Chapter 2072 Effortless
However, no matter how powerful this guy is, he can't beat a monk in the late stage of transformation. After all, the gap in strength is too big. Even if Kaixiu has a battle armor to increase himself, it is impossible to close such a big gap.

At this time, Qin Lang also put on the mysterious bone battle armor and stepped onto the ring. Qin Lang's figure was considered strong, but the audience in the audience were not optimistic about this apparently unknown armor repair, shaking their heads and sighing.

"What a pity, this guy met Xiong Gang as soon as he came on stage, and he didn't even have a chance to pass the preliminary round of the group arena!"

The aura leaked by Qin Lang is already at the peak level of Qi refining. In their view, Qin Lang's strength is fully capable of entering the semi-finals, but he was unlucky. As soon as he took the stage, he met the seed players of the entire competition area and lost It is also very normal.

And this time, there were two consecutive rounds of high-level armor repairs at this stage in the Western Division, which opened the eyes of the audience, and at the same time they thought to themselves: "Could it be that the overall grade of armor repair in Qibi City is lower than that of Are other cities higher? This is very possible! "

Seeing Qin Lang coming to the stage, this big man who was obviously two heads taller than Qin Lang grinned, showing his white teeth: "Hey! Small man, although you are still strong in the eyes of other Kaixiu, but I am also a big man when I meet Grandpa." You are unlucky, get down obediently! Otherwise, grandpa will beat you to find your mother later..."


Qin Lang frowned, the other party's provocative evidence was full of contempt, but also so obscene, he was very displeased. "Look for mom! Hehe, big man, cry first when you see it later!"

Originally, Qin Lang just wanted to push this big guy out of the ring casually, but now, of course, he must teach this dirty-mouthed guy a good lesson.

The big Xiong Gang stomped his feet on the ring at this time, and began to gain momentum: "Small guy, then try it! I, Xiong Gang, are undefeated, now get through my crotch!"

After finishing speaking, he shot like lightning. After the enhancement of the yellow-level top-grade battle armor, coupled with the natural talent of divine power, this guy actually displayed a combat power that was almost the same as that of a late Nascent Soul Dzogchen monk.

"Dragon Claw Hand!"

Xiong Gang uses the combat skill Dragon Claw Hand, which is also Xiong Gang's unique combat skill. Once Xiong Gang relied on this set of combat skills to directly fight three seventh-level monsters in the deep sea at the same time, and even killed one of them. , Repelling the two heads, the results are astonishing.

This kind of achievement is difficult even for ordinary late-stage armor builders. It has to be said that Xiong Gang's strength is indeed amazing, and it's no wonder that he can stand on this stage with full confidence.

If Qin Lang, a late-stage cultivator who has transformed himself into a god, didn't participate this time to disrupt the situation, it is very likely that this guy can really win the No. 1 in this month's ring competition and take away the set of mysterious battle armor refined by the bull demon master.

However, meeting Qin Lang can only be considered unlucky for him.

There is a saying that it is okay to do evil by heaven, but you cannot live by doing evil yourself. This is the reason.

Xiong Gang looked down on Qin Lang, who was not as strong as himself on the surface. Compared with the previous round of competition, Dali Taurus looked down on the thin and thin Kaixiu, and his nature was almost the same, and the result... Hehe, you don't need to think about it.

After Xiong Gang took the shot, Qin Lang disappeared in place with a flash of his figure, but Xiong Gang didn't see how Qin Lang disappeared at all at this time, and was stunned all of a sudden.

At this time, Qin Lang flashed directly behind Xiong Gang. With just a light kick, he could kick this big guy to the ground, or even kick him out of the ring.

But Qin Lang didn't do that. Xiong Gang's swear words had already offended him. He wouldn't let this guy go so easily. If the other party insulted him, he would pay back ten times and a hundred times.

Like a prank, Qin Lang suddenly stepped forward and patted the guy on the shoulder from behind. Then, when the guy was about to turn his head, he flashed and disappeared again. Just now, he was on the left side, but now he is on the right side.

Generally, large Kaixiu have the problem of turning slowly. Although Xiong Gang is the peak Kaixiu in the late stage of foundation establishment, turning around is far more flexible than Kaixiu of the same level, but in Qin Lang's opinion, it is still too slow, so this guy turned around. At that time, I never saw Qin Lang who took a picture of him.

Turn left, no one.

Turn right, still no one.

Ahead, no one.

Behind, no one.

Is it on... the top of the head.Xiong Gang thought Qin Lang jumped into the air, but he still didn't see anyone when he looked up.

Qin Lang disappeared, really disappeared, at least for Xiong Gang.

But in the audience, those onlookers are already turbulent. They have watched Qin Lang play Xiong Gang very carefully. Although they don't know why Qin Lang can teleport, this obviously powerful magical skill is not something that ordinary people can master. Yes, so the young Kaixiu in front of him is not simple, even compared to his performance on the spot...his strength is far beyond that of Xiong Gang, the peak Kaixiu in the late foundation establishment period.

Could it be... is this also a peak Kaixiu in the late stage of foundation establishment?And it's a late-stage foundation-building armor repairer who takes the agile route.

Under the stage, all the audience thought so, but they didn't know that Qin Lang was not the Kaixiu in his impression. It was the first time that this armor was put on for battle. It is unimaginable that such a level of combat effectiveness can be exerted by the running-in between armors.

After playing with the other party for more than a minute, Xiong Gang couldn't find Qin Lang's shadow back and forth, but he knew that Qin Lang was by his side. At this time, he gradually became panic from the arrogance at the beginning. He knew that he was misjudged. Grandma's is actually a high-level armor who takes the agile route. I'm afraid his strength is not weaker than his own. If he can't think of a good way to deal with the situation in front of him, he will definitely stumble.

"Grandma, I, Xiong Gang, will not be defeated! Crack the ground!"

At this time, Xiong Gang let out a roar and stomped his feet heavily. A powerful wave of spiritual power exploded from the soles of his feet. With the soles of his feet as the diameter, air splits appeared in the surrounding area of ​​three feet.

And the sturdy arena also cracked countless cracks during this stomp. This is an extremely hard blue star stone, but it can't withstand a stomp from a peak battle in the late foundation establishment period.

However, Xiong Gang's stomping is obviously a powerful combat technique, a unique skill, and it is normal to be able to cause such a great destructive power in the ring.

This earth-shattering spiritual wave is not limited to the ground, even the air around Xiong Gang's aura is affected, with the effects of slowing down, silence, and slowing down. In his opinion, under his unique skills, Qin Lang is definitely the one this time. It was impossible to escape his own lock anymore.

However, Xiong Gang still miscalculated. After performing his last unique skill, he was at the end of his rope and still couldn't find Qin Lang's figure.

Then, when he was finished, Qin Lang got tired of playing, and kicked him hard on the back of the ass: "Get out!"

Xiong Gang was such a big man, a muscular and armored man who seemed to weigh hundreds of kilograms, just flew up like that, flew lightly for more than ten feet, then landed heavily, and fell down with a thud.


After landing, a few unlucky ones were unfortunately hit, and even one of them was a contestant in the next qualifier. As a result, he passed out directly and missed the competition. Minutes of preparation time, if it exceeds this time, there is no way to do it, and we will be eliminated.

However, Xiong Gang wears a yellow-grade high-grade armor on his body, which is not as miserable as the guy who knocked unconscious, but the humiliation he suffered in his heart is irreplaceable. He was defeated, and he was knocked off the stage so easily. Before that, he was full of confidence All the cruel words turned into farts, they were all so ridiculous.

Now that he was under the watchful eyes of everyone, he already felt ashamed. If it weren't for the fact that his whole body was covered by armor and he couldn't see his blushing, he would have been even more embarrassed.

"No. 1108 wins!" The referee of the sub-stage announced the result, and now Qin Lang has the qualification for the rematch.

And after Qin Lang won, he slapped all the audience in the face again. Everyone made a mistake in their previous judgment. They made two mistakes in a row. I didn't dare to guarantee that my vision would not cause problems again.

For Qin Lang, the intensity of this level of battle is not high. In fact, it is very small. If it is not for No.1 to obtain a mysterious battle armor, he may not even participate in this cumbersome arena competition. After all, he A cultivator in the late stage of transformation is also a person of status, and the appearance fee is not low.

Through this competition in the Western Division, what Qin Lang saw from his eyes and what he heard from his ears, he can analyze that most of the armor practitioners in Qibi City are probably in the Qi refining stage to the foundation building stage In the meantime, although there were quite a few foundation building periods, they definitely accounted for less than one percent of the entire armor repair population.

However, there are absolutely rare existences in the later stage of foundation establishment, and even the formation stage, and there seems to be no one in Qibi City in the Nascent Soul stage, but there seem to be one or two in the whole kingdom.

Kaixiu is a kind of monk who relies more on the battle armor. The battle armor can increase Kaixiu's combat power several times. Once the battle armor is taken off, Kaixiu may appear weaker than the monks of the same level in the cultivation world.Armor repair generally does not have other magic weapons, and even if they get magic weapons, they will be integrated into the battle armor to enhance the combat effectiveness of the battle armor, and become one of the hangers for modifying the battle armor.

Of course, in the arena competition, it is forbidden for Kaixiu to use the power of the battle armor other than the basic unit. If Kaixiu does that, it will violate the regulations of Qianjia Refining Workshop in Qibi City and will be blacklisted. In the future, I will not get any help from any refining workshop in the city.

For Kaixiu, this is definitely a very painful thing. After all, as Kaixiu, it is impossible not to deal with the refining workshop. Apart from other things, just for the ordinary maintenance of the armor every year, I am afraid that every Kaixiu has to go to practice. Once or twice in the equipment workshop, and after each battle, the battle armor is damaged, and it needs the help of the equipment refiner to repair it.

(End of this chapter)

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