Chapter 2091
The birth of the elixir and spiritual plant was originally only possessed by the wood monks who had mastered the supernatural level birth ability. This is relatively rare among the wood monks, but now Qin Lang can have similar effects as long as he uses the dead wood to spring.

After all, the effect of this kind of supernatural power is actually very strong, and it may not be so prominent when it acts on the human body. After all, I am not a wood monk, but when it acts on plants, it can still more or less display the three aspects of wood monks using this spell. one-third effect.

Of course, the effect of a pure wood-type monk casting dead trees in spring must be much stronger than his own. This spell is indeed a top-level wood-type spell. Although it is an auxiliary type, Qin Lang feels that it is very suitable for him. After all, he There is a gourd space. In the future, it will be necessary to give birth to elixir, and Lingzhi will often use this spell.

While thinking about this, suddenly, the inheritance light group disappeared with a bang. After all, after the inheritance was passed through the top, the aura of the entire light group could no longer maintain its original stability, and of course it disappeared.

And Qin Lang felt quite satisfied after getting this harvest. It really was the inheritance fragment left by the ancient power. The secret skills and experience he learned from the light this time made him happier than getting a top-quality treasure.

And there are still twenty or thirty inheritance light groups in front of him. Qin Lang tried more than a dozen times before, and tried the rest again, but unfortunately, he could no longer ditch the approval of the remaining inheritance light groups, and could not form a resonance , Naturally, the remaining inheritance memory cannot be obtained.

"I can't help it, it seems that I can only use the remaining light cluster as the nourishment of my gourd space..."

Qin Lang sighed, looked around, and found that he was the first to come out of the inheritance light group. Now Sai Shenxian, Li Chuang, Brother Situ, Thrush, and Heidu are still accepting in their respective inheritance light groups. Go through the top.

And looking at their appearance, I don't know how long it will take to completely absorb that inheritance memory, so Qin Lang is not idle at this time, and directly uses spells to seal these inheritance light groups floating in the air, and wait until the full gourd space Nutrients for growth.

However, these inheritance light groups are still very resistant to the monk's spell ban. Qin Lang tried a few times, and they are all struggling.

And Qin Lang sneered at this time: "You are already dead, what are you still struggling for! Obediently, let's get caught!"

Qin Lang will definitely not let these inheritance light groups go, and at this time the intensity of the ban has been increased.

Although these inherited light groups were left by powerful ancient powers, it would be impossible for Qin Lang to forcibly open them without the approval of the light groups, but as Qin Lang said, these inherited light groups are just dead things, just death. The memory fragments left by the fallen ancient god, the living ancient god Qin Lang may not be able to deal with it, but the dead one, hehe!
Qin Lang increased the intensity of the ban, and soon, an inheritance light group could no longer resist Qin Lang's ban, could no longer struggle, was completely sealed by Qin Lang, and then changed from the size of a small room to a ban light that was not much bigger than a ping pong ball The ball was stuffed directly by Qin Lang into the storage ring.

"This thing has to be placed carefully. If the compressed inheritance light group breaks through the ban, it may explode directly. The power... I am afraid that even I, who is at the peak of the late stage of the god transformation, will be seriously injured!" Qin Lang murmured, although the inheritance light The aura in the regiment is not much for me, but for people like Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang, it is absolutely a terrifying amount, enough for them to raise their cultivation base to a great level.

If such an inheritance light group exploded, it would definitely be able to seriously injure a monk who was at the peak of the late stage of transformation, and there was nothing wrong with it at all.

It took Qin Lang's old nose to ban one inheritance light group, but after he sealed ten inheritance light groups, both Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang had come to life. After all, both of them are at the level of martial arts masters. Although the speed of memory inheritance within the light group is not as fast as that of Qin Lang, it has almost been absorbed and integrated after such a long time.

"Hahaha, I have now changed from a middle-level martial arts master to a high-level martial arts master! If I receive one more light group, won't I enter the extraordinary..." Sai Shenxian laughed loudly, unexpectedly, after absorbing an inheritance light group The help is so great. You must know that he has used a lot of black stones and cyan chips recently, and he has barely changed from the original early stage to the middle stage. When it arrived, it broke through again, and the speed of this breakthrough was definitely leveraged.

You know, if you practice step by step, I am afraid that he will not be able to achieve such an effect within a year or so. This is still in the case of his constant supply of green chips. On the one hand, I am afraid that his cultivation speed will be even slower, and it is possible that he can only break through in four or five years.

"Uh, me too... I just entered the middle stage of alchemy, and now I have entered the late stage of alchemy. It's really amazing."

Li Chuang said that only he and Qin Lang are orthodox monks in this martial arts world, so the realm of practice is also the same as Qin Lang.

And the strength in the later stage of forming alchemy is almost equivalent to that of the world's high-level martial arts masters, so the progress of Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang is similar. However, the biggest advantage of orthodox monks over martial arts practitioners is their longevity.

After all, the martial arts practitioners in this world can be said to be monks who have not practiced well. As long as the monks in the alchemy stage don't live and die for 2000 years, there is no problem, while the high-level martial arts masters can only live to be 50 years old at best.

However, although the martial arts practitioners have practiced too much, their combat power is not weak at all. The martial arts practitioners in this world focus on the improvement of combat power, and their combat abilities are only stronger than those of the same level of monks in the cultivation world.

The two were overjoyed for a while, and suddenly Immortal Sai exclaimed: "Why are the inheritance light groups in front of me missing half?"

It turned out that at this time, he found that there were less than twenty of these inheritance light groups floating in front of him, and he didn't know where the less than a dozen went.

Of course he didn't know that Qin Lang had used his sealing ability to seal ten inheritance light groups and stuffed them into the storage ring during the time he was accepting the inheritance crown.

At this time, Qin Lang saw that the inheritance of Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang had been received, and he also took over and continued to collect the inheritance. He was going to let the two test the affinity of the remaining inheritance light groups to see if they could get another copy. With the recognition of inheriting the secret technique, after the two of them have made their choices, I will continue to be busy.

Nodding to Qin Lang, Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang once again shuttled among the light groups. After all, there is an excellent opportunity to improve their cultivation here, of course they have to seize it, and if they receive another inheritance memory, It is possible for their cultivation to really break through the big realm. In that case, Immortal Sai will become an extraordinary martial artist, while Li Chuang will officially enter the Nascent Soul Stage.

Such an opportunity can be said to be a once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity in the cultivation world. Who can have such an opportunity...

That is to say, Qin Lang once obtained Xuan Qingzi's Yuanshen, which can be compared with it. However, Xuan Qingzi's original Yuanshen was a living creature. After entering Qin Lang's body, he had to seize the control of Qin Lang's occupation of the body. The fragments of consciousness left behind by Da Neng are safe.

And not long after, Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang were lucky enough to get the approval of another inheritance light group and entered the inheritance light group again. If they absorbed the second inheritance light group, they would not only get two inheritance secret skills It's that simple, and you can make great breakthroughs in terms of cultivation. You don't need to comprehend anything. After all, the powerful fragments of divine consciousness are things at a higher level. Li Chuang and Li Chuang did not need to cross the tribulation in the process of breaking through the big realm.

In the realm of comprehension, monks have to go through the catastrophe of thunder and the catastrophe of heart demons when they enter the realm of Nascent Soul. The double catastrophe of this great realm is not easy to overcome.

Of course, if there are pills for crossing the catastrophe, the difficulty of breaking through the big realm will be much easier. It is a new type of mass-produced elixir that just appeared in Ximo, and it can be broken through without crossing the catastrophe.

And Qin Lang is actually half of the creator of the Jingyuan Pill recipe. Although the goatee Jiuding of the Danding Sect created the original recipe, if there was no improvement by Qin Lang, Jingyuan Pill would not have come out so quickly, even if the original The alchemy master level of Jiuding is extremely capable, and with the support of the entire alchemy school of Dandingmen, it may take more than ten years of work to find out the original problem and improve it.

In that case, it is impossible for Jingyuan Pill to come out until now, and it is impossible to form a storm in the entire cultivation world. After all, the entire West Desert of the cultivation world is affected by this storm, and the monks in the Yuanying stage have already mass-produced, and there are too many to count up.

This storm has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that there are more Nascent Soul stage monks in the cultivation world, and the overall strength has been strengthened. The disadvantage is that the competition for resources among high-level monks has become more intense. It is also necessary, more monks and less porridge, more wolves and less meat...

But now Qin Lang doesn't care about the cultivation world. Now he only wants to live forever. He is getting closer and closer to the Great Perfection in the late stage of Huashen. I believe he can break through in a short time. In this case, he is one step closer to becoming a fairy.

Although after becoming a fairy, he can only be the lowest-level human fairy, but a human fairy is also a fairy!Although the lifespan you will have at that time cannot be said to be completely unlimited, it will at least be more than 10 years, which is almost immortal. After all, the lifespan of a cultivator in the transformation stage is only more than 1 years at most.

In the future, with a lifespan of more than 10 years, Qin Lang can do more things and have more energy to pursue his ultimate goal.

(End of this chapter)

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