Chapter 2085
Sure enough, not long after, there was a strange noise in the desert, and then a cloud of blood floated over from the sky in the distance. While this cloud of blood floated over, the cloud was constantly changing into various forms, or the form of a devil, Either in the form of a giant beast, or in the form of giant peaks and rocks.

When he found this abnormal blood cloud, the face of Su Lie, the captain of the Stormtrooper Adventure Team, under the helmet changed again, turning bluer than the color of pig liver, because he found that the blood cloud was not unusual, but hundreds of millions of Composed of extremely small blood-red strange mosquitoes.

"Bloodthirsty mosquito..."

Su Lie felt that it was over. No wonder the monster snake race fled in such a hurry. There were so many bloodthirsty mosquitoes chasing after him. I'm afraid that this time, all the armored members of the adventure team will be buried in this terrible desert.

Bloodthirsty ants, second-tier monsters, feed on the blood of other creatures.

This kind of monster is only a little bigger than ordinary mosquitoes, and it is not a threat to Kaixiu alone. It can even be slapped to death without armor, but bloodthirsty mosquitoes are never creatures that act alone. Hundreds of millions of them are dispatched together, and where they pass, not a single blade of grass grows, even the powerful monsters at the top of the food chain have to dodge, after all, there are too many ants, and there is a possibility of killing the elephant.

In fact, the mouthparts of bloodthirsty mosquitoes are extremely sharp, and they are even good materials for refining magic weapons in the cultivation world. This kind of monster mosquitoes actually disappeared in ancient times. It is unexpected that there are still some in the desert of this ancient cave. This kind of monster race.

The reason why the captain of the Stormtrooper Kaixiu team knew about the bloodthirsty mosquito was that he had checked the descriptions of this monster mosquito in some classics before, and the signs of the bloodthirsty mosquito were so special that it was impossible not to recognize what it was when he saw it. .

The hundreds of millions of monster mosquitoes in the air were flying extremely fast, and they had already reached the sky above the team in the blink of an eye. The buzzing sound was more obvious, just like the sound of countless fighter jets gathering in the sky.

"The long-range energy cannon is ready, aim at these strange mosquitoes in the sky... regardless of consumption, launch!"

At this moment, Su Lie didn't care about the entire team's green crystal energy reserve, so while the source energy cannon was still functioning, let's fire up all the bullets first.

Boom boom boom!Boom boom boom!
All the armor repairers felt the real crisis coming at this time. Needless to say, the spider armor, scorpion armor, and toad armor responsible for the long-range firepower, the source energy firepower was turned on to the maximum, and those who did not have the power of the source energy cannon. Armor Xiu, who is equipped with various other long-range attack methods, does not need orders at this time, and each of them will attack the sky ahead regardless of consumption.

At this time, the flames of war were ignited, and those bloodthirsty mosquitoes were very fragile in front of the powerful firepower. As long as they were attacked, they would be the result of being smashed to pieces. However, there were too many bloodthirsty mosquitoes in the sky. A group of them will immediately fill up the original area. Even if all the cyan crystal reserves that Kaixiu brought this time are exhausted, the entire bloodthirsty mosquito population will not consume even one percent.

After all, hundreds of millions of bloodthirsty mosquitoes in the sky have already formed a huge blood cloud, hiding the sky and covering the earth. This scale is too big. Compared with the group of monster snakes before, it is like a pediatrician. I'm afraid that a bunch of bloodthirsty mosquitoes in the sky can just jump down and wipe out that monster snake population.

However, even death can't make these bloodthirsty mosquitoes feel better. Surrounded by bloodthirsty mosquitoes that seem to overwhelm the sky, these armor repairers now know that they may not be able to escape, so one by one inspired the courage to fight , Even if you die, you have to kill more hateful mosquitoes, as a back for yourself.


The entire Kaixiu adventure group was surrounded by bloodthirsty mosquitoes, and the battle was fierce. In the early days, Kaixiu's firepower was very fierce, and the bloodthirsty mosquitoes in the sky suffered heavy casualties, and large pieces of corpses fell from the sky like heavy snow. The heavy snow was blood red and looked very strange.

And the armors that were stained red by the bloodthirsty mosquito body fluid looked like bloody gods of war. At first, these armors were very fierce, but as the bloodthirsty ants rushed over, they were densely stained on the surface of the armor like glue. , using sharp mouthpieces to drill through the armor ignoring the penetration of the defense, injecting a strong paralyzing toxin into the armor, and when it was injected into the muscles of the armor repairers, the armor repairers softened one by one.

"Am I going to die..."

A foundation-building Kaixiu wearing a yellow-level middle-grade battle armor felt that a large amount of toxins in his body were corroding his flesh and blood, and felt that his consciousness was beginning to blur. With his last strength, he chose to blew himself up, and exploded and developed it together with his battle armor.

There was a huge explosion, and the self-explosion of this Kaixiu at the last moment of his life was several times more powerful than the energy cannon, and it directly emptied the bloodthirsty mosquitoes in the hundreds of meters around this guy, at least tens of thousands of them The blood ant died in the self-destruct just now.

Boom boom boom!

There were several self-destructs one after another. At the last moment of their lives, these Kaixiu also chose to self-destruct. Rather than becoming rations for bloodthirsty mosquitoes, it would be better to die like this.

Originally, armor repairers in the foundation-building period did not have golden cores, unlike monks in the core-forming stage in the cultivation world who can self-explode golden cores, but the armor they wear has a self-destruct device, so these armor repairs in the foundation-building stage self-destruct more with the help of battle armor. The self-destruct device, otherwise, it would be impossible for them to seek a vigorous death.

In an instant, more than 40 Kaixiu who were in crisis directly blew seven or eight of them, which is equivalent to a fifth of the team's manpower.

And the rest of the people still did not escape the poisonous hands of the bloodthirsty mosquitoes. These bloodthirsty mosquitoes pasted all the armors of Kaixiu with a layer, which was tighter than glue. Except for the breakthrough, all the yellow-level battle armors are now pierced by their mouthparts, and the venom with strong paralyzing and corrosive effects is injected into the bodies of these armor repairers.

From the looks of it, these Kaixiu were also doomed to die.

But at this moment, the desert sky suddenly changed again, boom!A loud thunder rolled by, and a huge vortex suddenly appeared in the sky.

The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing in the desert, the wind comes suddenly, but it is exactly the desert storm that Kaixiu's team talked about before.

However, at this moment, for the remaining armored cultivators who were hidden in the siege, it was undoubtedly a chance to survive. Although it was impossible to escape death in the desert storm, it was better than being sucked dry by these bloodthirsty mosquitoes.

With the final struggle, these Kaixiu, whose consciousness was about to fade into confusion, tried their best to stumble towards the center of the storm formation. Although a few fell down halfway and never got up again, more than half of Kaixiu entered. In the storm, it was picked up by the tornado in an instant, and disappeared in the next instant.

I don't know where those armors were transported by the storm. Now the storm in the desert is still there. Under the influence of the storm, nearly a dozen corpses that have been sucked dry underground are slowly getting involved in the storm.

Although the large number of bloodthirsty mosquitoes in the sky are terrifying, they are also very vulnerable in front of this kind of natural sky. When the storm is chaotic, a large number of bloodthirsty mosquitoes dissipate instantly, a small number of them die in the storm, and a large part are not. Know where to go.


When Qin Lang came to the desert, it was already the third day after entering the Guxiu Cave Mansion. He even used divination all the way to figure out the location of the ruins where the storm group is located. However, Qin Lang rarely used this kind of secret technique, so he could not Target exactly.

Moreover, the technique of heavenly secret consumes too much energy and spirit, and even consumes vitality after a long time, so Qin Lang dare not rely too much on this strange technique.

After Qin Lang led the team into the desert, the road was very calm. After the powerful desert storm passed, it is estimated that there was no living creature in this area, so they did not encounter sand like when the storm group first entered the desert. Screaming by scorpions, sand lizards, monsters and the like.

Apart from the fact that the sand in the desert is too soft and you need to be careful not to sink into it, there is really nothing that needs special attention.

But after marching in the desert for an hour, Qin Lang and his people finally came to the target place, which is the place where the storm group stayed and fought in this area of ​​the desert. There are traces of fierce battles, and at the same time, some residual soul fluctuations after Kaixiu's death are sensed. Although there is no abnormality on the surface at all during the storm, these traces left by Kaixiu before their death are not for a while. will be easily eliminated.

"Sandstorm... So, the armor repairs of the storm group are already in danger!"

Qin Lang pinched his fingers and calculated, and borrowed Li Chuang's divination tool, and then calculated that although the storm group suffered heavy losses, some members of the group were still alive, and the divination proved that these living Kaixiu had experienced an adventure.

And in fact, this is indeed the case. These armor repairs who were blown into the sky by the storm were somehow transported to a magical place. Most of the armor repairs fell into a coma when they fell heavily from the sky, but people like Su Lie... A kind of Kaixiu, who was wearing a black-level battle armor, withstood the storm.

Although the bloodthirsty mosquitoes stuck to him like glue before, the defense of the black-level battle armor was still strong, so Su Lie's body was not bitten by the bloodthirsty mosquitoes. He was also in a coma all the time. After all, the venom of bloodthirsty mosquitoes was too powerful, and almost none of the storm group armor could withstand the paralyzing and corrosive venom of this intensity.

"Hey..." With a sigh, Su Lie began to struggle to get up, and then moved his body, feeling that his body was very weak and his internal energy was almost exhausted, and with the movement of his muscles and bones, his whole body felt sore and numb .

After he stood up, he looked around. Many of his companions were blown here by the storm. However, these companions were basically in a coma. There are not many wearing Xuan-level battle armor.

(End of this chapter)

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