The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2079 Illusion Breath

Chapter 2079 Illusion Breath
Half an hour later, looking at the messy footprints on the ground in front of them, Sai Shenxian and others looked a little ugly. They were responsible for breaking the team but chased the team away. Now there are footprints of large troops on the ground, but along the way He chased forward but couldn't catch up with the big storm troop.

"Something weird..."

Qin Lang also discovered at this time that they seem to have been circling around in one area all the time. After all, the footprints in front of them seem to have seen similar ones half an hour ago, that is to say, half an hour ago, this The passage they definitely walked through.


At this time, the voice of a monster came from behind, and Sai Shenxian jumped when he heard this voice: "It's the sand wolf! We really came back, this location is not far from the sand wolf's territory!"

In fact, there is no need for Immortal Sai to say more, now everyone understands that they ran away desperately during the half hour of chasing love, but in the end they still ran away in vain.

This is probably also related to the structure of the passageway in this ancient repair site. The entire passageway is designed as a maze-like intricate terrain, and it is likely to be combined with the way of formation. In this way, everyone will go around in an area repeatedly. Come around.

However, Qin Lang sensed that he walked the wrong way and did not see traces of formations, either because the restrictions in this area were designed too cleverly, or because there were other weird ones.

With the help of the mysterious-level battle armor Bull Demon, Qin Lang called out the sonar spirit wave on the ashes of his head, and began to carefully detect the surrounding environment... Let's call it the Bull Demon Battle Armor, after all, it is a battle armor designed by the Bull Demon Master. armor.

The detection area of ​​the ordinary yellow-level battle armor's spirit wave is about [-] feet around, while the detection area of ​​the black-level battle armor's spirit wave is [-] feet.

And Qin Lang feels that the spirit wave detection with its own function of battle armor is very convenient, and it is easier to use than his own consciousness. You must know that due to the restrictions of the world's rules of heaven and earth, Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness can only detect the surrounding five at most. Ten feet, the detection area is not as wide as the area detected by Lingbo, but after repeated detection, there is still no abnormality found.

Doesn't make sense?

Qin Lang thought for a while, gave up using the spirit wave detection function of the battle armor, and instead directly used his divine sense to detect. Although the divine sense can only detect the fifty-foot area, he has a feeling that his divine sense is stronger than Lingbo detection is more accurate.

Sure enough, his divine sense caught a strange aura that was so weak that it could be ignored. This strange aura was hidden somewhere in this area, far away from their current position. Although it was far away and the aura was very weak, it was just This weird aura had a weak ability to interfere with everyone's spiritual consciousness, affecting everyone's correct judgment of the environment.

"This is... an illusion, the problem really lies here."

Qin Lang immediately understood the root of the problem. The reason why he hadn't noticed it before was that the weird faint illusion aura was too faint, and he was not hostile to everyone, so no one could sense this weird aura.

"This area should have a relatively natural formation, forming a maze-like structure, coupled with the influence of this weird illusion, this keeps everyone trapped here."

Qin Lang didn't know what it was that could give off the illusion, maybe it was a treasure, or maybe it was a monster, but now he didn't have time to think about it, because it was close to the sand wolf territory, and everyone turned back At the same time, after the sand wolves smelled the breath of the crowd, they all started to rush towards them.

Facing the crowd of sand wolves, no one has the idea of ​​fighting again, even Qin Lang, a post-transformation soldier who is confident in killing hundreds of sand wolves alone, is the same. After all, there are so many sixth-order monsters, even if he If you have the ability to kill them all, the physical strength and energy it takes is also inestimable. Although the sand wolf and the fur on its body are worth a little money, they are nothing in the eyes of Qin Lang in the late stage of transformation. With his current vision, at least a monster pill above the seventh rank would be of any value.

After all, the biggest role of the demon pill is still for alchemy. Among the several kinds of pills that can be used by monks above the late stage of transformation, the material of the demon pill that needs to be added is at least the eighth-level demon pill, and the seventh-level one needs to be refined. Only then can a few seven-level demon pills be purified into one eighth-level.

And if the sixth-order demon pills are combined into an eighth-order, if the sand wolf group in front of me is killed, I am afraid that there will not be a few of them. Instead of spending time fighting these sixth-order sand wolves here, Qin Lang still It's better to go directly to those eighth-level monsters and have a good fight. With his current cultivation base, it's not like he can't beat them.

"Withdraw!" Qin Lang and Li Chuang once again used the old method before, and before the sand wolves pounced, they once again set up a phantom array to resist the large number of sand wolves who heard the news.

Then, without looking back, the group of people galloped in one direction again. During the gallop this time, Qin Lang did not use the spiritual wave detection system of the battle armor, but used his own weapon that could only radiate the surrounding fifty-foot area. Spiritual consciousness came to explore the way, and sure enough he led the way. This time, everyone never repeated the previous story. Although half an hour later, they have not left this area, but it is no longer like those ghosts hitting the wall before.

That is to say, the breath of illusion can no longer affect everyone.

The reason why everyone listens to Qin Lang is that Qin Lang's strength is the strongest among these martial practitioners, and the second is that Qin Lang's Xuan-level battle armor is much stronger than the yellow-level battle armor worn by everyone. Now I am wearing the lowest quality yellow-level low-grade battle armor. The detection area is estimated to be less than [-] feet, and the black-level battle armor can detect at least [-] feet, and Qin Lang’s set of bull magic armor Although it is a test armor, the quality of the medium-grade mysterious armor is also high-quality among all the mysterious-grade battle armors in Dawan Country. Compared with those yellow-rank battle armors, they are basically inferior.

Therefore, Qin Lang has always been in charge of the previous pathfinding, but before Qin Lang relied too much on the spiritual wave detection ability of Niu Mokai itself, he really thought that the spiritual wave detection ability was omnipotent, stronger than his own divine sense, but how I know that this spiritual wave detection also has short circuits.

In fact, it is not a short circuit. Qin Lang estimates that this is caused by the lack of accuracy of Lingbo detection. Although it seems that the nature of Lingbo detection is the same as that of spiritual consciousness detection, but the spiritual consciousness is cultivated by the monk himself after all. The advantage of precision.

However, the Lingbo detection instrument belongs to the functional preparation of the battle armor, and it exists like a magic weapon. After all, the magic weapon is a dead thing, and the accuracy is simply impossible to reach the level of divine consciousness.

Of course, if Qin Lang goes back and debugs and transforms the control center of the battle armor, so that the accuracy of the detection of the spiritual wave is closer to the frequency of the divine consciousness wave, it is still possible to make the detection accuracy of the spiritual wave emitted by the battle armor less accurate. The scope is improved, and even when we are in the situation in front of us again, we can quickly find the root of the problem.

Of course, these are all things that Qin Lang will only do after this adventure of repairing the ancient cave mansion. For now, let’s take the risk honestly.

Although the detection range of the divine sense is only fifty feet, Qin Lang has been following the illusion aura all the way. He is also very curious about what kind of treasure or monster the illusion aura is from. Now that he has found it, Of course I want to take a closer look.

If it is found to be a treasure, of course it will be included in the bag. If it is a monster, then kill it and get some materials. Maybe the ability of the monster can be refined into a magic weapon.

As a late-stage cultivator, Qin Lang still has this confidence. After all, although his days in the late stage of Transformation were short, he used a lot of black stones, green chips and various resources to practice during this period, and he did not lack pills. , so it has already passed the accumulation stage at the beginning of the late stage of Huashen, and now faintly has the strength close to the peak of the late stage of Huashen.

Of course, he has not yet reached the real peak of the late stage of the transformation of the gods. After all, which monk in the cultivation world is not an old monster who has cultivated for more than a thousand years. Qin Lang was able to reach the present in just a few years after entering the world At this point, it is already very against the sky.

And even the monks who are at the peak of the late stage of the cultivation world are already at the top of the food chain. For example, the black slave emperor in the Eastern Sea Region of the cultivation world is a monk of this level. Including the clan, it is very likely that there are no more than five existences with this kind of cultivation.

Of course, this does not include those alien races in the extraterritorial battlefield, like the dragon clan with the blood of a real dragon that appeared in the extraterritorial battlefield, it is not only the cultivation level of the late stage of the transformation of the gods or the late stage of the transformation of the gods, it is likely to have reached Immortal-level fighting power.

This journey lasted more than twenty miles. After three hours, Qin Lang went around for at least 100 miles before he found the source of the illusion. The source of the illusion is in the land in front of him. The underground is similar to a lake below the center of the lake.

Don't be surprised why the ancient Xiu cave is so big, there are mountains, lakes and so on. In fact, the high-level Guxiu cave is a world of its own, just like a real small world. After all, this is the powerful Gu Xiu. remaining fields.

The domain left by Gu Xiu after his death carries most of the treasures on Gu Xiu’s body. Of course, there may be many dangers in the world of this domain. You must know that many powerful Gu Xiu’s caves are formed by swallowing some space debris from other worlds. , These space debris will have a large number of original indigenous creatures, just like the corrupted beasts and sand wolves that Qin Lang encountered before can be regarded as indigenous creatures.

Of course, there are still some monsters that were self-generated in the cave after thousands of years after the death of Gu Xiu. These monsters are more in line with the attributes of the domain, although the combat power may not be as good as those creatures in the fragmented world. , but most of their own hidden breath abilities have been multiplied by the domain space, which is more difficult to deal with than those monsters that have merged into the fragmented world.

(End of this chapter)

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