The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2078 Blocking Sand Wolves

Chapter 2078 Blocking Sand Wolves

Even so, Situ Brothers, Thrush, and Heidou, who didn't have many black stones and blue chips, have already used up all the net worth they earned from the tribe of survivors. Even if the situation of Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang is a little better, now Also had to bite the belt.

As martial practitioners who have come into contact with the armor for the first time, they are actually not familiar with the fighting style of the armor, and it is impossible to play the full function of the armor.

However, the biggest advantage over these Dawan country armor repairers is that they are very powerful. The combat effectiveness of high-level martial practitioners is almost the same as that of monks in the alchemy stage. In addition, the battle armor can increase their own combat effectiveness more or less, and challenge the seventh-order There are no problems with the monsters, so their performance is actually not bad.

What's more, Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang are still masters of martial arts, and their combat effectiveness is not weaker than the strongest Kaixiu in the Stormtrooper Kaixiu team. This is the real reason why the Stormtrooper Kaixiu team is willing to accept them. Apparently, brothers Situ, Thrush, and Heitu had to be honored by these two to be accepted by this adventurous armor repair group.

Before Qin Lang joined this adventure team, this adventure team actually entered the Guxiu Cave Mansion, and found some good things during the exploration process, such as blue-level battle armor blueprints and some other types of treasures, what a pity Yes, newcomers like Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang were not valued by Kaixiu of the adventure team at that time. They just signed the simplest employment contract to play the role of helper, so there were not many materials allocated after the expedition.

However, before entering the Guxiu cave for the second time, Sai Shenxian, Li Chuang and the storm group had already signed a new employment contract. A lot of attention has been paid to it, and resource allocation has also been tilted in a small range.

According to the contract regulations, if Sai Shenxian and his group of outsiders are still so prominent, then when the Dongfu gets good things, Sai Shenxian and others also have the right to distribute according to their contributions, instead of only giving them fixed employment like the first time. gold.

Of course, this is also the result that people like Sai Shenxian have won. If they don’t earn it, the storm group will not be so kind. That's why outsiders like Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang can earn more equal treatment for themselves.

This time, Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang's companions are also very motivated. Although they didn't make much money by taking the risk with the Stormtrooper Kaixiu for the first time a few days ago, they have now re-signed the distribution contract. The distribution method is more beneficial to their side. The second time I come to Guxiu Dongfu, I believe I will gain more.

At that time, everyone will earn a lot of money, even if everyone changes into a higher-quality battle armor...even a mysterious-level battle armor is possible.

The group continued to move towards the depths of the undeveloped area of ​​the cave. Along the way, Qin Lang monitored the surrounding environment through the sonar spirit waves on the armor helmet. This is actually the basic function of every set of armor. It is the advanced battle armor that is more powerful in this regard.

The detection area of ​​the ordinary yellow-level battle armor's spirit wave is about [-] feet around, while the detection area of ​​the black-level battle armor's spirit wave is [-] feet.

The spiritual wave detection with its own function of battle armor is much more convenient than the detection of spiritual consciousness. You must know that due to the restrictions of the world's rules of heaven and earth, Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness can only detect the surrounding [-] feet at most, and the detection area is less than [-] feet. Lingbo detects a wide area.

Moreover, the information recovered by the Lingbo detection is similar to the information recovered by the divine consciousness detection, and it can completely replace the function of the divine consciousness, which is also one of the biggest features of the battle armor.

After walking for about ten kilometers, a sand dune appeared in the area of ​​the ruins in front of it. Beside the sand dune, everyone stopped because the captain Su Lie, who was wearing a black-level Shinpura armor, waved his hand: "There is a situation. There are monsters lying in ambush in the Zhang area."

And Qin Lang, who was wearing a black-level battle armor, also sensed the information recovered by Lingbo. A hundred feet ahead, there are dense red dots under the sand dunes. The red dots represent ferocious monsters. Detect one of the markers that have been set long ago.

And at this moment, "Bang bang bang... bang bang bang..."

Dozens of loud noises and more than 30 black wolf-like creatures emerged from the ground during the dusty process.

"This is the sand wolf... Withdraw, the long-range attack is ready to block them! There is probably a small pack of sand wolves here, don't let them approach!"

At this time, Su Lie immediately formulated a battle plan.

The sand wolf is a sixth-level monster. A single sand wolf may not pose much threat to the adventurous armor repair group, but the sand wolf has never been a creature that moves alone. The entire group of hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of them charged together, which was very terrifying, so even some monsters whose rank was much higher than that of the sand wolves did not dare to provoke the sand wolves.

As Su Lie's words fell, more and more sand wolves came out from the bottom of the sand dunes and charged the adventure group. Once these cunning creatures are detected and exposed, they will not give others time to react, and they will explode immediately Attack, after all, these strange humans who suddenly broke into the territory in front of them are food for them.

With a large number of sand wolves emerging from the bottom of the dunes, the number has now reached at least two hundred, and there is still a tendency to squirm under the sand dunes ahead. Numbers, even thousands are possible.

There are too many sand wolves, and monsters like sand wolves also have a special talent of "flying sand and rocks", which can control a large amount of sand and dust to pounce on the enemy and interfere with the enemy's actions. Once these sand wolves get close, it is dangerous These armor repairs in the group are like being trapped in a sandstorm, and it will be absolutely difficult to get out when the time comes.

Needless to say, the entire adventure team ran in one direction, and the dozens of armors responsible for long-range attacks to block the sand wolf's pursuit all had thick cannon-shaped magic weapons exposed from the back.Boom boom boom!Boom boom boom!Needless to say, beams of fiery energy beams shot directly behind them, hitting those sand wolves.

In front of this kind of energy beam, only the sixth-order sand wolf has little resistance at all. Once hit, the whole body will be pierced, or the arms and legs will be broken. After all, this kind of hot energy beam is originally Used to deal with seventh- and eighth-order boss-level monsters, the lethality is very impressive.

It's a pity that the number of sand wolves is too large, hundreds or even thousands. Even if these energy beams can kill several sand wolves with one shot, they can't resist the number of the entire race.

Moreover, the energy light beam as the trump card requires a large number of green chips to recharge each shot, which consumes a lot of energy, so the armor repair who is in charge of firing each shot has to be careful and save as much as possible, even if they have enough blue chips Supporting to kill all these sand wolves in front of him, I am afraid that no Kaixiu will choose to do so, it is definitely a result that is not worth the candle.

After all, at that time, the materials recovered from sixth-order monsters like sand wolves may not be enough to compensate for the energy consumption after firing the cannon, which is too big a deficit.

At this time, when they were chasing and fleeing, the speed of both sides was very fast. Although the sand wolf was a territorial creature, they were still chasing after the food appeared, and they didn't care that they had already chased out of the territory.

At the beginning, the distance between the two sides was about 300 meters. After running for 20 seconds, the sand wolf had narrowed down to only 150 meters. About 20 or [-] sand wolves were chasing the front.

But it's useless, because of the death of their companions, the hatred value of these sand wolves is higher, and they chase more fiercely.

This is not the solution, Su Lie cursed secretly, wondering if the team's green chip reserve would be wasted on Sand Wolf...

And at this moment, the outsiders who joined the adventure group, Qin Lang and Sai Shenxian, finally played their role, and took the initiative to meet the sand wolf and engage in close combat.

After all, martial practitioners in the world of martial artists are more suitable than armored fighters than melee combat, and martial practitioners mostly rely on their own strength to fight, unlike these armored practitioners who are not as dependent on armor and energy.

"We hold these sand wolves, you get out of here first!"

Qin Lang and Sai Shenxian shouted, although there are a large number of these sixth-order sand wolves, if they are only responsible for holding on for ten minutes, it is not a big problem for them. Too much sand and dust are sprayed out, and the trouble caused is also great.

However, Qin Lang and Sai Shenxian are able to step forward at this time, because they have certain confidence in their own strength, and they also have a plan to deal with it, so all this is not a problem.

Not to mention Qin Lang, Sai Shenxian took out a powerful defensive magic weapon from his body at this time, and the defensive force field actually enveloped several companions in it, even though the sand waves hitting the defensive force field will continue to consume the energy of the defensive magic weapon , but with the cultivation base of Saishenxian martial arts master, it is not a problem to support half a stick of kung fu with his own ability.

Moreover, even if it consumes a lot to support the defensive force field, Sai Shenxian still has a lot of potions to supplement his cultivation. You must know that this guy is a senior pharmacist. Although the recovery effect of the potions may not be as good as Qin Lang's elixir, it is still very good up.

"I'm responsible for blocking, you attack!"

Sai Xianshen yelled, this guy tried his best to maintain the force field to defend the treasure, while Qin Lang, Li Chuang, Brother Situ, Thrush, and Hei Tu were in charge of attacking the sand wolves at this time, and after Qin Lang killed more than a dozen sand wolves, Suddenly thought of a way that doesn't need to be spent here, said: "Actually, we can set up a formation to stop the pursuit of these sand wolves."

As soon as he thought of it, Qin Lang asked Li Chuang, who also knew the way of formations, to help him, and quickly set up a phantom formation. In fact, the array arranged can't stop the continuous pounce of nearly a thousand sand wolves, and it will collapse in at most one stick of incense. However, the purpose of Qin Lang and Li Chuang is to trap these sand wolves for more than half a stick of incense. That's enough.

Soon, the formation was completed, and all the sand wolves that rushed to chase were involved in the phantom formation.


Qin Lang yelled. In fact, he knew that with all his strength, he could directly kill all the sand wolves in front of him with his late stage cultivation. However, there is no need to reveal his true strength now.

(End of this chapter)

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