Chapter 2080 Phantom Clam
The large lake in front of me covers an area of ​​more than 500 mu, which is definitely not small. The lake is ice blue. Since this ancient cave mansion is a small world, a secret place of heaven and earth, no matter where everyone goes, the scene they see is bright and majestic. , Of course, the section of walking through the cave before does not count.

As soon as he walked out of the cave, he saw the big lake under the ground in front of him. Of course, Qin Lang and the others stopped immediately.

Qin Lang sensed that the aura of the illusion in the center of the lake was stronger, and at the same time, he also sensed that there were many signs of monster activity in the big lake, but the aura of these monsters was very weak, and he couldn't tell what level of monsters they were. .

So he didn't rashly go down to the lake to provoke these monsters in the lake, but was going to test it first. As long as the monsters in the lake did not exceed the eighth level, he could deal with them, but if there were any existences above the eighth level, Even if Qin Lang met him with his current strength, it would probably be difficult enough.


Qin Lang threw a clone into the lake, but this clone was not his second soul incarnation, but an extraordinary level mutant clone.

Qin Lang's two mutant avatars, species [-] and [-], have not been used for a long time, and they feel like they are going to be moldy. It is really that with the improvement of cultivation, these two black technology products brought from the earth brought him in combat. Help is getting smaller and smaller.

This is not without reason.

The second is the extraordinary level, which is equivalent to the monks of the Nascent Soul stage, and now Qin Lang, who is in the late stage of the transformation of the gods, can easily wipe out the existence of a bunch of monks of this level.

One is the S level. After being strengthened, the combat power is now barely equivalent to that of the Quasi-Hua Shen, and it has an indestructible body. As long as the core chip is present, it can always exist. It is not impossible to challenge the early monks of Hua Shen with this ability.

However, compared to the combat effectiveness of the S-level mutant clone, the super system of the S-level mutant clone helped him even more. This kind of help could almost be said to be a golden finger against the sky.

Without the help of the super system's computing power of one billion times per second, it is hard to say whether Qin Lang can still maintain a series of titles such as alchemy master and formation master.

Without the help of super system computing ability and memory ability, it is impossible for Qin Lang to have such a heaven-defying understanding, creativity, and analytical ability, and it is impossible to have such a strong learning ability.

It can be said that although the super system is not a treasure in the realm of comprehension, nor is it an innate spirit treasure, but this golden finger is likely to be more helpful to Qin Lang than the innate spirit treasure. This is why Qin Lang has always been so popular in the realm of cultivation maximum guarantee.

Therefore, since Qin Lang fought with the eighth-level octopus in the West Desert and almost completely destroyed the S-level mutant clone, he has never fought with the S-level mutant clone again.

The S-level mutant is equivalent to his trump card. This trump card is more important to the auxiliary ability of the super system than to the combat ability, so he will not be able to use this clone to fight in the future.

But the Transcendent level mutant clone is different, even if this clone is lost, it's nothing, after all, the system of this clone is not a super system.

The extraordinary level mutant is equivalent to a very good puppet. Qin Lang can use his consciousness to attach to this puppet clone, and he is not bound by the detection distance of fifty feet. He plans to use this clone to go to the lake to detect Take a look at the bottom of the lake.

This is also the best detection method under the premise that Qin Lang has no other better detection tools, so he sent this avatar that is not very important to him to test the monsters at the bottom of the lake.

After stepping into the lake, Qin Lang switched to Zhong Er's perspective, and immediately felt as if he had descended into the lake.

As a mutant of the extraordinary level of genetic organisms, he doesn't need to breathe, and he doesn't have the body temperature of a normal person, so the lake water can't affect it at all. Even if this clone is completely submerged in the lake water, there is no need to be afraid of being drowned.

After going down to the lake, Qin Lang immediately changed the shape of this clone into a silver swimming fish. After all, mutants at the extraordinary level can change their shape at will without consuming aura, which is equivalent to a cold dead thing. Even if it is close at hand, if the monster is not paying attention, it may not be able to find it.

However, Qin Lang was not careless. He didn't know what kind of monsters there were in the lake, whether they were powerful or not. The main purpose now was to use the extraordinary-level mutant avatar to conduct a probe on the bottom of the lake to see what kind of monsters there were in the lake. What kind of monsters exist, can I deal with them.

In addition, it is to see what is the thing in the center of the lake that can continuously emit the illusion. If it is a treasure, it can be taken away without any problems.

Qin Lang's calculation was very good, but at this moment a group of dark shadows appeared in front of him, and an octopus-like monster at least twenty feet long rushed towards this area. Qin Lang was startled, thinking that he was being killed Found it, but later learned that this guy was just hunting fish in this area normally.

There are many swimming fish in this big lake, the big ones are four or five feet long, and the small ones are no more than five fingers. These swimming fish are not ordinary swimming fish, at least they are all monsters above the second rank.

And this octopus-like monster is an eighth-level monster. If it is encountered by Qin Lang's body or the second soul clone, it can naturally be killed directly, but this is in the water, because the lake water is against the water attribute monster. Ability bonus, this octopus-like creature has special advantages. If Qin Lang wants to kill it, it may be much more difficult than killing an eighth-level monster with similar strength on land. Even Qin Lang may not be able to kill it.

Of course, although it might not be possible to kill this octopus-like monster in the water, there is no need for Qin Lang's body or the second soul clone to be afraid of it.

However, only the Transcendent level avatar which is equivalent to the strength of a Nascent Soul cultivator is still relatively weak. At this time, I feel a strong suction force. Fish, as long as the swimming fish in the fifty-foot area couldn't escape, those swimming fish were all rolled upside down and rushed into the mouth of this big guy.

However, compared to other swimming fishes, Qin Lang's avatar was manipulated by Qin Lang's spiritual sense after all, and was full of spirituality. After a struggle, he still broke free from this powerful phagocytic suction, and then swam in another direction.

The octopus-like monster not far away didn't know if it sensed that the prey had broken free, and stayed where it was eating, and didn't catch up with it.

Qin Lang manipulated the silver swimming fish that Zhong Er turned into to swim the entire Great Lake. I have to say that there are quite a lot of monsters in this Great Lake, tens of thousands, but most of them are low-level monsters, seventh-level monsters. The above-mentioned monsters have their own territory, each monster has at least two or three acres of territory, and even powerful eighth-level monsters like octopuses have tens of acres of territory.

In other words, although there are not many high-level monsters in this great lake, there are still dozens of them. Most of them are seventh-level, and there are also three or four of eighth-level monsters. They are the top of the food chain in this great lake.

As for the ninth-level monsters, Qin Lang has not discovered it yet. He has swam the entire Great Lake at this time, but he has not yet explored the last location of the Great Lake, the center of the lake.


On the shore, Sai Shenxian and the others saw Qin Lang sending a silver mutant avatar down to the lake, and they didn't say anything, they were all waiting quietly. They all knew that the silver humanoid creature should be a pet or pet made by Qin Lang. Puppet, after all, they have seen or heard of it before.

And Qin Lang is a powerful ancient cultivator with all kinds of incredible supernatural powers. In fact, there are not many martial arts practitioners who are not convinced about this kind of strong man. After all, this world is a world where the strong are respected.

So even though Qin Lang manipulated Zhong Er to stand there for a long time, they didn't show any signs of impatience, and they all quietly followed and waited for the news.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the silk thread of Qin Lang's consciousness is connected with Zhong Er, manipulating the silver swimming fish to move closer to the center of the lake. The closer he gets, the stronger the aura of illusion becomes. This aura is not aggressive at all, just like a loving mother calling Same, makes people a little drowsy.

However, Qin Lang, who has used a lot of black stones to strengthen his consciousness, is also very resistant to illusions. His consciousness is now almost reaching the stage of Dzogchen in the late stage of transformation, even if a trace of consciousness is attached to Zhonger, This trace of consciousness is also extremely tenacious and is not affected by illusion at all.

Later, Qin Lang saw a large black hole more than five meters wide in the center of the lake. The breath of illusion came from the hole, and there were some fluctuations of life in the hole. There seemed to be a powerful monster inside.

"Is it really a monster?"

Qin Lang was also very puzzled. He was close to the entrance of the cave at this time, but he has not been attacked by monsters. Could it be that the monsters in the big cave didn't find him?This possibility is not great. After all, Qin Lang is only one foot away from the big cave. If it is such a close range of powerful monsters, it is impossible not to find the new situation of the cave entrance.

This central area should be the territory of this unknown monster. Qin Lang found that with the center of the lake as the center, there are no other monsters above the seventh level within the surrounding area of ​​more than 20 acres.
With a trace of vigilance, Qin Lang slowly approached the entrance of the cave, only to find that there was a giant clam stuck in the cave. Of course, this clam was also a monster, and it seemed to be at least an eighth-order monster. Every piece of the huge clam shell They are all like the roof of a building, and what you can see through this hole is only a part of its body.

However, the two clam shells of the stuck mussel are open, through the clam meat Qin Lang can see the dense white light in the clam meat inside, those white lights are clam beads, each one is the size of a fist, and that It was these clam beads that discovered the illusion before.

"Phantom clam?"

Qin Lang was surprised at this time. This kind of monster has been extinct in the cultivation world. It belongs to ancient creatures. The phantom clam has a strong hallucinogenic ability. The monks and monsters with weaker souls will fall into the illusion created by the phantom clam. They can't even escape, this is a natural supernatural power, but their own click power is likely to be inferior to seventh-order monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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