The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2064 The Forbidden Land Collapses

Chapter 2064 The Forbidden Land Collapses
As soon as the spirit weapon came out, the entire forbidden space was sensed.

It is as if a beam of light suddenly hits in the dark night, which will illuminate a large space and cause obvious changes to the environment in one fell swoop.

And Qin Lang felt that under the aura of these gourds, the domain suppression on his body seemed to disappear.

In other words, the [-]% strength that was suppressed before has returned, and under the aura of these gourds, he can also exert [-]% of his combat power.

This time, Qin Lang directly pulled out all six child gourds, leaving only one golden female gourd still in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The reason why the mother gourd was not called out was also because Qin Lang sensed that the mother gourd has now opened up the gourd space, and there are too many spiritual plants and elixir that are precious to him, and there is no room for any mistakes.

If the gourd space is damaged during the battle, it may affect those spiritual plants and elixir, and I will have no place to cry at that time.

Therefore, Qin Lang would never use the golden female gourd to fight, which is why he only sacrificed six son gourds in this battle.

At this moment, these six child gourds, which are bigger than the mother gourd, are floating in the air. Although the set of innate spiritual treasures is not complete without the mother gourd, the effect they can play together is huge.

First of all, Qin Lang's domain suppression disappeared, and Qin Lang's real strength recovered.

And another key is that these gourds actually have a strong restraint effect on the soul body, they can devour those soul bodies, Qin Lang issued a thought, the gourd mouths of the six gourds blew a strong wind at the same time, and the soul bodies surrounding Qin Lang first controlled Can't stop, they were all sucked into the gourd one by one.

This surprised Qin Lang. You must know that although those soul bodies are not very strong, they are not so easy to deal with if you really want to deal with them. It is of course a good thing that these gourds can directly take away the soul bodies.

And the better thing is yet to come, these gourds can be absorbed into the soul body, and at the same time, they can also affect these ancestor spirit clones. It is fixed, and it seems that there is no escape.

After all, although the ancestral spirit avatar is formed by the power of faith, it is also a special kind of spirit body, so of course the gourd of the spirit treasure level can also be swallowed, but it is much more difficult to swallow than those gray shadow soul bodies .

All of a sudden, Qin Lang sacrificed a big killing weapon to directly reverse the overall situation and disabled the ancestor spirit clone. Now only the ancestor spirit clone that was bound on the weird throne has not been destroyed, and now Qin Lang Lingbao is also after the shot. Confidence soared, with these few gourds in hand, are you afraid that you won't be able to destroy the last remnant soul of the ancestors?

"Let... let me go... Warrior, I... I can give the ancient gods the clues to the treasure."

At this time, the remnant soul of the ancestral spirit actually begged for mercy, and this guy unexpectedly recovered some spiritual wisdom, not the previous state of being in a daze.

This is actually related to the characteristics of the soul body of the ancestors. The two clones of the ancestor spirit clone for the first time are both cruel and killing parts of themselves, while the one bound by the golden chain on the throne is a rational divine body. Soul, without the influence of those stupid and cruel thoughts, it is of course much more sober.

"The treasure of the ancient gods?"

Qin Lang was stunned, this is probably the adventure goal of Immortal Sai who brought everyone to the Aegean Sea, this remnant god of the ancestor spirit actually knows?

However, if you think about it, the spirits of the ancestors are all existences that have survived in ancient times. If you don't know some major events that happened in the Aegean Sea during that period, you can't justify it.

So, Qin Lang asked: "Where is the treasure?"

"I can't tell you now, first you have to let me go."

At this time, the remnant soul of the god body talked to Qin Lang about the conditions.

However, Qin Lang didn't intend to let this guy go. After thinking about it, he asked Lingbao Gourd to start collecting the remnant soul bound to the throne.

"No... you'll regret it..."

The remnant soul of this ancestral spirit was frightened and angry. Unfortunately, he was bound to the throne. The restriction left over from ancient times was too strong. It has not been able to break free so far, so no matter how unwilling he is, he still It was absorbed by the spirit treasure gourd.

And as the spirit of the ancestors was collected by the spirit treasure gourd, the entire golden throne suddenly collapsed, and the golden chain that originally restrained the spirit of the ancestors fell down and was taken by Qin Lang.

Qin Lang stroked it and felt the mysterious power contained in the golden chain. He was immediately sure that this golden chain was not an ordinary treasure, but probably an ancient treasure close to a fairy artifact. The god has been trapped on the throne of the forbidden space for so many years.

The level of this golden chain treasure is very high, but Qin Lang has no time to study this chain now, because he feels that with the disappearance of the spirit of the ancestors, the enchantment of this restricted space has gradually become unstable, showing signs of collapse .

Qin Lang hurried back and forth. He saw the sky in the distance, and the sky began to have broken lights. Now he naturally joined his teammates and took them out.

Of course, bringing out the ancestral spirit space does not mean that the danger is over. Now that Qin Lang has destroyed the ancestor spirits of the remnant tribe, and also destroyed the forbidden area of ​​the ancestral spirits, I am afraid that the entire temple and even the entire remnant tribe will not let him go. spoiler.

Although I am a monk in the late stage of Huashen, I have to take everyone to escape together when I encounter this situation. After all, the entire tribe of survivors has 300 people, and all of them are totem warriors. There are more than [-] warriors.

And the temple is also a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. At least three of the six or seven priests are more than high-level totem warriors, and the high priest Boka is said to have reached the level of the legendary totem war god.

And Qin Lang is absolutely not afraid of any natives in the entire tribe if he is one-on-one, but now he is leading a team of companions. While protecting the lives of his companions, he is also dealing with the upcoming attack by the indigenous tribes of the entire tribe, which will be troublesome. big.

Now, when the natives of the entire survivor tribe have not reacted, it is better for Qin Lang to lead people to escape quickly. Otherwise, I am afraid that when these natives react, the forbidden area of ​​​​the ancestors will be destroyed, and the sacred spirit of the ancestors will be killed by foreigners. People like themselves are definitely their eternal targets.

If it is known that Qin Lang is now causing such a powerful destructive power to the forbidden area of ​​the ancestral spirits, I am afraid that even the allies Hei Jin and Ma Da, who were allies before, could not bear the pressure of public opinion, and had to follow the temple to send people to hunt down Qin Lang.

Therefore, with the demise of the Forbidden Land of the Ancestral Spirits, the entire Remnant tribe could not stay any longer, and the sooner they escaped, the better.


When he returned to the magic circle, Qin Lang casually relieved Situ Brothers, Thrush, and Hei Tu from their comatose states. After all, these four were just wounded souls and entered the illusion. Naturally, there is no time to deal with those soul bodies, and now that the battle is over, they can naturally free up their hands to deal with them.

The current time is for Qin Lang... no, it should be a race against time for everyone. After rescuing the four people, before everyone could react, Qin Lang said loudly: "The Forbidden Land of the Ancestral Spirit has been destroyed, we will be killed The entire Remnant Tribe is chasing after them, so the Remnant Tribe can't stay any longer... let's escape together!"

And Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang also understood and knew the seriousness of this matter, so they quickly pulled up four companions who hadn't woken up, and escaped from the collapsing forbidden space together.

Whoosh whoosh!
After Qin left the forbidden space, he was naturally teleported back to the altar of the temple, but before everyone could stand still, a large wave of attacks came from all around. After all, the priests of the temple also sensed such a big movement that the forbidden area of ​​the ancestors began to collapse. None of them are fools, so they naturally know that something has changed in the forbidden space.

Therefore, when the hazy figures of these foreigners reappeared on the altar, these priests have been launching attacks. Although the foreigners like Qin Lang had no enmity with them before, but now that the forbidden space is destroyed, the enmity will naturally end Not only that, but also the deep hatred of the entire tribe.

After all, the spirits of the ancestors in the Forbidden Land of the Ancestral Spirits... that is the belief and spiritual pillar of the entire Remnant tribe, and now it has been destroyed by outsiders, this kind of hatred is naturally irreconcilable.


With the shouting, a large wave of magic-like spiritual attacks came together, and Qin Lang used his own defense to block the attack at this time, and directly said to his companions: "You go first, I will block them."

Although the attack just now has consumed nearly [-]% of Qin Lang's defense, but for the sake of his companions, Qin Lang still decided to step back. After all, he is a very loyal guy, and he can't do the thing of abandoning these companions and fleeing alone. .

"Okay, treasure."

Li Chuang, who has the best relationship with Qin Lang, said.

And Sai Shenxian, who had been at odds with Qin Lang before the adventurous journey, had a rare look at Qin Lang at this time, revealing a touch of light.

These few all bowed their hands and started to flee without saying much. After this period of time, Qin Lang's combat power has been obvious to all. They know that even if they stay here, they will not be of much help, and staying here will be a drag.

And Qin Lang turned around at this time, the priests and envoys of the temple in front of him smiled: "Come on! Let me take a good look at your strength!"

Even though the series of battles consumed a lot of energy, Qin Lang, whose strength reached the late stage of transformation, was not afraid of these people in front of him. He could escape calmly even if he couldn't beat him. This is the confidence of a high-level monk.

"Kill...kill this guy, he is the one who destroys the forbidden area..."

The high priest Boka called out at this time, and at the same time, his old face like a chrysanthemum suddenly glowed with vigor and vitality, and his wrinkled and skinny body began to swell slowly as if inflated. Not only did his body become stronger, but even his gray hair It started to turn black, and he actually recovered to his prime in this short moment.

This is really an incredible spell, and when the high priest was gathering his own strength, the other five or six priests had already launched an attack again, and a large wave of spells came to Qin Lang. Although none of them knew about Qin Lang, But the advantage is that there are many people, and at the same time, I know that as long as Qin Lang is trapped here first, and the high priest Boka is activated, the bastard in front of him can definitely be left behind.

(End of this chapter)

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