The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2074 Team Invitation

Chapter 2074 Team Invitation

Since the ten competition arenas all have large-scale magic circle restrictions, the contestants can completely let go of their hands and feet when fighting in the arenas, without worrying about destroying the environment outside the arenas.

Although the armors of the contestants were not equipped with magic weapon mounts, their power was much lower, and the armor repair of the entire ring competition had become mainly hand-to-hand combat, but the fierceness of the competition was still very strong.

And Qin Lang was also very surprised when he noticed the prohibition circles in these arena competitions. These prohibition circles are very cleverly arranged, and the restraint methods of each arena are different. They are not done by the same person. It looks like a strange city formation There are also many Dharma masters.

"No. 1108, please enter!"

"No. 2065, please enter," the ring referee announced.

In the final stage, there are a total of 1 contestants, and only the top ten can get rewards, and the higher the ranking, the better the quality of the armor prizes. Of course, most of the contestants are aiming at the No.50 Xuan level The battle armor came, after all, the value of the Xuan-level battle armor was [-] crystal coins, which was more than five or six times higher than the price of the Yellow-level battle armor.

Usually, if a high-level sea repairer goes out to sea with a team to hunt monsters, he may not be able to earn the money to buy a mysterious battle armor for a year or two. After all, the daily training of an armor repairer, the daily maintenance of the battle armor, and the repair of damage all cost money. Yes, if you really count it, you can save [-] to [-] green chips in a month, which is not bad.

Qin Lang's opponent No. 2065 is an armor repairer wearing a black-level battle armor, and the mysterious-level battle armor is also the best armor that can be refined by the current refiners in the entire Dawan country.

This is an armor repairer of the defense department. When he usually goes to sea, he also acts as a meat shield in the hunting team. After the armor spiritual path is activated, the defense ability is almost the same as that of a body repairer in the middle stage of transformation.

However, this is the only way to go. No matter how strong the defense is against an opponent like Qin Lang, it is useless. After all, Qin Lang has the combat power in the late stage of transforming gods. When encountering such a meat target that hardly moves, it is just whether the opponent can endure more A few punches, and a few fewer punches.

In less than two minutes, the Kaixiu of the defense department could no longer withstand Qin Lang's stormy bombing, and jumped off the ring to admit defeat.

In the audience, the audience also exclaimed. They didn't expect that Qin Lang's attack power was so strong that he was able to suppress a defensive armor repairer like this. In the final stage, he had to voluntarily surrender and admit defeat. When Armor's Kaixiu went to sea, he could resist the eighth-level monsters for at least ten minutes. Doesn't this mean that Qin Lang's attack power is stronger than the eighth-level monsters.

Could it be that Qin Lang is an explosive armor repairer?But obviously not, in the semi-finals in the morning, many people have seen Qin Lang's movement and speed, which is absolutely appropriate for the movement speed of an agility-type armor repairer.

Therefore, they can judge that Qin Lang is a compound armor repairer, and his strength is very strong, so strong to the point of abnormality. This is because Qin Lang is only wearing the yellow-level middle-grade battle armor refined by Huogongfang, and he can show some strength. It can be seen that high-level armor repairs the combat power that even wearing black-level battle armor does not have.

At this time, as long as the contestants who observed the first round of Qin Lang's finals will regard Qin Lang as the strongest opponent in this finals.

There are six rounds in the final stage, and the opponents in each round are different. Finally, based on the final points and semi-final results, the top ten in the ring competition will be evaluated.

Qin Lang easily overwhelmed his opponent in the first round, and it was the same in the second and third rounds. The opponents in these two rounds were not wearing black-level battle armor, and their strength was not as good as that of the first round.

In the fourth round, Qin Lang once again encountered an opponent wearing a black-level battle armor, this time an armor repairer of the agility department.

As we all know, Kaixiu of the agility department is far stronger than Kaixiu of the same level, but this Kaixiu of the agility department may have seen Qin Lang's previous games, so when facing Qin Lang, he didn't have a relaxed expression at all. The appearance of the enemy.

And when the referee announced the start of the game, this guy had no desire to attack at all, he was like a frightened rabbit, retreating far away at the slightest sign of trouble, anyway, the arena is big enough, with more than 100 people The square is also agile enough for armor repairers to enter the movement, teleport and jump.

For Qin Lang, he just smiled, and blindly avoiding it is not a solution at all. The opponent is timid before fighting, and in the end it is the result of defeat.

Sure enough, this guy didn't last for a few minutes at all, and was also swept off the ring by Qin Lang.Moreover, this game was played very ugly, without any pleasing feeling. When this agile armor repairer stepped down, instead of receiving sympathetic gazes from the weak, he received a lot of scolding instead.

That's right, it's just curses. These audiences also look down on weakness and shrinking. When facing difficulties, it is worthy of everyone's appreciation. Unfortunately, they didn't see courage at all in this Kaixiu, so they just Very disappointed.

Up to now, Qin Lang's expression has been obvious to all, and all the contestants in the entire competition area have a faint consensus. I am afraid that the No.1 of this year's ring competition has nothing to do with them. They have no choice but to compete for other rankings.

After all, with Qin Lang's current strength, I am afraid that he needs an armor repairer who is at least at the alchemy stage and wears a black-level battle armor to have the possibility of fighting him. The armor repair at the foundation stage is relatively weak.

And among the contestants this year, the strongest is only the late stage of the construction period, and even the late stage of the construction period has not reached the Dzogchen, so how could it be Qin Lang's opponent.

So when Qin Lang came to participate in this ring competition, he was bullying others like an adult beating a child. In fact, with his strength, the effect of this set of yellow-level middle-grade armor on his body was negligible, and the increase in ability was almost completely negligible.

It is estimated that only by wearing a mysterious-level battle armor can it have a slight increase in self-improvement. After all, a mysterious-level battle armor is at least equivalent to a high-grade magic weapon, and because it is a combination magic weapon, the effect is usually much stronger than ordinary high-grade magic weapons .

However, if Qin Lang puts on the Xuan-level battle armor, it is impossible for Qin Lang to increase his maximum attack power, but it saves a lot of effort when fighting. At that time, only three parts of the force can be used to achieve the very powerful fighting effect without the armor. .

The finals in the afternoon went very quickly, and in about two hours, all the competitions had been completed. Qin Lang won the No. It was quite a show.

When the awards were presented, Niu Mo, who is the number one refining master in Qibi City, also showed up, and personally handed over a refined set of Xuan-level battle armor to Qin Lang, and said something to Qin Lang: "Young man! , The strength is good! I am very optimistic about you, and I hope this set of armor can help you in future battles."

After getting the battle armor, Bailianfang also promised Qin Lang that the maintenance and repair of this set of battle armor will be free for the next three months. , according to the usual practice, the maintenance and maintenance fee for three months is almost equivalent to half a set of armor.

This is also a major reason why Kaixiu spends money like water every day. Apart from cultivation, the maintenance cost of armor is really too high. Many Kaixiu complain about this, but there is nothing they can do about it. After all, Zhankai is also a fighting strength The greatest guarantee, Kaixiu's dependence on the battle armor is too great.

Therefore, even if there are some armor repairers in Dawan who can afford high-end battle armor, they dare not buy it considering the daily maintenance costs. They always wear low-grade armor for advanced adventures and battles.

Therefore, financial resources are also an objective factor that restricts the combat power of Kaixiu. Usually, Kaixiu with strong combat power is not very poor. The money he carries on his body just to maintain the armor is a lot of money, which can make those low-level Kaixiu look envious. .


While Qin Lang harvested the Xuan-level battle armor personally refined by the Bull Demon Master, he also received invitations from several armor repair adventure teams on the scene. Many of these participating armor repair teams are from the more famous adventure teams in Qibi City, and they often go to sea It is also much easier for adventure high-level monsters to obtain resources than ordinary adventure teams.

There is even a Kaixiu who is a member of the mine protection team of a cyanite mine on the sea. When he invited Qin Lang to join the mine patrol team, he said that he could issue [-] green chips every month on behalf of the patrol team as a reward. In addition, the mine patrol For the powerful monsters encountered during the process, the materials after killing were all distributed by the patrol members according to the combat contribution, and there was no need to hand them over to the mining area at all.

It turns out that besides commercial prosperity, the abundance of mineral resources in Dawan Country is also a big factor. Most of these mineral resources are located in the sea, including cyanite mines for cultivation and various metal deposits for refining equipment.

Even the Blackstone Mine has one or two mining areas in the sea.

However, the black stone mine owned by Dawan State is only a small mining area, which cannot meet the cultivation needs of so many monks in the country. Therefore, if you want to obtain a large amount of black stone, you can only get it through a transaction with one of the three major tribes. The mining area is also the largest producer of black stone on this continental island.

These Kaixiu adventure teams invited Qin Lang so enthusiastically, because they naturally took a fancy to Qin Lang's strength. If Qin Lang didn't have the corresponding strength, the ghost would be so close. In this world where strength is respected similarly to the cultivation world, everyone is so realistic.

However, Qin Lang did not immediately agree to the invitation of these adventure teams, but said that he would be busy practicing these days, so he should think about it for a few days.

Of course, this is just a refusal. The armor repairs who invited Qin Lang were disappointed, but they still left their contact information, and these contact information were injected into the helmet message storage of the crystal armor.

When contacting is needed, Qin Lang can use the crystal armor message storage to send out magic weapon communication fluctuations of a specific frequency to contact the person he wants to contact. This is also one of the basic functions of the battle armor refined by the refiner of Dawan Kingdom.

I heard that the crystal armor's communication fluctuations can radiate as far as three thousand miles away, and I don't know what spells the craftsman added to restrict it. Qin Lang is also very curious about this.

(End of this chapter)

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