The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2075 Splitting the Pyrotechnik Armor

Chapter 2075 Splitting the Pyrotechnik Armor

Back at the residence, Qin Lang took the Xuan-level battle armor in his hand and studied it. It is indeed a battle armor made by a master craftsman. Not to mention the excellent workmanship, the whole battle armor is integrated and has a streamlined beauty. , It is impossible to see that it is made up of tiny parts.

It is said that an ordinary battle armor consists of at least 2000 parts, and this piece of black-level battle armor refined by the bull demon master may have more parts. Qin Lang carefully looked at it for a while, but he didn't find anything. It is quite difficult to disassemble a piece of battle armor. After all, I am just an ordinary craftsman, and there is still a big gap between him and a figure like Master Bull Demon.

After researching for a while, Qin Lang suddenly slapped his head: I was thinking too much, since it is too difficult to disassemble this piece of black-level battle armor of Master Bull Demon, isn’t there a middle-grade yellow-level pyrotechnic armor at hand? The grade of a piece of pyrotechnic armor is much lower, and it should be much less difficult to disassemble.

Therefore, Qin Lang put away the Xuan-level battle armor, and turned to take out the middle-grade yellow-level pyrotechnic armor for research.

With the level of his elementary craftsman, and with the assistance of the super system, after studying for a while, he finally got something together.

"The structure of this battle armor is much more complicated than that of the Magic Treasure House. Tsk tsk, even if it is a middle-grade yellow-grade pyrotechnic armor, it is as ingenious..."

Qin Lang was full of praise at this time. The middle-aged man in Huogongfang can definitely be regarded as a high-level refiner in the cultivation world. Even those high-level refiners in the cultivation world are not as strong as him. The materials used by those refiners in the world are extremely precious treasures of heaven and earth, and although the materials of this armor are not common, except for a few rare materials, most of them are made of refined iron.

Refined iron is made of ordinary iron, and is obtained by blacksmiths who are apprentices and above. Although refining is not easy, the materials are relatively common and easy to obtain.

As a yellow-level battle armor, the pyrotechnic armor is naturally much less difficult to dismantle than the black-level battle armor. After half an hour of research, Qin Lang has slowly started to get started and started to disassemble these battle armors.

At the same time, in the process of splitting, Qin Lang also learned a lot of new refining knowledge, which is also the unique knowledge of the refining master who refines the battle armor, and involves all aspects of the structure of magic weapons.

As a battle armor that is equivalent to a middle-grade magic weapon in the cultivation world, most of the materials used to make the pyrotechnic armor are ordinary, but it can have the strength equivalent to a middle-grade magic weapon after it is manufactured. The study of structure is definitely very unique.

Moreover, when Qin Lang disassembled, he also found that the parts of these armors have added micro-arrays to strengthen the structure of each part. Without adding too many natural materials and treasures, these parts can After the strengthening and strengthening of the micro-array, the parts can approach or equal the strength of the parts made of heaven, material and earth treasures. This is a remarkable pioneering work.

It took Qin Lang three or four hours to disassemble the Xinggongjia. During these three or four hours, Qin Lang's hands were busy like butterflies wearing flowers. After all, the disassembly of nearly [-] parts is definitely a lot of work.

After the split, Qin Lang's refining experience has also been greatly improved, and he feels that he has the possibility of being promoted to a middle-level refining master. This time, the gains are not small.

From this split into industrial armor, Qin Lang also knew that the refiners in Dawan Kingdom who can refine battle armor are not easy, and each of them has mastered very advanced knowledge of formations, and at least they are all above intermediate formation masters level, even many refiners are also formation masters.

It was only at this time that Qin Lang knew the origin of the prohibition circles in the final stage of the competition outside Bailianfang.

After dismantling the pyrotechnic armor, Qin Lang began to slowly study these armor parts. The fineness of these parts is a bit appalling. Some parts are as fine as a hair, and even such extremely fine parts are inlaid with The complete magic circle is inside.

After a while, Qin Lang reassembled the disassembled armor parts again, and disassembled again. He tried several times to deepen his proficiency. Unknowingly, he repeatedly disassembled and reassembled the After this time, Qin Lang has already broken through to become an intermediate refiner.

Of course, becoming an intermediate refiner is not enough. Qin Lang has not fully grasped this set of pyrotechnic armor, and cannot refine armor parts for the time being. After all, war armor is a characteristic of Dawan Kingdom's civilization, and it is said that it has a long history Inheritance and source, that is something that beginners can fully study and understand in a short while.

However, Qin Lang is also a person with foundation, so he can only be regarded as a half beginner.

Qin Lang is like a fanatical researcher. After discovering the New World, his enthusiasm for exploration has been extinguished for a long time.

Day and night, night and day, during this process, apart from asking the inn clerk to deliver meals at regular intervals, Qin Lang never opened the door of his room.

And the result of repeatedly investing time and energy in research is also gratifying. Qin Lang finally got a thorough understanding of the pyrotechnic armor, and he can already try to refine the parts of the pyrotechnic armor. The refining workshop in Bicheng can do maintenance by himself.

After the study of the pyrotechnic armor, Qin Lang has been able to independently refine any part of the pyrotechnic armor, and the difference between the newly produced parts and the original parts may not be one ten thousandth, and this difference can be almost completely ignored.

Pyrotechnik armor, yellow-level middle-grade battle armor, general-purpose series.

There are a total of thirteen external interfaces on the whole body of the battle armor, which can be perfectly connected with the powerful external battle armor.

The external armor is actually a collective name for attack and defense magic weapons and magic weapons.

Under normal circumstances, a battle suit itself has at least five to nine external connectors. A battle suit without an external interface is almost like a waste suit. After all, the battle suit can greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of the whole battle suit. , and this improvement has almost no upper limit.

Therefore, after some armor cultivators find powerful offensive and defensive treasures, they will find the refiners in the refining workshop to modify their own magic weapons, and connect the external ones with their own battle armors to double their combat effectiveness.

And the modification of the external magic weapon is very popular in the armor repair circle. In fact, the battle armor worn by the armor repair who hunted and killed monsters at sea is almost all modified, and some battle armors have even been modified more than once.

And the modification of the external magic weapon is also the main business of the major refining workshops, even more than the sales of battle armor.

After fully understanding the pyrotechnic armor, Qin Lang's refining level is very close to that of a high-level refining master. At the same time, not only the refining level has improved, but also his own array level has also been slightly improved. After all, the tiny parts inside the battle armor parts Many of the magic circles have never been seen by Qin Lang. These miniature magic circles also contain a large amount of knowledge about the formation, which is very helpful for Qin Lang to broaden his horizons.

After fully understanding the pyrotechnic armor, Qin Lang began to study the mysterious battle armor refined by the bull demon master. After almost two days and two nights of research regardless of night and day, Qin Lang is no longer in the state of two days ago. The Xuan-level battle armor is no longer confused, and it can already start the slow disassembly work.

The internal structure of the Xuan-level battle armor is more complicated, and this Xuan-level battle armor refined by Master Bull Demon is even more exquisite, even reaching the level of close to the top-grade Xuan-level, with at least [-] internal structural parts.

These structural parts are more refined than the pyrotechnic armor parts of Huang-level middle-grade products, and the internal miniature array is also more complicated. Qin Lang sorted out all of them and barely reached the level of assembly and disassembly, but he wanted to imitate those parts. There are still some deficiencies in refining precision, and more time is needed to ponder.

For the time being, the spare parts for refining the Xuan-level battle armor are not in a hurry, and he still needs a lot of time to study.

However, during the research process, he discovered that there were some problems with the psionic circuit of this mysterious armor. After the calculation of the super system, if it works under overload, it is likely to break down after 5 minutes.

Although I don't know if it will explode after a failure, but this is not a small flaw. The reason why Qin Lang was able to discover it was also because of the help of the super system.

With the help of the super system, he slightly improved the psionic circuit of the armor on the basis of the original parts of the armor, and did not add new parts. After the improvement, the original parts of the entire armor were still less. dozens of them.

After researching, Qin Lang installed a top-quality flying sword with wind attribute on this Xuan-level battle armor. This is also one of the two best flying swords on Qin Lang. One of them is the evil sword Emperor Broken Sword in Qingshan Canyon. The other one was obtained from the auction in the cultivation world.

With the external flying sword, this mysterious battle armor is finally no longer a naked armor, and it can barely be regarded as a normal combat armor. After all, the combat armor has at least one external magic weapon, and there are several more. , and even more than a dozen external devices.

This research lasted for three days and three nights. When Qin Lang walked out of the room, he was even a little top-heavy. This was an expression that consumed a lot of his mind. Because of the door, I can't even think about meditating anymore.

It was Li Chuang who knocked on the door. He followed Sai Shenxian and the others to join a team of sea adventurers to hunt down monsters. After three or four days of hard work, he came back.

This trip to the sea seems to be a good harvest. Li Chuang's expression is full of joy, which is indeed the case. He told Qin Lang: "The team we followed found an ancient cultivator's cave on the sea, got a lot of treasures, and There is also a yellow-level high-grade armor manufacturing blueprint! According to the captain of the team, this blueprint can be sold at a high price of at least 500 million blue chips in Qibi City. Almost 30 green chip remuneration."

(End of this chapter)

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