Chapter 2084
In the Guxiu Cave Mansion, the adventurers of the storm group in a desert are struggling forward, and this is also an undeveloped area of ​​the entire cave mansion.

After walking for two days and experiencing all kinds of dangers, this Kaixiu team of more than 40 people is here now, and at the same time, two companions will stay on the way forever.

These two companions are internal members of the storm group. Compared with Qin Lang and Sai Shenxian, who temporarily joined the irrelevant outsiders, the two companions are more important to the storm group.Those few outsiders lost as well, and the storm group didn't feel bad at all, and after the death of these two elite companions, the storm group even came up with the idea of ​​going home together.

This ancient cave mansion is too dangerous. Not only may there be a large number of ancient organ formations, but there are also terrifying monsters and various unpredictable dangers, and the two elite companions are not monsters that died in the secret realm. hands, but died of a mudslide eruption similar to a natural disaster.

It was a very narrow passage-like environment. When the terrifying mudslide broke out, the entire team was in danger and was in danger of being swallowed up. However, these two elite Kaixiu took the initiative to undertake the work after the breakup. The last strength of life is used to resist mudslides.

Although it is impossible for two armored men to block this terrible natural disaster, they still delayed it for a few seconds. Under such circumstances, if they can delay for one more second for the whole group, they can gain an extra chance of escape. , As a result, the other members of the storm group retreated smoothly from the original place, but the two elite members stayed in that terrible passage forever.

This is something that can’t be helped. In fact, Kaixiu’s adventures in the sea are as risky as fighting monsters. If you want to obtain resources and wealth, you can’t be calm. Everyone lives with their heads up. The biggest difference between an adventure team and an individual is that , The team's overall collaboration ability is stronger, which is more conducive to survival in the wild environment.

This desert is very different from the deserts in the outside world. There are soft sand everywhere. If ordinary people stand on the sand, they will probably lose sight of people within a few seconds, because it is very likely that in just a few seconds Within a short time, the entire body of this ordinary person will be swallowed by the sand under his feet, and after the desert swallows this ordinary person, it may not be long before the place where the person was swallowed will return to its original level under the blowing of the wind.

Fortunately, these armor cultivators of the storm group are all cultivators, and they work together as a group. The possibility of walking in this soft desert and sinking is much smaller than that of ordinary people.

Every armor repairer has turned on the buoyancy adjustment system of the battle armor. As long as it is a fat man who does not exceed [-] catties, with the help of the buoyancy adjustment system that comes with the battle armor, the whole person will become lighter than a feather. This is equivalent to blessing oneself with a long-lasting lightness technique.

The armor repairs in the Dawan Kingdom have discovered the various functions of the battle armor for at least a thousand years, so until today, a special form of cultivation civilization has been formed, which is also a rare and precious spectacle in the world of martial arts practitioners.

Of course, this special Kaixiu civilization in Dawan was not formed out of nothing. In the cave, you can find remnants of battle armor or blueprints for refining weapons left in ancient times.

Therefore, the two most powerful systems in the entire Dawan Kingdom, the refining system and the armor system, have achieved unprecedented prosperity.

Let’s talk about the refining masters first. There are not many refining masters in each of the four major cities, there are still two or three refining masters, and there are more refining masters close to the master level, accounting for 5.00% of the total refining masters in the city. , there is absolutely no such ratio in the world of comprehension.

As for Kaixiu, the ratio of Kaixiu to ordinary people is five to one, which means that one out of five people in the entire Dawan country is Kaixiu.

In fact, most of those ordinary people can't be called ordinary people. They also have daily cultivation. Most of them are just too poor to afford battle armor. It is another new armor repairer. After all, battle armor is different from a magic weapon. Even a guy who is a beginner at the first or second level of refining Qi can drive it, but after driving it, the time it can last may be shorter. One point, maybe after three to five minutes of running the spiritual path, one's own cultivation has been exhausted.

The more than 40 armor repairs of the storm group adventure team have been walking in the desert for two hours. The desert looks very calm, but in fact there is a certain danger. This danger is not only the desert environment itself, but also the possibility of Natural disasters and monsters.

Two hours ago, when the storm first entered the desert, it saw a tornado-like sandstorm in an area of ​​the desert, but it was far away, so it didn't affect them.

And walking through the desert all the way, the sand scorpions and sand lizards encountered one after another can only be regarded as some low-level monsters with no threat, so everyone doesn't need to pay attention to them, but such a large desert, look at it. Going up to the boundless, there may be some powerful existences inside, so everyone in the whole group needs to pay attention in advance.

chi chi chi...

chi chi chi...

Suddenly, the sandy land in front of it was like a rolling dragon, and there was a large area of ​​squirming. It was impossible for the entire storm group adventure team not to notice this huge movement. The captain Su Lie, who was wearing a black-level new vura battle armor, changed his face and said: "It's dangerous, gather the source energy cannons, fire at the target, fire!"

Su Lie is a melee fighter of the explosive type, so he doesn't have too many long-range attack methods, but the entire storm team has a strong teamwork ability, with various armor repairs such as meat shield and melee, assassin, long-range, healing and logistics, etc. All of them form an organic whole.

The source energy cannon is the external magic weapon of those armors with long-range combat capabilities. This is a cannon-shaped weapon similar to a laser cannon. It uses green chips as the energy source for the shells. After activation, this weapon emits The spiral beam of light is so powerful that even the body of a seventh-order monster can be pierced directly.

And those who can install energy cannons include Kaixiu wearing spider-shaped armor, Kaixiu wearing scorpion-shaped armor, and Kaixiu whose armor is bloated after activation and looks like a pot-bellied toad.

There are a total of eight long-range armor repairers in the team, and they all launched attacks at this time. Although they are equipped with source energy cannons, the beams of light emitted by each long-range armor repairer have different powers. Among them, the light beam of the spider armor is the weakest. The scorpion-shaped armor is the second most powerful, and the beam of light emitted by the pot-bellied toad armor that seems to be very inconvenient to move is the most powerful.

This is also because the source energy cannon of the pot-bellied toad is a modified heavy energy cannon. Compared with the spider armor and the scorpion armor, although this toad armor sacrificed a large part of its agility and mobility, it strengthened The long-range firepower device, the bulging of the belly of the toad armor is actually a source energy conversion device modified inside the armor, which can quickly convert five times the source energy of other types of armor. In this case, with the heavy energy cannon, the fired The power of the beam of light is even more terrifying.

Boom boom boom!Boom boom boom!Boom boom boom boom!
Before the unknown danger approached in this direction, the entire adventure team of the Storm Group had already fired at least 40 long-range cannons. These energy cannons are big consumers, and the green chips consumed by each cannon will make people feel distressed, but Facing unknown dangers at this moment, the entire team couldn't care less.

"Those seem to be snakes... five or six-level monster snakes, this is a population of at least tens of thousands of monster snakes!" At this time, as the creeping in the desert got closer, many armored soldiers of the entire adventure team Xiu Du found out, and everyone's face was a little pale. There are too many demon snakes in front of him. Even if the long-range armor repairs in the team are powerful, but after all, there are only eight people, even if everyone can kill two or three with one shot. , Five or six monster snakes, only a few hundred were killed in just ten seconds, less than one-twentieth of the entire population.

Moreover, there must be a monster snake king in such a large population of monster snakes, and it is definitely a monster beast above the seventh rank. With the whole snake group approaching the storm group adventure team so quickly, a big battle seems to be in place. Inevitably.

"Prepare for close combat!" Su Lie took out his weapon at this time, a large sword the size of a door panel, this is the magic weapon of explosive armor repair.

At this time, the role of long-range armor repairs has been negligible, and it is their turn for melee armor repairers to exert their strength.

rustling, rustling...

The group of monster snakes rushed over directly. After the two sides made contact, the battle ended, but Kaixiu, including Su Lie, found that these monster snakes had no desire to fight at all. It was involuntary to walk to the sides, and then continue to run towards the back of the group of armor repairs.

Of course, many of the monsters affected by the battle were still so enraged that they fought with Kaixiu, and then were slowly cleaned up. A layer of snake corpses slowly accumulated around the position formed by the entire Kaixiu adventure team. , the number has reached at least 1000.

And after this part of the demonic snakes were killed by Kaixiu, the rest of the living demonic snakes did not have the idea of ​​revenge for the same kind, nor did they continue to fight with these Kaixiu endlessly. The monster snake king in the group, which was obviously bigger than the other monsters, didn't stop for these dead subordinates.

And this Monster Snake King is not the seventh-order monster that Su Lie, the leader of the Stormtrooper Kaixiu Adventure Team, guessed before, but a more powerful eighth-rank monster. He just passed by in a hurry and disappeared immediately, but the faces of everyone in the team became even more gloomy.

In fact, the elites of these risking teams are all human beings with rich experience in wild survival. The anomaly of the monster snake group can only explain one situation, that is, the tide of monster snakes rushing in this desert There is a more terrifying danger in the direction, otherwise, it is impossible for this monster snake population to be so embarrassed and flee in this direction in a panic.

(End of this chapter)

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