Chapter 2082 Immortal

These two monsters are very powerful. If it weren't for Qin Lang's current cultivation base reaching the peak state of the late stage of transformation, it would be really difficult to deal with them.

After all, this is in the lake, and the two eighth-level monsters have the home field advantage. They are all water-type monsters. With the addition of fighting power in the water, they are probably not much worse than the ninth-level monsters on land.

And what Qin Lang has to deal with is not only the two eighth ranks, but also the densely packed monsters of the entire great lake are now rushing towards the center of the lake, and the difficulty of the battle is constantly increasing.

Seeing that there are more and more monsters coming, these monsters are now more spiritual without the control of the magic clam, and their combat power is also stronger. Qin Lang knows that if he stays in the center of the lake, he may not be able to survive even if he is at the peak of the late stage of transformation. Can't please.

So he came up with the idea of ​​breaking out, and directly slashed his hand sword, splitting out more than a dozen sword lights, and after these dozen sword lights appeared, they split again, and each sword light turned into countless miniature small sword lights. Jianguang is several feet long, but the split little Jianguang is less than half a foot long.

The power of such a split sword light is naturally not very good, but Qin Lang's move is to arrange a sword formation, which will firmly lock the three feet around his body, and use it to resist the combined attack of those powerful monsters in all directions.

The sword array is also Qin Lang's further comprehension after the level of kendo has been improved, and the formation method is integrated into the sword light.

With the guard of the sword array, Qin Lang and the second soul clone were wrapped in the sword light, and were guarded tightly, and at this time Qin Lang also began to break through.

The bottom of this big lake is at least 100 feet deep from the water surface. Qin Lang dived all the way, and when he encountered those monsters that were not open, he would use a powerful sword to kill them.

In fact, as long as it is not a seventh or eighth-order monster, it is not easy for Qin Lang to deal with it. It is just a question of sword energy. Of course, the lake water may have a bonus to the fighting power of these monsters. Two notes.

And the two eighth-order monsters at the bottom of the lake naturally couldn't let Qin Lang leave like this. The octopus monster and the cactus monster chased up directly. However, although the attack power of the sword array is not very good, the effect of blocking the enemy is definitely leveraged , It is impossible for them to break through the layers of sword lights, even if they forcefully attack, they will definitely cause huge damage to themselves.

In fact, monsters that have reached the eighth level all have a certain amount of spiritual wisdom, and they also know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. They will not do this kind of thing such as forcibly breaking through the sword formation and causing huge damage to themselves, so they just Can watch Qin Lang escape and get farther and farther away from himself.

clap la la...

Finally, Qin Lang bounced out of the lake water, and at the same time, a blood-red mark appeared in the lake water. Suddenly, a blood-red tentacle with a length of more than 30 feet shot out of the water and shot directly into the air. Qin Langzheng came over.

Qin Lang has experienced this blood-red tentacles many times in the water. It is one of the dozen or so bound feet of that octopus monster. I feel that it is very troublesome to deal with this guy, but now that he is out of the lake, Qin Lang smiled coldly. This eighth-order octopus monster is still chasing after him, so he is definitely courting death.

Not much to say, the top-quality flying sword in his hand directly drew a few powerful sword marks, the sword light flashed quickly, and then the blood-red tentacles that were twenty or thirty feet long chasing out of the lake broke into several pieces.

woo la la...

The scream of the octopus monster was a bit strange, just like the cry of a baby. At this time, Qin Lang had successfully escaped from the bottom of the lake with the second soul clone, and flew directly to the shore.

While flying, Qin Lang glanced back, but the lake water in the center of the lake seemed to be boiling now, full of white waves and water jets, which was the result of a large number of monsters gathering under the lake surface.

And the injured octopus monster may have been enraged. At this time, the hatred for Qin Lang reached full value, and he never gave up chasing. He drove all the way from the center of the lake and followed directly to the lake. It seemed that he still wanted to Go ashore and continue to fight with Qin Lang.

"This monster has lost its head!"

Seeing the monsters chasing after them, full of hostility, they wanted to drink him to death, Qin Lang said in his heart.

Qin Lang sneered, he might not be able to kill you in the lake, but if a monster in the water landed on the shore, he would definitely kill you happily.

Scratch wipe, the octopus monster chased out of the water at this time, this is a huge monster with a body length of more than 100 feet, larger than the phantom clam that Qin Lang has seen before.

And in the pupils of Mopan's size, the eyeballs shot out a look with a strong evil spirit.

The body of this monster is like a building, and each tentacles are more than 50 feet long.

The octopus monster originally had nine tentacles. When chasing Qin Lang just now, one of them was cut off by the sword light, leaving only a short section of the root. Now it is constantly oozing white and green liquid, which should be the body fluid of this monster. .

And as the bodily fluids continued to seep out, the wounds of this octopus monster were gradually healing, and the severed limbs had a tendency to gradually re-grow. It seemed that the self-healing ability of this eighth-level monster was quite good.

If it was in the lake, it would be very troublesome for Qin Lang to kill this monster. Now that this guy has lost his head and chased him ashore, Qin Lang is naturally not polite. The retreat path of the octopus monster was blocked, and then attacked the monster again.

Scratching, the flying sword's sword energy slashed at the remaining eight bound feet of the octopus monster. Although these eight bound feet are all forty or fifty feet long, they are very flexible, and they are also the biggest attack method of the octopus monster.

Having tasted the fierceness of the sword energy, the octopus monster will certainly not let its bound feet face the sword energy. If this is the case, it is looking for death, so the bound feet began to bounce quickly on the ground, ready to move to get rid of the sword energy. It is a pity that Qin Lang Its movement space has been blocked with a sword array in advance, and it cannot move at all now.

In the face of a crisis, this octopus monster suddenly inhaled as hard as it could, and at the same time, its belly swelled, and then a strong blue water column was ejected from its mouthparts to meet the sword energy. This should be one of the water-type magical powers of this octopus monster. Unfortunately, Qin Lang's sword energy was unparalleled, and he still pierced through the water column and cut it.

Chi Chi Chi!Even though the octopus monster moved as hard as it could, three sword lights still slashed on its three bound feet, and the eighth-rank monster immediately broke three more bound feet.

And as the four bound feet were cut off by Qin Lang, this octopus monster felt the crisis, its head and eye sockets flickered, and finally there was a trace of fear. Unfortunately, it is impossible to escape now. Now that it has caught up with the shore, will Qin Lang let it go?
"I can't deal with you in the water, now I'll see how you run on the shore...Hmph, die!"

Qin Lang smiled coldly, and stretched out a finger directly. There was a little light on the finger, and it disappeared in a flash. This is the sword of the heart.

Bo, the penetrating power of the heart sword and sword energy is stronger than that of the best flying sword, and it is faster and more stealthy. When the octopus monster has no time to dodge, one eye has been pierced, and the eyeball as big as a millstone is like a pinball. When it opened, the liquid slurry of the big canopy was spilled.

"Wow..." The eyeballs are one of this guy's weaknesses. Being hit at the vitals hurts more than being cut off from the bound feet. The whole body of the octopus monster is convulsed, and the pain seems to be infected. soul.

And at this moment, several attacks were directed at this eighth-rank monster, but these attacks were not sent by Qin Lang, but by Li Chuang and Immortal Sai, seeing that there was something to be gained, so they also launched attacks.

However, the attacks of these two martial arts masters are no different from scratching an itch for the eighth-level octopus monster. They hit the octopus monster with a few vigor and made a sound like cowhide. After the sound passed, the eighth-level monster Nothing happened where the beast was attacked.

Seeing this situation, both guys blushed. Seeing Qin Lang abuse this guy so badly, they thought this guy was easy to deal with, but they didn't know that Qin Lang was easy to deal with, and it wouldn't work if it was the two of them.

In fact, with the strength of these two old guys, there is no problem in dealing with seventh-level monsters, but the problem is that this octopus monster is not seventh-level, but eighth-level, and the body of the eighth-level monster is probably worse than a super-level martial artist. To be tyrannical, the attacks of two martial arts masters are really no different from scratching an itch for it.

"Attack its weak point! Two eyes!" Qin Lang reminded when he saw this, the combat power of the injured octopus monster was greatly reduced, but it is not something that two martial arts masters can break through. However, if we target the weakness of the octopus monster If they attacked, these two old fellows might still be able to beat this eighth-order monster.

After being reminded by Qin Lang, Sai Shenxian and Li Feng came back to their senses at this time, immediately changed their attack strategy, and started attacking the weak point of this monster.

Due to the successive injuries of this monster, its own force field defense has dropped to the lowest point, so Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang's attack on the weak point of this monster also made this monster have to dodge, otherwise, even Wu Xiu Masters can also hurt it.

But at this moment, Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang had already activated the low-grade battle armor of the yellow rank, and under the operation of the spiritual path, the combat power of the two old guys was even stronger. After all, the role of the battle armor was to increase the combat power of arc users.

Of course, the arc of the battle armor's increase in combat power also depends on the target. For example, if Qin Lang wears a yellow-level battle armor, it is actually the same as not wearing it.

And even if he puts on the Xuan-level battle armor, it is equivalent to adding a top-grade defensive treasure to his body, and the attack arc of the Xuan-level battle armor is almost weakened to nothing.

After all, the Xuan-level battle armor is only designed for the foundation-building and alchemy monks of Dawan Kingdom. Qin Lang is unique here as a peak monk in the late stage of transformation. His strength is too strong, and wearing the Xuan-level battle armor will not increase his ability .

(End of this chapter)

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