The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2063 Confrontation Between Avatars

Chapter 2063 Confrontation Between Avatars
Qin Lang is also very cautious about this kind of divine flame. It is also the first time he has encountered this kind of flame whose flame level is higher than his own Kanli's fire. Can it hold up.

And just when the golden red flames sprayed towards him, Qin Lang also sprayed out the fire of Kanli to meet him. The two fire dragons collided in the air and exploded, and a huge fireball burst suddenly at the crack spread.

And at the same time as the fire ball exploded, Qin Lang's figure retreated quickly, and he left the area covered by the fire ball burst in an instant. After all, both the Kanli fire and the ancestor spirit's divine flame are extraordinary, and the two collided and exploded. The chain reaction that occurred was quite terrifying. If I got a little bit of it, the consequences would be unpredictable, even if I was a late-stage cultivator.

Therefore, he also had to avoid the explosion area after the impact of the two flames this time. Anyway, the first confrontation with the ancestor spirit could not be so simple. The opponent is not so easy to be killed. It is an enemy that Qin Lang needs to deal with with all his strength.

During the collision and explosion of these two flames, Qin Lang retreated, but the ancestor spirit bound by the golden chain on the throne could not avoid it, so he could only bear the power of the explosion, even though this guy was a false god The existence of the level also suffered some dark losses.

Fortunately, within the forbidden space of the ancestral spirits, the spirit of the ancestors has an absolute geographical advantage. These spaces are equivalent to its territory, so although it has suffered some dark losses, its recovery ability is also very fast. I believe that some of the losses suffered will be recovered soon.

And when Qin Lang observed the ancestral spirit after this explosion, he found a situation that the ancestral spirit would not be restrained by his own Kanli fire. Blessed by the power of faith of the entire survivor tribe over the years, the soul body has become a structure similar to a god body, not a pure soul body.

In this way, the damage of Kanli's fire to it will be weakened a lot, and it will not be strongly restrained by special flames like ordinary soul bodies and Yin objects.

And when he felt that although the spirit of the ancestors had some wear and tear in the explosion, but it couldn't hurt the foundation, Qin Lang also felt a little ambivalent. The spirit of the ancestors itself is composed of soul and the power of faith, even if it is broken up It can also be reunited, so it is also immortal. It is really difficult to kill it in this forbidden space.

Fortunately, this guy is restricted to the throne, and the range of activities is limited. This is the only good news for Qin Lang.

However, this good news was later broken, because the biggest boss in this forbidden space unexpectedly still had an ability that he hadn't used. Now that he used it, this biggest shortcoming was also made up for by it.

That's... the avatar technique!

This guy took a sharp breath, and the golden-red light all over his body soared. Suddenly, the solid body on the throne split into three, and among the split bodies, except for the one on the throne, which was still bound by the golden chain. Apart from being restrained, the other two avatars were not bound by golden chains.

After the spirit of the ancestors split into two clones, the color of the solid body also faded a lot. It seems that after being divided into three, each clone is not as powerful as the main body, which is the only thing for Qin Lang. A good news.

The battle between Qin Lang and these three ancestral spirit clones was launched. After the two ancestor spirit clones were not bound by the throne, they rushed towards Qin Lang directly. So powerful, but also almost the same as Qin Lang.

At this moment, Qin Lang fought dozens of moves with these two ancestor spirit clones. These two ancestor spirit clones were hardly weaker than himself. If he was one-on-one, he was still sure to suppress one of the opponents, but the two were on the same level. In his own words, he is definitely at a disadvantage.

At this time, Qin Lang snorted during the battle: "Zu Ling, don't be have a clone, so do I!" After patting his head, a ray of light jumped out of his head, and the second soul clone appeared beside him.

"Go!" Following Qin Lang's order, the second primordial spirit clone attacked one of the ancestor spirit clones, and the battle became two-on-three. However, the ancestor spirit clone bound to the throne was intentionally avoided by Qin Lang Now, let's fight and retreat, already far away from this guy's attack area, so the battle has become a two-on-two.

"Three Lives Sword Art...Sword Splitting!"

When Qin Lang was fighting, the sword energy was flying horizontally, and at the same time as two against two, the disadvantages of the previous battle disappeared.

Although Qin Lang's sword qi has no lethality to the ancestor spirit clone, it can split the opponent. In the process of cutting the opponent with the sword qi, Qin Lang can also use the fire of Kanli to burn the opponent's soul body, causing some loss. Although this kind of loss is not obvious, if it takes a long time, the superimposed data is still considerable.

That's right, now Qin Lang is fighting a war of attrition against the ancestral spirit avatar. After all, the ancestral spirit avatar doesn't seem to have any obvious fatal flaws, so he can only fight the attrition war bit by bit to kill the opponent.

It cannot be said that there are no fatal flaws, but the obvious flaw is that the strongest clone of the ancestral spirit clone has been trapped on the throne, and it is unknown what kind of treasure the golden chain is. The existence of the gods are trapped, really remarkable.

And Qin Lang knows that those who have this ability are definitely at the level of almighty, and their strength is likely to exceed that of ordinary immortals, otherwise, it would be impossible to do this at all.

Speaking of which, the spirit of the ancestors is actually a poor creature trapped in the forbidden area of ​​the ancestors. I don't know how many years he has been trapped in the forbidden area of ​​the ancestors. It is very likely that this guy is a product left over from the battle of the ancient gods .

In this case, it can also explain why the spirit of the ancestors is so powerful. Even Qin Lang, who is now in the late stage of becoming a god, finds it difficult to face him. false gods, but that is also God.

After fighting for a while, the two ancestor spirit clones felt that such a battle was quite exhausting for themselves, and there were new changes, so the two ancestor spirit clones split again, from two to six, This time, Qin Lang and his second soul clone need to deal with three each.

And although the ancestral spirit avatar became weaker after being avatar again, but now that there are so many people, the pressure encountered by Qin Lang and the second soul avatar in the battle has become greater again.

Moreover, just after the two ancestral spirit clones split again and entangled with Qin Lang, the ancestor spirit clone bound to the throne in the distance was not idle, and unexpectedly screamed, summoning and gathering the gray shadows in the entire space again come over.

These souls are actually controlled by the spirits of the ancestors. After the Yin Qi River was collected by Qin Lang, they were scattered throughout the forbidden space. Now they gathered again under the call of the ancestors and formed a small army. It looks like there are at least two or three hundred of them.

These soul bodies are weaker than the second avatar of the ancestral spirit, but each one's combat power is comparable to that of a high-level fighter. Now if this new force rushes over, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble to Qin Lang in the battle.

And Qin Lang in the battle also noticed the gathering of those gray soul bodies. It is a pity that the drought demon has fallen into a deep sleep after absorbing a large amount of Yin Qi and river water, and is self-evolving. These gray soul bodies, after all, these gray soul bodies are not as difficult to deal with as ancestor spirits. Hanba has a natural restraint effect on such soul bodies, and can quickly eliminate them.

And when the army of soul and body joined, Qin Lang had to transfer the fire of Kanli back to form a fire armor around himself to defend himself.

The second soul avatar also needs to be taken care of, Qin Lang can only divide the defense of Kanli Zhihuo, and transfer this part to the second soul avatar.

With the fire armor, the army of gray shadows in the form of souls has nothing to do with Qin Lang and the second soul clone.

However, the battle between Qin Lang and the second soul clone and the ancestor spirit clone is still going on. Qin Lang can't help each other. Now even the fire of Kanli can only be used for passive defense, so the threat to these ancestor spirit clones is also greatly reduced. Lowered, the battle also became extraordinarily sturdy.

Qin Lang and the second primordial spirit clone were beaten back steadily at this moment, and the pressure increased sharply for a while, and the consumption of true vitality almost seemed to be unable to keep up with the rhythm.

"I can't go on like this..."

Qin Lang roared in his heart, the situation is very pessimistic, if he keeps this state, he knows that it won't be long before he and the second soul avatar will be swallowed up by these ancestral avatars.

Of course, he couldn't accept this kind of result, nor would he allow such a bad situation to happen.

So even though he was in the passive process, he didn't panic and showed his other hole cards first.

The first is the nine-story Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of the magic house. Xuanhuangyan is also an earth fire like Kanli's fire. Although it is not as good as Kanli's fire, it can still play a role in consumption when fighting against the ancestor spirit clone.

However, this kind of consumption is too inconspicuous. Although the layer of Xuanhuang fire outside the nine-story Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda burns very intensely, the damage to the ancestor spirit clone is really limited. The strength is much stronger than the opponent, and if this continues, the first person who can't support it is yourself, and the result of being unable to support it, in the end, you will definitely be a disaster.

Such a result is not what Qin Lang is happy to see, so when the battle entered a critical situation, he was also trying his best to find a way to save himself.

And the other big hole card on his body is undoubtedly the mother-child golden gourd. This is a treasure of the innate spirit treasure level. Even fairy weapons may not be comparable to this set of spiritual weapons. It also has its own primordial purple energy and possesses a variety of magical abilities.

(End of this chapter)

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