The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2081 Golden Clam Pearl

Chapter 2081 Golden Clam Pearl
Moreover, the clam beads of the phantom clam are also treasures, as famous as the phantom pearl. I am afraid that such a big phantom clam has surpassed the level of ordinary eighth-level monsters. There are so many high-level monsters, but none of the high-level monsters dared to enter the center of the lake, so they probably all know how powerful they are.

These clam beads are not only top-quality refining materials, but also alchemy materials. It would be great if we could collect a batch.

And at this moment, Qin Lang found a little golden light emitting from the center of the two shells of the phantom clam, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Golden clam pearl?!"

Unexpectedly, this phantom clam actually produced golden clam beads, and the golden spider beads have already broken away from the category of acquired spirit beads, and can almost be regarded as innate spiritual objects.

Although this golden clam pearl is the same size as those white clam pearls, the value between the two is simply incomparable. I am afraid that all the white clam pearls on this phantom clam combined cannot compare to this one. The value of golden clam pearls.

At this time, after Qin Lang discovered the phantom clam in the middle of the great lake, he was determined to collect all the clam beads from this phantom clam. It is an innate spiritual thing, the value of this thing cannot be measured at all.

Looking at the phantom clam stuck in the cave, Qin Lang found that this huge monster couldn't move at all, because the cave was not formed of mud, but very hard rock, and the phantom clam didn't know where it was. How many years have been stuck in this cave, and the two clam shells were deeply sunk into the rock crevices on both sides after they were opened.

Facing the phantom clam whose shell was open and unable to move, he felt that it was undoubtedly a very attractive piece of fat, but under the premise, he had to have the ability to take it. After all, even if the phantom clam was stuck in the cave and could not move, its The hallucinogenic ability is very powerful. If a person with a weak soul cannot pass the saving throw judgment at all, then he will be controlled by the illusion ability of the clam.

Moreover, the closer to this big guy, the stronger the fluctuations of those illusions that Qin Lang can feel. This may be the real reason why there are so many powerful monsters in the whole Great Lake, but they still can't do anything about this phantom clam. If it weren't for the powerful illusion ability, even if it was a ninth-level monster, this immobile phantom clam might not have a good end.

After Qin Lang strengthened the defensive force field at this time, he began to move closer to the cave, preparing to collect clam beads first. After all, this is also the most essential treasure in the entire phantom clam shell.

Moreover, the phantom clam is stuck in the cave and cannot move. To him, it is no different from the fat on the chopping board. The risk factor of collecting should not be very high.

After all, the strength of Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness was strengthened by the black stone, and now the strength of his spiritual consciousness is infinitely close to the Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period.

However, Qin Lang underestimated the hallucinogenic ability of the phantom clam. Just about to enter the cave, the phantom clam immediately counterattacked when it sensed the crisis, and turned all its power to launch a mental impulse towards Qin Lang.Chi... Invisible mental waves shot over like scattered flying needles.

And human consciousness is actually the most fragile, if it is pierced by the flying needles formed by this mental wave, it will definitely hurt, so Qin Lang immediately blocked these invisible flying needles with a defensive force field.

In this case, the figure inevitably stagnated, and it seemed that there was no possibility of taking a step closer to the cave before the flying needle formed by the mental wave was shot.

And at this time, the entire Great Lake vibrated, and some powerful beings at the bottom of the lake began to fly closer to the lake. These powerful beings did not know what kind of connection they had with this phantom clam. When the phantom clam felt its life was threatened. At that time, these seventh- and eighth-level monsters also rushed over to support them immediately.

"The monsters at the bottom of the lake are indeed related to this phantom clam..."

Sensing the abnormality, Qin Lang frowned. This phantom clam was stuck in the cave in the center of the lake and could not move for so many years, but it has been fine. He had doubts for a long time. Now it seems that many of the monsters in these lakes are phantom clams. The puppet has been protecting it around.

Gotta act fast!At this time, Qin Lang slapped his head and released the second soul clone, ready to use the clone to attract the attention of the monsters, and then he tried his best to break through the magic clam's spiritual wave blockade.

Bobo, Bobo...

Qin Lang forcibly broke in, stepped inside the phantom clam, and at the same time resisted the oppression of the spiritual wave, picked the clam beads of the clam meat one by one, and put them in his bag.


brush!Swipe!Outside the cave, Qin Lang's second soul avatar fought inextricably with the coming monsters. The ones who started to rush towards the central area were only some sixth- and seventh-order monsters. The second soul avatar was not under any pressure. After all, with the improvement of its own strength, its strength has also increased a lot, but it is only the ordinary mid-stage level of transformation.

But then, several eighth-level monsters from all over the Great Lake also came from all directions, especially the nearest octopus, which somehow became quite entangled, and the second soul clone gradually felt overwhelmed.

Seeing the feeling of being overwhelmed by the second soul avatar, Qin Lang couldn't help but summoned the magic house and gave it to the avatar for use. After all, the second soul avatar didn't have a magic weapon, but with this magic weapon With the house in hand, it is even more powerful, and its performance is very worthy of favor.


Qin Lang was busy fetching beads, and although the phantom clam was resisting, it really had no good countermeasures other than mental attacks, so in the end it was Qin Lang who had the advantage in this battle.

There are nearly a hundred white clam beads in the phantom clam. Although the phantom clam illusion is very repulsive to Qin Lang, it still can't stop the frantic picking.

And in this chaotic situation, apart from being a little uncomfortable with the phantom clam's ability at the beginning, Qin Lang was also very good at resisting later on. Qin Lang collected nearly a hundred white clam beads in the clam meat one after another.

And when Qin Lang approached the golden clam bead, a golden light emitted from the golden clam bead. This golden light is extremely penetrating. Qin Lang's defense ability is not a problem against ordinary eighth-order monsters, but in Under the opponent's resistance, all the defenses were ineffective.

The golden light instantly broke through all of Qin Lang's defenses, pierced directly into Qin Lang's body, and shot directly towards the center of the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

The golden light of the golden clam spider is also the strongest killing move of the magic clam illusion attack. The magic clam, which lacked effective attack methods, at this time sent out several golden lights, directly piercing into Qin Lang's body. Qin Lang saw the possibility of even counterattacking. None exist.

Just when those few golden lights arrived at Qin Lang's sea of ​​consciousness one after another, and were about to show terrifying damage to the entire sea of ​​consciousness, the five gourds in Qin Lang's sea of ​​consciousness suddenly turned around, and the golden female gourd from the center of the left road It lit up, and a strong aura spewed out, and even these golden lights were directly wrapped after being entangled by the aura, unable to effectively attack Qin Lang's sea of ​​consciousness.

After the aura wraps around these golden lights, the pressure on Qin Lang's knowledge sea is obviously relaxed. At this time, the golden mother gourd of the child and mother gourds starts to draw up the thread, directly swallowing these golden lights.

And after these golden lights disappeared in an instant, Qin Lang picked the golden clam pearl directly into the palm of his hand.

As soon as he took the golden clam pearl into the palm of his hand, the golden gourd vibrated again, and the golden gourd sent out a longing message, as if it really wanted to swallow the golden clam pearl.

It can be seen that the golden gourd on her body is very eager to get this clam bead. After all, this is a material of the innate spirit treasure level, and it is also a treasure of the innate spirit treasure level. If the golden mother gourd swallows the golden clam bead, it is likely that her own ability Aspects evolve suddenly.

It is also Qin Lang's most real idea to make the mother-child golden gourd in the sea of ​​consciousness stronger. After the golden gourd devoured the golden clam pearl of the innate spirit treasure level, it suddenly burst into golden light in the sea of ​​consciousness. out of the body, and drilled out of the entire great lake.

During this process, Qin Lang also seemed to be the god of war again. After collecting all the clam beads, he directly killed the soul of the entire phantom clam, even though this phantom clam was a monster close to the ninth rank, and its performance in terms of soul strength Not bad, but its own defense is indeed very weak.

As long as someone can resist its mental attack, then this guy is a good meat target, which cannot be bought with money.

In this way, this phantom clam was depressingly killed by Qin Lang, and even the body was taken away by Qin Lang. After all, the phantom clam is full of treasures. Except for the amazingly valuable phantom clam beads, the phantom clam's shell, meat All of them can be used to refine weapons or be used as medicine, which is also a rare spiritual material.

And after the phantom clam was solved, the monsters in the whole Great Lake became even more crazy. These monsters were originally controlled by the phantom clam. Lost the control of the phantom clam.

And these monsters that have escaped from the control of the phantom clam no longer need to be controlled like a marionette, and can display their own combat power without any scruples, and each of them has shown extremely strong attack power and desire to attack.

The pressure on Qin Lang's second soul increased greatly at this time, and those monsters felt as if they were going berserk, and became more and more terrifying. Even with the help of the magic treasure house, they were overwhelmed and couldn't breathe.

Fortunately, the main body has already killed the phantom clam at this time, and it is free to support the second soul clone. With the main body joining, although Qin Lang can't kill these powerful monsters in front of him for a while, it is absolutely no problem to hold his ground of.

And now there are too many monsters surrounded from all directions. In the area at the center of the lake, the top of Qin Lang's head is now covered in darkness. It seems that Qin Lang will have a lot of trouble if he wants to break out, but I don't know if he still has this chance to break out.

Qin Lang's main body and the second primordial spirit avatar are both challenging an eighth-order monster at this time, and the main body is challenging an eighth-order octopus monster. The huge octopus can attack from a distance or fight in close combat, and is very difficult to deal with.

The avatar challenged a monster like a cactus, which was also at the eighth rank. The cactus was covered with dense poisonous thorns. Beasts may also be poisoned on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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