The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2092 Ancient Demon God Primordial Spirit

Chapter 2092 Ancient Demon God Primordial Spirit
There are still more than a dozen inheritance light groups in front of him that can be absorbed. Qin Lang then got busy again and spent almost two hours collecting another ten inheritance light groups. At this time, there are only three inheritance light groups left in the air. .

At this moment, brothers Situ, Huamei, and Heitu woke up at the same time, and saw that there were only three inheritance light groups left in the sky, and the four of them were also taken aback.

"Brother Qin Lang, why don't you continue to step forward to confirm?"

Huamei turned her head and saw that Qin Lang beside her was not moving, so she asked a question.

"I've tried, and the three balls don't work for me."

Qin Lang waved his hand. The real situation is that the remaining three regiments were selected by himself, and the remaining [-] regiments were all banned by himself. Come four people!
If Brother Situ, Thrush, and Heitou hadn't woken up at the same time, he would have continued to collect the remaining three inheritance light groups. After all, the inheritance light groups are indeed very precious, and they are definitely the most valuable treasures in the ancient Xiu cave. one.

However, which of these four people has the chance to continue to be recognized by the three inheritance light groups depends on the chance and is resigned to fate.

The four of them didn't talk too much. There are still three inheritance light groups in front of them. If they can get another group of inheritance recognition, they will make a lot of money. After all, after absorbing the first group of inheritance light groups, all four of them have reached the rank of martial arts master at the same time. The degree, and the cultivation base is stronger than the martial arts practitioners who have just entered the martial arts master.

At this time, the four of them directly stepped forward to confirm again, to see if they could get the approval of the remaining three inheritance light groups again. Situ Shengnan, Huamei, and Heitu were lucky, and they all got the approval of the inheritance light group again, and But Situ Shengbei was pulled away.

Situ Shengbei was also a little depressed seeing his brother and two girls entering the inheritance light group again. At this time, he saw Qin Lang next to him doing nothing, so he walked over: "Master Qin Lang, where did all the inheritance light go before?" , why are there only three groups left now?"

"I do not know."

Qin Lang said lightly, he knew what Situ Shengbei meant, but he didn't plan to tell him again.

After all, being able to collect those [-] inheritance light groups is also my own chance. Cultivators compete with the sky for their cultivation resources and opportunities. It is impossible for Qin Lang to spit out the fat meat that has reached his mouth. The jealousy of others has suddenly increased and troubled, and smart people know what to do now.

"Alas..." Situ Shengbei sighed. He was unlucky just now, and just verified that one group of inheritance light group was not recognized. As a result, the other two groups have been confirmed by his brother and two girls, the thrush first. , there is no chance to continue verification.

Now watching my brother and others get the chance again, and the next cultivation level is one step ahead, while I can only lag behind, this feeling is of course not good.

Papa, two crisp sounds appeared, at this time Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang finished absorbing the second group of inheritance light, and came out again.

"Congratulations, congratulations!" Qin Lang chuckled.

"It's really worth celebrating. Now both of us have extraordinary strength!" Li Chuang said with a smile. After absorbing the second group of inheritance light group, he has been directly promoted from the late stage of Dandan to Nascent Soul, and it is Nascent Soul In the mid-term, this is equivalent to the quasi-extraordinary level among martial arts practitioners, which is only a line weaker than the extraordinary level.

The same is true for Immortal Sai. After he got the second regiment of inheritance light, he has successfully been promoted from a martial arts master to a quasi-transcendent in the late stage. After that, he only needs to practice for a while, and after making up his cultivation base, it should be no problem to be promoted again to become a real transcendent .


In the other direction of the land of inheritance, the sixteen survivors of the storm group were very embarrassed, really embarrassed. They were chased and killed by the two demonized companions behind them and the black inheritance light group for seven or eight hours. Cheng is that others probably collapsed early, and even if they didn't collapse, they would have schizophrenia and go crazy. After all, the pursuit of this intensity is too intense. There is a tacit understanding between them, I'm afraid they won't be able to last for so long.

However, after chasing and fleeing for such a long time, even if the sixteen armored cultivators have been raised to the alchemy stage, they are almost exhausted, and all the green chips that can be used to restore their cultivation are consumed On the source energy cannon, even the few bottles of precious potions that can be used to restore the cultivation base have already been taken clean.

Half an hour, at most another half an hour, the remaining sixteen Kaixiu feel like they will collapse.

And the latter two demonized armors have been chasing and killing for so long, and they have been fighting for so long, but they have always been alive and well, as if there is no consumption at all.

Looking at this situation in Su Lie's eyes, it also made his mood heavy. He thought to himself, is it true that everyone is going to be buried here this time?Thinking about it, I'm really not reconciled. In this place of inheritance, everyone finally got a rare opportunity, but they were buried here. It's really helpless.

Is there really no way to escape this pursuit?If we could find a way out of this place of inheritance earlier, maybe everyone still has a glimmer of life, but unfortunately everyone can only hold on for half an hour at most. To kill Xiu is to be swallowed by the black inheritance light group, no, that is not the inheritance light group, it should be the devil and evil.

And at this moment, when the sixteen armored cultivators who were chased to heaven and earth had nowhere to go in this place of inheritance, they suddenly found a white light shining in front of them, and in an instant everyone realized that it was What... the inheritance light group, the real inheritance light group.

"Go over there, if you go there, there is still a glimmer of life! If we can use the aura of the inheritance light group, maybe we can get rid of these terrible bastards behind us!" Su Lie cursed, wearing a bride Luo's explosive armor is now severely damaged. This is the result of the battle with the demonized armor. There is no way. As the most powerful meat shield and warrior in the team, he must fight to the top. at the forefront.


"Huh? Someone..."

At this time, Qin Lang felt a strange aura from a certain direction, as well as the sound of messy footsteps. Slowly, he saw clearly: "Hey, it turned out to be those from the Storm Armor Team. How did they escape in such a mess?"

As Kaixiu approached in that direction, he gradually saw clearly the two demonized Kaixiu chasing behind the sixteen Kaixiu, and the black light group behind him, and his face suddenly became serious.

"Demonic energy... so powerful magical energy!"

Of course, Qin Lang's main concern is not the two demonized armor cultivators. The combat power of these two demonized armor cultivators is at best equivalent to that of two Nascent Soul mid-stage monks, and it is impossible to be his opponent. The black light group in the back, this black light group that looks like an inheritance light group, is seven or eight feet high, bigger than four or five white light groups put together.

"This black light ball has a strong demonic energy. It should be the consciousness of the ancient demon god, and it is a complete group of consciousness... such a thing, I am afraid that even now I need to avoid it. After all, if it is destroyed by the ancient demon god If the spiritual consciousness is used as a vehicle for seizing the body, it will be over!"

Qin Lang is not confident that he can resist the existence of this level. Although it is only a group of demon gods' consciousness, he can almost kill himself in seconds.

"Save... save us..."

Su Lie and the sixteen Kaixiu originally thought that they were about to die, but when they saw Qin Lang and the others, they were in a big accident, just like a drowning person finding a life-saving straw, and now they refuse to let go opened.

Seeing these sixteen Kaixiu coming, they are getting closer, Qin Lang frowned. It is nothing to save these sixteen Kaixiu, but if they are running like this, they are receiving the inheritance light group But the three companions of Guanding will be affected.

At this time, Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang looked at each other, and then said: "Let's go meet those two demonized monsters..."

The two demonized Kaixiu can no longer be regarded as Kaixiu, they can only be regarded as monsters now.

After finishing speaking, the two rushed over directly. Now, after the second development, both of them are equivalent to quasi-transcendent martial arts practitioners, and they are actually not at a disadvantage against the two demonized armor cultivators.

"Be careful of that black light ball, don't get close, or it's dangerous!"

Qin Lang reminded later that the two demonized armors are not worth fearing. The black light group that directly makes people worry is the consciousness of the ancient demon god. Although it doesn't seem to have much attack power, if you get close , just the attack of spiritual consciousness can make everyone present unable to exempt. This group of consciousness is too strong, and monks below the level of immortals have no possibility of fighting.

Although the demon god's consciousness cannot fight by itself, it can mass-produce demonized armor, which is equivalent to the demon god's avatar and minions. Fortunately, these two demon god avatars and minions are not too powerful to be outrageously powerful. This is something to be thankful for. things.

When Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang were supporting Su Lie's sixteen armors, Qin Lang also quickly arranged a formation on the spot.

This formation is a defensive formation with an offensive nature, and its purpose is to protect the three companions, Situ Shengnan, Thrush, and Black Rabbit, who are absorbing the memory of the inherited light group.

After all, they are all people who came from Tongcheng together, and they have fought together many times, so it is normal for them to help each other when they are in crisis.

Even if Qin Lang and Sai Shenxian didn't like each other when they were in Tongcheng, now that they have gone through so much ups and downs, it can be regarded as sharing joys and sorrows. The two people's original prejudices and prejudices have long been eliminated, and now they can be regarded as comrades-in-arms.

In fact, although Sai Shenxian is somewhat utilitarian and looks arrogant, he really has nothing to say to his friends. When encountering any dangers and difficulties, not only will he not stab a knife in the back, but he also dares to stand up. Admitting that I was wrong at the beginning, I was a man, oh no, I was an old man.

(End of this chapter)

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