The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2083 The Value of Tier 8 Demon Pill

Chapter 2083 The Value of the Eighth-Rank Demon Pill

The eighth-order octopus monster that finally landed on the shore had no suspense, and was directly tortured to death. Qin Lang hardly contributed much in the subsequent battle, and it was the two old guys, Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang, who killed it together.

However, the two old guys also encountered a danger during the battle. The eighth-order octopus monster sprayed out a blue water column again before its energy was exhausted. This is the water-type supernatural power of this octopus monster. It seems easy to deal with, but it is not simple in the eyes of the two old guys.

The water column was very thick, and when the blue water column was close to them, there was a strong freezing air. Even if they hadn't touched the two, Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang felt a chill in their blood, and their bodies gradually felt frozen.

Shocked, both of them turned on the defense function of the armor to the maximum. The blue water column looked very slow, but in fact it was the "very slow" feeling in the consciousness. The real speed was actually very fast, almost as soon as the two of them thought. The moment he was about to retreat, he had already charged and hit two people.

Boom, under the impact of the water column, both of them were sent flying, and then fell following the blue ice that filled the sky.

That's right, it's ice. The temperature of the water column is already below zero. It can almost match the temperature of the solid ice in the Antarctic of the earth. When it hits in the air, it freezes instantly.

And the two old guys were hit violently by this water was actually an icicle, and the impact force they received was no different from being hit by a high-speed locomotive. If it is defensive, it will definitely end in pieces.

Fortunately, the defense of the yellow-level battle armor on them has played a role. After the defense is activated, the defense ability of the yellow-level battle armor is almost equivalent to that of a top-grade defensive magic weapon. Still withstood the blow.

However, after receiving this blow, the two's yellow-level battle armors were also seriously damaged. Although they can still be used, if they encounter another battle, it is estimated that the two's damaged battle armors can only exert nearly [-]% of their combat effectiveness .

When the two stood up afterwards, they smiled wryly when they saw the damaged battle armor. Although it was only a low-grade yellow armor, it was bought for [-] blue chips. Now that it is damaged like this, it may cost you to go back and repair it Ten to twenty thousand, I don't know if I can earn it back from this adventure.

Although the eighth-order monster in front of them died, the two knew that the biggest credit for killing this monster was not them, but Qin Lang. , even without two shots, Qin Lang can kill this octopus monster alone.

Therefore, the most valuable material on this monster must not be his turn, such as the monster pill, if Qin Lang is in a good mood, he may let the two share some scraps.

After the monster was killed, Qin Lang directly broke open the house-sized head of the octopus monster, and took out the fist-sized demon pill.

This eighth-level demon pill is light blue in color, it is a water-type demon pill, and it is also one of the important materials for refining high-level pills. Of course, he cannot give it to others.

If the price of this demon pill is placed on the underground black market of martial arts practitioners, it is definitely a priceless treasure. After all, the sixth-order demon pill is worth four to five million credits. If it is converted into a blue chip, it is estimated to be worth four to five thousand.

And the eighth-level demon pill is also extremely valuable in Dawan country, at least worth 20 green chips, which can almost be directly exchanged for a piece of the lowest-grade mysterious-level battle armor.

After all, the battle armor of each level is also divided into grades. For example, the yellow-level battle armor is divided into yellow-level low-grade, medium-grade, and high-grade. More than one hundred thousand.

The Xuan-level battle armor is also divided into low-grade, middle-grade, and high-grade. The low-grade Xuan-grade battle armor can be obtained with more than 20 green chips, while the middle-grade armor is worth more than 50, and the top-grade one may cost more than 100 million.

After taking the demon pill, Qin Lang waved his hand and said, "This demon beast should still have some usable materials. If you contribute a little bit, I'll give it to you!"


Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang were very surprised. Although the most valuable demon pill was taken away, the other materials on this eighth-rank octopus monster were probably enough for the two of them to exchange for a new set of yellow-rank battle armor. This is an eighth-order monster, even if the flesh and blood are high-quality ingredients.

"of course."

"That's great."

Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang hurriedly cleaned up the leftover materials of the eighth-level monster. The most valuable of the remaining materials should be the scalp of the octopus monster, which can be used to subdue the leather armor. Most of them can only be used as food.

When taking the materials, Sai Shenxian had a small storage bag on his body, but Li Chuang did not, so Li Chuang only took the scalps of some monsters, and Sai Shenxian took away the other corner materials. I took some eighth-level monster flesh and blood.However, the monster beast in front of them weighed a hundred tons, and no matter how much they took it, they couldn't take it away completely, so Brother Situ, Thrush, and Heitu also got their hands on it, and each took some flesh and blood from the eighth-level monster.

However, they didn't take much away. This is the trouble of not having a storage tool. Except for Sai Shenxian who took away about one-fifth of the flesh and materials, the others took even ten percent of the flesh and blood of this monster. Less than one-tenth.

And this monster is an eighth-level monster, of course Qin Lang can't waste it. In the end, when everyone couldn't take it away, he directly packed the remaining materials in storage bags, although the value of these flesh and blood materials To him, it was a mosquito leg, but if it was sold at Qibi City Food Shop, it could be exchanged for at least one or twenty thousand green chips.

The material of this octopus monster is also the first bucket of gold for everyone after entering the Guxiu Cave Mansion. Of course, Qin Lang harvested more than this before, and also harvested a large number of clam beads from phantom clams in the cave at the bottom of the lake. Nearly a hundred white clam beads are estimated to be worth [-] blue chips each, and golden clam beads are even more priceless.

In addition, the shell and flesh of the phantom clam are much more valuable than the eighth-level octopus monster, and they are good materials for alchemy and weapon refining.After all, it is also an eighth-level monster. It is normal for some monsters to have valuable materials and some materials to be less valuable.

However, the golden clam pearl, a spiritual level treasure of heaven and earth, was directly swallowed by the innate spirit treasure golden gourd in his sea of ​​consciousness, and he didn't even have time to react at that time.

Then the golden gourd is growing and upgrading, and I don't know how long it will take to evolve. I believe this is also a good thing. After all, after absorbing the golden clam beads, my golden gourd will definitely change a lot. Golden gourds will be more powerful.

After killing this eighth-level monster, although he knew that there were several equally powerful monsters in the blue lake in front of him, Qin Lang was not going to provoke them anymore. If these eighth-level monsters did not go ashore, each of them would It's not an easy character to deal with, and there are not only eighth-level monsters in the lake, but also a large number of sixth- and seventh-level monsters. If there are too many monsters, Qin Lang will go into the water to trouble them, and it will be his own trouble.

In fact, it was luck that he was able to get the clam beads from the bottom of the lake. At that time, most of the high-level monsters in the great lake were affected by the phantom clam and turned into puppets. Attacked suddenly, and then killed the phantom clam, so those monsters at the bottom of the lake like puppets were released from their restraints one after another, and each of them recovered their normal intelligence.

If you go to the lake now, even Qin Lang, a monk who is at the peak of the late stage of the transformation of the gods, may be in danger. If those water-type monsters with home court advantage are besieged together, I am afraid that the monks of the late stage of the transformation of the gods will not be able to stay at the bottom of the lake.

"Go, go to other places and see if you can catch up with the big army..."

Qin Lang said at this time that the combined combat power of more than 40 high-level armor repairmen in the storm group is still very impressive. If such a large force appears here at this time, Qin Lang is really sure to uproot the monsters in the entire Great Lake.

After all, most of those armored cultivators have combat power equivalent to monks at the Nascent Soul stage. Although a few of them only have the cultivation base of the foundation stage, their combat power may be stronger than that of the gods and Li Chuang. Level battle armor.

And these armor repairs are much better than outsiders like Qin Lang, Sai Shenxian, and Li Chuang in the use of battle armor. Their cultivation methods are mainly around the battle armor, and the battle armor resonates with their flesh and soul, and the division of armor repair categories makes The team cooperation coefficient between them is higher. Even if Qin Lang, a monk who is at the peak of the late stage of the transformation of the gods, meets this small group, he may not be able to beat their teamwork, and may even suffer a little dark loss.


Without the influence of the illusion breath, it is much easier for Qin Lang and his group to get out of this area this time. Just turn on the spiritual wave detection function of the battle armor helmet. The spiritual wave detection is a built-in function of the battle armor and does not need to consume God Consciousness, as long as the user injects a small amount of energy, it can run for a long time.

Qin Lang was exploring the way ahead, and the group continued to walk towards the undeveloped area of ​​the Guxiu Cave Mansion. After going around for so long, in fact, Qin Lang and the others had already lost the clues of the large army, so can they follow the storm group again? Gu Xiu encountered.

This is also impossible. After all, the interior of this ancient cave is too big. It is a small world formed by a secret realm. This small world has mountains, lakes, land, deserts, and all kinds of monsters that may exist. , in addition to various unforeseen dangers.

Qin Lang felt that the former owner of this ancient cave mansion had definitely surpassed the level of Dzogchen in the late stage of transformation of gods. Maybe he was an immortal, and this cave mansion was probably a fairy mansion.

Of course, this is just a guess. Didn't Qin Lang and his party come to the Aegean Sea from the city of martial artists just for the ancient ruins?
Now I come across such an obviously high-grade fairy mansion. It may not be the ancient ruins that the previous target was looking for, but it is also the treasure place left by the ancient power. If I can find some big gains in this ancient repair cave mansion, That can be regarded as not coming to the Aegean Sea in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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