The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2066 The Ambush on the Road

Chapter 2066 The Ambush on the Road

The high priest Boka slapped his head heavily, and with a ray of blood, a long horse directly wound around the house of magic treasures. This is a forbidden technique formed by the high priest with his own spiritual power. The horses are entangled, and the consequences are unpredictable.

At this time, the magic house suddenly shrank sharply, becoming the size of a palm, and shifted in one direction, avoiding this bloody light.

The shrunk magic house is more flexible and elegant to move in the air, and it is even more difficult for the high priest's forbidden technique to lock him.

This forbidden technique is also the essence of the high priest Polka's whole body strength. It is not simple. When the pounce fails, it can still be controlled by Polka's mind, turn around again, and make a second pounce on the magic house.

However, at this time, Qin Lang's Magic Treasure House had already fully charged, and it had completely locked on the weak point of the battlefield's ultimate move restriction enchantment, and launched an impact.

It was still a step too late for the High Priest's Forbidden Art Blood Light. When the spell rushed over, Qin Lang's magic house had already broken through the barrier's defense first and got out.

"Finally broke, hoo, I'll go..."

It's not easy, it's not easy, Qin Lang feels that it's really not easy.

The price of breaking through the barrier is that Qin Lang's true energy has dropped by another ten percentage points, and now the remaining true energy in his body may be less than 20.00%.

Fortunately, he has already broken out from the ultimate move on the battlefield. Even though he has little true energy left, he still has the confidence to break out of the encirclement of those totem warriors in the entire tribe of survivors, and escape from birth. The monks still have this confidence.

"Damn... actually escaped..."

As a result, High Priest Boca gritted his teeth angrily when he saw that the barrier was broken, which really made the treasure house fly away.

However, Qin Lang was originally not weaker than him. Even if he tried his best to keep the other party, he still failed in the end.

Moreover, this time, in order to complete the private transaction between the two mine owners of Kara and Xulong, the forbidden area of ​​the ancestors of the entire temple was almost destroyed. The temple side also suffered huge losses, and Polkadot made a loss-making business. , lost his wife and lost his army.

If there is regret medicine, if Kara and Xu Nong make such a request again, perhaps the high priest Boka will be more cautious, and it is hard to say whether he will make similar transactions with these two guys again.


After Qin Lang rushed out of the blockade of the temple, he didn't stay any longer. He directly manipulated the magic treasure house to leave the tribe quickly. After fully reacting, it will not be so easy for him to escape smoothly.

So even though manipulating the Magic Treasure House to run all over the body consumes a lot of real energy, even though his own real energy is running low, Qin Lang still uses all his strength to move quickly in one direction.

While advancing, he swallowed another Tianyuan Pill and replaced it with a new top-grade spirit stone to speed up recovery, but the speed of the entire recovery was simply not as fast as the speed of consumption.

Fortunately, while manipulating the Magic Treasure House to fly with all its strength, while absorbing the power of pills and spiritual energy, although the replenishment speed of true energy cannot compare with the speed of consumption, the speed of consumption has slowed down a lot. If he did not do this, I am afraid that Qin Lang will leave the survivors The tribe may be exhausted within fifty miles.

In the sound of chasing and killing behind, Qin Lang has locked the direction of the human kingdom and has been moving forward. He and his adventure team partners have discussed before, and after leaving the tribe of the survivors, they will go to the only human kingdom on this mainland island.

I heard that this human kingdom is at least three thousand miles away from the tribe of the survivors, and the distance is not short. For ordinary people, it may take more than half a month to reach their destination.

However, Qin Lang's Banzhuxiang Kungfu manipulated the magic weapon house and flew more than 600 miles away from the tribe of the survivors. At this time, he felt that his true energy had dropped to the critical point of [-]%, so he had to stop and prepared to find a place first. Let's talk about it again.

I didn't meet companions like Saishenxian and Li Chuang along the way, but Qin Lang believed that he might have left these companions behind. After all, even if a martial artist gallops with all his strength, running four to five hundred miles a day is already counted. Hurry up, although he consumed a lot in this short moment, he ran a distance that a martial artist can cover in more than a day.

It has to be said that this is the benefit of flying treasures, not to mention that when Qin Lang's magic house is fully activated, the speed is even faster than those of the top flying treasures.

This is a quiet valley. Qin Lang found a hidden valley that looked like a snake cave, and after arranging a defensive formation, he began to clean up.

And with the help of the formation, even if something unclean appears in the snake cave when Qin Lang recovers from meditation, he will be blocked from the formation. As a formation master, Qin Lang still has this confidence, after all, in this valley It is impossible to have too powerful wild insects and beasts in such an environment.

Two hours later, Qin Lang opened his eyes again, and a burst of extremely thick white air spewed out from his mouth. After just two hours of meditation and recovery, his spirit finally reached its peak.

Moreover, after recovering from the battle, he felt that his cultivation had improved a bit. It seemed that the battle was indeed a forging one. The increase in cultivation, comprehension and experience gained in this round of battle was more than usual for half a month of retreat. The effect is even better.

This is also an inevitable enchantment after experiencing life and death, so adventurers in the cultivation world are so keen on taking risks, which is also a very important reason.

When Hei Jin learned that the forbidden land of the ancestral spirits had been destroyed and that Qin Lang and a group of outsiders attacked the tribe of the survivors, he was silent for a long time.

As the upper class of the tribe, Heijin is naturally not like those ignorant ordinary tribesmen who think that this is just a simple and vicious incident. He knows that there must be something hidden in it. It is very likely that the temple designed to frame this group of foreigners, otherwise it would not have appeared Such a lose-lose situation.

That’s right, it’s a loss for both sides. This time, the vicious incident caused huge losses to the temple, but this group of outsiders didn’t get any real benefits. Instead, they formed a deep hatred with the tribe of the survivors. Automatically void.

Now this group of outsiders had to flee, and they would be hunted down endlessly by the entire tribe in the future.

"Why is this..."

Hei Jin decided to make it easy for his subordinates to investigate, but he also knew that no matter how much he investigated, the group of outsiders would be the enemies of the entire tribe. This has become a fact and cannot be changed.

"The reason for this is probably related to the resource allocation war in the mining area this time... After all, the departure of this group of foreigners still has a certain impact on me. If the temple is held accountable for this matter, even I will implicated..."

Thinking of these black golds, his face changed, and he said to a paparazzi: "Get ready, now I'm going to meet that old devil Ma Da."

In this year's distribution of mining areas, Heijin and Ma Da are both vested interests. Although the distribution of interests this time has enriched himself and Ma Da, it must also damage the interests of other mine owners. This may be a disaster root.

And if this matter is not handled well, at least it will lose its own interests, and at worst it may lose its identity as a big mine owner, so black gold cannot be careless.


Back to a day before, when Qin Lang died and the members of the cover team evacuated the tribe of survivors.

Sai Shenxian, Li Chuang, Brother Situ, Thrush, and Heidu hurried out of the tribe of survivors, and some of them headed north, and the north happened to be the direction of the only human kingdom on this continental island.

That's right, everyone escaped from the Remnant tribe this time, and it was the only human kingdom that wanted to go to this mainland island.

After all, everyone has now become enemies with two of the three major tribes on this mainland island, and now the final foothold is the only human kingdom on this mainland island.

Compared with the natives of this large island, these humans who believe in the human kingdom are more likely to accept the identity of these outsiders, because they are all human races.

However, when everyone escaped for less than fifty miles, they encountered trouble, and the trouble was not that the pursuers of the survivor tribe arrived, but that they encountered an ambush, and the ambushed people were actually members of the cannibal tribe Mijia tribe.

"Not good... there is a trap..."

A pit suddenly appeared on the originally flat avenue. Situ Shengbei, one of the Situ brothers, didn't check, and fell into one of the traps, and then let out a scream.

At this time, the warriors of the Mijia cannibals also surrounded from the ambush site, more than 30 people, this group of people seemed to have been in ambush here for a long time, and the leader was Bibi Kao, the high priest of the clan.

"It's the cannibals! What's going on, how can the cannibals ambush here in advance?"

Immortal Sai was startled, and the things in front of him were a bit weird. The cannibal tribe couldn't know the movement of them leaving the remnant tribe and fleeing to the human kingdom in advance, but the facts in front of them make people wonder whether the high priest of this tribe has a prophet ability.

Otherwise, the behavior of the cannibal Miga clan ambushing here in advance cannot be explained.

Seeing a group of outsiders who escaped from the dense forest surrounded by their own clansmen, the high priest Bibi Kao also showed a terrifying smile: "Jie Jie, thanks to making friends with the owner of the Xu Nong mine of the Remnant tribe this time, I got a big news in advance. Stop the escape route of you outsiders... Jie Jie, I already knew the news that the Sunon United Temple was going to deal with you! You outsiders are also capable of breaking through the blockade of the temple. However, it is very unfortunate that I have arranged a second checkpoint on your escape route, and you will escape in this direction after breaking out of the tribe of the survivors, and now all of you are in ambush."

"Huh? There's one more person who hasn't come, maybe it was left behind by the Remnant tribe... Never mind, let's catch you first. Children, go!"

Bibi Kao, the high priest of the Miga Tribe, waved his hand.

With Bibi Kao waving his hand, these cannibal warriors from the Mijia tribe besieged Sai Shenxian and others together.

Only after further study did Sai Shenxian and others realize that it was not the prophets of the Miga cannibals, but a group of outsiders who had been designed before they entered the temple. in the dark.

Fortunately, luck was good this time, with Qin Lang, who was at the late stage of Transformation God, together, everyone was not trapped in the temple of the tribe of the survivors.

(End of this chapter)

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