The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2089 Demonized Armor

Chapter 2089 Demonized Armor

However, this is nothing to them, after all, they now have a more aggressive goal, don't they?
And at this moment, someone slapped his head and said: "It seems that there are not many inheritance light clusters we saw before. If one absorbs one portion, it only consumes eighteen light clusters, and there are more light clusters in the world." This place of inheritance, doesn't it mean that we can continue to try and see if we can get more inheritance..."

"It seems so!"

All Kaixiu reacted at this time, now is not the time to stay here and rejoice, after all, there are still so many inheritance light groups in the inheritance place!If he could get the approval of one or two more inheritance light groups, wouldn't his own strength have to be increased a lot?This opportunity is rare to come across once in eighteen lifetimes. Now that you have encountered it, of course you must seize it tightly.

Next, everyone began to look for the inheritance light clusters, and they found that at the moment of the discussion just now, the inheritance light clusters floating in the air in place had all drifted away without a trace.

However, a few Kaixiu pointed to a direction in the gray space and said, "Those inheritance light groups... seem to be floating in this direction."

"Is it this direction?"

Su Lie muttered, looked in that direction, and said: "Let's chase in this direction and have a look!"

Since everyone is unwilling to let the remaining inheritance light groups fly away, they always have to chase them and try their luck.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, a small black dot floated in front of him, and Youkai Xiu said: "Inheritance light group! Strange, why only one was found, there were many before, and why is this inheritance light group black..."

The black spot in front was getting closer and bigger, and everyone found that this inheritance light group was too big when it approached, ten times larger than any white inheritance light group they had found before.

Seeing the inheritance light group floating over, Kaixiu rushed over to try his luck at this time, to see if he could get the recognition of the black inheritance light group, but unexpectedly, two Kaixiu came forward together Before he could reach out his hand, the black inheritance light group produced a great suction force, sucking the two armors into it.

"What's going on? The Inheritance Light Group recognized two Kaixiu at one time..."

Everyone was puzzled, but after the black inheritance light group sucked in the two Kaixiu, it was still approaching the remaining Kaixiu, and the entire surface of the light group vibrated with a strange evil spirit, just like this black It was as if the inheritance light group was alive, and there was a breath of longing, wanting to swallow all the remaining armors into the light group... yes, it was swallowing.

Why is this happening?

This time, the rest of the people felt that something was wrong, mainly because the weird evil spirit made them feel a little throbbing in their hearts, as if this black inheritance light group that seemed to be alive was something terrible.

"Not good! Stay away, everyone."

As the captain of the team this time, Su Lie still has some insight. The black inheritance light group in front of him is so wrong, of course he will not let his subordinates take risks.

And just when these Kaixiu started to retreat under the reminder of Su Lie, the ripples on the surface of the black inheritance light became more intense, and two shadows could be vaguely seen struggling inside. Kaixiu, the inherited light group of Yiyi is really weird, it is really going to devour these two Kaixiu.

Seeing this, Su Lie's eyes froze slightly. This black inheritance light group is indeed evil. How is this inheritance light group... It is obviously an evil thing, but now the two armored cultivators who are trapped in this inheritance light group... You can't help it, you have to try to see if you can break this inheritance light group.

"Remote preparation, use the source energy cannon to blast away this inheritance light group..."

At this time, Su Lie didn't dare to let Kaixiu fight melee. This black inheritance light group seemed to be able to swallow everything. If Kaixiu got close, he might be swallowed into the black light group just like the two unlucky guys before.

At this time, the spider armor, scorpion armor, and toad armor responsible for long-range attacks all used their energy cannons. However, too much energy was consumed to deal with bloodthirsty mosquitoes before, and the green chips on everyone's bodies were not enough. , so the blue chips on his body are only enough to blast three shots.

For the three cannons, I don't know if it can break the black light ball, but after thinking about it, Su Lie is still going to let the most powerful toad armor hit the three cannons. After all, the energy cannon of the toad armor device is a heavy-duty , more powerful than ordinary energy cannons.

"Boom boom boom!"

The toad armor blasted out three cannons, and each blow of the heavy energy cannon can easily kill seventh-order monsters, and even eighth-order monsters can cause serious injuries if they hit weak points and vital points. The monks in the later period hit the difference with all their strength.

After all, at the expense of the long-range toad armor, at the expense of its own mobility, the exchange is of course the external enhancement of the source energy cannon, which doubles the long-range firepower. This is also a gain and a loss.

However, after the three shots, three extremely thick beams of light hit the black light group but did not break the black light group. Instead, the black light group was faintly larger because of being hit by the energy beam , as if he took the beam of energy that hit him as food and devoured it.

That's right, it was treated as food. In addition to receiving this unexpected energy supplement, the aura of the black light cluster became stronger, and the faint evil inside was even more terrifying.

But at this moment, not only the size of the black light group has become larger, but also the two Kaixiu who were swallowed inside have stopped struggling. I don't know if they were stunned by the attack just now, and they can't stop the black light group. The erosion has lost the ability to struggle, in short, this is definitely not a good thing.

"Retreat, get out of here!" Seeing this, Su Lie's face became ugly. He didn't expect that even this inheritance is also dangerous. This black inheritance light group is completely a trap. The devoured Kaixiu must be in danger now.


Sure enough, as these Kaixiu retreated, the black light group behind them really kept chasing after them, and they really regarded the remaining Kaixiu as prey and did not give up.

"This black light ball...fucking has become fine!"

A Kaixiu cursed.

And Su Lie also felt a headache, I don't know how to leave this place of inheritance, if possible, now he wants to turn around and go out from this ancient cave, after all, the biggest benefit of the ancient cave has been obtained by people like himself Yes, even if there are still some benefits in this inheritance place, it doesn't matter, after all, living is the most important thing!
After chasing the black light group for a while, there was a new change. As the surface of the light group trembled, Kai Xiu, whose skin had already turned black, was spit out again.

"Shanzi! Big fish..."

Kaixiu, who turned his head back in front of him, saw that the two companions seemed to be alive, and yelled in surprise, and Shanzi and Dayu were the usual nicknames of the two Kaixiu.

"No, these two guys are no longer Shan Zi and Big Yu!"

Kaixiu shouted, "Your eyes, and the expression on your face..."

Su Lie frowned. Although the two subordinates who were spat out by the black light group were alive, they felt like they had been demonized. Both of them exuded a very dangerous aura, like beasts.

The two of them are indeed not the original Shanzi and Big Yu, but monsters like monsters assimilated by the evil energy of the black light ball.

While thinking this way, the two demonized Kaixiu moved their extremely stiff bodies at this moment, and actually showed a terrifying smile to the original companions in front, and with the smile appeared, their mouths stretched out like The snake-like black tongue sticks out several feet long.

This is definitely not what humans should look like, and when the two demonized Kaixiu spat out the snake letter, a burst of red light flashed across their eyes, and then they rushed forward in unison. It looks extremely stiff, but the running speed is surprisingly fast, which seems to be a bit faster than the running speed of these armored men in front of them.

"No, prepare to fight!"

Su Lie's face tightened. If they don't fight, they will be overtaken by two demonized companions in a short time. Now it's better to fight first. If these two demonized guys can be dealt with, It's better to run away.

But what I didn't expect was that although the two demonized guys were physically stiff, and their turning and fighting skills were not as flexible as before, their body's ability to resist blows was extremely terrifying, and the two guys' fighting strength after demonization There has been some improvement, now two are challenging sixteen, and the suppressed side is actually Su Lie's sixteen Kaixiu.

"Set up the formation!" The two demonized guys attacked too fiercely, and the attack frequency was fast, and they fought fiercely without fear of death, and they had no obvious vital points, so they were indeed very difficult to deal with.Feeling that the situation was not good, Su Lie hurriedly asked these subordinates to form a formation and retreat while fighting.

There is no way, just behind the two demonized guys, the black light group is also catching up at this time, if you continue to spend here, the disadvantaged Kaixiu... the black light group is simply a reminder, If Kaixiu didn't pay attention and was swallowed, these two demonized guys would definitely have another companion.

In that case, there would be no need to fight any more. With one ups and downs, Kaixiu's team would definitely be wiped out in the end.

"Damn it! Where is the exit of the land of inheritance, where is it, where is it!" Kaixiu cursed, no one wants to die in a crisis, and no one wants to become that kind of demonized monster. Now they have After inheriting the secret skills of Guxiu Cave Mansion, he will definitely be able to enjoy greater fame and better living conditions in Dawan Country after returning, so at this moment, he is more eager to win a chance.

(End of this chapter)

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