Chapter 2090
"Whoosh whoosh..."

A burst of teleportation light sounded, and Qin Lang and others were teleported to a gray space, but it happened to be the space of the inheritance.

"Huh? How did you come here? Is this where the vitality of Tianji's calculation is located..."

Both Qin Lang and Li Chuang were a little surprised. They walked in the direction calculated by the secret and found a broken stone platform in the desert. There was a pattern of teleportation array on the stone platform. However, the teleportation array had been damaged long ago and could not be activated at all. send.

And Qin Lang is a master of the formation. After studying for a while, he finally repaired the entire formation, and then activated the teleportation formation with spirit stones. After the entire transmission formation was activated, they were transmitted to this place. Gray space.

However, since they came here, Qin Lang, Li Chuang, Sai Shenxian, Thrush, and Heitu didn't think too much about it. They just came here and settled down. They planned to take a good look around this gray space to see if they could find any treasures. .

Except for the one harvest in the Great Lakes, Qin Lang and the others have been going around for so long, but they haven't gotten any decent harvest.

It doesn't matter to Qin Lang, after all, the harvest of clam beads in Dahu has already made his trip worthwhile, but people like Sai Shenxian are different, these people only get the scraps left by Qin Lang after collecting materials from monsters. Not enough to go back and buy a decent armor.

The goal that Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang set for themselves is that they must at least earn the money to buy a piece of Xuan-level low-grade battle armor. Build a cave.

Brother Situ, Thrush, and Hei Tu have a much lower goal, as long as it is a top-ranked battle armor of the yellow rank, it is already very good.

Of course, no one has found the value needed to buy their favorite battle armor yet, and Qin Lang already owns a mysterious middle-grade battle armor, so the demand for the battle armor is not so urgent, although it is a test Armor, but after all, it is also a middle-grade Xuan-level item, and if you refit it after going back this time, the parts of the entire battle armor will be more reasonable, and the structure of the spiritual path will be more stable, which can also help you improve your combat effectiveness.

Although the demand for battle armor is not that great, Qin Lang's desire for money is equally urgent. If the Guxiu Cave Mansion finds more treasures, even if they don't need them, they can sell them through trading in exchange for black stones and green treasures. Important resources such as chips, these cultivation resources are of great help to one's cultivation, so the more you can hoard, the better.

However, after wandering around in this gray space for quite a while, no one found anything of value. The place in front of them was empty and silent, there were no monsters, and they couldn't find any treasure left by Gu Xiu.

The gray space in front of me was too barren. After looking for it, everyone was a little discouraged. This thing is not oily at all. It seems that we still have to find a way to leave.

However, at this moment, there was a wave of spiritual energy in front of him, and Qin Lang sensed it first. He didn't use his spiritual sense, but the spiritual wave detection ability of the Xuan-level middle-grade battle armor was farther than the spiritual sense, and it could detect several miles. So it's normal to be able to detect it.

"Look in that direction, there should be something good over there..."

Qin Lang pointed in a direction, and those aura clusters were like fireflies in the dark night, pointing out the direction for everyone to move forward.

After a while, Qin Lang, Sai Shenxian, and Li Chuang discovered the small white dots in front of them. At first glance, they were small dots, but after a while, as they got closer, the dots became the size of a small room. light cluster.

"Inheritance light group?" Qin Lang, Sai Shenxian, and Li Chuang are all familiar with it. This is obviously the legendary inheritance light group.

That's right, the seven of Qin Lang also found the inheritance light group floating in this gray space just like the eighteen armored repairmen of the previous storm group.

It's strange to say that these inheritance light groups like to float around together. It's not easy to find it in this seemingly endless inheritance place, but if you don't inadvertently, you may encounter this kind of opportunity by chance .

Needless to say, the benefits of inheriting the light group are the inheritance memory left by the ancient power, and there is still a part of the power in it, which can greatly improve the ability of the inheritor through the way of empowerment.

And the ancient powers who can leave behind the inheritance light group are definitely not ordinary characters. Even if they are not ancient gods and demons, at least it is possible to achieve it with the cultivation base of Dzogchen in the late stage of transformation. In fact, every inheritance light group is A fragment of the ancient Da Neng's fragmented consciousness, fortunately, the ancient Da Neng has already fallen, and these fragments of consciousness are too scattered, so there is basically no possibility of rebirth.

This can also explain why there are so many of these inheritance light groups, but why they like to gather together and float around, because these inheritance light groups are probably formed by the same ancient fragments of the divine consciousness split by the ancient power, and they can only be separated from each other. There is a special kind of gravity.

After seeing the inheritance light group, even Qin Lang, a cultivator who is at the peak of the late stage of transformation, has his eyes brightened. It turns out that this is the center of the entire ancient cave mansion. After all, this is the place where the ancient powers fell. The fragments with inherited memories are the real treasures. It is a pity that these fragments of split divine consciousness only have information about inherited secret skills, and it is impossible to carry other related divine consciousness memories of ancient powers. Otherwise, Qin Lang is sure to gain more thing.

Of course, if the ancient great god still has the memory of the divine consciousness, there is a risk of being taken away for obtaining such inheritance fragments, which is also a gain and a loss.

But now, each of the inherited light groups is only equivalent to skill fragments, and if one of them is approved, one can get a secret technique, which is actually not bad.

Needless to say before, Qin Lang, Sai Shenxian, and Li Chuang are all busy. After all, if you miss such a rare opportunity, you will be a fool. Of course, you must grasp it as soon as possible.

After trying it for a short time, Sai Shenxian, Li Chuang, Brother Situ, and Thrush Heidu all found a suitable inheritance light group. After verification, they were approved by the inheritance light group, and thus entered the inheritance light group to accept the crown.

And Qin Lang tried more than a dozen times, but found that these inherited light groups rejected him one by one, because his body was of gold, fire, and thunder attributes, and these inherited light groups were all wood attributes. It seems that the one that fell in ancient times Da Neng should be a monk of the wood attribute. In this case, the fragments of spiritual consciousness left behind are of the wood attribute.

"I'll go, if you don't recognize me, then throw it all in the calabash space as nourishment!"

Qin Lang murmured, after all, the cultivation of the gourd space also requires a lot of wood attribute aura and resources. Since these inherited light groups are of wood attribute, they can definitely help expand the gourd space.

However, now the entire golden gourd has been sleeping after absorbing the golden clam bead of innate spirit level. It is estimated that it has not been digested completely. There are at least twenty or thirty of them.

Twenty or thirty inheritance light groups do not seem to be many. In fact, eighteen of them were consumed by the storm group armor before. Otherwise, there should be at least forty or fifty inheritance light groups in this batch. No matter how strong the inheritance light group is, the fallen ancient power should be a fairy, at least a human fairy.

This is Qin Lang's intuition. He guessed that the person who died here was the Dzogchen monk in the late stage of Huashen, but he felt that the power to create this ancient cave mansion was impossible to be only a little stronger than himself. After all, he had already He was about to be promoted to the Great Perfection in the late stage of Transformation God, and if it was him, he would definitely not be able to create an ancient cave of this scale before he fell.

And this ancient cave mansion is at least a secret realm at the level of the cave, and after the general monks in the transformation stage fall, at most they can create a small secret realm at the level of a blessed place, which is far from reaching the level of the cave in terms of scale.

If it is Qin Lang, if the fallen secret realm forms a blessed land, the blessed land may be hundreds of miles in size. This is already a relatively large blessed land among monks in the transformation stage. After all, Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness is not Generally strong, during this period of time, he used the black stone to practice every day, and the strength of his spiritual consciousness has reached the level of Dzogchen in the late stage of transformation, far exceeding the strength of his cultivation.

The powerful spiritual consciousness also brought Qin Lang many benefits. He could not fear the spiritual attacks of monks of the same level, and could even counter the opponent.

In addition, a strong spiritual consciousness can also make one's cultivation easier, and the speed of improving one's cultivation is much faster than before. After all, this is equivalent to building a strategically high place. The greater the strength of the spiritual consciousness, the stronger the ability to control the cultivation. It is more convenient to practice, and you don't have to worry too much.

Perhaps because he felt Qin Lang's full malice, at this time there was actually an inheritance light group that took the initiative to accept Qin Lang, and Qin Lang immediately entered the interior of the inheritance light group. The interior of the inheritance light group felt like being in water, sticky , but because the aura is abundant, I don't feel uncomfortable.

At this time, a memory about inheritance poured from the top of his head, and Qin Lang also felt some aura entering his body with the memory of inheritance, but to him, these auras were just the accumulation of ten days and eight days. After all, he now has a lot of The blue chips can be used for cultivation, and there is no lack of this aura.

Therefore, what he valued more was the spell of inheriting memory, the dead tree comes in spring.

This is a wood-type spell. It is actually a rare auxiliary type of spell. It can be used to treat physical injuries. Of course, it depends on what type of monk uses it. If it is used by a wood-type monk, a level like Qin Lang The healing effect of wood-type monks can almost reach the effect of a good fortune pill.

And if it is used by a monk like Qin Lang who does not have the spiritual root of the wood attribute, although the healing effect is also there, it is only equivalent to a low-level healing medicine Xiaohuan Dan. This effect can only be regarded as better than nothing.

However, in addition to being used to treat physical injuries, Fengchun with Dead Trees has another advantage, that is, it can be used to stimulate the birth of spiritual medicine and spiritual plants.

(End of this chapter)

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