The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2065 Fighting on the altar

Chapter 2065 Fighting on the altar

And it is impossible for Qin Lang not to know the thoughts of these priests, but the strength has reached his level, and the power that can affect him in this world is much less.

The priests in front of them may be stronger than the high-level totem warriors, but no matter how strong they are, they are no different from the cultivators in the middle and late stages of the Nascent Soul. They are definitely top-notch combat power on this mainland island, but they are still a little bit worse against Qin Lang.

After all, Qin Lang is a monk in the late stage of transformation, unless the legendary totem god of war comes, or an ancestral opponent like a false god in the forbidden area, he can't keep him.

When this big wave of spells came to Qin Lang, Qin Lang of course also made a counterattack. With just a slight push, a wave of air blocked all the spells, and he was already far away from himself. A spell explosion occurs.

Of course, these spell explosions couldn't hurt him, not to mention that he pushed these spells away from him, even if he didn't push them away, his body's defense ability could block them.

However, Qin Lang didn't want to consume too much real energy after spending too much in the ancestral spirit forbidden area at this time, so he had the idea of ​​not using his own defense ability to fight hard.

After all, this wave of attacks is also the full blow of these five or six priests, and the power added together is not small, but after Qin Lang came out of the forbidden area of ​​the ancestral spirit, his combat power was consumed too much. Now it is only [-]% of the original, although this [-]% The combat power is also stronger than that of the monks in the middle stage of transformation, but he still needs to save his strength to deal with the high priest Boka and the subsequent retreat. Of course, he must save more of his own strength.

Qin Lang knows that his main task now is to cover the retreat of those companions. Now he is dragging the priests and envoys of these temples in front of him. As long as he buys more time to retreat, his companions can escape the tribe of survivors safely.

And as long as these companions evacuate safely, his mission is considered complete, and then no one in the entire tribe of survivors should be able to stop him from retreating.

Regardless of the fact that there are so many priests in the entire temple, plus hundreds of envoys, as long as he wants to retreat, these people can't stop him.

After defusing the first wave of attacks from these priests, the surrounding attacks unexpectedly stagnated in a small area. It turned out that the first wave of attacks by the five or six priests in front of them had already exhausted their full strength, and their physical and mental strength had been almost exhausted. It will take a little time to recharge for the second wave.

And the envoys around are relatively far apart, and these envoys are still unable to intervene in such a high-level battle for the time being. Even if they can intervene in the battle, I am afraid that no one is the enemy of Qin Lang.

Fortunately, at this time, the high priest had already unleashed his strongest strength and forced Qin Lang over. After returning to his prime of life, the high priest's physical fitness had also been strengthened many times, even if he was a professional spiritual practitioner. He is a powerful priest, and his physical fitness far exceeds that of the tribe's high-level totem warriors. His agility and movement are extremely agile.

"Is this the power of the Totem God of War..."

Seeing the high priest who was forcing him over, Qin Lang felt the surging spiritual power, and couldn't help thinking secretly.

Although this high priest is not as powerful as the spirit of the ancestors, Qin Lang feels that he really can't beat the opponent with such a combat power that has been consumed to less than [-]% of his strength.

After all, although Qin Lang killed the spirits of the ancestors in the forbidden area of ​​the ancestors, the loss of successive battles was too great. Now even if the monks in the stage of transformation of gods are constantly growing, they can recover while fighting, but the speed of recovery can only be reduced. It is equal to the speed of battle consumption.

And Qin Lang has always been a cautious person. Of course, in this situation, one or two points of strength must be reserved for retreating, so it is impossible to fight with all these guys in front of him. If the totem warrior supports the temple, he may have nowhere to escape.

Of course, this is not the result Qin Lang wanted. During the battle, Qin Lang swallowed a Tianyuan Pill for himself, and continued to fight with the priests in front of him with a top-quality spirit stone in his hand.

The green chip energy in the spiritual vein can only be used for daily cultivation, and if used in battle, it is extremely unstable, and it will hurt yourself instead.

Therefore, if it is used for quick recovery in battle, the effect of the best spirit stone is much better.

With the acceleration of the elixir and the spirit stone, he recovered his true energy much faster. After fighting for a few minutes, his body's true energy slowly recovered to less than [-]% and a half.

There is no way, now the body of the monks in the late stage of transformation of the gods has too much real energy. Even if they want to replenish themselves through normal practice, it may take several hours.

And this kind of recovery while fighting will of course take longer.

And the high priest Boka saw that Qin Lang had been fighting with him, and he was unwilling to consume too much of his own strength, so how could he not know what Qin Lang was thinking.

He knew that Qin Lang might have consumed too much when he came out of the forbidden area of ​​the ancestral spirits, and he was relatively weak now, so he gritted his teeth and said loudly: "Everyone, launch the temple battlefield!"

Following the high priest's order, all the priests and envoys responded one after another, injecting their own power into the altar, and the pattern on the altar underwent a new change, and a huge force began to envelope the entire priest, forming a Formed an isolated enchantment.

"The ultimate move on the battlefield... It's actually an ultimate move on the battlefield. It seems that the high priest Boka is also determined to keep me..."

Qin Lang murmured at this time, the changes in front of him are too fast, he is actually trapped in the same altar as the enchantment space with the people in these temples, and this enchantment is a battlefield reserved by the temple to kill The trick requires all the priests and envoys in the entire temple to work together to activate it.

And once this battlefield ultimate move is activated, all the space on the entire altar will be blocked by an enchantment, so it will become very difficult for Qin Lang to escape.

"Hahaha, let's see how you escape... Now the entire altar has been blocked by an enchantment. Only by fighting with me with all your strength, defeating me, and my subordinates, you, a foreigner, have a slight chance of escaping from the temple... "

Boca, who has become a mature man, laughed, with a hint of complacency in his anger.

He also didn't expect that this group of outsiders would cause so much damage to the forbidden area of ​​the ancestors. Now Boka's spiritual power has been unable to contact the spirits of the ancestors, and he doesn't know how the spirits of the ancestors in the forbidden area have been hurt.

He didn't know that the spirit of the ancestors had been cleaned up by Qin Lang's spirit treasure gourd, otherwise, he would be even more shocked and angry. After all, the spirit of the ancestors is the belief of the entire survivor tribe and the god of the tribe.
And Qin Lang, who was blocked by the battlefield ultimate move, gradually became gloomy at this time. He also did not expect that the temple would have such a means after the collapse of the forbidden area. This battlefield ultimate move should also be left over from the same period as the tribe ancestors. Although it is also a restraint method similar to formation, but if he wants to break it, it may take a lot of time.

And Qin Lang's main task now is to give his companions time to escape from the tribe of survivors. Although the task is to hold back the people in the temple, it is impossible to stay here for too long. If the totem warriors of the tribe of survivors all Coming to the temple, coupled with some mysterious means, maybe Qin Lang would have to perish here.

After a confrontation with the high priest of Polkadot, Qin Lang was blown away by more than ten feet, yes, it was Qin Lang who was blown away.

Originally, Qin Lang was far stronger than Polka. Even if Polka, the high priest of the totem god of war, exerted all his strength, he could not defeat Qin Lang. It's normal to not be able to beat Polkadot.

And to restore all his own strength, Qin Lang needs several hours in his normal practice state, and it is under the condition of taking a lot of pills and using top-quality spirit stones, but the priests of the temple cannot give himself this recovery time .

Qin Lang knew that he had to quickly break the blockade of this ultimate move on the battlefield, otherwise, at most one stick of incense, there would be warriors from all directions of the temple, and it would be even more difficult to escape.

Qin Lang summoned the nine-story Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of the Magic Treasure House, and the next moment, he entered the top-grade Magic Treasure House.

It's been a long time since I personally manipulated these magic treasure houses, but Qin Lang wasn't a little unfamiliar. At this time, he directly exerted the power of the magic treasure houses to the maximum, and the surface of the magic treasure houses began to burn blazingly.

Disregarding that opening the Magic Treasure House would speed up the consumption of his true energy, Qin Lang began to manipulate the Magic Treasure House to charge towards a weak point in the battlefield's killing move prohibition barrier. This weak point was also calculated repeatedly by connecting to the super system just now. Out of about an area, it is impossible to lock it precisely, but now there is not much time for him to do a precise lock.

rush!rush!knock it off...

The high priest Boka saw that Qin Lang suddenly summoned the magic treasure house and entered the magic treasure house directly. He also knew that the magic treasure house was a very powerful treasure.

Although the High Priest Boka is confident in the defensive ability of the altar's ultimate battlefield move, it is impossible to let Qin Lang charge like this, so he also began to chase the magic house.

Now that the magic treasure house has become the size of a real pagoda, Qin Lang can't accurately lock the weak point of the forbidden barrier, so he simply increases the shape of the magic treasure house to the maximum. hit that spot.

boom!The Magic Treasure House was very fast, and before the high priest Boka chased him, he bumped into the forbidden barrier of the ultimate move on the battlefield, causing a violent explosion.

And with the impact, Qin Lang also felt that the weak point of the enchantment was loosened, and the sense of position became more obvious.

However, this blow did not completely knock it open, so Qin Lang needs to work harder.

But at this moment, the attack of the High Priest Boca, who was chasing up from behind, also arrived: "Bastard, don't even try to escape...die!"

(End of this chapter)

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