Chapter 2067 Tribal Rescue
However, the good luck seemed to have come to an end, there were actually people from the Mijia tribe ambushing here about fifty miles away from the tribe of the survivors.

Although the Miga Tribe is not as powerful as the Remnant Tribe, Bibikao, the high priest of the Miga Tribe, is also close to the existence of the Totem God of War. In addition, the thirty tribal elites in front of us are all high-level totem warriors. Sai Shenxian, Li Chuang, Situ Brothers, Thrush, and Heitou were not able to deal with them.

And meeting the elite led by Bibi Kao, the high priest of the Miga cannibal clan at this moment, also means that it is difficult for people like Sai Shenxian to break through successfully, after all, the strength gap between the two sides is a bit big.

"Unfortunately, Qin Lang is still behind..."

Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang sighed. If Qin Lang was here, it shouldn't be a problem to have the most high-end combat power to help break through.

At this time, these cannibal warriors from the Mijia tribe came to surround them, and it was impossible for Sai Shenxian and others to catch them without a fight, and of course they tried their best to break through.

It's a pity that the Mijia tribe has been here for a long time, there are traps everywhere on the surrounding roads, and there are many people, and there is a high priest whose combat power is close to that of the Totem God of War. Everyone fell into the hands of the Miga tribe.

And the reason why Immortal Sai was able to escape was because he received a treasure that could speed up. This treasure allowed Immortal Sai to burst at a speed of [-]% in a short period of time, and he rushed out before the Mijia tribe surrounded him. The encirclement line of the Miga tribe.

However, even after rushing out of the siege of the Mijia tribe, Sai Shenxian didn't dare to turn back. He knew that if he turned back, he might be like the other five companions in the team, and in the end he could only become a prisoner of the cannibals.

"Master High Priest, caught five, and one escaped..."

After the battle, a cannibal warrior reported to High Priest Bibiko. "Do you want to chase?"

"Well, Yu Yu, you lead ten people to chase this fish that slipped through the net...the rest of you and I will take these captives back to the dense forest."

High Priest Bibikao thought for a while and said.

In the end, this time the Miga cannibals ambushed, only Sai Shenxian in this team escaped successfully, and the rest were all tied up by the Miga cannibals and turned into captives.However, even if Immortal Sai escaped, the Mijia Tribe still pursued him relentlessly, and sent a team of ten people to chase after him.


After Qin Lang left the survivor tribe, he didn't know that most of his teammates fell into the hands of the Mijia cannibals. He didn't take the road when he manipulated the magic house to escape. After all, the magic house didn't need to refer to the terrain when flying in the air, so Qin Lang was All the way to the back, flying straight, but if it is taking the avenue, it must be curved.

After recovering for a few hours, Qin Lang was about to continue walking towards the human kingdom. Suddenly, he sensed some movement nearby. The road next to the valley is actually the road leading to the human kingdom. Although Qin Lang didn’t take the road directly, he still Keep going along this terrain.

At this time, of course he heard the movement from the other side of the avenue. It should be the footsteps of pedestrians running, one foot high and one foot low, looking a little embarrassed.

The sound of these footsteps was faintly familiar to Qin Lang, his expression changed at this moment, and the next moment, a figure appeared outside the valley.

When he saw that pedestrian, Qin Lang's eyes widened: "Sai Shenxian? Why are you alone, and the rest of the team..."

"Qin Lang?!"

Immortal Sai couldn't figure out what was going on in front of him. Qin Lang, who was in charge of breaking the rear, ran ahead of the team fleeing from the tribe of survivors. However, he didn't bother to ask these questions now. It took him a lot of effort to escape from here, and he even made a right move with the high priest of the Mijia tribe before, and he suffered serious internal injuries.

He didn't have time to heal his injuries all the way, and kept running for his life. If he wasn't a brilliant pharmacist who knew how to suppress his injuries, he might have passed out before halfway.

"They...they were all captured by the Miga cannibals, and only I escaped..."

When he saw Qin Lang, Sai Shenxian felt that his heart was on fire for so long, and he could finally take a breath to recuperate his injuries. During his escape, he always felt that the cannibals of the Mijia tribe did not give up chasing and killing, so he did not give up at all. Dare to stop.

But now seeing such a powerful help from Qin Lang, Sai Shenxian has a chance to relax.

"Caught by cannibals?" Qin Lang was startled.

"Yeah, those Miga tribe cannibals ambushed us. We didn't expect the Miga tribe cannibals to collude with those bastards from the Remnant tribe."

Immortal Sai said: "There are still pursuers behind me, they should be chasing them soon."

"Okay, you recuperate first, and leave the chasers to me."

Qin Lang nodded. Immortal Sai is a brilliant pharmacist himself, so there is no need to provide him with elixir, he can just use his own healing potion.

Moreover, the relationship between the two is actually not very harmonious. After all, both sides had Mao Dun before. Give this guy his own Creation Pill.

And when Immortal Sai was looking for a place to heal his wounds behind him, Qin Lang was already walking along the avenue, and it didn't take long to see the pursuers of the Mijia cannibals.

"Are the ten cannibals all the strength of high-level totem warriors?"

Qin Lang looked around, and soon sensed the strength of this team of pursuers.

A team of high-level totem warriors is nothing to Qin Lang, so Qin Lang knocked out the team of high-level totem warriors without much effort, woke up one of them to use his means, and asked After talking, I got the news that my captured companions were taken to the jungle base by the Miga cannibals.

To be honest, Qin Lang is not very familiar with most of the adventure team. However, Li Chuang is considered as half of his apprentice. Qin Lang decided to save these people for the sake of this sentiment.

After that, he sent a direct voice transmission to Immortal Sai, who was still healing behind him: "I'll save people first! After you're done healing, go straight to the human kingdom, and we'll meet again at that time."

The Mijia cannibals live in the depths of the dense forest, at least 200 miles away from here. However, Qin Lang has flying treasures, and if he directly manipulates the magic treasure house, he can reach them in less than an hour.


Miga Tribe, Black House.

The Mijia tribe is simply incomparable with the prosperous tribe of the Remnant tribe. Although it is one of the three major tribes on this mainland island, it is a crane tail.

In fact, the entire tribe has only 400 people, which is less than one-tenth of the survivor tribe.

The black room is equivalent to the prison of this primitive tribe. At this moment, Li Chuang and others were all tied up and locked in the black room.

After capturing these few humans, the entire cannibal clan started to get busy again, restarting the sacrificial activities, preparing to provide the five human sacrifices to the ancestors of the tribe.

After all, the three major tribes all have ancestor spirits. Although the Miga cannibals are at the end of the crane of the three tribes and are a primitive cannibal tribe, the ancestor spirits of the tribe have been enshrined for hundreds of years.

And when these cannibals were busy, inside the dark room, Li Chuang, Brother Situ, Thrush, and Heitou were all flustered, especially Situ Shengbei... the feeling of revisiting the old place was even more unpleasant.

They all knew that everyone was doomed this time, and it wouldn't be long before it would turn into excrement from the stomachs of cannibals, especially the two girls, Thrush and Heitou, their faces paled at the thought of the horror, and their delicate bodies kept trembling.

"Dead... dead... dying..."

"Unexpectedly, this girl came to take risks with full expectations, but ended up with such a tragic death... I don't want to be eaten..."

Kachi, at this moment, the cell door of the black room opened, and several cannibal warriors walked in.

"The high priest said that the tribe's population is thin, and the two females can be used as breeding pigs for our tribe, and they will not eat when they grow branches and leaves..."

"Now lock these two mothers to another place. The rest will be eaten after the sacrifice tonight!"

After finishing speaking, these cannibal warriors had already come over ahead of time, ready to lock the heavily tied thrush and black doll to another place.

And hearing that the two of them were going to be treated as breeding pigs, the two girls, Thrush and Heitou, did not think they would escape, but became even more frightened. Thinking about it, too, they were raised like pigs by the entire cannibal tribe, and then given to this This kind of ignorant aborigine lays a lot of little aborigines like laying eggs, which is definitely not what the two girls want.

If possible, they would rather be eaten as sacrifices than suffer such insults.


When the two girls were picked up by the cannibal warriors, they were struggling with all their strength, but unfortunately they couldn't break free because of their restrained bodies.

And the girl Huamei was even more unlucky. When she was struggling, a cannibal was able to eat tofu continuously, repeatedly pinched the weakest place, and even left a pool of black marks on her chest. Well, these natives never take a bath, and it's normal for their paws to be dirty. She was so disgusted that she rolled her eyes and passed out.

While the black room was buzzing, the few cannibals who entered the black room to pick up people suddenly seemed to be fixed, motionless, standing there like a sculpture.

"Finally arrived in time..."

A faint voice came into the ears of several prisoners in the black room.

Hearing this voice, Li Chuang and other sober people were overjoyed: "Qin Lang!"

It turned out that Qin Lang finally arrived here.

Thank goodness!Finally, they were saved, hope was rekindled in the eyes of the few people who were destined to die, and then Qin Lang untied everyone with a wave of his hand.

"Quick, get out of here now!"

Li Chuang, who was released from the shackles, didn't want to stay in this cannibal tribe for a moment.

"Wait, take me!"

There was another voice in the corner, but it was not from Qin Lang's companions, but from a thin native who had been imprisoned in a dark room for several days.

(End of this chapter)

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