The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2077 Killing and Corrupting the Beastmaster

Chapter 2077 Killing and Corrupting the Beastmaster
Behind several seventh-level corrosive beasts was an eighth-level monster beast king!

A huge black meat mountain weighing a hundred tons!

"Attention everyone!" Someone reminded Kaixiu, who had the strongest perception of agility.

After discovering the eighth-level corrupt beast king, the spider armor launched an attack. The energy cannon emitted a spiral white light from its back. The highly concentrated spiritual energy easily penetrated the extremely strong armor of the seventh-level monster, and even directly pierced the inside of the heart. The core of the demon pill.

As expected of a proven high-level armor repairer, it is a deadly big move once it is used. The attack of this energy cannon is also very powerful, and even the eighth-level radiation beast king can be seriously injured in one blow.

With a cannon in hand, the world is in full swing, this is the powerful attack power of the magic weapon!

If the basic battle armor did not have these external additions, it would be impossible for the spider armor to exert such a strong combat effectiveness. After adding the magic weapon external, the combat effectiveness of a basic armor will be at least three to five times higher than the original, like this one. The high-level armor repairer operates the yellow-grade top-grade battle armor, and the combat power displayed now is not weaker than any monk in the early stage of transforming into a god.


However, the vitality of monsters is far stronger than that of human monks, and they are still monster kings. Even if they are seriously injured, their combat effectiveness will only be slightly affected.

And the Corrupted Beastmaster who was seriously injured went berserk, his aura soared, and even the monks in the late stage of transformation had to be careful with such an aura.

Staring at the spider armor that injured him, the hatred value of the Corruption Beastmaster had reached its peak. Suddenly, he bowed and kicked his feet and directly attacked the spider armor. , The earth shook very violently.

The rotting Beastmaster under the berserk is unparalleled in momentum, and his combat power has increased by at least 30.00% compared to usual. Such a Beastmaster, not to mention the high-level armor repairs in front of him, even Qin Lang has to be taken seriously when he encounters it.

And the Kaixiu wearing the spider armor is also pale now. Dealing with the seventh-level Corruption Beast is just an appetizer for him, but the eighth-level beast king in this berserk state is more than ten times stronger than the seventh-level Corruption Beast. Well, if he doesn't respond well, he might end up dying.

retreat!Without even thinking about it, the spider armor immediately retreated violently. This armor repairer is an armor repairer of the agility department, and his movement speed is extremely fast, but compared with the eighth-level Corrosion Beastmaster in a berserk state, his speed is still half a point weaker.

Seeing that the Corroded Beast King was about to charge towards him viciously, at this moment, two explosive armors rushed up from the side, and the two metal spears stabbed straight at him.

"Kill!" The two large metal spears were equipped with magic weapons, and the power they erupted was so strong that they actually blocked the charge of the eighth-rank beast king for a few tenths of a second.

And a few tenths of a second later, with two bangs, the two big guns broke.

However, blocked by two explosive armors, the spider armor finally escaped. Otherwise, with the weak defense of the agility armor, even if the attack of the Corroding Beastmaster didn't knock him in half, it would have Will break bones.

The Corrosion Beast charged very fiercely. Even if it was blocked by two big guns, it still rushed forward after breaking the two big guns, but when it charged forward, this guy let out a miserable howl. Although the two big guns were broken, the heads of the guns pierced deeply into its body, aggravating its injuries.

"Defense department... go!"

At this time, the captain of the Kaixiu adventure team spoke. This is a big and tall Kaixiu. His whole body is covered in metal armor, so he can't see his appearance clearly.

Following this guy's order, eight armor repairers including the captain surrounded the Corrupted Beastmaster at the same time, and each of them blocked a shield-like magic weapon in front. With a diameter of more than a meter, several people were tightly wrapped.

These armor repairs are equivalent to the meat shields in the team. These armor repairs are of different types and have a clear division of labor, so even if they meet this eighth-level corrupt beast king who is already in a berserk state, they will not be chaotic at all. Has gradually grasped the rhythm of the game in the palm of his hand.

Qin Lang saw a slight smile, and it seemed that he didn't need to make a move himself. Through the subtle cooperation between these armors, they were able to kill the big guy in front of him.

"Swipe..." With a soft sound, several explosive Kaixiu had already untied the big swords on their backs. These big swords were similar to door panels, and they were also one of Kaixiu's basic magic weapons.

With the flow of spiritual energy, the inner strength of Kaixiu's body was injected into the great sword through the spiritual circuit of the battle armor. After the "hum" great sword was charged, a dazzling white blazing light lit up on the edge of the sword.

"Crescent Moon Slash!"

At this moment, several explosive armored cultivators attacked at the same time, and the big sword was drawn out, turning into a dazzling white light, forming a crescent shape, and after the energy was increased, a high temperature was formed. The heat wave in the light barrier was rolling, and the temperature definitely exceeded a thousand Spend.

Heck... Before the sword light came, the Corrosion Beastmaster suddenly opened his mouth wide and spewed out a large amount of saliva. This saliva has strong corrosive properties, and when it came into contact with the sword light, there was a sizzling sound, but , although a small amount of Jianguang was consumed by the saliva, but then the heat wave in the light barrier directly evaporated a large amount of saliva. The first eighth-rank monster king.

Aww... The yelling of the Corroded Beastmaster became even louder. After this round of explosive armor repairs, its body was injured more seriously. The nervous system caused nervous disorder, and its body began to swing uncontrollably, which has affected the balance of the whole body.

This time, the victory was almost established, and then the eighth-level Corrupted Beastmaster couldn't make any trouble, and was directly consumed to death by these armor repairers.

With a bang, the eighth-level Corrosion Beast was dead. Under the siege of dozens of Kaixiu, even if it had a strong strength, it could not be displayed. This is also a typical case of too many ants killing an elephant. What's more, these Kaixiu They are not ants at all, and after wearing the battle armor, none of them are weaker than the monks in the late Nascent Soul.

Mysterious-level battle armor, the output power of the regular spirit path is 150%, and the maximum power is 280%. These are the parameters of the Xuan-level battle armor after Qin Lang's transformation.

As for the mid-grade and top-grade yellow-grade battle armor worn by members of the storm group, Qin Lang estimated that the output of the regular spirit path should be around 130%, and the maximum power should be between 150% and [-]%. It is impossible for the parameters of the armor to exceed that of the mysterious battle armor.

A solo adventurer, Kaixiu, hunted and hunted monsters in the sea. He would still be in great danger when encountering monsters above the seventh rank. If he couldn't beat the monsters, he might perish himself.

But when Kaixiu is united, the combat power displayed may be several times that of his own body. This is also a huge role of the team, even in the realm of comprehension.

Therefore, these dozens of Kaixiu besieging an eighth-rank Corrosion Beastmaster, in addition to encountering some dangers at the beginning, the rhythm of the subsequent battle is completely controlled by these team members of the storm group, and as long as they control the rhythm, the whole battle There will be no more surprises.

The eighth-level Corrosion Beast was destroyed, but the body of a Corrosion Beast is almost entirely composed of acid and acidic flesh, so it has no use value at all, and the Corrosion Beast's demon core has also been destroyed in terms of combat effectiveness, so this battle From the perspective of these Kaixiu, there was nothing to gain from the battle. Anyway, one or two Kaixiu had some slight damage to their armor during the battle, but it did not affect the battle.

After the turmoil of corrupting the Beast King, the Kaixiu adventure team who entered the Guxiu Cave Mansion became more cautious. Now the entire undeveloped area of ​​the Guxiu Cave Mansion has encountered such a powerful monster just after entering, and then continue to go deeper , I don't know what kind of danger I will encounter.

Therefore, it is impossible to be careless. Although the members of this adventurous Kaixiu team are all the elites of the entire city, the result of being careless in such a dangerous place is likely to lose their lives, and the result of losing their lives is naturally a hundred. , What ideals and dreams do not have to think about.

The team leader of the storm group is named Su Lie. This is an explosive type of armor. The armor on his body is a new type of armor, which is also a mysterious battle armor.

The Xinpura armor is made of raw gold, a special product near the Dawan Kingdom. It is extremely hard. The spiritual force field on the outer layer of the armor has thirteen layers. Whether it is the force field defense or the armor itself, it can be regarded as a mysterious battle armor. What's even more rare is that this set of armor can emit a spiral force when attacking, making the attack power of the magic weapon's external sword even sharper.

As a mysterious battle armor, Xinpura has another ability, which can make a part of the body virtual within a second, which is very helpful in battle. Think about it, when a powerful monster attacks with a claw, Kai Xiu The part that was attacked suddenly turned virtual, without any damage at all, how practical this ability is!

You must know that explosive armor repair basically focuses on strengthening explosive power and attack power, and does not strengthen its own defense much, so the defense is basically strengthened by battle armor, and even if there is reinforcement of battle armor, it is still possible. It's not necessarily safe, after all, explosive armor repairs basically face powerful monsters at close range as swordsmen instead of meat shields. Of course, it would be better to have an extra life-saving skill.

Therefore, because of this set of mysterious-level battle armor Shinwura, although Su Lie is the captain of this armored adventure team and a swordsman, he is also the first meat shield and warrior. Time is always the first to rush, shielding teammates from the wind and rain, slashing out sharp attacks, and at the same time creating more suitable opportunities for fatal strikes for long-range armor repairs in the back row.

As for the non-team members following this armor repair team, Qin Lang and Sai Shenxian, except for Qin Lang who is now wearing a black-level battle armor, everyone else is wearing a set of yellow-level low-grade battle armor, which is not as good as Qin Lang's yellow-level armor. Mid-grade pyrotechnic armor.

Compared with the price of [-] to [-] blue chips of the Fireworker Armor, the price of the yellow-level low-grade armor is less than [-] green chips. .

(End of this chapter)

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