Chapter 2073 Impressed
The rematch is in the afternoon, and there are more than 200 rematch contestants in the Western District Arena. After being eliminated in the preliminary round, most of these more than 200 rematch contestants are armor repairers of high-level Qi refining and foundation building stages. Basically, those who can beat the preliminary round have their own unique skills.

In the rematch in the afternoon, Qin Lang ranked No. 20 in the No. 6 ring, and there were five rounds. The ring battles between Kaixiu usually lasted for five to six minutes. Qin Lang had to wait for more than two hours in the No. [-] ring before it was his turn.

Although he waited for a long time, Qin Lang seemed to be very patient, watching the battle of the armor repairers on the ring with interest, although the strength of these armor repairs was not top-notch to him at all, but Qin Lang didn't see these armor repairs What is the combat effectiveness of Kaixiu, but to analyze the similarities and differences between Kaixiu and monks in the cultivation world from Kaixiu's fighting style and power skills, so as to gain a deeper understanding of this brand new profession.

And Armor's combat methods can actually be divided into three types, full attack and full defense, half attack and defense, and agility.

The total attack and total defense system can be subdivided into attack type, high explosive type, and attack speed type.

The high-explosive type mostly fights with a charged blow. Although there is some delay in the move, every strike in the battle is like a heavy punch thrown by a boxing champion, and the opponent may be knocked out at any time.

The attack speed type does not pay much attention to how high the attack power is, but the attack speed, that is, the speed of the shot. After all, there is a truth in this world, which is ever-changing, and the only thing that can't be broken is fast. Yes, it may be very difficult for the opponent to fight back. Think about it, the opponent has only made one move, and you have already made three, four or five moves, which is very advantageous in a fight.

Offensive and defensive half-type, is to pay attention to the balance of offense and defense, in the perfect defense, but also always seize the opportunity to attack.

The offensive and defensive half-type Kaixiu fighting style has almost no obvious shortcomings, and it is also the mainstream in Kaixiu.

The agility department mainly pays attention to body skills and movement speed, and the usual practice is also based on this aspect. When the agility department is engaged in battle, every movement of the footsteps and deviation of the body skills have been tempered repeatedly. And the footwork is mainly light and agile.

The armor repair of the agility department is also the nightmare of the other two types of armor repair. The fighting style is similar to that of a ranger and an assassin. Armor repairs are usually very miserable, because in order to pursue the ultimate body and speed, the thickness of the battle armor is the weakest among the three types of armor repair, and the defense ability is too poor.

And agility armor is also the type of armor that requires the most combat skills. After all, the requirements for body skills and positioning are too high, and a strong sense of combat is required.

If the combat awareness is not good enough, it is not suitable for the armor repair of the agility department.

Therefore, the number of agile armors only accounts for less than one-tenth of the armor repair group.

Qin Lang saw one of the armor repairs of the agility department fighting against the explosive armor repair with similar cultivation. The scene was absolutely one-sided. In the end, the agility armor repaired the opponent very badly.

If you can't hit it, you just can't hit it. This is also the depression of that explosive armor. Of course, if the explosive armor can hit the opponent, I am afraid that one move can change the situation. It is a pity that this guy There is no such means of winning.

"No. 1108, please come to the stage and fight against No. 1213!" A referee from the organizing committee announced on the ring stage.

In the rematch, Qin Lang took the stage, and his opponent was also an armor of the agile department.

"I heard that you are very strong, but you actually killed Xiong Gang in the first round!" The agile armor repairman licked his lips, and said with a smile: "That big guy is too careless! But now you meet my spirit mouse, I'm afraid you can't help it!" That's all for now... because I am the strongest in this arena!"

After speaking, this guy put on the mask of the battle armor and entered the fighting state.

The opponent feels so good about self-improvement, Qin Lang also feels speechless about it, and can only use his fist to break the opponent's sense of superiority.

A few punches blocked the opponent's movement space.

The strength of this agile armor repairer in the early stage of foundation establishment can be regarded as a strong in this arena, but it is a pity that he met Qin Lang in the late stage of the transformation of the gods. He was not weaker than the opponent, and his punching speed was also fast, so this agile Kaixiu didn't even persist for a minute after he came on stage, and was overthrown by Qin Lang.

And Qin Lang's victory this time directly caused an uproar in the audience. I am afraid that all the remaining contestants in the entire western district already know this terrible opponent. After all, the agility opponent that Qin Lang defeated is not unknown. , has the nickname "Spirit Mouse" in Qibi City, and he is considered a strong man in the foundation-building period armor.

And Qin Lang fought against such an opponent, and gradually left a deep impression on the contestants in the Western Division. They all know that Qin Lang is a character who can easily overwhelm even the armor of the agile department in the early stage of foundation establishment. Encountered in the world, it's probably more ominous than good.

"This guy is amazing, I hope my opponent after the rematch is not him! Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to beat..."

"It seems that this time the strongest person in the Western District is this guy, the well-deserved king of the Western District. Unfortunately, I don't know him. It should be Kaixiu who came from another city."


Next, Qin Lang really became No.1 in the Western Division and successfully advanced to the semi-finals. This time, a total of [-] contestants from the Western Division passed the semi-finals. They will join the players from the other four competition areas to compete together.

The semi-final was on the second day. When Qin Lang returned to the inn, Sai Shenxian pulled him up and said, "While you were away, we contacted a Kaixiu adventure team in Qibi City, and we are going to go out to sea to hunt monsters tomorrow. Do you want to join us?"

Sai Shenxian was not in vain this day, and without knowing it, he got on the line with a Kaixiu adventure team in Qibi City. Now with the help of local snakes, he plans to go out to sea to hunt monsters and at the same time look for clues to ancient ruins .

After all, the ancient ruins are in the Aegean Sea, and I don’t know which direction they are on the sea, so I have to search slowly. Anyway, I have a chart at hand, and when the time comes to correct the direction, I can locate the coordinates.

"Go to the sea to hunt monsters?" Qin Lang wanted to participate, but unfortunately, he had a competition tomorrow, so it would be worthless to give up, so he shook his head after thinking about it. "No, you go! Good luck."

"That's a pity." Sai Shenxian sighed that the team lacked a strong teammate, but Qin Lang obviously couldn't go because of something, so he didn't force it anymore.


On the second day, Qin Lang came to the place of the semi-finals, which is already the central area of ​​the city, and it is also the location of Bailianfang, the largest refining workshop in the whole city.

The Bailianfang is larger than the Chilianfang that Qin Lang has seen, covering an area of ​​more than 20 acres, with more than 200 refiners and apprentices, almost equivalent to a small sect in the cultivation world.

The master craftsman, Niu Mo, is the golden signboard of Bai Refining Workshop. I heard that Master Niu Demon has an independent studio in Bai Refining Workshop, and there are more than 30 apprentices under his command.

And this time the semi-finals were near Bailianfang, a total of ten large arenas were set up, and Qin Lang was in the third arena this time.

The semi-final is a two-round elimination system. There are more than 120 people in the four districts of the whole city. Three-quarters will be eliminated, leaving only 30 people to enter the final.

In other words, Qin Lang had to play four games this morning and eliminate two opponents before he could advance to the final.

However, this is not a troublesome matter for him. As a monk in the late stage of transformation, it is almost impossible to find an armorer who can compete with him in the entire kingdom.

The decision in the morning passed quickly, and Qin Lang really entered the promotion smoothly, and then it was the final in the afternoon.

As an unofficial joint competition organized by the entire city's refining workshops, the participants' schedule is very tight, and the purpose of the entire city's refining workshops holding such a competition is also to test the new types of armor produced by their respective workshops, so that Collect follow-up armor data.

After all, as a rule of the ring competition, the battle armor is also the only prize in the ring competition. However, the contestants who can get the battle armor must be at least in the top ten of the finals before they can receive a set of yellow-level battle armor for free.

And the top three in the ring competition will get at least a mid-grade yellow armor.

In the past, the battle armor obtained by No.1 in each month's competition did not exceed the yellow rank, at most it was only the top grade of the yellow rank, but this month's ring competition, the master of the hundred refining workshop Bull Demon, took the newly refined black rank battle armor for the first time. As a prize, this year's contestants are much more than the previous ones, at least two or three times more, and the strength of the contestants who entered the final stage has also improved a lot.

These contestants are not only the Kaixiu elites from Qibi City, but also the powerful Kaixiu from other cities in the Great Bay Country.

After all, the mysterious-level battle armor is too attractive to Kaixiu. If a Kaixiu in the late construction period wears such a battle armor, he can even display the combat effectiveness of the Transformation God period.

And this kind of battle armor needs at least 50 green chips if purchased normally, and a high-level armor repair may need to go without food or drink for a year or two to get enough money to buy the battle armor, which is definitely a large sum of money.

But now as long as they participate in the ring competition, it is possible to win this mysterious battle armor. Of course, most of the high-level armor repairers in the entire city will be tempted, and even some powerful armor repairers in other cities are the same, and they have a strong desire to compete.

The finals of the No. 1 arena began soon. Qin Lang found that several of the contestants were armor repairs in the foundation period wearing black-level battle armor. They already had mysterious-level battle armor, but they still came to participate in the competition. It seems that I also want to try my luck and see if I can win the No.[-] prize.

If you can win No.1, you can get the new battle armor refined by the bull demon master.

After all, this is a mysterious battle armor worth 50 green chips. Even if you don’t need to change hands, you can earn a lot of money, and money is also very important to Kaixiu. After all, Kaixiu is also a cultivator, and he buys various cultivation materials It also costs money.

(End of this chapter)

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