The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2086 Inheriting the Light Group

Chapter 2086 Inheriting the Light Group
"where is this place?"

There was a gray space in front of him, and there was nothing around. Of course, there were more than a dozen companions who were drawn together.

One, two, three... eighteen!
Su Lie counted, only eighteen companions were swept here by the storm with him, and they should all be alive.

He had a bit of bitterness on his face. He didn't expect this adventure to be so dangerous. More than 40 brothers who entered the Guxiu cave together have now lost more than 20, and they couldn't even bring their bones back. It's too miserable.

They were already in a desperate situation when they were surrounded by bloodthirsty mosquitoes in the desert before. If this storm hadn't come in time, I'm afraid the entire storm group adventure team would have to fall here, and even they couldn't escape.

Feeling the emptiness in his body, as if he had suffered a little internal injury, the captain of the storm team directly took out the black stone and the blue chip to restore himself. Alchemists are very rare, so the price of medicines in the market is sky-high, and even rich people may not be able to buy them.

Therefore, although he has healing potions on his body, he feels that his physical injuries are not serious. He chose to save potions, and only using black stones and blue chips is enough. Anyway, there is no danger in the current environment, so let's recover slowly .

Physical strength and energy quickly replenished. After all, using black stones and green chips to restore consciousness and cultivation is still very fast, but they cannot be used for healing, so if the consciousness is damaged or the body suffers serious internal and external injuries, That must rely on the help of medicine.

Although the storm group led by Su Lie brought some potions into the Guxiu cave this time, the quantity was not much. Many of the comatose comrades in front of him must have been injured, and they might even be seriously injured, so he prepared to put the potions Reserve it for those who need it most.

After a round of recovery, when he opened his eyes again, his companions had already woken up from a coma one after another. Most of them didn't suffer any serious injuries, but they were just like Su Lie, who were severely overdrawn. After all, they had resisted before. A round of bloodthirsty mosquito attack is not easy, so after waking up, they are still using green chips and black stones to recover.

In addition, five companions were seriously injured, mainly because they fell from the storm. In addition, two of these guys were poisoned by bloodthirsty mosquitoes. Several places have been corroded by toxins.

Seeing this state, Su Lie will directly treat these guys with healing, detoxification and detoxification, and those who are seriously injured will directly take healing potions, but those who have been poisoned by bloodthirsty mosquito venom are more troublesome. Several guys dug up the places where the bloodthirsty mosquitoes bitten them, drained the poisonous blood inside, and dug out the carrion directly. This process was quite painful, and ordinary people couldn't bear it at all.

Fortunately, these two guys are not ordinary people. They just endured a lot of pain, but in the end, the tears of the two men are about to fall. The cutting method is definitely a torture, but it is a pity that you have to endure it. Although the poison of the bloodthirsty mosquito is not too strong, if it is kept in the body for too long, it may still be fatal.

After the detoxification and blood digging, the two guys also took healing potions, and then began the recovery process of exercise.

However, this recovery process is different from that of other companions. The two of them have to exercise to expel all the toxins remaining in the blood of the body, and then they can really start to accelerate the body's recovery.

Eighteen members of the storm group Kaixiu team stayed in this gray space for four or five hours, and finally someone couldn't help asking: "Captain, we were swept here by the storm, but what is this place? There is nothing here. , how do we get out of here!"

"Don't worry, there will be a way, we will be able to leave."

Su Lie was also a little depressed. He led the team into the Guxiu Cave Mansion for the second time, and originally expected to have a big harvest, but now staying in this ruins for several days has nothing to say, and more than half of the team members have been lost. This time it was a big loss!

If I go back, maybe I will be blamed by the other two teams of the storm group. After all, the loss of manpower this time not only includes the members of my own team, but also the players drawn from the other two teams.

While thinking about this, a man wearing spider armor pointed to the front and shouted: "Captain, look over there... It seems that some bright spots of light are floating over."

"What is that?" Su Lie also saw at this time, some white light spots in the front area slowly drifting towards this direction, at first they were still light spots, but after a while, the light spots turned into The light cluster, and its brightness is getting higher and higher, in this gray space, it is like a lighted cannon one by one.

The light clusters are getting closer and closer to their direction. At this time, these light clusters have become bigger, each one has changed from the size of a light bulb to the size of a basin, and then as they approach, they are still getting bigger and bigger...

"What a strong aura..."

All the Kaixiu were stunned. The nearest light group was less than five feet away in front of them. Each light group was the size of a small house, emitting strong aura fluctuations. Even a fool would know that this light group must be It's a good thing.

"I gonna go see!"

A Kaixiu approached a light group out of curiosity, touched it with his hand, and then the light group rippled for a while, and a pattern appeared, and as the pattern disappeared again, the Kaixiu also disappeared, and then there was a faint light in the light group. The shadow of this Kaixiu appeared.

"This light group... seems to be the legendary Dao inheritance!"

At this time, Su Lie vaguely saw the Kaixiu in the light group posing in a meditative posture, motionless, and felt that the spiritual energy of the light group was slowly infusing into the Kaixiu's body. He seemed to have remembered something, and was surprised at this moment .

"Inheritance of the Great Dao? What inheritance of the Great Dao..." a subordinate asked.

"I also read the description about the inheritance of the Dao from the ancient scrolls. It is said that the ancient power can leave behind all the knowledge, including the cultivation base, exercises and practice comprehension, and inject them all into the inheritance light group. Later generations are lucky to find the inheritance The light group, after getting the approval of the light group, you can enter the interior, and then get the inheritance crown! That guy Wang Dashi is lucky!"

Su Lie sighed. Although Wang Dashi is a member of the storm group, he is not his direct subordinate. He is one of the members seconded from the other two teams. He would be happier if the one who gets the inheritance is his direct subordinate.

However, there was more than one inheritance light group floating in front of him. At this moment, he thought that there are now eighteen Kaixiu who came here alive, and everyone has a chance. This should be the most valuable place in the entire Guxiu Cave Mansion , this should be the place of inheritance in the legend. Each light group represents a skill left by the ancient power, and even can be cultivated to the top. After coming out of the light group again, the inherited armor repair is absolutely Will be powerful.

Thinking of this, he quickly reminded everyone: "Everyone, don't miss the opportunity. These are inheritance light groups. If you go forward and get their approval, you can enter the light group and receive the secret skills and cultivation bases left by the ancient powers!"

As he said that, Su Lie was the first to approach a light group that looked bigger than the others, and touched it with his hands. However, this light group sent a strong repulsive force, Su Lie was sent flying.

This group of light actually didn't accept my own approval...

Su Lie smiled wryly, these inheritance light groups are only for those who are destined, not everyone can be recognized, now that this big light group has rejected him, then he can only try other light groups, so these light groups in front of him There are dozens of light groups, and he believes that if he tries a few more, he will be recognized by one light group.

And these armor repairs under him are also learning from the example now, and they hurried forward to test whether they can get the approval of one of the light groups. After they know that they will survive a catastrophe, this time they are considered developed. As long as they accept the inheritance of a light group Admittedly, this time the ancient cave repair was not in vain.

Inheriting the light group is definitely a priceless treasure for them. Even if the value of each light group is exchanged with a black-level armor, it may not be enough. With the inheritance within the light group, each of them will grow in strength from now on. When you have strength, you will have value, and your ability to find money is much stronger than now. It is not difficult to want a mysterious battle armor at all.

Eighteen Kaixiu got busy. Some of these inheritance light groups were repulsive to them, and some were compatible. As long as they fit together and received internal inheritance approval, the tested Kaixiu could be directly absorbed into the light group to accept the inheritance.

These armor repairs who were swept to the place of inheritance by the storm were undoubtedly lucky. After surviving the catastrophe, they finally had rewards and gains, and this kind of recovery and gains was much greater than the first time they explored the Dongfu price.

During the first exploration, although I got a blueprint of a mysterious battle armor from the cave, and the blueprint is also very valuable, but this blueprint is at most equivalent to an inheritance.

And if the eighteen Kaixiu can receive eighteen inheritances, or even more, then the greatest benefit of the entire Guxiu Cave Mansion this time is undoubtedly taken down by the living storm group Kaixiu.

The place of inheritance.

The light clusters are floating quietly and slowly moving, looking very quiet, and among these light clusters, there are [-] people who have faintly appeared inside.

Unsurprisingly, the eighteen armored cultivators found the inheritance that suits them, and entered the inheritance light group one after another, accepting the inheritance exercises and aura piercing the top inside.

No one knows when they will be able to come out, and no one knows what changes will happen to them after accepting a inheritance, but one thing is certain, they will become even stronger by then.

(End of this chapter)

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