cries are treasures inherited by the Mijia tribe for hundreds of years. It is not easy to refine, and even more difficult to maintain. Over the past few hundred years, the high priests of the cannibal tribe have carefully cared for and maintained them. Every year on the lunar calendar, ghosts are fed to the bone beads , Strong evil spirit.

But now, Qin Lang Kanli's fire is burning like this, and the fire of this magic treasure-level bone necklace has been reversed by 300 years, and its power will definitely be greatly reduced. Of course, Bibi Kao will feel distressed.

But Qin Lang shook his head regrettably, unexpectedly, he could not completely destroy this bone necklace at one time, which shows that this magic treasure is still quite magical.

Fortunately, after being burned by Qin Lang, even if this magic treasure is not destroyed, it can no longer be used anymore. If it is used again, it will probably be destroyed directly.

At this time, Bibi Kao had already rushed towards Qin Lang with a dry rattan stick. After this guy transformed, his physical body looked stronger than that of a high-level totem warrior, but Qin Lang knew that the priest's cultivation system was actually different from that of a totem warrior. , one cultivates the spirit and the other cultivates the body.

The high priest Bibi Kao is likely to have both mental and physical cultivation, similar to the existence of the legendary war shaman. Although his strength has not yet reached the level of the Totem God of War, the degree of difficulty is actually not much worse than the Totem God of War.

In fact, Qin Lang is a monk in the late stage of transformation, even if the Totem God of War stands in front of him, he will not be afraid. After all, he has just killed an ancestor spirit at the level of a false god, and that big guy is much more powerful than the Totem God of War.

However, Qin Lang was able to kill the ancestral spirits of the remnant tribe because of a lot of luck. The ancestral spirits were actually bound by golden chains, and they couldn't fight Qin Lang with all their strength. If there was no golden chain Trapped by chains, it is unknown whether Qin Lang can defeat the spirit of the ancestors when he is in the forbidden area of ​​the ancestors.

When the High Priest Bibi Kao on the opposite side rushed towards him, Qin Lang slightly raised his hand and sent out a few sword qi again.The sword energy actually formed a formation-like structure and forced it towards that guy.

Sword Qi Formation...

Qin Lang integrated formation theory into swordsmanship, which also means that Qin Lang's understanding of kendo has entered a deeper level. The legendary powerful evil sword emperor does not know if he is proficient in formation. It is likely that this is Qin Lang's own fusion After the kendo.

After the formation of sword energy, Bibi Kao on the opposite side also felt the strong pressure of the sword formation, the withered vine staff flashed red, and they went straight to the sword formation one by one.

After Pi Lian encountered the sword array, he was directly smashed to pieces by the extremely fierce sword energy, but the sword array remained unchanged and did not stop to attack him.

Seeing that his spells were ineffective against the sword array, Bibi Kao was also taken aback. The young man in front of him was actually so powerful, which he had never imagined.

Even if you start cultivating from the mother's womb, I'm afraid it's not so powerful!

You know, I have lived for seven or eighty years, and after so many years of practice, my strength is only close to that of the Totem God of War, but I also feel a little overwhelmed when facing this foreigner.

This outsider was able to attract such a big limelight from the tribe of the survivors, and he couldn't get away easily without extraordinary strength, so he was relieved to think of these comparisons.There are some geniuses in this world who really cannot be counted by common sense.

However, although Qin Lang's performance is surprising, Bibi Kao is still confident that he can keep this kid. After all, this is the base camp of the Miga cannibals. He rushed towards Qin Lang and yelled "Set up the formation, trap this kid!".

After the cannibal warriors received the order from the high priest, they began to form formations, and as they walked, red lights lit up under their feet, which was the pattern of the secret battle formation.

This set of secret battle formation is actually the basis for the Miga cannibals to gain a foothold on this mainland island. Without this set of battle formation, I am afraid that this indigenous tribe would have been destroyed in the war with other tribes.

And as the battle formation gradually formed, Qin Lang also felt that the aura of heaven and earth in the surrounding area was changing drastically. This battle formation does not seem to be simple, it should be an ancient formation.

Before the battle formation was about to form, Qin Lang laughed and prepared to get away, he didn't want to try the power of this battle formation.

However, after getting away, he once again launched a sharp blow to the high priest of the Miga tribe, and a sword energy pierced through the previous sword formation, and directly shot into the body of the high priest Bibikao.


There was a muffled sound, like scratching a cowhide. Although the high priest Bibikao was injured by this attack, it did not achieve the expected damage effect. Originally, Qin Lang thought that this sword could at least seriously injure the opponent, or even completely lose his fighting power. But now Bibi Kao was only injured to a moderate degree, although the sword energy penetrated into the flesh, it didn't hurt the internal organs.

This is of course the result of the high priest's physical strength, and after Bibi Kao was injured, his combat power was not affected much. At this time, he was already close to Qin Lang, with a hideous face, and his bucket-like arm directly moved towards Qin Lang to hug him. It is necessary to hug Qin Lang directly, and then launch a strangulation.

It's a pity that when he launched the waist hug, Qin Lang also started teleporting and disappeared in place.

swipe... swipe... swipe... swipe...

The red glows are connected together, and the secret battle formation of these cannibal warriors has finally started, but Qin Lang has escaped from the encirclement at this time, and is not within the encirclement of the battle formation, otherwise, under the influence of the ultimate move on the battlefield , Qin Lang's combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

After launching this ultimate move on the battlefield, the aura soared. Qin Lang felt as if standing in front of him was a giant stronger than the spirit of the ancestors. This was an illusion formed by the invisible aura of the battle formation.

After doing some calculations, Qin Lang knew that even if he could break this battle formation, he might have to pay a certain price. After all, this battle formation is the secret skill of the Miga cannibals. It is indeed not easy for tribes that cannot be reached to exist forever.

However, Qin Lang's purpose was to delay the time for the newly rescued teammates to escape. Now that he has been fighting for so long, this task is almost completed.

It is obviously unwise to fight recklessly with the battle formation, Qin Lang laughed, and took out a treasure from his arms at this time, but Bibi Kao, the high priest of the Mijia tribe in the battle formation, stared round: "My eighteenth cry, why are you here?" In your hand..."

But it turned out that Qin Lang didn't know what was going on, and Qin Lang actually slipped the bone necklace, one of the inherited treasures of the Mijia tribe, into his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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